What do we need to do? July 1st, a special time point

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 06:27 AM

As the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is about to begin, the Communist Party of China is celebrating its 103rd birthday.

The latest party statistics show that as of the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China was 99.185 million, a net increase of 1.144 million over the previous year; the number of grassroots party organizations reached 5.176 million, a net increase of 111,000 over the previous year - the ever-rising figures testify to the vigor and vitality of the Communist Party of China after more than a hundred years, and inspire future generations to move forward with unswerving determination and courage.

The history of our party is a century-old legend that was born in darkness, grew up in suffering, rose up in setbacks, and grew stronger in struggle. Some time ago, I interviewed a 101-year-old party member. He recalled that after the founding of New China, former underground party members took a collective oath to join the party. "The oath that we dared not say out loud before inspired us to penetrate the long night and break the terror and shackles. After liberation, we shouted it out together with countless comrades who marched hand in hand in the darkness. It was particularly exciting." As the old man spoke, his eyes moistened.

Similar cries were heard in the decades that followed: "Reform, taking the lead is risky, but we need to emancipate our minds" by a village party secretary in 1979, "If a person wants to live a meaningful and valuable life, he cannot live just for himself", and "Communists go first" at a critical moment... These ordinary party members answered this oath with their entire lives.

Looking back on the past, the cause of the Party and the people has been forged by the continuous struggle of tens of millions of Party members. Embarking on a new journey, how can the Chinese Communists in the new era take on new missions and deliver new answers? The key is to remain sober and determined in the "exam".

On the eve of July 1 this year, during the 15th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the "four major tests" and "four dangers" facing the Party will exist for a long time, that comprehensive and strict governance of the Party will always be on the road, and that the Party's self-revolution will always be on the road.

"Two forever on the road" demonstrates the high degree of self-reflection of the Chinese Communists. Tracing back to the source, we can also find its origin and connotation in the great spirit of party building. For example, it is precisely because of "adhering to the truth and upholding ideals" that we can have the courage to correct ourselves and reform ourselves under numerous tests. For another example, deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party requires facing problems and tackling "hard bones", which is inseparable from the spirit of "not fearing sacrifice and heroic struggle".

The special time node indicates extraordinary significance. Party discipline study and education is currently being carried out, and the party has repeatedly emphasized discipline building. The reason is that this is not only the way to success for a century-old party, but also the political advantage for further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. Summarizing and making good use of this valuable advantage is particularly important for promoting the implementation of reform. The Central Political Bureau meeting held recently also emphasized that it is necessary to maintain a high degree of consciousness in leading the social revolution with the party's self-revolution, adhere to the spirit of reform to manage and govern the party, and implement the reform with the spirit of nailing nails, and transform the strategic deployment of further deepening reform into a powerful force for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is not to restrict the hands and feet of Party members and cadres, or to squeeze the space for doing things and starting businesses, but to correct people's thoughts and actions through Party discipline learning and education, and to more effectively promote the development of various undertakings. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and encouraging responsibility and action are inherently unified, not mutually exclusive. Practice has proved that the majority of Party members and cadres, under the premise of abiding by rules and discipline, can work with peace of mind and let go of their work, often bursting out with the passion to dare to take responsibility, dare to face difficulties, and dare to innovate, so as to better do practical things for the people, solve problems, and seek happiness.

To govern a country, we must first govern the Party, and only when the Party prospers can the country become strong. Standing at a new historical starting point, we must adapt to the new situation and new requirements, face up to the "unique problems of a big party", rectify the original source and consolidate the foundation in terms of ideology, be brave in taking responsibility and be creative in action, and make unremitting efforts to continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

What do we need to do? July 1st, a special time point
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