Continuing Chinese civilization and composing contemporary chapters

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:46 PM

Using culture to forge the soul and gather spiritual strength

"Exciting and charming!" At the closing ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu, Sichuan opera Qingyi sang duets with rappers, popular singers collaborated with rap figurines, Shu style guqin and violin harmonized, and traditional and modern, classical and fashionable collided and blended on stage... The cultural feast left audiences both at home and abroad amazed, with a lasting aftertaste.

From the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Chengdu Universiade, from the "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference to the China Central Asia Summit... "Chinese romance" has repeatedly attracted global attention. At the Chengdu Universiade, shadow puppetry, Sichuan opera, and other performances left deep memories for young friends from all over the world. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics showcased the 24 solar terms, the Yellow River water, and the love of willows, stunning the world and showcasing the power of Chinese culture

Li Xu Qian Kun, Le He Tian Di. Major literary and artistic activities such as the performance "Great Journey" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, and the gala "Our Forty Years" to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, play the world symphony to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with strong positive energy filled with patriotism, national spirit, and heroism

Exciting and diverse cultural performances, each with unique cultural symbols, allow the world to experience the profound and long-standing charm of Chinese culture, and feel the confident, open and inclusive national spirit of contemporary China.

In the new era, we carry forward the spiritual pedigree of the CPC with the great spirit of party building as the source, and the national spirit is more vigorous.

Along the central axis of Beijing, the magnificent CPC History Exhibition Hall stands erect. In the square in front of the museum, the large-scale sculpture of the party flag, "Banner", is magnificent. The large-scale sculpture of "Faith", "Great Cause", "Tackling Difficulties", and "Pursuing Dreams" is solemn and solemn. It fully reflects the century long struggle history of the party and the great struggle spirit contained in it, and reflects the great course of the CPC people's hard work and tenacious struggle. Since its opening, the Party History Exhibition Hall has attracted millions of visitors from all over the country to study Party history, appreciate the spirit, and draw strength from progress.

At the foot of Yanshan Mountain, the Central General Hall of the National Version Museum of China is quaint and elegant, with the four characters "Continuation of Culture" engraved on the giant stone, declaring the responsibility and mission of this brand new cultural hall. The China National Version Museum, consisting of the Central General Museum, Xi'an Branch, Hangzhou Branch, and Guangzhou Branch, is distributed in the east, west, north, south, and north of the land of China. It not only has its own emphasis and characteristics, but also echoes and seamlessly integrates, collecting and showcasing the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation, becoming an expression of the country's cultural soft power of the times.

Record the pioneering work of our ancestors and inspire the struggle of those who come. In the autumn of 2022, the major cultural project "Revival Library" was officially published and distributed. The entire five volumes consist of over 60 volumes, over 300 volumes, and over 110 million words. A total of 37 volumes, 195 volumes, and 61.9 million words have been published in three volumes, spanning over a hundred years... The Emperor's masterpiece echoes the resounding footsteps of an ancient nation moving towards rejuvenation between the lines.

The new era is a magnificent and hardworking era, where heroes emerge and models emerge. From the establishment and improvement of the system for honoring the achievements of the Party and the state, to the introduction and implementation of the "Implementation Outline of Citizen Moral Construction in the New Era", "Implementation Outline of Patriotic Education in the New Era", and "Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era", there have been fruitful achievements in the construction of spiritual civilization and morality, with a large number of role models, moral models, "Chinese good people", and "the most beautiful people" emerging... The atmosphere of respecting heroes, promoting morality and goodness, and thinking of the best has become increasingly strong.

Civilization is a prominent symbol of modern countries. Improving the level of social civilization is a major task in building a socialist cultural power. With the deepening of spiritual civilization construction and the continuous strengthening of the construction of the new era civilization practice center, ideological concepts, spiritual outlook, civilized customs, and behavioral norms that meet the requirements of the new era are increasingly forming, and the wind of civilization is blowing throughout China.

In Dongfeng Village, Meishan Town, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, the villagers gathered together in the cultural hall of Dongfeng Village, where the people are good and the people are honest. Family banquets sing the protagonist, while mountain towns cultivate a new atmosphere. They learned to sing rural civilized poetry along with volunteers. Changxing County fully utilizes the role of cultural auditoriums and new era civilization practice stations to carry out cultural rehearsals, policy lectures, volunteer services, and other activities around changing customs and traditions. It explains to the farmers why it is necessary to change customs and traditions, what kind of customs and traditions to change, and promotes education that is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Civilization and new customs take root, bloom, and bear fruit in the vast rural areas.

