Join hands with high-quality integration to forge ahead with Chinese path to modernization (observation on high-quality development of Yangtze River Delta integration)

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:46 PM

The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most active, open, and innovative regions in China's economic development.

Here, there are towering skyscrapers with monthly tax payments exceeding 100 million yuan, and countless innovative factories with an annual patent application volume exceeding a hundred; Here, there are numerous "Chinese natural oxygen bars" and the smallest urban-rural income gap

"One network access" and "One card access" enable residents in 41 cities to start "same city life";

Connecting roads one by one, significantly reducing commuting time between provinces and cities, and improving the happiness index of life;

One by one, rivers and lakes are jointly renovated, with clear water and green banks, and birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Over the past five years, the nighttime light index in the Yangtze River Delta has increased by 57.24%, and the light strips connecting cities have become increasingly dense; The number of cities with GDP exceeding one trillion yuan has increased to 8, accounting for about one-third of the country's total; The beautiful blueprint of integrated development, including the half-hour living circle, one hour commuting circle, and 24-hour free shipping circle, continues to be transformed into vivid reality.

Today, integrated development has become a consciousness, a concept, and a way of life for people in the Yangtze River Delta.

From the birthplace of technological innovation to the new highland of reform and opening up, from the public railway bridge connecting the Yangtze River and the sea to the beautiful countryside where people and prosperity coexist... Recently, reporters have entered this hot land of development, felt the tremendous changes brought by the integrated development strategy to the Yangtze River Delta, and explored the secrets of high-quality development in three provinces and one city.

"Integration is not simply '1+1=2'"

Forging strengths and addressing weaknesses, with strong industrial synergy advantages

Previously, when encountering technical difficulties, one had to find resources on their own, but now they can directly demand on the platform. How to develop high-performance hybrid fiber materials has been a technical challenge that has plagued Shanghai Defulan New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. for many years.

At the beginning of this year, the public service platform for Pudong New Area was officially launched. Defulan Company immediately released its technical requirements, which were ultimately unveiled by the Advanced Functional Fiber and Application Technology Research Institute of Nantong Innovation Zone in Jiangsu Province, and the problem was easily solved.

"Integrated development truly brings innovation resources together at one point, opening up a new stage of development," said Yang Weizhong, Executive Director of Defulan Company.

In the overall modernization construction of our country, innovation is at the core.

Connect demand, gather elements, jointly tackle key issues, and extend the innovation chain of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta.

The Shanghai Zhangjiang and Anhui Hefei Comprehensive National Science Centers have integrated strategic technological forces through the "Two Hearts and One Creation" initiative, and the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and the Shanghai Nanjing Industrial Innovation Belt have connected the innovation chain; In recent years, the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center and the Yangtze River Delta National Science and Technology Achievement Transfer and Transformation Demonstration Zone Alliance have established a platform and gathered innovative elements. The annual growth rate of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Collaborative Innovation Index has reached 9.47%, with 23 major scientific research infrastructure and more than 40000 large scientific instruments open for sharing. High level technology supply effectively supports the high-quality development of the regional economy.

"To achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to strengthen the deep integration of industry, academia, and research led by enterprises, and improve the transformation and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements," said Cao Jie, Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Wuhu City, Anhui Province.

From the innovation chain to the industrial chain, the Yangtze River Delta solidifies its foundation, grasps its fingers and forms a fist, and jointly builds world-class industrial clusters.

On May 28th, the domestically produced large aircraft C919 successfully completed its first commercial flight, becoming a test of the manufacturing strength in the Yangtze River Delta region.

The company has successfully completed the mechanical performance inspection of over 20000 components. Gao Zhiqiang, Chairman of Aerospace Haiying Special Materials Co., Ltd., is proud to participate in the inspection work of C919 test flight certification.

About 10% of the components, 50% of aluminum, and 50% of composite structural components required for C919 assembly are manufactured in Zhenjiang; Zhejiang Xizi bound Rui Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. provides air stamped turbine generator cabin doors... Cities in the Yangtze River Delta such as Shanghai, Hefei, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Zhenjiang work together to strengthen and extend the chain, realizing the Chinese people's "dream of a big airplane".

Driven by COMAC, thousands of enterprises along the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor alone have been included in the large aircraft industry chain for common development.

In Changzhou, innovative industrial clusters are gathering around the new energy industry chain, with an output value exceeding 500 billion yuan.

