To enhance the service level of Shanghai's "Five Centers" construction, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch has done a good job in the "Five Major Articles" of finance

Release time:Jun 28, 2024 07:05 AM

As the backbone of Shanghai's state-owned financial assets, under the strong leadership of the head office, Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch has closely focused on "serving the national strategy", deeply implemented the "political and people-oriented" nature of financial work, conscientiously done a good job in the "five major articles" of finance, and effectively improved the level of service to the construction of Shanghai's "five centers", returned to the origin of the business, shaped the brand image, and continuously promoted high-quality and sustainable development, achieving brilliant results.

Take responsibility and fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party and the government

Deepen and implement inclusive finance. Focusing on the "28 New Policies for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in Shanghai", the Shanghai Branch has set up a special working group, launched special service plans, upgraded and optimized credit products, deepened channel construction, and improved the efficiency of inclusive financial services. Promote digital inclusiveness and take the lead in implementing the first "Hui Di Loan" in the bank. As of the end of May 2024, the balance of inclusive loans of the Shanghai Branch exceeded 68 billion yuan. In the past three years, the average growth rate of the bank's inclusive financial loan scale exceeded 45%, providing loan support for nearly 50,000 inclusive customers. Enhance the development capabilities of green finance. As one of the first 13 financial institutions, it signed a contract to enter the Shanghai Green Financial Service Platform to accurately meet the green financing needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, the bank's green credit balance exceeds 74 billion yuan. Create a demonstration of integrated services in the Yangtze River Delta. It has successively implemented projects such as the "Quality Standard" financial service solution loan of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, the "Fangting Water Courtyard", and the Jitu Express China Headquarters Flow Loan. The case of serving Shanghai Xianhui Automation Technology Co., Ltd. won the Shanghai Banking Industry "Yangtze River Delta Integration" Financial Service Outstanding Case. Strive to be a new force in the construction of five new cities and the north-south transformation. We implemented the "one city, one policy" policy for the five new cities, launched the "one district, one policy" service plan for the north-south transformation, assisted the construction of the cruise tourism demonstration zone in the north, and implemented the first industrial-city integration package loan in Fengxian New City and the water village living room in Qingpu New City. We participated deeply in the high-level development of Pudong Leading District. Shanghai Branch continued to increase the investment and layout of credit resources, vigorously supported the financing needs of central enterprises, state-owned enterprises and non-bank financial institutions in the district, and implemented the Sanlin Wedge Greenland Project Loan, the "Zhangjiang Science Gate" and the Oriental Hub Shanghai East Station Project Consortium. We fully served the rural revitalization strategy. Shanghai Branch continued to provide financial support for rural regional information infrastructure and the supply and marketing of agricultural and sideline products, forming a number of typical service cases such as the rural revitalization loan of Yuehuating in Jiading Township, and agricultural loans continued to grow. We explored the focus of pension finance. We adhered to the concept of "finance for the people", and actively explored the construction of pension finance around the three main lines of service, account and wealth, with nearly 62,000 personal pension accounts. We deepened the construction of special outlets for respecting the elderly, and actively focused on the comprehensive optimization and upgrading of various payment services for specific groups such as the elderly.

Build a brand and serve as a new force in the real economy

Investment banking brand, maintain market leadership. M&A loans, urban renewal loans, real estate development loans, and industrial-city integration loans are advancing in parallel, and the scale of non-financial debt financing instrument underwriting business ranks second among underwriters in the regional market. Cross-border brand, innovation leads the industry. Innovation has been implemented in Magnolia Bonds, Panda Bonds, and Dim Sum Bonds, and the FT deposit balance ranks first in the market. Science and technology innovation brand, focus on ecological construction. Upgrade the product system, expand the service coverage of key customer groups, deepen the construction of the circle of friends, and have nearly 6,400 key qualified technology customer groups, with a loan balance of more than 30 billion yuan. Treasury brand, dual-wheel cycle drive. Through data fusion, enrich customer portraits, improve the accuracy of wealth management and capital allocation recommendations, and gradually improve the competitiveness of wealth management. Custody brand, achieve advancement. Keep up with the market, seize opportunities, and seize the trend. The scale of asset custody has exceeded 5 trillion yuan, ranking first in Shanghai and top three in the country among comparable first-tier branches in the same industry. Hedging brand, actively innovate and break through. The bank completed the first foreign exchange E-alliance forward swap transaction under FT, deepened brand promotion, and served nearly 3,400 customers. Puyin account opening brand, improved service quality. Create exclusive service solutions for customers, provide 144 account opening service outlets, 140 permanent account opening counters, and 82 flexible account opening counters.

