The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:22 PM

It is difficult to believe that a city road can "rot" to this extent without seeing it with one's own eyes: the entire road is covered in thick mud with no place to rest, the potholes are as deep as 20-30 centimeters, and vehicles can splash up to one meter high when passing through the mud; Even if the road is covered with steel plates, vehicles dare not easily enter, and even a slight mistake can cause the chassis to break down and break down. This refers to Yuyang Road next to Songjiang South Station, the terminus of Metro Line 9.

How could Yuyang Road become like this? In the past few months, employees of enterprises along Yuyang Road and citizens who are accustomed to taking this road to subway stations have continuously complained to the Shanghai 12345 Citizen Service Hotline, claiming that there are a large number of construction sites under construction around Songjiang South Station, and the roads have been crushed due to the entry and exit of earthwork trucks. However, Yuyang Road is only one of the many roads affected by earthwork vehicles. According to complainants, many roads around Songjiang South Station have become the entry and exit channels for earthwork vehicles, with high dust and poor road conditions being common phenomena.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

1.5 kilometers of Yuyang Road: not completed in 1 hour

On July 30th, the reporter went to the vicinity of Songjiang South Station on Line 9 to investigate and understand. Not far from the southwest side of the subway Songjiang South Station is the railway Songjiang South Station. The under construction "Songjiang Hub" is located in the square in front of the subway station Songjiang South Station. Therefore, the area around the subway station Songjiang South Station and the railway station Songjiang South Station has become a construction site, and the original multiple entry roads have disappeared. Instead, a newly constructed temporary cement access road runs through various construction sites from outside Exit 1 of the Songjiang South Station of the subway. It first extends northward to connect with the north-south oriented Fuqiang Road, and then diagonally crosses the site westward to connect with the east-west oriented Yuyang Road. Along the way, it also intersects vertically with the north-south oriented Yanping Road and Fuyong Road. The combination of cement access roads and existing roads forms the current transportation system of Songjiang South Station.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

Traffic diagram around Songjiang South Station on Line 9. The blue road in the picture is a temporary access road constructed, and the gray roads are the surrounding roads connected to the road.

The picture shows the temporary access road to the station.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

Before being crushed, this 1.5-kilometer-long Yuyang Road was the main route for citizens of Songjiang, especially those on the southwest side of the subway station, to reach the station. They rode electric bicycles or drove to Songjiang South Station every day, and then transferred to Line 9 to reach the city center. There are also multiple bus routes on Yuyang Road, and the terminal station is also Songjiang South Station. In addition, both sides of Yuyang Road are covered with enterprises, including a "Yusong Industrial Park". Therefore, Yuyang Road is also a commuting route for enterprise employees, and its importance is obvious.

After passing Fuyong Road, the temporary road arrived at the end. Further west is the east-west direction of Yuyang Road. The picture shows Yuyang Road, where you can see a lot of earthwork trucks coming and going.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

How is Yuyang Road now? After leaving the Songjiang South Station of the subway, the reporter followed the cement road all the way to the intersection of the road and Fuyong Road. On the northwest side of the intersection, there is a sign hanging on the electric pole indicating "construction completed". Further west from the signboard is Yuyang Road. On Yuyang Road, earthmoving vehicles keep coming and going. Standing at the intersection and looking west, there is a narrow bridge not far from a distance of over 100 meters. Several earthmoving trucks are flipping over the bridge deck and heading towards the sidewalk. The tail of the earthmoving vehicle rolled up with yellow dust, like a sandstorm. A passerby rode an electric bicycle towards him and saw the "sandstorm" in front of him, quickly dodging towards the roadside. Where can we escape the dust in the sky? Cyclists can only grit their teeth and dive into the dust. Despite the unbearable sand and dust, the road condition on Yuyang Road to the east of the narrow bridge is still good, and the road surface is still intact under the loess gravel.

Standing at the intersection of Yuyang Road and Fuyong Road, looking out: On Yuyang Road, several earthworks are driving towards the direction of the shortcut. The tail of the earthmoving vehicle rolled up yellow dust, like a "sandstorm", as it hit.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

The narrow bridge is called Huangqiang Port Bridge. As you cross the narrow bridge and head west, the appearance of Yuyang Road is unbelievable: most of the area in the middle of the road is no longer visible, but covered by large square steel plates pieced together. Looking around, the steel plates are clearly undulating in height, covered in low-lying large pits, and the broken condition of the road below can be imagined. A few days ago, it rained and covered the steel plate with mud. The earth moving truck left rut marks and pushed the mud towards both sides of the steel plate, accumulating a thick layer. On both sides of the steel plate, there is a layer of mud. The journalist accidentally stepped on it, and the mud immediately covered the shoe surface. To borrow the description from citizen complaints, it is like a swamp.