In Jiaxing, high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms such as Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute and Zhejiang Zhongke Applied Technology Research Institute are flourishing, as well as China Electronics Technology Nanhu Research Institute, Nanhu Laboratory, and Zhejiang Tsinghua Flexible Electronic Technology Research Institute.

In Hefei, BYD has built a new energy vehicle manufacturing base and established key component supporting bases such as power batteries, battery materials, high-voltage electrical appliances, and wiring harnesses in Bengbu, Chuzhou, Fuyang, and other places, basically forming a full industry chain layout.

"These are all microcosms of the modern industries in the Yangtze River Delta and unique advantages brought about by integrated development," said Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD Co., Ltd.

Make up for the shortcomings with one hand and promote traditional industries towards the mid to high end; Forge a long board with one hand and vigorously cultivate strategic emerging industries. In the past five years, Shanghai has played a leading role, with the strengths of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui showcasing each other, complementing each other's strengths, and developing in a staggered manner, jointly forming a new pattern of industrial cooperation and integration. The Yangtze River Delta region accounts for about 40% of the list of advanced manufacturing clusters in 45 countries announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Behind the increasingly strong innovation and industrial chains is the continuous release of talent chain advantages.

This spring, Shanghai Pudong sent an invitation letter to global talents, sowing a new batch of scientific and technological innovation "seeds". Pudong accepts applications through "one-stop processing", provides "one-stop card recognition" services, and implements policies to ensure that all types of talents come to Pudong without worries.

"In the past, foreigners engaged in the securities industry in China needed to apply for China's securities industry qualification certificate 'as the Romans do', which made it difficult for many international financial talents. Now, Pudong has established an international financial professional qualification certificate recognition list system, creating good conditions for attracting international talents." Park Xueqian, Chairman of JPMorgan Securities Co., Ltd., said of such a change.

Talent introduction is not about everything, but about what is needed. As a talent highland and innovation highland in the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai welcomes talents from home and abroad, and encourages various talents to showcase their talents in the region. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and others have set up incubators and empowerment centers in Shanghai to further unleash its talent and technological innovation resource advantages.

"Integrated development must be of high quality. We must effectively transform the model led by investment and other factors, and promote innovation driven by bottom line constraints. This is itself a process of changing concepts, consolidating consensus, and breaking new paths." said Zhang Zhongwei, Deputy Director of the Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone.

"Integration is not simply a '1+1=2', but a new advantage of complementary advantages and collaborative efforts to form high-quality development. Walking in the Yangtze River Delta, what we hear the most is a profound understanding of the integrated development strategy, and what we see the most is a conscious action towards high-quality development.".

Shanghai is the frontier of opening up and a highland of innovation. Jiangsu's real economy is strong, Zhejiang's private economy is developed, and Anhui has a relatively complete range of industrial systems and accumulated scientific and technological resources... With the solid progress of the integrated development strategy, the four places move forward hand in hand and achieve integrated development, and share new missions and goals on the journey of Chinese path to modernization.

"Eating reform meals, following the path of openness, and playing the innovative card"

From seeking one domain to seeking the overall situation, serving the national development strategy

On June 24th, Suzhou Metro Line 11 was officially opened and achieved seamless transfer with Shanghai Metro Line 11. The cross provincial and city rail transit systems are deeply interconnected, which is the first time in China.

Nowadays, having Aozao noodles for breakfast in Suzhou, enjoying Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs at noon, and admiring fireworks at Shanghai Disneyland at night, all you need is a subway ticket to seamlessly connect with "dual city life".

The interconnectivity not only brings a better life, but this cross provincial subway connects important areas such as Suzhou Industrial Park, Kunshan Central City, Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Shanghai International Automobile City from west to east, promoting the flow of technology, talent, capital, and other elements to become more dynamic.

Xia Jinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, stated that subway interconnectivity is not only conducive to Suzhou's transformation from an export-oriented manufacturing city to an industrial and technological innovation highland, but also conducive to the integration of human centered innovation elements between the two cities, forming a science and technology innovation community between Shanghai and the Soviet Union.

According to the "Multi level Rail Transit Plan for the Yangtze River Delta Region", by 2025, the "Yangtze River Delta on Rail" will be basically completed, with a total rail transit mileage of over 22000 kilometers and rail transit services covering 80% of urban areas with a permanent population of over 50000.

Transportation integration is a significant symbol of regional integration development.

In the past five years, the integration of transportation in the Yangtze River Delta has made significant progress. The construction of the "Yangtze River Delta on the track" is accelerating, with the continuous extension of high-speed rail tracks, interconnectivity of expressways, cross provincial and cross regional public transportation, and cross regional transportation management, to gather stronger joint forces for the integrated development of the three provinces and one city.

