The General Secretary's Feelings for the People | "Walk the Mass Line on the Internet" Walk Well | Xi Jinping | Mass Line

Release time:Jul 02, 2024 09:11 AM

The mass line is the lifeblood of the Party and its fundamental working line.

In the Internet age, cyberspace has become a new space for people's production and life, and also a new platform for doing a good job in mass work and building ideological consensus.

"Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must improve their ability to organize, publicize, guide and serve the masses through the Internet" "Let the Internet become a new platform for us to communicate with the masses, a new way to understand the masses, get close to the masses, and solve their problems, and a new channel to promote people's democracy and accept people's supervision"...

"We must follow the Internet mass line well," General Secretary Xi Jinping has always kept this in mind.

To follow the online mass line well, we must first strengthen our concept of the masses and our feelings for the masses, keep the masses in our hearts, and treat the masses as our relatives.

On February 19, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping conducted research at the People's Daily. Sitting in front of the computer, the General Secretary said cordially into the microphone: "Hello, everyone! As the traditional Chinese festival of the Lantern Festival is approaching, I extend my holiday greetings to everyone and wish you good health, smooth work, and happiness in your family!" Then, the General Secretary personally clicked on the keyboard and released a voice greeting.

Soon, the screen showed that the number of clicks was rising rapidly and netizens left messages one after another.

Coming from the masses and going back to the masses, the leaders and the people are in harmony with each other, and the hearts of the Party and the people resonate with each other.

People’s hearts are the biggest politics. Thin network cables connect and gather the voices of hundreds of millions of netizens.

On April 19, 2016, at a symposium on cybersecurity and informatization, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Internet users come from the people. When the people go online, public opinion also goes online." "Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must learn to follow the mass line through the Internet, often go online to browse, chat, and express their opinions, understand what the masses think and want, collect good ideas and suggestions, and actively respond to the concerns of netizens and resolve their doubts."

To follow the Internet mass line well, we must be good at using the Internet, listening to people’s sentiments and opinions, and pooling their strength and wisdom.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the land of China is filled with festive atmosphere. On January 18, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping held a video conference with grassroots cadres and masses in Heilongjiang, Fujian, Xinjiang, Henan, Beijing, Sichuan and other places.

"Can everyone take turns to take days off during the holidays?" "How do you ensure safe production and stable gas supply during the Spring Festival?" General Secretary Xi Jinping asked these questions carefully during the connection with the Kela gas-gathering area, the first stop of the West-East Gas Pipeline of the Lunnan Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Center of the Tarim Oilfield Company, and the employees on site answered them one by one.

Once a bridge is built, the mountains and rivers are not far away. Through the Internet, the people's leaders heard the true voices from the grassroots.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "We should be good at asking the people for their needs and advice through various channels such as the Internet, better listen to their voices, respect their opinions, and follow their will, so as to do a better job in all aspects of the work of the Party and the country."

The online solicitation of opinions for the formulation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" created the first "online consultation" in the history of my country's five-year plan formulation; the online solicitation of opinions on the relevant work of the 20th National Congress of the Party collected more than 8.542 million opinions, suggestions and messages of various types, totaling 290 million words... Public opinion was widely listened to, and people's wisdom was effectively gathered. In the process of following the online mass line, people's democracy was also practiced throughout the process.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Carrying out online solicitation of opinions on the work related to the National Congress of the Party is an effective way for the whole party and society to contribute ideas and suggestions for national development and national rejuvenation, and it is also a vivid embodiment of the whole process of people's democracy."

To follow the mass line of the Internet, we must insist on development for the people and let the general public share the fruitful results of Internet development.

In 2000, Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, proposed building a "Digital Fujian" with an eye to the future. Xi Jinping once required that there should be no fancy moves or showmanship, and that the "four closenesses" should be achieved in a down-to-earth manner to provide information services to the people.

As time goes by, our original aspiration remains unchanged. In line with the surging Internet technology changes, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always put the people first and worked hard to "enable hundreds of millions of people to have a greater sense of gain in sharing the fruits of Internet development."

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "For the development of the Internet and information industry, we must implement the people-centered development philosophy."

In recent years, the development of the Internet has benefited all aspects of people's lives: a series of excellent new media works have been widely disseminated on the Internet, the positive energy online is strong and the main theme is high; the construction of digital villages has been steadily promoted, and the development of the Internet has become more inclusive; the digital economy has developed rapidly, and online retail sales rank first in the world...

We have thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on building a cyber power, insisted on serving the people through Internet information, and made firm progress in building a cyber power. The people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security has been continuously enhanced.

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