The "violent plum rain" is about to end..., waterlogging occurred in many places, and Shanghai received half of the plum rain season rainfall today

Release time:Jun 30, 2024 15:09 PM

What does it mean to have a rainfall that is one in a thousand miles? Shanghai proved it with its strength today, ending the first half of the year with the heaviest rainfall so far this year.

Today, Shanghai was hit by the heaviest rainstorm since the beginning of the plum rain season, with the intensified version of the "violent plum rain" pouring down. "The windshield wipers smoked," "the sound of rain became an alarm," "going out felt like entering a shower room"... wave after wave of heavy rain caught Shanghai residents off guard, and rain gear seemed to have lost its effectiveness.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the rainfall at Shanghai's three meteorological observation stations ranked the top three among the 2,418 stations across the country; the one-hour precipitation in the central urban area even reached the top, ranking first in the country.

Reporters learned from the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory that from 20:00 yesterday to 17:00 today, heavy rains fell across central and northern Shanghai, with the accumulated rainfall in local areas such as Xuhui and Jiading exceeding 100 mm, an astonishing level of heavy rain.

The central urban area alone has almost completed half of the KPI for the entire plum rain season in one day. As of press time, today's rainfall has reached 118.4 mm, while the annual average plum rain in the central urban area is 262.5 mm. According to meteorological data, today's rainfall process is the largest so far this year, and it has brought a grand end to the first half of the year.

Waves of heavy rainfall also brought short-term waterlogging to many places in Shanghai. As of 12:00 noon today, more than 10 monitored waterlogging sites have been basically dealt with. However, another wave of rain hit in the afternoon. At 15:23, 35 cm of waterlogging was detected in the Xianghuang Road tunnel of the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway in Jiading District; at 16:06, 9 cm of waterlogging was detected in Haixin North District, Songjiang District.

During the day today, the yellow warning for thunderstorms and the yellow warning for heavy rain were in place, and were not downgraded to a blue warning for heavy rain until 16:50. Some citizens asked: Has Shanghai met its KPI for plum rain this year? Is the plum rain season coming to an end?

At 18:00, the rain in the whole city weakened, but the forecast shows that the "violent plum rain" will sweep in again. From tonight to tomorrow afternoon, Shanghai will still maintain cloudy weather with occasional showers or thunderstorms, and the accumulated rainfall in some areas may reach heavy rain or torrential rain.

Tomorrow night, the rain in Shanghai will weaken and turn cloudy to overcast with short showers. Please pay attention to road traffic safety when traveling on a weekday tomorrow. The rain will still suppress the temperature, with a maximum of 28℃ tomorrow.

The good news is that starting from next Tuesday, the weather situation in Shanghai will change significantly. As the rain belt moves northward, the systematic precipitation will decrease significantly, and the sun will appear, but the common afternoon thunderstorms in summer will also come from time to time. The temperature will rebound rapidly, and starting from Thursday, there will be continuous high temperatures of 35℃ to 36℃. The summer heat is finally coming.

The "violent plum rain" is about to end..., waterlogging occurred in many places, and Shanghai received half of the plum rain season rainfall today
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