Port clusters are the core hub nodes in modern logistics and supply chains. Under the guidance of the integrated transportation development strategy, large ports such as Nantong Port, Huai'an Port, and Lianyungang Port in the Yangtze River Delta have successively joined hands with Shanghai Port.

In September 2022, Shanghai Port, Jiangsu Provincial Port and Huai'an Port signed a contract, and Shanghai Port International Container Terminal Co., Ltd. was officially established.

In October 2022, the container terminal of Lusi Qiqi Port Area, a new sea outlet of Tongzhou Bay in Nantong, was officially opened for operation. Nantong will work together with Shanghai International Port Group and Jiangsu Port Group to further amplify its advantages and enhance its capabilities in the port integration pattern.

In March 2023, Shanghai Port and Lianyungang Port signed a memorandum of cooperation, jointly building a "digital corridor" and promoting data sharing and development between the two ports.

"Relying on big, strong, and resource integration is the 'key stroke' for the high-quality development of our port." Geng Liangdao, Chairman of Huai'an Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd., said that Shanghai is working hard to build an international shipping center, and "cooperation is imperative and urgent."

Sea rail combined transport, iron water combined transport, more and more people and logistics converge in the Yangtze River Delta from all over the country, and from here connect the "the Belt and Road". The integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta is coordinated with the construction of the "the Belt and Road", the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area to improve the spatial layout of China's reform and opening up.

Infrastructure hard connectivity and development environment soft connectivity. In the past five years, the three provinces and one city have continuously deepened reforms, cleared bottlenecks, and improved integrated energy efficiency from the perspective of the overall development of the Yangtze River Delta.

At Wuhu Port in Anhui Province, new cars gather at the Ro/Ro loading dock yard, waiting for the shipment to go out to sea. This batch of cars produced by Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will cross the ocean via Shanghai Yangshan Port without the need for customs declaration and eliminating the need for secondary arrival procedures.

In the past, customs clearance procedures were cumbersome, transportation time was long, and costs were also high. In 2021, Wuhu Customs launched a new supervision model of "linked unloading" between Yangshan Port and Wuhu Port, achieving "one declaration, one inspection, and one release" for port goods import and export. Feng Ping, Senior Vice General Manager of Chery Automobile International, calculated that now exporting can reduce logistics costs by 600 yuan per TEU, and importing can also save 400 yuan per TEU.

Along the way, the Yangtze River Delta has always maintained a vibrant and spirited spirit, accelerating the construction of a new highland for reform and opening up.

From the opening of China's first free trade pilot zone - Shanghai Free Trade Zone - in 2013, to the unveiling of China's free trade pilot zone in 2020, the Yangtze River Delta region has achieved full coverage of the free trade pilot zone. Adhering to the principle of trial and error and institutional innovation, the Yangtze River Delta attracts talents and enterprises from home and abroad to settle down in an open, service-oriented, innovative, and efficient development environment.

Starting from the Yangtze River Delta, radiating across the country and connecting with the world, and placing the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in the overall strategic planning of national regional development... Walking in the Yangtze River Delta, one can always feel the broad mindedness, bold strokes, and grandeur of integrated development.

From seeking one region to seeking the overall situation, the Yangtze River Delta region is continuously releasing surging development momentum from the concept of "integration" and the idea of "one game of chess".

"A planning map, unwavering for thirty years"

A blueprint is drawn to the end, and high standard planning leads to high-quality development

The GDP output per square kilometer is 1.2 billion yuan, and the comprehensive development level assessment has ranked first in the country for 7 consecutive years... The Suzhou Industrial Park by Jinji Lake is renowned for its outstanding performance.

What is even more impressive than numbers are two pictures of the park exhibition center - one is a 1994 designer's hand drawn planning rendering; One is today's real-life picture of Jinji Lake.

The two phases are highly consistent in comparison. "A planning map that will not waver for thirty years. Projects that do not meet the requirements of high-quality development, even if their output value exceeds tens of billions of yuan, should be rejected," said the head of the investment department of the industrial park.

Between choices, it demonstrates the determination of Suzhou Industrial Park to "draw a blueprint to the end".

This is also the persistence of people in the Yangtze River Delta today.

Plan first and then take action, leading by planning. High quality development requires high standard spatial layout planning as a guarantee. To promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta integration, the three provinces and one city have reached a consensus from the beginning: "We must start with planning integration, plan spatial layout with high quality, and adhere to the principle of one blueprint governing the overall situation and one blueprint drawing to the end."

