We expect my country to reach a turning point in the incidence of diseases in the next ten years. Ge Junbo: The "metaverse" of panvascular diseases still has potential to be developed

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 15:25 PM

From June 27 to 30, the 18th Oriental Cardiology Conference and the World Congress of Cardiology were held in Shanghai at the same time. Professor Ge Junbo, chairman of the conference, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that the current incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in my country are still on the rise, accounting for 45% of the causes of death in my country. At present, the turning point of the decline of cardiovascular diseases has not yet arrived, and the trend of younger people is emerging. From foreign experience, risk factor control is crucial. Considering the implementation of the "Healthy China 2030" action, medical technology has continued to advance in recent years. We look forward to the turning point of cardiovascular disease incidence in my country in the next decade. The OCC and WCC are held at the same time. We hope that with the cooperation and efforts of all parts of the world, we can achieve the goal of reducing the global burden of cardiovascular diseases by one third by 2030.

From a global perspective, the situation of cardiovascular disease prevention and control is still severe. Ge Junbo believes that we should break through the boundaries of disciplines and re-examine cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis from a higher level. Based on clinical observations, he and Professor Wang Yongjun proposed the concept of pan-vascular disease in China in 2015, hoping to prevent, treat and manage such diseases as a whole. "If we only start from a single specialist perspective, it is tantamount to a blind man touching an elephant, and there will be deviations in the understanding of atherosclerosis or pan-vascular disease."

The reporter learned that pan-vascular diseases affect the whole body, and more effective intervention and management require a more efficient and accurate platform to connect patients and doctors. The framework of the "artificial intelligence metaverse" just meets this need.

Ge Junbo vividly demonstrated a real case: the AI ​​model showed that the probability of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was as high as 0.95, and subsequent examinations also verified this conclusion. Professor Thomas Gaziano, Chairman of the World Heart Federation Scientific Committee and Academic Chairman of OCC-WCC, and Professor Christopher Kramer, Vice President of the American College of Cardiology, shared their views on the application of such models.

Professor Gaziano believes that in the face of a huge number of patients, the number of cardiovascular physicians is relatively insufficient, and the Metaverse can allow excellent doctors to serve more patients. In the Metaverse, the concept of mutual "connection" can gather more strength. Professor Kramer said that hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is currently underdiagnosed, with only about 1/6 to 1/5 of patients being diagnosed. The emergence of AI technology has greatly improved the diagnostic efficiency and accuracy of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Professor Kramer also shared the new technology developed by their team, which combines AI technology without the need for MRI contrast agents to identify cardiac scars, providing a new opportunity for the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Not long ago, the world's first photon CT was put into use in a Shanghai medical institution. Ge Junbo said that photon CT can not only measure the degree of coronary stenosis and evaluate the nature of coronary plaques, but also observe whether the plaques have inflammatory reactions, and make a more accurate assessment of the lesions. In this regard, Professor Jagat Narula, the incoming president of the World Heart Federation, said that if the metaverse can provide more detailed information in the future, doctors can intervene in lesions more accurately, such as what kind of exercise to take, what kind of healthy diet to eat, etc., and therefore the metaverse still has great potential to be developed.

Today, the basic concepts and related technologies of pan-vascular diseases and the metaverse are being fully presented, and Ge Junbo demonstrated more practical application scenarios of the metaverse in real time at the venue.

A young female patient from Nanjing experienced palpitations and chest tightness. Based on the patient's symptoms and the parameters provided by the smart home, when AI comprehensively assessed that the patient needed medical treatment, the expert took out the latest ARVR head-mounted mixed reality device and entered the virtual clinic to diagnose the patient remotely. Professor Deepti, former president of the American College of Cardiology and director of the World Heart Federation, said that although great progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment technology and treatment drugs of cardiovascular disease in the past 70 years, the way of providing care or patient management is almost the same as 70 years ago. The emergence of the Metaverse can provide high-quality care and management for more patients, and it is also more accessible to remote areas. This will be a disruptive process.

In the early morning of the 29th, nearly a hundred top experts and scholars in the field of cardiovascular disease from home and abroad gathered on the Bund to practice Tai Chi together, and to convey the concepts of cardiac rehabilitation and healthy exercise to the general public.

It is reported that the Eastern Cardiology Conference has been developed for 18 years and has gradually grown into an influential academic conference at home and abroad. It not only provides a platform for exchanging academic achievements and sharing clinical experience, but also builds a bridge to promote international cooperation and promote the development of disciplines. This year, it was held at the same time as the World Cardiology Conference. Authoritative scientists in the field of heart disease from more than 30 countries and regions came to Shanghai to share and exchange ideas. The conference set up 26 forums and academic units to fully display new technologies, new concepts and new progress in the field of cardiovascular disease at home and abroad.

We expect my country to reach a turning point in the incidence of diseases in the next ten years. Ge Junbo: The "metaverse" of panvascular diseases still has potential to be developed
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