The heroic spirit of heaven and earth is still awe inspiring for thousands of years. In the journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, the vast number of literary and artistic workers have created a large number of inspiring and inspiring masterpieces, which praise the party, the motherland, the people, and the times——

The war epic film "Changjin Lake" promotes the great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, and stimulates the patriotic sentiment of the whole society; New Chinese Dream themed songs such as "Heavenly Glory in China" have been widely sung; Peking Opera "Revolutionary Family", Sichuan Opera "Jiang Jie" and other traditional Chinese operas continue the red bloodline and promote the great spirit of party building; The movies "The Guardians of the Islands" and the TV series "The Awakening Age" are deeply touching and inspire the people's spirit of progress.

Combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China and the excellent traditional culture of China is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the valuable resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations.

In recent years, Beijing has integrated excellent traditional Chinese culture into civilization cultivation, practice, and creation, making its historical and cultural golden card shine brightly, fully showcasing the historical heritage, spiritual style, and cultural pursuit of the capital of excellence. Dongcheng District is committed to promoting traditional culture with the character of "respect", adhering to the combination of inheritance, protection, and revitalization. The Pigment Guild Hall and Linfen Guild Hall in the district jointly perform "Guild Hall with Opera", a batch of "small and beautiful", "small and exquisite", and "small and elegant" performance programs, allowing the century old stage to shine again. Xicheng District will integrate excellent traditional Chinese cultural elements such as "family culture" into the "small world" of Loumen, and do a good job in creating a "big article" of civilization, leading community residents to jointly build, govern, and share, so that a good family atmosphere can nurture a new era.

On March 6, 2021, at the Friendship Hotel in Beijing, the atmosphere at the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) joint meeting was warm.

Culture, condensing the heart and forging the soul, inspiring wisdom and nourishing the heart. Today, under the guidance of advanced socialist culture, inspired by revolutionary culture, and nurtured by excellent traditional Chinese culture, the cultural confidence of the whole society has become more firm, and the ambition, backbone, and confidence to be Chinese have been greatly enhanced, radiating a more proactive spiritual force.

As a cultural person, safeguarding the cultural rights and interests of the masses

In contemporary China, the country is magnificent, the people are heroic, and the future is vast. The era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of literature and art. The vast number of literary and artistic workers devote themselves wholeheartedly to creating. Excellent works have emerged one after another, attracting, infecting, and inspiring people, greatly enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people.

On August 11th this year, the 11th Mao Dun Literature Award was announced, and the novel "Snow Mountain and Earth" received the highest number of votes. In August last year, the Chinese Writers Association launched the "New Era Mountain and Township Transformation Creation Plan", soliciting works from the literary community and creators. "Snow Mountain and Earth" is one of the first key works to be promoted.

The judges stated that the success of "Snow Mountain Land" stems from the author's deep roots in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, never leaving behind the things on the snow mountain land and the changes in the lives of ordinary herdsmen under the changing times.

There are one hundred or one thousand methods for literary and artistic creation, but the most fundamental, crucial, and reliable way is to root in the people and take root in life.

With the sky as the curtain and the earth as the stage, generations of Ulan herders braved the wind, snow, and heat on the grassland, bringing joy and civilization to the vast number of farmers and herdsmen, winning widespread love and praise. The members of Ulan Muqi Cavalry stated that they will always be the "red artistic light cavalry" on the grassland;

Sing for the times and dance for the people. In the theater, hundreds of performances of dance poetry drama "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" are still hard to find. Dramas such as "Lu Yao" and "Yu Chenglong" continue to attract fans. Artists firmly sing the main melody of the new era and dance the essence and spirit of the Chinese people;

With abundant passion, vivid brushstrokes, beautiful melodies, and touching images, the vast number of literary and artistic workers have created and produced excellent works that the people enjoy. The TV dramas "Mountains and Seas" and "The World" have sparked a wave of ratings, the novel "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" continues to be reprinted, the movie "Changjin Lake" breaks the record for Chinese box office, and the art work "Flying Bridges of the World - Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge" has a grand momentum

A series of "real gold and silver" support policies have greatly inspired the literary and artistic circles. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Prosperity and Development of Socialist Literature and Art", "Several Policies to Support the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Chinese Opera", and "Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of State owned Literature and Art Troupes" have been issued to better protect the cultural rights and interests of the people, stimulate talents, and produce high-quality works.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "improve the modern public cultural service system". From "existence" to "good" and then to "precision" and "excellence", public cultural spaces in various regions are constantly upgrading to meet the growing new expectations of the people for high-quality spiritual and cultural life.