Draw a blueprint to the end, making green a bright background for high-quality development.

At the beginning of this year, the overall plan for the ecological and green integrated development demonstration zone of the Yangtze River Delta was officially approved, becoming the first cross administrative regional land space plan approved by the State Council after the National Land Space Planning Outline. Under the same blueprint, the 2413 square kilometer area belonging to Qingpu, Wujiang, and Jiashan has been uniformly followed, and there is no longer spatial inconsistency caused by inconsistent planning.

This is an overall plan that involves both addition and subtraction. The GDP per unit area needs to be increased, but the construction land has decreased by 15.7 square kilometers. "Breaking away from traditional city building ideas, breaking administrative barriers, optimizing resource allocation, adding new functions and elements, the output efficiency should be improved, and the space used should be reduced." Zhang Zhongwei explained.

By 2035, the proportion of river and lake areas will not be less than 20.6%, the forest coverage rate will exceed 12%, and the proportion of green travel will reach 80%... In the natural scenery and Jiangnan countryside, the technology industry is flourishing, research and development bases are gathering, and cultural functions are enriched - here, we are writing the infinite possibilities for the integrated development of ecological green in the Yangtze River Delta.

A blueprint is drawn to the end, providing strong guarantees for the high-quality development of the industry.

On January 31st this year, with the signing and landing of 8 hydrogen energy industry projects, Changzhou Hydrogen Bay, located on the central axis of the core area of the "Two Lakes" innovation zone, set sail. With the manufacturing of hydrogen production and storage equipment, as well as key equipment such as hydrogen fuel cells and fuel cell vehicles, it has driven the rapid formation of a "production, storage, transportation, and use" industrial chain in the hydrogen energy industry.

International experience has shown that regional cooperation is an important path for the development of hydrogen energy. In May 2019, the "Development Plan for the Construction of the Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Corridor" was officially released. The "Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Corridor" will fully utilize the resources and location advantages of the Yangtze River Delta, lead regional industry focus and upgrading through innovative models, and create an economic belt for hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicle industries.

"This will promote the cleanliness of the energy structure, making the entire energy and transportation system more efficient and intelligent," said Zhang Jinhua, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Society of Automotive Engineers.

Follow the plan, focus on each aspect, and develop as one. The Medium - and Long Term Plan for the Development of Shanghai's Hydrogen Energy Industry proposes to leverage the advantages of Shanghai's existing industries, with the aim of building a modern hydrogen energy industry based on independent innovation, breakthroughs in key core technologies, and reliance on major demonstration projects, gradually building a supply guarantee system dominated by green hydrogen. The 14th Five Year Plan for the Construction of New Infrastructure in Jiangsu Province proposes to strengthen the layout of hydrogen energy networks, support cities such as Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nantong, and Yancheng to increase investment, and develop urban hydrogen supply networks and refueling station networks. The Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Zhejiang Province propose that by 2025, Zhejiang will basically form a complete hydrogen energy equipment and core component industry system. The Medium - and Long Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Anhui Province proposes to break through a number of key technologies in the fields of renewable energy electrolysis water hydrogen production, hydrogen purification and separation, hydrogen storage equipment and materials, fuel cell stacks and core components, and build more than 10 national and provincial-level innovation platforms by 2025. The three provinces and one city will leverage their respective strengths, avoid duplicate construction, and fully plan the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

Similarly, Chuzhou and Ma'anshan in Anhui are making every effort to jointly build new functional zones with Nanjing in the neighboring areas of Dingshan Chahe, Pukou Nanqiao, and Jiangning Bowang provinces, focusing on "what others need, what I can do" and strengthening industrial coordination and support. Nanqiao District and Pukou District signed an agreement on "Nanqiao Pukou Integrated Development Cooperation and Co construction Park", and included the Nanpu Cooperation Industrial Park in the planning and construction area of the integrated circuit industry cluster in the Jiangbei New Area of Nanjing. The cooperation between Lai'an County and Nanjing Biopharmaceutical Valley to jointly build a biopharmaceutical industry cooperation zone has been listed. The Ningma New Functional Zone cooperates with Jiangning District in Nanjing to jointly build a leading high-energy platform - Ningbo Creative Valley, deepening diversified subject cooperation in a market-oriented manner.

Nowadays, more industries in the Yangtze River Delta are showing a good trend of planning first and coordinated development.

A blueprint is drawn to the end, providing effective guidance for exploring new paths for future development.