Serving the people's livelihood and strengthening the foundation of risk compliance management

Continue to promote fee reduction and profit sharing. Since 2024, the Shanghai Branch's inclusive loan interest rate has further dropped by 36 basis points. In the field of payment and settlement, actively implement fee reduction and profit sharing, and reduce or exempt related service fees for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. As of the end of May 2024, the payment fees of the Shanghai Branch benefited more than 100,000 small and micro enterprises and more than 3,000 individual industrial and commercial households, and the cumulative fee reduction has reached 110 million yuan. Adhere to the popularization of financial education. Together with the Shanghai Banking and Insurance Dispute Mediation Center and Shanghai University for the Aged, the first "Elderly Financial Consumer Rights Protection Service Station" was established in Shanghai, and "Financial Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Station" was established in grassroots outlets and surrounding communities to promote "daily lectures, weekly micro-classrooms, and monthly outbound" to become the norm. Strengthen service support for new and leading industries. The bank has helped high-end industrial clusters, and its manufacturing investment loans have increased by 2.7 billion yuan compared with the beginning of the year. Actively serve high-end shipping construction, launch the online banking e-trade module, and optimize the online banking operation experience. We optimized payment and settlement services, opened over 650 foreign-card acquiring merchant stores, and achieved a transaction volume of nearly RMB 30 million.

Cultivate a good compliance culture. Shanghai Branch insists on integrating the concept of compliance throughout the entire operation process, and promotes the cultivation of culture through inspection and training. It has achieved the management goal of zero industry cases and no major risk events for 13 consecutive years. The risk rating of the Shanghai Regulatory Bureau of the State Financial Regulatory Administration has been maintained at Level 2 for many years, and the case prevention rating has been maintained at Green Card. It has been awarded the honor of "Class A Institution" in the comprehensive evaluation of banking institutions of the Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China for 11 consecutive years. It effectively combines regulatory requirements with business development, implements the three top leaders' projects and five special governance actions carried out by the regulator without compromise, and continuously improves the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy.

The integration and promotion of party building and business releases new vitality for business development

The Party Committee of Shanghai Branch resolutely implements the decisions and deployments of the head office, carries out party discipline learning and education in a solid manner, unswervingly promotes comprehensive and strict governance of the party and conduct, adheres to the "three listenings and three followings", and always promotes the integration and mutual promotion of party building and business.

Shanghai Branch focuses on the "hard battle" of business and key innovation tasks, implements the "project party building" project, and forms a demonstration effect of promoting development through party building. Focusing on the digitalization strategy and the "five tracks", it carries out the "circle-chain party building" project, and opens a new model of circle-chain operation with the party building ecosystem. Create the "integrated party building" project, carry out joint group learning, joint investigation, joint rectification, and joint promotion of development, promote the "three financial integration" of corporate, retail, and financial markets, and the "three platforms integration" of front, middle, and back offices, and take a new path of leading integrated operations with "red party building".

In 2023, the Party Committee of Shanghai Branch won the fifth round of "Red Flag Party Organization" of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Previously, the Party Committee of the Branch won the title of "Red Flag Party Organization" in the third and fourth rounds of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission system. The Party Committee of the Branch was also awarded the titles of "Shanghai Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" and "Shanghai SASAC Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai SASAC. The Party Building brands of the branch, "Four Double Projects" and "Three Gatherings and Three Links", were successively rated as "Shanghai State-owned Enterprise Party Building Work Brand" in the Municipal SASAC system in 2019 and 2022. The Shanghai Branch's "Using the Construction of "Two Forces" as a Cutting Point to Promote the Deep Integration of Ideological and Political Work and the Operation and Management of Financial Enterprises" was rated as one of the "Top Ten Achievements" in the Ideological and Political Work Research of Enterprises in the Shanghai SASAC System.

To enhance the service level of Shanghai's "Five Centers" construction, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch has done a good job in the "Five Major Articles" of finance
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