Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:34 PM

He emphasized that in order to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, we must implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, coordinate development and security, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, adhere to the combination of forging strengths and filling weaknesses, adhere to the combination of increasing support and stimulating endogenous motivation, set goals without relaxation, dare to take risks and do practical work, and strive to find a new path of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization, and strive to write a new chapter of comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, and Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hao Peng, Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, Jing Junhai, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, Xu Qin, Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and Sun Shaocheng, Secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, delivered speeches successively, reporting on the work situation and putting forward opinions and suggestions on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.

He emphasized that since the symposium on deepening the revitalization of Northeast China was held in Shenyang in September 2018, the three provinces of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia have made new progress and achievements in promoting the revitalization of Northeast China. The role of national food security as a "ballast stone" has been further strengthened, the foundation of industrial security has been continuously consolidated, the role of energy security has been continuously strengthened, the ecological security barrier has been continuously strengthened, the national defense security guarantee capacity has steadily improved, and the reform and opening up has presented a new atmosphere.

Currently, promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China faces new major opportunities: achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement is conducive to transforming the advantages of science, education, and industry into development advantages in Northeast China; Building a new development pattern and further highlighting the important strategic position of Northeast China; To promote Chinese path to modernization, we need to strengthen the strategic support role of the Northeast. I believe that in the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, Northeast China will surely regain its momentum and achieve new success.

To promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, the foundation lies in the real economy, the key lies in technological innovation, and the direction is industrial upgrading. We must firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of independent innovation, and work hard to consolidate the stock, expand the increment, extend the industrial chain, and increase added value. Accelerate the digital, networked, and intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing industry, promote the extension of the industrial chain upstream and downstream, and form a relatively complete industrial chain and cluster. Proactively connect with national strategic needs, integrate and optimize scientific and educational innovation resources, increase research and development investment, and master more key core technologies. Actively cultivate industrial parks, strengthen counterpart cooperation, and accelerate the landing and transformation of scientific research achievements. Actively cultivate strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and enhance new development momentum. Accelerate the development of clean energy such as wind power, optoelectronics, and nuclear power, and build an integrated energy base for wind, solar, thermal, and nuclear energy storage. Strengthen the protection and utilization of ecological resources, rely on the ecological environment and biological resource advantages of Northeast China, develop emerging characteristic industries such as modern biology and big data, and develop the ice and snow economy and marine economy. Continue to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, implement special actions for the revitalization of state-owned enterprises, enhance the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, promote the concentration of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas, and strengthen strategic support. Innovate the cooperation model between central and local governments, promote the integration and development of central and local governments, and better drive local economic development. Support, encourage, and guide the healthy development of the private economy, implement more inclusive policies for small and medium-sized enterprises, and create a good situation for the common development of enterprises with various forms of ownership.

Being the "ballast stone" for ensuring stable national grain production and supply is the primary responsibility of Northeast China. We must always prioritize ensuring national food security, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, improve the comprehensive production capacity of grain, ensure sufficient production and supply in normal times, and be able to withstand and rely on extreme situations. Increase investment, take the lead in turning basic farmland into high standard farmland, simultaneously expand the scope of black soil protection, implement supporting projects such as river lake connectivity and large-scale irrigation area renewal and transformation, implement seed industry revitalization actions, and build modern and high-quality farmland suitable for cultivation, drought and flood protection, and high and stable yields. Practice the concept of big food, reasonably develop and utilize various resources in Northeast China, actively develop modern ecological aquaculture, and form an industrial system that integrates grain, economy, and feeding, as well as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, to build agriculture into a big industry. Collaborative promotion of initial and deep processing of agricultural products, extension of industrial chain, enhancement of value chain, expansion of agricultural development space, promotion of agricultural efficiency and income increase for farmers.

Northeast China is an important gateway for China to open up to the north, and its strategic position and role in strengthening regional cooperation in Northeast Asia and connecting domestic and international circulation are increasingly prominent. We should enhance our awareness of frontiers and openness, strengthen ties with the eastern coast and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, deeply integrate into the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and play a greater role in unblocking domestic circulation and connecting domestic and international double circulation. We need to systematically layout and construct a modern infrastructure system in Northeast China, accelerate the demonstration and construction of oil and gas pipelines, high-speed rail and railway networks, new power grids and power transmission channels, new generation mobile communication and data networks, strengthen the coordination and development with the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Western Development, and promote the better integration of Northeast China into the national unified market. Steadily expanding institutional openness in areas such as rules, regulations, management, and standards. Improve the clearance capacity and convenience of ports.