Starting from Pudong New Area and heading west, take the route of "Century Avenue Yan'an Elevated Road G50 Shanghai Chongqing Expressway" and you can reach Qingpu District in one hour. This is the famous main venue of the China International Import Expo, both domestically and internationally.

At the beginning of 2022, the construction of the Yangtze River Delta digital trunk line was officially launched. This is an innovative and industrial chain originating from Qingpu, Shanghai, with the digital economy as its source, and connected closely with the cities along the G50 main corridor.

A grand blueprint, endless opportunities. "Huawei Qingpu R&D Center will introduce more than 30000 high-end scientific research talents to build Huawei's largest R&D center in the world," said Guo Yiyu, General Manager of Huawei's Shanghai Representative Office.

"The Yangtze River Delta digital trunk line undertakes the functional mission of connecting the east and west wings of Shanghai, serving the three demonstration areas, and radiating to the surrounding cities of the Yangtze River Delta." Xu Jian, Secretary of the Qingpu District Committee of Shanghai, said that Qingpu will use the digital trunk line as a traction, break through time and space limitations, and better promote the free flow of resources and elements and the accelerated integration of various market entities.

The "demonstration zone" on the blueprint is rapidly becoming a reality, and it is also providing excellent samples for coordinated regional development across the country. "The biggest responsibility of the demonstration zone is to form a set of replicable and replicable cross-border management experience that can be popularized in similar cross-border areas across the country, which will greatly promote the institutional reform of the national cross-border management and regional governance system," said Chen Wen, a researcher at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Today we are all residents of the Yangtze River Delta."

Jointly building a "happy circle" for people's livelihoods and sharing the achievements of integrated development

"This efficiency and service attitude are amazing!" Deng Huahua couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Deng Huahua, a resident of Wukang Street, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, was worried because her daughter had to move her hukou to Zhejiang to study. The child's hukou was in her hometown of Yimen Town, Guoyang County, Anhui Province, and she was too busy to go back.

On May 8th, Deng Huahua, under the guidance of the staff at the Wukang Police Station, operated remotely through video conferencing and completed the household registration transfer process in just a few minutes.

Such surprises have gradually become the norm in the Yangtze River Delta. In May 2019, the "One Network Service" in the Yangtze River Delta was officially launched. Over the past four years, Shanghai, together with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui, has jointly promoted the launch of 148 services. As of June this year, the total number of online services has exceeded 6.4284 million.

Innovative measures such as cross provincial application for ID cards, cross provincial household registration migration, cross provincial medical treatment, and withdrawal of housing provident fund from other regions have emerged one after another in many fields such as medical care, education, and government services, breaking through administrative restrictions.

In the past five years, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui have adhered to the development concept of putting the people at the center and accelerated the construction of a happy and livable Yangtze River Delta.

"Today we are all residents of the Yangtze River Delta!"

For 237 million residents of the Yangtze River Delta, the most intuitive feeling of integrated development is the "same city" and "quality" of life - the co construction and sharing of public services such as transportation, education, medical care, and elderly care.

Minsheng's "One Card"——

In the Yangtze River Delta, a small social security card can complete the same tasks in different cities - taking public transportation, visiting museums, visiting scenic spots, and distributing various subsidies... Since the promotion of the "one card" social security card for resident services in the Yangtze River Delta, basic public services have become more convenient.

This year's May Day holiday, Ms. Huang from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, took her family to visit relatives in Bozhou, Anhui Province. "When we visit attractions such as Cao Cao's underground military transport road and Flower Theater, we directly swipe our electronic social security cards, making it very convenient to purchase and verify tickets," Ms. Huang said.

"Next, we will continue to promote the construction of the directory of 'One Card' application items, and open up more innovative applications according to the annual goal." The relevant person in charge of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office introduced.

A website for seeking medical treatment——

Registration, medical treatment, and settlement... At the First People's Hospital of Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, citizen Dong Danli only needs to present her family's electronic medical insurance certificate, and the doctor will directly settle the payment for her.

"My father-in-law is from Shanghai. In the past, when I was preparing hypertension medication in Jiashan, I had to pay in cash first, and then return it to Shanghai for reimbursement with invoices, medical records, lists, etc. It would take more than 20 working days to receive the payment." Dong Danli said, "Now I can settle the payment directly across provinces through outpatient services for chronic diseases, which is very worry free.".

The Yangtze River Delta has taken the lead in launching a pilot program for direct settlement of outpatient expenses for medical treatment in other regions nationwide. More than 15000 medical institutions in 41 cities can settle directly across provinces, benefiting a total of 13 million people.

