【Guangming Forum】Factors and driving forces for the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation | Basic research

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jul 01, 2024 13:57 PM

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in his speeches at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering that China's modernization must be supported by the modernization of science and technology, and that the realization of high-quality development must rely on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate new momentum. At present, it is necessary to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, help develop new quality productivity, increase the supply of high-quality science and technology, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.

The development of productivity is an important symbol of social progress. New productivity is an advanced productivity generated by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries. It realizes the improvement of total factor productivity through the qualitative change of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimized combination. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world is accelerating. Scientific and technological innovation will inevitably reshape the basic elements of productivity and promote the evolution of productivity to a higher and more advanced quality. Among them, scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new formats and new models, and is the core element of developing new productivity. Industrial innovation promotes the deep integration of new technologies such as digital technology and information technology with the real economy, and is the foothold for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological innovation results. Scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation link research and development with industrial needs, connect the innovation chain and the industrial chain, promote and support each other, and are the "two wings of a bird and two wheels of a car" for the development of new productivity. Continuously integrating scientific and technological innovation resources and industrial factor resources, promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, transforming and upgrading traditional industries, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, laying out and building future industries, and improving the modern industrial system can provide new momentum for the full cultivation and development of new productivity.

Moving from research institutes to enterprises, from laboratories to production lines, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is the only way to develop new quality productivity. The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a complex system project. Scientific and technological innovation provides fresh water from the supply side, and industrial innovation provides application and financial support from the demand side. At present, my country is at the forefront of the world in the fields of 5G and quantum mechanics, with many advantages such as a super-large-scale market, a large team of engineers, a complete industrial system and strong supporting capabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to actively explore a new ecosystem of industry-university-research collaboration, promote the whole chain of scientific and technological innovation supported by basic research, technological innovation, transformation of achievements, financial services, and talent, and continue to move scientific research achievements from the laboratory to the production line, realizing the transformation leap from "0 to 1, from 1 to N", and continuously assisting the development of new quality productivity and the construction of a modern industrial system.

Basic research is at the beginning of the scientific research chain from research to application and then to production. It is the source of the entire scientific system, the general organ of all technical problems, and the source of scientific and technological innovation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's scientific and technological strength has moved from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, and basic research and original innovation have been continuously strengthened. Technologies such as "intelligent manufacturing", "China core", "future car" and "data port" have accelerated their development. "Chang'e 5" has achieved the return of extraterrestrial sampling, the new generation of "artificial sun" has discharged for the first time, and a number of major scientific and technological infrastructure with world-class level such as the spallation neutron source have passed the acceptance, and high-level scientific and technological self-reliance has taken solid steps. At the same time, the key areas and weak links in the construction of a modern industrial system need to be further focused. At present, it is imperative to occupy the commanding heights of science and technology and industrial development and use new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Further promoting strategic-oriented systematic basic research, frontier-oriented exploratory basic research and market-oriented applied basic research, and effectively increasing the supply of high-quality science and technology from the source are the key to breaking through the "stuck neck" and twisting the "bull's nose".

Being at the forefront of the technological revolution, how enterprises can achieve innovation-driven development is particularly critical. In recent years, the dominant position of Chinese enterprises in scientific and technological innovation has been further consolidated. In 2022, the R&D expenditure of Chinese enterprises was 2,387.86 billion yuan, accounting for 77.6% of the national R&D expenditure, and was the main force driving the growth of R&D expenditure. In the scientific and technological innovation system, enterprises are the main participants in economic activities and the main promoters of technological progress. They naturally have the ability and motivation to connect science and technology with industry, and are increasingly becoming an important subject participating in scientific and technological innovation and international competition. Strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, giving full play to the leading role of science and technology leading enterprises, and encouraging small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises to innovate in science and technology; guiding enterprises to work closely with universities and scientific research institutions to jointly condense scientific and technological problems in response to industrial needs, and promoting enterprise-led industry-university-research integration innovation, can make scientific and technological innovation closer to demand, closer to practicality, and closer to industry, better transform scientific and technological power into industrial competitive advantages, and effectively open up the "last mile" of scientific and technological achievements transformation.