Spending a fulfilling time in the "urban study" has become a lifestyle habit for many citizens of Weihai, Shandong. In the streets, alleys, and commercial districts of Weihai, "urban study rooms" are both ornamental and practical, providing high-quality and personalized public cultural services, forming beautiful cultural landscapes.

At present, China has basically established a modern public cultural service system that covers both urban and rural areas. As of 2022, a total of 587000 rural libraries, 570000 village level comprehensive cultural service centers, over 40000 township cultural stations, 3303 public libraries, 3503 cultural centers, 6565 museums, and 718 art galleries have been built nationwide, enabling people to enjoy a high-quality and rich cultural life at their doorstep.

The mountain songs are loud and clear, with a strong local accent. Qi from the east, west, north, south took action, and the four seasons of "village nights" played the music of rural revitalization. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism continues to create brand activities such as rural "village evenings", square dance performances, and "everyone singing" to provide a stage for the public to showcase themselves, communicate and exchange ideas, and engage in cultural entertainment. In 2022, cultural institutions across the country organized and carried out 2.707 million cultural activities, serving over 950 million people.

The National Peking Opera Theatre has launched the classic play "Dragon and Phoenix Bring Auspiciousness" for three consecutive years, and the ancient Peking Opera has bloomed brilliantly online.

Culture and art are brought to the cloud, and online and cloud based services are always present and ubiquitous. In 2022, national art performance groups conducted 76300 online performances and broadcasts, and national mass cultural institutions organized 2.8096 million online mass cultural activities. Since the beginning of this year, performances have fully recovered, and the exhibition and broadcasting activities organized by the Art Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism alone have attracted over 1.1 billion online viewers.

Excellent literary and artistic works, colorful cultural activities, and convenient cultural facilities continuously enhance the cultural sense of the people.

Promoting Culture and Promoting Industry, Inheriting and Developing, Strengthening Cultural Confidence

Sleeping for thousands of years and waking up to shock the world, the new Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan was put into trial operation in July this year. Among the more than 1500 cultural relics exhibited in the new museum, over 300 are newly unearthed in recent years, including the golden mask, bronze altar, bronze animal riding top statue, bronze bird foot statue, and bronze standing figure with a skirt. Under the light, the ancient and heavy bronze vessels sparkle with mysterious light, telling the story of the brilliant and splendid Chinese civilization and history.

The magnificent China has a long history and a vast civilization. The excellent traditional Chinese culture created and continued by the Chinese nation over thousands of years of history is the root and soul of the Chinese nation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, historic achievements have been made in the protection of cultural relics and heritage in China. The brilliant Chinese civilization shines brightly in the new era, nourishing patriotism and strengthening cultural confidence.

To promote cultural inheritance and development, a series of policy measures have been intensively introduced. The Opinion on Implementing the Project of Inheriting and Developing Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture is the first central document to specifically elaborate on the work of inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture. The deployment of Several Policies to Support the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Chinese Opera further strengthens policy support and promotes the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese opera art. The Opinions on Further Strengthening the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage clearly state the overall goals and main tasks for the current and future period of intangible cultural heritage protection. The 14th Five Year Plan for Key Projects in the Inheritance and Development of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture deploys the work of inheritance and development.

The first national survey of movable cultural relics has been successfully completed, and the "family background" of 108.15 million state-owned movable cultural relics has been determined. As of now, China has more than 100000 representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at all levels, including 1557 national level representative projects of intangible cultural heritage; There are over 90000 representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage at all levels, including 3068 national representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has organized a nationwide census of opera genres. As of now, there are 348 existing opera genres in China, including 48 in two or more provinces and 300 in one province.

On the beautiful land, cultural relics and historical sites are magnificent and impressive, and cultural heritage is diverse and colorful. The Shimao Site, Yin Ruins Site, Liangzhu Site... archaeological sites scattered throughout the land of our country, constantly unearthed new archaeological discoveries, provide evidence for China's million year human history, 10000 year cultural history, and more than 5000 years of civilization history.