Integrated elderly care——

Braised pork belly in Brown Sauce, Stir fried Seasonal Vegetables, Steamed Yellow Croaker, Mapo tofu... Near noon, in the canteen of Zhongleshan Community, Xujiahui Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai, the elderly enjoyed lunch happily. In recent years, Xuhui District has vigorously built a "life box" that integrates elderly care, medical care, cultural and sports activities, and can be reached within a 15 minute walk.

Over the past five years, the integration of elderly care services in the Yangtze River Delta has pressed the fast forward button: the civil affairs departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui have successively signed the "Shanghai Consensus on Regional Elderly Care Cooperation and Development in the Yangtze River Delta" and the "Hefei Memorandum on Deepening Regional Elderly Care Cooperation and Development in the Yangtze River Delta"; Three provinces and one city will comprehensively carry out pilot cooperation on regional elderly care integration; Shanghai and Anhui provinces plan to build ecological green health and wellness bases in the Yangtze River Delta; Yixing City in Jiangsu Province, Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, and Guangde City in Anhui Province signed an agreement to establish the first cross provincial county-level demonstration benchmark area for happy elderly care in China.

Common prosperity, the essential requirement of socialism, and the important characteristics of Chinese path to modernization.

Walking along the winding and winding rural path, uniquely shaped small buildings are nestled among the green trees. In Tangdi Village, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, 98% of the village's labor force is engaged in flower and tree production and management, enjoying an "ecological rice".

"Taking strong steps towards promoting the path of common prosperity and allowing the general public to truly enjoy the fruits of development," said Liu Jianming, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Tangdi Village. Relying on the advantages of the flower and tree industry, the per capita income of villagers will reach 120000 yuan in 2022.

In 2022, the Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta Demonstration Zone, together with the governments of two districts and one county, jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Common Prosperity in the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone", which became the first cross provincial implementation plan for common prosperity in China, exploring and demonstrating ways to promote common prosperity across provinces in the country.

By 2025, the per capita GDP will reach 150000 yuan, the income difference between urban and rural residents will be ≤ 1.8, and the per capita disposable income of residents will reach 80000 yuan... The Implementation Plan has set 26 indicators in six areas, including high-quality economic development, ecological civilization co construction, and regional urban-rural integration.

"The introduction of the 'Implementation Plan' has left a strong mark on the blueprint for the development of common prosperity in the Yangtze River Delta, breaking the boundaries of provinces and cities for common prosperity, and exploring new paths for shared development in the Yangtze River Delta with a higher position and larger space." said Zhou Haiwang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Urban and Population Development at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.


Based on integration and high quality, we are seeking for a game of chess, a new vision of chess, and a first hand chess. We continue to lead high-quality development with high standard planning, and jointly explore a new path for integrated development. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui are working together to promote high-quality development and move towards a bright future of Chinese path to modernization.

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Liu Shiyou is measuring cultural relics. Liu Shiyou and colleagues are researching materials. The above pictures are the biographies of Liu Shiyou, born in 1966 in Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, who is the director of Longde County Cultural Relics Management Institute and museum director. He has been engaged in local history research and cultural management for more than 30 years, participated in the third national cultural relics survey, the first national survey of movable cultural relics, wrote more than 20 local cultural research articles, was employed by the Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences and Ningxia Normal University as a researcher, compiled and published 8 works such as Longde County Cultural Relics Chronicle, and was rated as the exemplary individual of the national cultural relics system in 2022. In Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the most well-known tourist destination is the Old Lane in Hongya Village. Walking in the old alley, with earthen walls, stages

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Originally to strengthen the spiritual strength to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation-- to deeply study and understand the mission of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, which runs through history, the present, and the future-- "continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era." Such commitment is engraved with determination, foresight and insight-- "We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder a mission, strive for something, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation." . June 2023, Chinese Academy of History. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the forum on cultural inheritance and development and delivered an important speech to pass on Chinese culture from the perspective of the overall strategy for the development of the cause of the party and the state.

Determined to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response, strengthening cultural confidence in socialism | China | Culture
Determined to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response, strengthening cultural confidence in socialism | China | Culture

Beijing, 3 Jun (Xinhua)-- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response from Xinhua News Agency reporters: "We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder our mission, and strive for something." work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. " At the key historical point of the new journey of striving for great rejuvenation, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a great call for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in a new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development on June 2 aroused warm repercussions from all walks of life. Everyone said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is highly political, ideological, strategic and instructive, and should be refined by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

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