[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Zhenjiang has a new deputy mayor

Release time:Jun 28, 2024 15:28 PM

According to news released by Zhenjiang, on June 27, the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress of Zhenjiang City passed a decision to appoint Yuan Xiulai as deputy mayor of Zhenjiang and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

According to the Zhenjiang Daily, on May 14, Yuan Xiulai, as a member of the Zhenjiang Municipal Government Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Committee, attended the economic situation analysis and dispatch meeting held by the Jiangsu Provincial Government at the Zhenjiang branch venue.

According to his public resume, Yuan Xiulai is a male of Han nationality, born in April 1976, with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. He joined the Communist Party of China in January 1998 and started working in August 1999. He was a member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Director of the Supervision Office of the Xuanwu Branch of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Deputy Chief of the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Director of the Organization and Education Department of the Political Department of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Deputy Mayor of Nanjing Yuhuatai District, Director of Nanjing Yuhuatai Branch, Deputy Director of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Chief of the Public Security Police Corps of the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, and a first-level senior police officer.

On April 29, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee issued a pre-appointment announcement for provincial-level leading cadres, and Yuan Xiulai was proposed to be nominated as a candidate for deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city.

2. Suzhou publicizes Hu Youping’s heroic deeds

According to reports, the reporter learned from the People's Government of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province that in the "June 24" knife-wounding incident in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, the injured Hu Youping, who stepped forward to stop the criminal suspect from attacking women and children, died of his injuries on the 26th. Suzhou City has recognized his courageous behavior and is posthumously awarding him the title of "Model of Righteous Acts of Bravery" in Suzhou City according to procedures.

At about 16:00 on June 24, a knife attack occurred at the Xindi Center bus stop on Tayuan Road in Suzhou High-tech Zone, injuring three people, one of whom was Chinese and two of whom were Japanese. The suspects were quickly subdued. The Chinese victim, Hu Youping, was seriously injured in the process of stopping the suspect from committing a crime. He was sent to the hospital for rescue but unfortunately died on the 26th. Among the two Japanese personnel, one is being treated in the hospital and is not in danger of life; the other was discharged from the hospital on the same day.

3. Nanjing Metropolitan Area launches a new model of integrated service guarantee for cross-regional official travel

On June 28, heads of government affairs management departments of 10 cities in the Nanjing Metropolitan Area gathered in Chuzhou and jointly signed the "Nanjing Metropolitan Area Cross-Regional Official Travel Integrated Service Guarantee Cooperation and Construction Agreement", which was the first in the country to launch a new model of cross-regional integrated official travel service guarantee, and realized intensive and economical service guarantee for official travel among member cities of the Nanjing Metropolitan Area.

The construction of cross-regional integrated service guarantee for official travel in the Nanjing metropolitan area has established a "123" system architecture. "1" refers to the creation of an integrated guarantee service platform for official travel, connecting the official vehicle platforms of 10 cities and realizing cross-regional unified vehicle standards; "2" refers to the provision of two travel guarantee methods: sharing of official vehicle own resources and supplementary guarantee of social vehicle rental resources; "3" refers to the establishment of three technical service standards and specifications, formulating an integrated full-process standard system for official travel from the dimensions of platform data interface, travel application services, and operation service specifications, and creating an integrated integration model of "informatization and standardization" official travel.

Kunshan Yushan Town's GDP has exceeded 100 billion yuan, with Jiangsu accounting for 137 out of 86 in Zhejiang. It is listed as one of the top 500 towns in China
Kunshan Yushan Town's GDP has exceeded 100 billion yuan, with Jiangsu accounting for 137 out of 86 in Zhejiang. It is listed as one of the top 500 towns in China

Recently, CCID Consulting, a subsidiary of the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the 2023 Top 500 Town Economy List. Jiangsu Province occupies 137 seats, with 37 towns in the top 100, ranking first in the country in terms of quantity. Among the Fortune 500, Zhejiang occupies 86 seats, ranking second in the country; Among the top 100, Zhejiang has 10 seats, ranking third in the country. From the perspective of the counties where the towns on the list are located, the characteristics of strong towns are obvious: among the top 500 towns, 257 administrative towns are located in counties ranked among the 2023 Saidi Top 100 Counties and Top 100 Districts, accounting for more than half. Among them, Yushan Town of Kunshan in Suzhou ranks first in the country. Its GDP in 2022 has exceeded 100 billion yuan, about 102 billion yuan, and its economic volume has exceeded many county-level cities and even prefecture level cities in the country, such as Mount Huangshan City in the Yangtze River Delta