National cultural parks have become a new space for people to draw spiritual strength and cultivate cultural confidence. The Grand Canal of China, with a total length of nearly 3200 kilometers and more than 2500 years of excavation, reproduces the historical scene of boats weaving and the sound of oars and lanterns; The Great Wall, as a symbol of the Chinese national spirit of self-improvement and perseverance, has been comprehensively repaired and maintained; The Yellow River and Yangtze River, as the mother rivers of the Chinese nation, are promoting the protection of historical and cultural heritage as well as the ecological protection of water bodies along the route; The newly built museums with the theme of the Long March in various regions have attracted countless visitors... The solid promotion of the construction of national cultural parks has widely promoted the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture.

Chinese excellent traditional culture is revitalized with new vitality through creative transformation and innovative development——

The number of viewers is increasing rapidly, and exhibition activities are becoming more diverse. "Check in museums", "enter art galleries", and "cloud based" theater watching are becoming increasingly important ways for the public to relax and entertain. The cultural and creative products such as the stationery series "Thousand Mile Rivers and Mountains" from the Palace Museum and the letter paper of the "Yongle Encyclopedia" from the National Library have won the love of the masses.

The vivid situation of everyone inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture is taking shape, with intangible cultural heritage activities on campus, intangible cultural heritage knowledge in textbooks, and intangible cultural heritage inheritors on the podium. More and more post-90s and post-2000s are joining the inheritance and development team.

Cultural programs such as "National Treasures", "If National Treasures Can Speak", and "Ten Thousand Volumes of Elegance" convey the ideological connotations of excellent traditional Chinese culture in innovative forms, attracting more young people.

Coming out of history and coming to life in the light and shadow, the National Museum has launched an immersive space called the "Exhibition of Achievements in Chinese Painting Series", which attracts a continuous stream of visitors. Innovative forms such as digital exhibitions and live performances integrate technology and art, expand new spaces, and cultivate new cultural formats.

Combining with the times and life, the excellent traditional Chinese culture has been passed down and developed with great vitality and brilliance.

Through art and communication, showcasing the charm of a great country through cultural exchange and mutual learning

Planting a friendship tree and covering it with the "time postmark" of the Guling Post Office... The "Guling Edge" China US Folk Friendship Forum has attracted attention from both domestic and international communities.

The foundation of the development of national relations lies in the people of both countries. I hope everyone can pass on and carry forward the story of Guling and the relationship between Guling, so that the friendship between the Chinese and American people can grow and thrive like a thousand year old willow tree on Guling.

The cultural landscape of cultural exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations is slowly unfolding, using intangible cultural heritage, books, film and television, drama, and archaeology as media.

Let China see the world, let the world see China. On June 24, the "Immortal Jade Armor - China's Han Dynasty Cultural Relics Exhibition" jointly held by Shanghai Museum, Xuzhou Museum and Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology opened in the Mora Franz Museum in Hungary, which is also the first exhibition of the global tour of "100 Things See China" in Shanghai Museum, to promote cultural and people to people connections among countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road".

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, China's cultural relics have accumulated over 300 exhibitions for entry and exit. The "Chinese Treasures" cultural relics exhibition, the "East West Convergence: the 13th and 17th Century Maritime Silk Road" cultural relics exhibition, especially the "Great Asia Asia Asian Civilization Exhibition" held in cooperation with 46 Asian countries, Egypt and Greece, all highlight the exchanges and mutual learning between China and other countries in the world through cultural relics exhibitions, and become the golden card of the "the Belt and Road" cultural exchanges.

On June 7th, the 19th China International Cultural Industry Expo opened, attracting over 100000 types of cultural and creative industry exhibits from both domestic and international markets. The number of exhibitors increased from over 700 in the first edition to 3596, and the number of countries and regions visited, exhibited, and purchased increased from over 10 to 108. Since its establishment in 2004, the Expo has become an important platform for promoting Chinese culture's "going global" and an important window for expanding cultural openness to the outside world.

In 2022, China's foreign cultural trade volume exceeded 220 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of about 11%. The scale of China's cultural product import and export has been ranked first in the world for many years. Publications, TV dramas, games, animations, as well as various design services, advertising services, and copyright licenses from China, are increasingly favored by people from all over the world. A credible, lovely, and respectable image of China is increasingly presented in three dimensions before the world, further enhancing the soft power of Chinese culture.

