Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:07 PM

Xinhua News Agency reporters Mei Shixiong, Guo Mingzhi, and Li Bingxuan

Consolidate the ideological foundation of the Party and inspire the spirit of unity and progress.

The military theme education leadership group has carefully organized and implemented it, held multiple meetings to study and promote it, and conducted strict supervision and guidance throughout the entire process. The members of the Military Commission team take the lead in collective learning, conduct in-depth investigations and research, organize concentrated discussions, and set a strong example for the military.

The party committee of units at or above the military level shall establish a leadership group and a work coordination mechanism as soon as possible, firmly grasp the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", promote the implementation of key measures in an integrated manner, and coordinate the education and practice activities of "learning strong military ideology, and building strong military cause". Real results have been achieved in using learning to shape the soul, enhance intelligence, correct the style, and promote work.

Forging the Soul through Learning - Deepening Learning and Fine Understanding to Consolidate the Foundation of Thought

Only by truly learning and understanding can one truly be armed. Without the effort of "squeezing" and "drilling", one cannot learn the true scriptures, and without the effort of "reading a hundred times", one cannot comprehend the truth. The Party committees of units at or above the military level should focus on self-study and deepening, loyalty cultivation and internalization, and application of knowledge and transformation. They should study and appreciate the power of their thinking in one original work, provide guidance in party classes to strengthen their Party spirit, and conduct thematic discussions to strengthen their confidence and self-awareness

Firm faith and belief.Units at or above the military level shall organize more than 7 days of theoretical rotation training for all staff, and all members of the Party committee shall give special Party classes. The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission shall give lectures on integrity Party classes, and go to the Red Education Base for on-site learning. Warning education on "using cases to explain morality, discipline, explanation, and responsibility" shall be carried out. Through deepening theoretical learning and accepting ideological baptism, Party members and cadres shall further strengthen the foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the steering of thought.

Temper loyal character.

Forge one's emotions and take responsibility.

There is a soul in the heart, and a root under the feet. The party committee leadership and party members and cadres of units at or above the military level adhere to the unity of learning, thinking, application, knowledge, belief, and action, rectify the root and strengthen the foundation of their thinking, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations", enhance the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthen the "Four Confidences", achieve the "Two Safeguards", implement the system of the Chairman of the Military Commission being responsible, and achieve theoretical learning in mind, heart, and practice.

Enhancing Intelligence through Learning - Integrating and Improving Abilities

The effectiveness of learning depends on whether it is truly used to transform ideas, update concepts, and guide practice. The Party committees of units at or above the military level not only delve deeper into learning, but also jump out to understand and absorb the wisdom and strength of striving for progress, transforming them into scientific thinking methods to promote work.

Forge strong political abilities.The party committees of units at or above the military level rely on the theoretical learning center group of the party committee and the theoretical rotation training of cadres to strengthen ideological refinement, hold special democratic life meetings to strengthen political experience, and respond to complex and severe struggle situations to strengthen practical training... Continuously promote the normalization and institutionalization of political training, continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

Expand and enhance thinking abilities. How to promote the construction of new and high-quality combat forces in new areas, how to improve military governance efficiency, and how to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of military training... Party committees of units at or above the military level should use the worldview and methodology of "six must adhere" and the military view and methodology of "five must adhere" to conduct "brainstorming" and grasp the "golden key" to promote the development of military construction. In mid June, the on-site meeting for basic training of the entire army was held in Tianjin, focusing on accelerating the innovation of group training mode, establishing the thinking concept that joint efforts must strengthen the "chassis", and promoting the transformation and upgrading of basic training.

Strengthen the ability to plan and carry out military operations. To win a battle, one must know how to plan and fight. The Party committees of units at or above the military level conscientiously implement the spirit of the Party building conference of the entire army, and compare and analyze the shortcomings and weaknesses of the high-level Party committees in terms of the "five abilities" of preparing for war. Pay attention to making good use of real-life war textbooks, and in studying the strengths, weaknesses, and changes of the enemy, find the right interface to improve preparedness and combat capabilities. Refine and strengthen the indicators and responsibility list of the Party Committee's leadership's ability to prepare for war, promote the transformation of Party Committee's discussion and training from principle guidance to precise monitoring, and truly make the Party Committee the "central military account" for preparing for war.

Faced with the "Loushanguan" and "Lazikou" challenges on the new journey, as well as the "roadblocks" in various fields and aspects of war preparedness, all departments and units have the courage to break free from the constraints of thinking concepts, break free from the constraints of rules and regulations, use the Party's innovative theory to transform the subjective world, enhance performance skills, guide and promote practice, and truly learn Marxism as a family.