It is not a wise choice to go to Starbucks in Hengdian during lunch break to buy coffee. Production | Industry | Hengdian
It is not a wise choice to go to Starbucks in Hengdian during lunch break to buy coffee. Production | Industry | Hengdian

"If you place an order now, you'll have to wait for at least an hour and a half." The reporter pushed the door into the store before opening his mouth. The clerk quickly put down a sentence and turned around to continue with the task at hand. On the counter, there are dozens of freshly made drinks piled up. Another clerk deftly opened one paper bag after another and packed the drinks one by one. On the sofa behind her, paper bags lined up. These drinks, almost without exception, will be sent to various production teams currently filming in Hengdian. The busyness of the coffee shop reflects the busyness of the entire Hengdian; The busyness of Hengdian reflects the busyness of the entire film and television industry. As one of the most important film and television shooting bases in the Yangtze River Delta, Hengdian Town, under the jurisdiction of Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, has always been regarded as an industry barometer and wind vane. Since the beginning of this year, the domestic film and television industry has accelerated its recovery, and Hengdian has also become visibly busy. According to statistics,

Over a thousand kilometers, I rushed back to Xiaoshan, Hangzhou from Xiangyang, Hubei for a basketball tournament in the town | Basketball | Xiangyang, Hubei
Over a thousand kilometers, I rushed back to Xiaoshan, Hangzhou from Xiangyang, Hubei for a basketball tournament in the town | Basketball | Xiangyang, Hubei

At the end of May this year, I was invited to attend a seminar in Linping, Hangzhou. The person in the same room as me is a person from Xiangyang, Hubei, in his forties, with the surname Ding. When he found out that I was from Xiaoshan, he was very excited and asked me, does Xiaoshan have a tower? I nodded immediately. He said, this must be a very distinctive town, right? I said, there are some unique features, mainly a fine tune, a type of folk music. Xiao Ding said, "I haven't heard of it in detail. What I know is the basketball there.". Basketball? I said lightly, yes, the tower people prefer playing basketball. Xiao Ding immediately corrected that he didn't quite like it, but rather liked it very, very much, to an unparalleled extent. I opened my eyes wide and immediately asked, "You are from Hubei, how do you know better than me?"? Do you have relatives and friends in the tower, or have you been to the tower before? Xiao Ding

44 Zhejiang enterprises listed on the list, released by the Yangtze River Delta Daily as one of the top 500 listed companies in China. Comrades | Xiaoshan | Listed Companies
44 Zhejiang enterprises listed on the list, released by the Yangtze River Delta Daily as one of the top 500 listed companies in China. Comrades | Xiaoshan | Listed Companies

1. On the evening of July 11th, Fortune magazine released the 2023 Fortune 500 list of Chinese listed companies, with 44 Zhejiang enterprises on the list. The annual revenue threshold for companies on the list is close to 23.7 billion yuan. According to statistics, there are a total of 44 Zhejiang enterprises on the list, with 11 holding listed companies in China. At the same time, Alibaba ranks first among Zhejiang enterprises on the list, ranking 10th on the list. Among the top 100 are also Zhongchan Zhongda Group Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhongtuo Group Co., Ltd., Hengyi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., and Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. 2. Within a month, more than 40 top leaders from Xiaoshan units visited Suzhou again. In less than a month, the Xiaoshan inspection team visited Suzhou intensively

The small town of Huaqiao on the provincial border has become a hub, and the Shanghai Suzhou Metro has connected the Economic Development Zone | Huaqiao | Town
The small town of Huaqiao on the provincial border has become a hub, and the Shanghai Suzhou Metro has connected the Economic Development Zone | Huaqiao | Town

"Before, when you saw the billboard of 'Good Kids' on the Shanghai Nanjing Expressway, you knew you were at Kunshan Huaqiao. Later, while taking Shanghai Metro Line 11, you unknowingly arrived at Huaqiao." A local resident of Kunshan Huaqiao sighed. Recently, when taking Shanghai Metro Line 11, you can transfer to another "11" line - Suzhou Metro Line 11, which can lead to the urban areas of Kunshan and Suzhou. In the future, the subway will even lead to the urban areas of Wuxi, making it a "local" subway transfer experience. Suzhou Metro Line 11 starts from Weiting Station in Suzhou Industrial Park and ends at Huaqiao Station in Kunshan City. It has 28 stations and an operating mileage of 41.25 kilometers, all of which are underground lines. At Huaqiao Station, Suzhou Metro Line 11 can transfer to Shanghai Metro Line 11. On June 20th, a five-day test ride event for Suzhou Metro Line 11