Once passing the Huangqiang Port Bridge, the road conditions on Yuyang Road deteriorated sharply.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

The picture shows the road surface of Yuyang Road on the west side of Huangqiang Port Bridge, borrowing the description from citizen complaints, which is like a "swamp".

On such a road surface, even if an earthmoving vehicle passes by, it is necessary to keep the vehicle on the middle iron plate and slow down carefully, otherwise it is very easy to roll over. Pedestrians and electric bicycles can only move in the ruts on the iron plate next to the passing earthmoving vehicles to avoid getting stuck in the mud. When the reporter walks on the iron plate, once the earthmoving truck brushes past, the iron plate often jumps wildly, making it difficult for people to maintain balance, and the mud splashed all over them. Walking west to the Yusong Industrial Park, one cannot find a foothold. In the end, a passing car rescued the reporter from the mud pit... When they arrived at the western end of Yushu Road, the reporter looked at the time and walked this only 1.5 kilometers, taking more than an hour.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

Pedestrians and social vehicles struggle to pass through Yuyang Road. There is a huge deep pit in the middle of the road visible to the naked eye in the picture, which is difficult to avoid.

The roads are crushed and the filling of pits cannot catch up with the excavation

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

When walking to the middle section of Yuyang Road, the reporter noticed that there was also a bus stop on the north side of the road. The top of the station pavilion read "Cangcheng Film and Television Park", but currently the entire station is stuck in mud. Ms. He, an employee of a nearby company, told reporters that Yuyang Road has been like this for some time now. As early as May this year, multiple bus routes changed their routes from Fuqiang Road on the east side to Songjiang South Station of the subway due to the poor condition of Yuyang Road. Outside Exit 1 of the Songjiang South Station subway station, the reporter found several announcements about bus route changes, stating that the reason for the change is that there are "safety hazards" when buses pass on Yuyang Road.

Bus stop at Cangcheng Film and Television Park.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

The reason for the bus route change is that there are safety hazards when the bus passes on Yuyang Road.

"Safety hazards" are not an exaggeration. When the reporter was interviewing on Yuyang Road, he saw with his own eyes a small car that was stuck in the mud on the roadside due to evading the left wheel of an earthmoving vehicle. After inviting a rescue vehicle to pull the vehicle out, he found that the chassis of the car was damaged and unable to move. Ms. He told reporters that buses and social vehicles heading to the subway station can still take a detour, and they work on the roadside in Yuyang. No matter how bad the road is, they have to walk. "I heard that a colleague's vehicle broke down on the road every three days, and a colleague broke several tires in a month. Colleagues who ride bicycles to work also often hear about falling on the road," Ms. He said.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

On Yuyang Road, a car broke down due to being deeply submerged in mud, and rescue vehicles are trying to pull it out.

Yuyang Road is a microcosm of the roads around the Songjiang South Station of the subway. Due to the large construction site area and the large number of earthwork trucks, multiple roads cannot withstand the heavy pressure of earthwork trucks. The north-south Fuyong Road, Yanping Road, Yonghang Road, and the east-west Yuchao Road were all crushed by the passing earthworks. Although the damage is not as severe as on Yuyang Road, it is muddy and bumpy, making it difficult to walk. In the past few months, "12345" has received a large number of complaints from residents and office workers in the area. After repeated complaints, some sections of the road have finally been closed for repair. For example, residents of Yongfengyuan residential area along Fuyong Road said that the local Yongfeng Street is currently carrying out repairs on Fuyong Road. The intersection has been blocked with roadblocks for only small cars to pass through. A construction notice board shows that the road surface of Fuyong Road is sunken and severely damaged, seriously affecting the travel of residents and vehicles... Now, the road section is covered with asphalt for repair, and the signature is signed by the construction party "Shanghai Fengjun Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.".

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

The distance on the map is Yanping Road, which runs north-south. The damage caused by earthwork trucks can be clearly seen on the Yanping Road.

Yongfeng Street is currently carrying out repairs on Fuyong Road.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

And some roads, as they still need to be used for daily operation by earthworks, can only be repaired and repaired by the construction party of the "Songjiang Hub". Previously, one of the construction companies, China Railway Second Bureau, was responsible for building cement access roads on Yuchao Road to ensure normal traffic. The same goes for Yuyang Road: Mr. Jia, who wrestled on Yuyang Road on July 14th, told reporters that previously, China Railway Second Bureau had built a 2-meter-wide cement road on both sides of Yuyang Road, specifically for social vehicles and non motorized vehicles to borrow. "But when the front foot is repaired, the back foot of the earthmoving truck presses up. Where can the cement road withstand the pressure?" Mr. Jia said. The reporter also noticed at the scene that this section of Yuyang Road is only near the Huangqiang Port Bridge and the end of Yushu Road on the west side, and there is still a small section of cement pavement left, which can be seen as a shortcut. The rest of the shortcut has long disappeared. As for the frequent and heavy compaction of earthwork vehicles in the middle of the road, "every time we just use construction waste to pad the potholes on the road surface, and then use large vehicles to flatten them, we have already done five or six times. It's better to press them quickly than to repair them. What's the use of it?"

