The number of French medical students admitted may more than double in the next three years: Jiaotong University School of Medicine signs an exchange agreement in France

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 17:30 PM

Recently, in Paris, France, at the "First China-France Education Development Forum" jointly organized by the Ministry of Education of China and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of France, the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University signed an agreement to expand student exchanges with the University of Paris Cité and the University of Lyon 1.

Witnessed by Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng and Nobel Prize winner in Physics Albert Fell, Jiang Fan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and Marc Delebesch, academician of the French Academy of Medical Sciences, head of Sino-French cooperation of University of Paris Cité, and French national coordinator of Sino-French cooperation projects of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, signed the "Agreement to Expand Student Exchange between Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and University of Paris Cité and University of Lyon 1, France".

According to the agreement, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and the two French universities will further strengthen the intensity and scale of cooperation, expand the scope of exchanges between the two sides, increase the number of exchanges, and extend the exchange time. In particular, in terms of receiving French students, it is planned to increase projects such as "French students coming to the school to study basic courses, cultural exchanges, medium- and long-term clinical internships, and long-term scientific research exchange students", and strive to double or more the number of French medical students in the next three years.

Medical education exchange is one of the oldest areas of Sino-French exchanges. In the early 20th century, the predecessor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Aurora University School of Medicine, was a French-speaking medical school. Academician Wang Zhenyi was the most famous graduate of the school. He won the highest national science and technology award in China and was called the father of cancer-induced differentiation. He created the legend of "four academicians in one school". Guangci Hospital, founded in 1907, later became the first university-affiliated hospital in China to feature French teaching. It has trained a group of famous doctors who are proficient in French, such as Professor Kuang Ankun, the first Chinese student to pass the residency examination of the Paris Hospital in France and the founder of the discipline of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in China. In 1964, after China and France officially established diplomatic relations, the school opened China's first medical French class, and has trained nearly a thousand outstanding graduates so far.

In addition, the educational cooperation between China and France has trained a group of outstanding medical scientists, including Academician Chen Zhu, who is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a foreign member of the French Academy of Sciences, and has won the Stockholm Sjoberg Prize and the Szent-Gyorgy Cancer Research Innovation Award, and Academician Chen Saijuan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the French National Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2018, the School of Medicine of Jiaotong University and five top medical schools in France jointly established the "Sino-French Joint Medical School", opening a new chapter of cooperation; by the end of 2023, the school has sent 333 French-speaking students to study in France; France sends 30 students to participate in the school's summer training every year and recognizes their internship effectiveness.

Jiang Fan said that the current technological revolutions such as artificial intelligence, new materials, big data, and robots are driving medicine to transform into a multidisciplinary cross-innovation model, providing new ideas and methods for diagnosis, treatment, and drug development to solve major health problems. "In the future, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine will promote the cross-disciplinary integration of medicine in multiple dimensions, build a cross-disciplinary platform, carry out cross-disciplinary joint research and achievement transformation, and cultivate more new-era medical talents with compound capabilities."

The number of French medical students admitted may more than double in the next three years: Jiaotong University School of Medicine signs an exchange agreement in France
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