Learning with a positive attitude - seeking truth and pragmatism to solve difficult problems

Sitting next to each other, chatting with heart to heart, listening to the voices of the front line; Establish a mechanism of "grassroots expectations and urgent handling by government agencies" to promptly solve the "head scratching issues" of officers and soldiers; From "dissecting a problem" to promoting "solving a type of problem"... These seemingly ordinary small things reflect the significant changes brought about by the pragmatic style of thematic education.

The Party committees of units at or above the military level adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, and the integration of learning, investigation, and reform. They identify gaps in Party conduct requirements, examine the root causes of Party spirit requirements, and clarify measures in accordance with Party discipline requirements. They integrate the theme education process of improving work style and solving difficult problems, follow the Party's mass line, and guard against formalism and bureaucracy, winning praise from officers and soldiers with good work style and practical actions.

Face the problem head-on and conduct research. Fully utilizing the five key principles of "deep, practical, detailed, accurate, and effective", focusing on key issues such as the Party Committee's leadership's ability to prepare for war, strengthening the overall planning of war construction and preparedness, and improving the supply level of war talents, we will concentrate research and everyone will lead the research. We will go to high altitudes, outposts, and military positions, looking at both "high-rise buildings" and "shady alleys". We will extensively conduct spot based, anatomical, and "four no two straight" research, and organize research results discussion and exchange to promote the resolution of a number of urgent needs for war preparation, war, and the urgent needs of officers and soldiers.

Strive hard to rectify the situation. Rectification and rectification of problems are both key and difficult points. We generally adopt methods such as investigation, research, listening to opinions, analyzing typical cases to identify the root causes and root causes, conducting exercises, training, and reviewing shortcomings to comprehensively incorporate issues related to education and rectification of the cadre team, anti-corruption education for military cadres, and rectification and governance in key industries. We comprehensively and systematically identify the underlying problems and use a list of problems and a set of special rectification plans to promote rectification and rectification. Members of the Party committee team take the lead in tackling key issues, regularly "posting bills" and "screening", promoting the implementation of work in solving each problem, and creating a new situation in military construction.

Devote oneself to solving difficult problems. "Organizing activities to warm the hearts of soldiers and alleviate their worries," "carrying out special actions to make full use of policies and stimulate vitality," and "unblocking channels for cooperation in family service areas." The party committees of units at or above the military level work with warmth and emotion to help solve practical problems. Establish a list of practical projects to address the urgent needs and concerns of officers and soldiers in a timely manner, and respond to their demands. Develop rigid measures to reduce the "five excess", improve the normal mechanism for solving difficulties and difficulties, and make efforts to solve difficulties such as children's enrollment, housing security, and growth and development, transforming the "demand list" into a "happiness bill".

The results are visible to all, and the feeling is real. The Party committees of units at or above the military level should focus on each level and lead each level to solve real problems. The vast number of officers and soldiers have truly felt the pragmatic, honest, and frugal atmosphere brought about by theme education.

Using Learning to Promote Action - Taking Responsibility as the Driving Force for High Quality Development

"The flood will not recede, we will not!"

The power of theory can only be realized through practice; The results of learning need to be tested by practical results. The Party committees of units at or above the military level adhere to the combination of education and practice, rectify the orientation of work, enhance the motivation for work, and form a joint force for work. They transform the renewed loyalty, political enthusiasm, and mission responsibility into a powerful force that seeks truth, pragmatism, and practical work.

Iron armor assault smoke billows, naval formations sharpen their swords with deep blue, fighter jets take off straight into the clouds... Real combat exercises, cross regional base training, mission training, and joint exercises with foreign countries are fully underway, and the entire army is full of enthusiasm to strengthen training and preparedness, and accelerate the improvement of winning ability.

From joint sea and air combat readiness police patrols and joint exercises to maritime rights and border stability maintenance, the People's Army has resolutely and flexibly carried out military struggles. With a firm will, flexible strategic strategies, and strong military actions, it has withstood complex situations and severe struggles, achieved new development in the use of military power, and resolutely defended national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

The Party committee and organs have put great effort into grassroots construction, carried out graded and classified assistance and construction to achieve "one key opens one lock", organized grassroots Party organization secretaries to attend centralized rotation training and regular training in colleges and classrooms, and led cadres to immerse themselves in frontline soldiers to review the military situation and experience the taste of the military. They have issued notices and commended the whole army for practicing the goal of building a strong army, setting a typical example for exemplary units and individuals. The whole army has taken more powerful measures to vigorously promote grassroots construction, and leveraged grassroots troops to release new vitality.

The ideological banner leads the way, and we work hard towards the future.

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Beijing, 3 Jun (Xinhua)-- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development triggered a warm response from Xinhua News Agency reporters: "We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder our mission, and strive for something." work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. " At the key historical point of the new journey of striving for great rejuvenation, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a great call for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in a new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development on June 2 aroused warm repercussions from all walks of life. Everyone said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is highly political, ideological, strategic and instructive, and should be refined by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

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