The picture shows Yuyang Road near the end of Yushu Road. On the picture, you can also see a section of cement road built by China Railway Second Bureau on both sides of the road for social vehicles and non motor vehicles to borrow. But further east, the cement road is already overwhelmed and gone.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

In addition, during the interview in the area, the reporter also noticed that the construction party organized sprinkler trucks to sprinkle water on the above-mentioned roads in the morning and afternoon every day to reduce dust. However, due to the exposure to sunlight, the dust reduction effect is extremely limited. When a sprinkler truck passes by, it will also spray dust and gravel from the road onto passersby, causing public anger.

Is it appropriate to choose Yuyang Road for earthwork trucks to enter and exit?

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

At the intersection of Yuyang Road and Yonghang Road, a staff member wearing a "comprehensive management" uniform is on duty. He told reporters that he was dispatched by Yongfeng Street and has been stationed on duty on Yuyang Road since July 1st. There are several on duty personnel who are on duty 24/7 in a rotating system. What is on duty doing? According to the reporter's observation, his responsibility is to remind the earthwork truck to drive on the iron plate in the middle of the road and avoid the cement walkways on both sides of the road with gestures every time he sees the earthwork truck coming. But due to the long Yuyang Road, the duty role of one point is limited. During the conversation, the staff member told the reporter that due to the closed construction of Fuyong Road, there were more earthwork trucks walking from Yuyang Road, and there seemed to be an idea of "if you want to rot, the road will rot".

At the intersection of Yuyang Road and Yonghang Road, a staff member wearing a "comprehensive management" uniform is on duty.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

During the on-site interview, the reporter also asked several earthwork truck drivers. They told reporters that there are hundreds of earthwork trucks entering and exiting the entire construction area every day. "So much earthwork needs to be transported out, there must be a way to go, and it's normal to crush one or two roads." But if it's really "if you want to rot, then rot one road", is choosing Yuyang Road appropriate?

According to the reporter's understanding, Yuyang Road, which only has two lanes in both directions, is just a rural level cement road and was not designed to bear the heavy pressure of earthwork vehicles. The narrow bridge Huangqiaogang Bridge on Yuyang Road was opened to traffic in 2000, and a sign erected next to the bridge indicates that the bridge type is a "small bridge". Due to the back and forth movement of the earthwork truck, the edges of the green belt in the middle of the bridge deck have collapsed, with cracks several tens of centimeters wide. The river water below can be directly seen, and the fence of the green belt has also collapsed. Considering the importance of the region, the Transportation Commission of Songjiang District had planned to upgrade Yuyang Road to Yuyang Avenue, but due to the construction of the Songjiang hub, the road upgrade could only be temporarily put on hold. It can be seen that Yuyang Road is far from capable of carrying earthmoving vehicles.

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

On the other hand, the Yuyang Road area is part of the "G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor" in Songjiang. A signboard at the intersection claims that this area is also the "Shanghai Science and Technology Cinema Carrier Area" and "Songjiang Southern New City Carrier Area". A large number of enterprises gather here, and the importance of regional development is self-evident. If even normal entry and exit to work cannot be guaranteed, how can the enterprise develop? It can be seen that choosing Yuyang Road as the main passage for earthwork trucks to enter and exit is not appropriate.

The Yuyang Road area is part of the "G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor" in Songjiang, and a sign at the intersection indicates that it is also the "Shanghai Science and Technology Cinema Carrier Area" and "Songjiang South New City Carrier Area".

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

At the same time, earthmoving truck drivers claim that there are no restrictions on which road to take, and that "you can take whichever road is easy". On August 2nd, when the reporter visited the area again to observe, it was found that due to the poor condition of Yuyang Road, a large number of earthworks began to detour from Fuqiang Road. As the only channel currently leading to Songjiang South Station on Line 9, it is unknown whether Fuqiang Road will follow the footsteps of Yuyang Road.

Due to the poor condition of Yuyang Road, a large number of earthworks began to detour from Fuqiang Road. As the only way to Songjiang South Station on Line 9, will Fuqiang Road follow the footsteps of Yuyang Road?

The road was crushed by hundreds of earthmoving vehicles, and this Yuyang Road is like a swamp! Vehicles around Songjiang South Station | Songjiang | Swamp Land

At "12345", a large number of citizens in Songjiang hope that relevant departments can plan reasonably and choose a road with less impact as the passage for earthwork trucks at the Songjiang hub construction site, while also focusing on civilized construction at the construction site. While ensuring the construction progress of the construction site, it also ensures the normal passage of citizens.

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