As a cultural person, one can better condense their soul; Using art to connect with the heart makes it easier to communicate with the world.

China publishes "going out" and tells Chinese stories well through literature. The Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles has formed a matrix style development model for Beijing literature to "go out", focusing on creating a "big literature" pattern and constructing a cooperation mechanism with Beijing Laoshe College of Literature as the hub, connecting various resource sources. At present, Beijing literary works have settled in 15 internationally renowned libraries.

Through collaborative performances, joint productions, international tours, and other means, Chinese performances have made art classics sing for the world. The National Theatre has created and released over 100 classic Chinese and foreign plays, covering over 40 countries and regions.

International cooperation in cultural relics has been included in the important agenda of national diplomacy and entered into multilateral and bilateral agreements. The Asian cultural heritage conservation action and the "the Belt and Road" cultural relics conservation exchange and cooperation have yielded fruitful results. Cultural relics aid projects and Sino foreign joint archaeology show China's responsibility.

All things are nurtured together without harming each other, and the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other. China, which has walked through over 5000 years of civilization history, deeply understands and respects the diversity of world civilizations. Through cultural exchange and mutual learning, we transcend cultural barriers, cultural conflicts, and cultural coexistence, we aim to enhance understanding and friendship among people around the world, and work together to create a better future for humanity.

Embrace the world with a more open attitude and contribute to the world with more vibrant civilization achievements. The long-standing and profound Chinese culture continuously enhances its affinity, infectiousness, and attractiveness, contributing Chinese wisdom, solutions, and strength to the world.

Telling the Story of Cultural Relics to More People (Telling a Lifetime Event) Culture | Work | Stories
Telling the Story of Cultural Relics to More People (Telling a Lifetime Event) Culture | Work | Stories

Liu Shiyou is measuring cultural relics. Liu Shiyou and colleagues are researching materials. The above pictures are the biographies of Liu Shiyou, born in 1966 in Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, who is the director of Longde County Cultural Relics Management Institute and museum director. He has been engaged in local history research and cultural management for more than 30 years, participated in the third national cultural relics survey, the first national survey of movable cultural relics, wrote more than 20 local cultural research articles, was employed by the Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences and Ningxia Normal University as a researcher, compiled and published 8 works such as Longde County Cultural Relics Chronicle, and was rated as the exemplary individual of the national cultural relics system in 2022. In Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the most well-known tourist destination is the Old Lane in Hongya Village. Walking in the old alley, with earthen walls, stages

General Secretary's thoughts are still in my mind, learning from the season | building a modern marine ranching power | developing | the ocean
General Secretary's thoughts are still in my mind, learning from the season | building a modern marine ranching power | developing | the ocean

Developing marine fisheries is not only an important part of building a maritime power, but also an important part of ensuring food security.The General Secretary is concerned about the research and development of the marine seed industry and the development of marine fisheries, and is deeply concerned about these "giants of the country".

Xi Jinping inspected and presided over the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three North" in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia. | Ecology | three North |
Xi Jinping inspected and presided over the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three North" in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia. | Ecology | three North |

He emphasized that strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, deepening the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North", is related to China's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It is a contribution in contemporary times

Ren Zhongping, People's Daily: Enhancing the Spiritual Power to Realize the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation
Ren Zhongping, People's Daily: Enhancing the Spiritual Power to Realize the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation

Originally to strengthen the spiritual strength to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation-- to deeply study and understand the mission of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, which runs through history, the present, and the future-- "continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era." Such commitment is engraved with determination, foresight and insight-- "We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder a mission, strive for something, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation." . June 2023, Chinese Academy of History. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the forum on cultural inheritance and development and delivered an important speech to pass on Chinese culture from the perspective of the overall strategy for the development of the cause of the party and the state.

Determined to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response, strengthening cultural confidence in socialism | China | Culture
Determined to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response, strengthening cultural confidence in socialism | China | Culture

Beijing, 3 Jun (Xinhua)-- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response from Xinhua News Agency reporters: "We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder our mission, and strive for something." work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. " At the key historical point of the new journey of striving for great rejuvenation, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a great call for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in a new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development on June 2 aroused warm repercussions from all walks of life. Everyone said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is highly political, ideological, strategic and instructive, and should be refined by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

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