Paying tribute to advanced models! Minhang District held a special art event of "Singing Red Songs to Praise the Party's Gratitude and Following the Party with Determination"

Release time:Jun 30, 2024 08:08 AM

On June 30, the Propaganda Department of the Minhang District Committee and the District Spiritual Civilization Office held a special cultural and artistic activity titled "Singing Red Songs to Praise the Party's Gratitude and Following the Party with Determination" to care for and honor moral models at the Shanghai City Theater. More than 430 people, including national moral models, national model workers, national March 8 Red Flag Bearers, Chinese Good People, district moral models "Lovely Minhang People" and representatives of national civilized units from across the district gathered together to enjoy red songs, feel grateful to the Party, enjoy care and receive courtesy.

Moral models and advanced examples are exemplary forces for social civilization and progress.

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Minhang District, with the theme of "Red Songs Praise the Party's Gratitude and Follow the Party with Iron Heart", organized moral models and advanced examples to enjoy a series of red classic songs such as "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Ten Farewells to the Red Army", "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China", "Don't Forget the Original Intention", and "Singing the Motherland" brought by the Shanghai Light Music Orchestra. In the thick red cultural and artistic atmosphere, the songs praised the glorious journey of the Party leading the people to realize the new China from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, demonstrated the firm confidence of the Party in leading the people in the new era to promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and expressed the belief and determination of all moral models and advanced examples to always adhere to the moral original intention of caring for others and contributing to society.

During the event, as the popular red classic songs were played one after another, everyone kept waving red flags and was completely immersed in the ocean of "red songs". One audience member couldn't help but say: "Listening to red songs, feeling grateful to the Party, and being educated, as a gift to the Party's birthday, this July 1st is particularly meaningful."

Cultural courtesy is one of the measures that Minhang takes to care for moral models and advanced examples.

The Propaganda Department of the Minhang District Party Committee and the District Spiritual Civilization Office cooperated with the Shanghai City Theater to specially produce Minhang District Moral Model Cultural Courtesy Cards, and set up a "Moral Model Courtesy Window" in the theater to provide services.

This special cultural and artistic activity to care for and honor moral role models in Minhang District is one of the forms of courtesy. It reflects Minhang's value orientation of respecting moral power and honoring advanced role models, and the strong atmosphere of building a moral, civilized and happy urban area from top to bottom. It promotes "learning from role models, respecting role models, and striving to be role models" to become a habit of Minhang people, and promotes the concept of "Minhang's virtue and culture into thousands of homes" to be continuously integrated into the psychology of Minhang people.

A special feature of this event is that in addition to organizing various moral models and advanced models at all levels to participate, their families and representatives of national civilized units and representatives of the "Lovely Minhang People" team were specially invited to come to the scene to feel the respect and honor of being a good person and a model. A moral model said, "It's the first time to participate in such an event with my family, and I feel a special sense of achievement."

Moral models and advanced examples are pioneers in practicing the important concept of "the people build the city and the city is for the people", demonstrators in building a civilized and happy Minhang, and contributors to the "warmth" of Minhang urban area.

This activity organized advanced models to enjoy a red song concert, which in turn gave them a sense of warmth and allowed them to personally feel the "warmth" of the care and concern of the Party Committee, the government and the whole society for moral models, truly embodying the principle of "those with virtue will be rewarded, and good people will be rewarded."

In recent years, Minhang District has continued to promote the cultivation, selection, publicity, courtesy and management of moral role models, and constantly used the upward and good moral power to polish Minhang's "golden business card" of the National Civilized City. It strives to make the contributions of moral models and advanced models more socially valuable, and to make all sectors of society more sensitive to moral role models, and to stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole district to participate in the discovery, recommendation, selection and publicity of moral role models, so that learning to be "good people around us" becomes a new fashion for Minhang people.

According to reports, since Minhang District created the mass moral construction brand - "Lovely Minhang People" selection and promotion activities in 2003, it has been held for 11 consecutive sessions, and a total of 188 advanced individuals in moral construction have been selected, 4 national moral models, 2 national civilized families, 17 "China Good People" and 32 municipal moral models. To this end, Minhang has also formulated the "Minhang District Moral Model Courtesy and Care Implementation Measures", established the "Minhang District Moral Model Certificate Display Platform", more than 140 windows have been posted to provide priority services for moral models, and more than 10 cultural and entertainment facilities provide free or preferential services for moral models.

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