We need to vigorously develop inclusive childcare services, reduce the burden of family fertility education, and maintain a moderate birth rate and population size. Vigorously developing basic education, increasing support for universities in Northeast China, improving the education level of the whole population, especially young people, and enhancing the quality of the population. Optimize the innovation industry environment, strengthen the development and utilization of human resources, increase policy support for talent revitalization, create more entrepreneurship and innovation platforms, and support the retention and introduction of talents in Northeast China. Accelerate the planning and layout construction of infrastructure such as transportation, communication, energy, and water conservancy in border areas, strengthen the construction of public service facilities in border villages, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and strive to retain the existing population. At the same time, encourage the development of characteristic industries such as border trade, border tourism, and agricultural product processing, support the construction of new vocational education institutions in border cities, and help counties and small towns improve their industrial carrying capacity and population gathering capacity. Implement stronger support policies such as border protection subsidies.

Vigorously promote the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese League, Daqing spirit, and Beidahuang spirit, guide party members and cadres to establish a correct view of political achievements, and stimulate enthusiasm for work and entrepreneurship. Strengthen the construction of party conduct and clean government, promote the unity of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, strictly implement the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and urge party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to be honest and self disciplined, engage in clean politics, and do things cleanly. Liberate the mind, transform concepts, enhance market awareness and service awareness, and overcome formalism and bureaucracy. To comprehensively build a new type of political business relationship that is pro Qing and unified, party members and cadres should not only care about and support the development of private enterprises, actively solve problems, but also adhere to the bottom line of integrity. Proficient in using legal thinking and methods to solve problems, resolve conflicts, coordinate relationships, strengthen integrity construction, enhance intellectual property protection, and carry out regular crackdowns on crime and evil, creating a stable, transparent, standardized, and predictable legal environment for various business entities. We need to quickly resolve local debt risks, accelerate the risk disposal of small and medium-sized financial institutions, strengthen financial regulatory mechanisms, and reshape a healthy financial environment. We need to strengthen the appointment and two-way communication of cadres from the central and state organs in Northeast China, as well as from the southeastern coastal areas, optimize the structure of the cadre team, and improve professional quality. We must adhere to the combination of strict management and benevolence, implement the "three distinctions", improve the incentive and protection mechanism for cadres to take responsibility, and form a good situation where the capable are rewarded, the excellent are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated.

We should pay attention to the connection and linkage between the first and second batches of thematic education, and implement the goals, requirements, and key measures proposed by the Party Central Committee. Deepen theoretical learning, use the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to concentrate and forge the soul, unify the thoughts and actions of Party members and cadres with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, enhance confidence and boost spirit. Daxing Investigation and Research aims to enhance the scientific planning, problem-solving, and implementation abilities of Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres. Focusing on promoting high-quality development, educating and guiding party members and cadres to fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, implement the people-centered development concept, and create a new development situation with a scientific attitude and pragmatic spirit. Strengthen inspection and rectification, urge Party members and cadres to face and solve problems related to Party spirit, Party conduct, and Party discipline, and inspire the confidence of the people in development with a new and positive atmosphere.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has made comprehensive arrangements for flood relief and post disaster recovery and reconstruction. I hope that the Party committees and governments of the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia will conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, effectively carry out various post disaster recovery and reconstruction work, ensure that the affected population stays warm during the winter, ensure that students in the disaster area have access to education, and restore normal production and life order in the disaster area as soon as possible. We must be highly vigilant against autumn floods, make preparations for emergency rescue and disaster relief, and be prepared for any potential risks.

Deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, accelerate the construction of regional innovation highlands, promote deep integration of industry, academia, research and application, and promote high-quality development through high-level innovation. Comprehensively deepen reform, continuously optimize the business environment, steadily expand institutional openness, and stimulate endogenous development vitality. Firmly establish the development concept of putting the people at the center, solidly carry out every practical matter related to people's livelihood, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Mu Hong, and Jiang Xinzhi attended the symposium, with officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs, relevant localities, and relevant enterprises attending.

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