Competition in comprehensive national strength is ultimately a competition for talent. Whoever has first-class innovative talents and first-class scientists will have an advantage in scientific and technological innovation. Career development depends on innovation; the way to innovation is to get people. New quality productivity relies more on high-quality and innovative workers, and requires high-level scientific and technological talents to exert their creative ability. The key to giving full play to talent advantages is to let talents get what they deserve and show their strengths. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of developing new quality productivity, we must smooth the virtuous cycle of education, science and technology, and talents, improve the working mechanism of talent training, introduction, use, and reasonable flow, promote the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents, build a virtuous cycle, and then fully release the enthusiasm and creativity of different talents, maximize the contribution of different subjects in the development of new quality productivity, and continuously inject surging momentum into the high-quality development of the economy and society.

A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet
A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet

After a lively wedding, the groom Zheng Liang couldn't be happy at all, just because the one who came to attend the wedding wrote in a novel, "They are all pre made dishes, it's better to go back to the countryside to do it, fresh and affordable.". As a newcomer, Zheng Liang worked hard for several months to prepare, but in exchange for such an evaluation, it made him very frustrated. Each table cost nearly 6000 yuan, but unexpectedly, he still fell into the category of dishes. 70% of the 16 dishes are pre made. The reporter learned that Zheng Liang lives in Dayuan Town, Fuyang. In order to leave an unforgettable wedding banquet for his family and friends, he specially chose the banquet package of 5988 yuan from a well-known hotel in the city, which is also the most expensive one in the hotel. And since he was young, he has been engaged in the catering industry for six or seven years, and has a very thorough understanding of the ways of banquet dishes, so he said the opening sentence

Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments
Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments

On June 4, 2023, the fourth batch of space science experiment samples of the China Space Station returned to the ground with the Shenzhou XV spacecraft return capsule, and delivered the space application system led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the Dongfeng landing site. At about 14:00 on the 4th, some experimental samples were transported to the Space Application Engineering and Technology Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. The overall space application system and relevant experimental personnel checked and confirmed the basic status of the returned experimental samples, and handed over to relevant experimental scientists for follow-up research. The space application system, accompanied by the return module of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft, carried out a total of 15 scientific project experimental samples, including life experiment samples such as cells, nematodes, Arabidopsis, and regenerated rice, as well as various alloy materials, new infrared detector materials, amorphous thin film materials, and other material experimental samples. The total weight of the downward experimental sample is over 20 kilograms

A man died from being flooded in a car, with water and power outages in many parts of Japan, and trains suspended. Typhoon "Mawa" has caused 2 deaths and 35 injuries. Earthquake | Time | Typhoon
A man died from being flooded in a car, with water and power outages in many parts of Japan, and trains suspended. Typhoon "Mawa" has caused 2 deaths and 35 injuries. Earthquake | Time | Typhoon

Typhoon Mawa was downgraded to an extratropical cyclone on the evening of June 3rd local time. According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association Television, as of the morning of the 4th, the heavy rainfall, floods, and landslides caused by "Mawa" have resulted in 2 deaths, 4 missing, and 35 injured. The relevant rescue and search operations are still ongoing. Hundreds of houses were damaged in several rivers beyond the warning line. According to the fire department of the General Affairs Province of Japan, 232 houses were damaged in 13 counties, including Aichi, Shizuoka and Wakayama. In addition, large areas of roads were flooded and several bridges were washed out. In addition, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry stated that due to heavy rainfall, there were large-scale power outages and water shortages in the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan from the night of the 3rd to the morning of the 4th. As of the morning of the 4th, communications in some areas of Aichi and Shizuoka counties had not been restored.

Building roads, revitalizing abandoned land, uniting and sharing, and achieving a bountiful harvest. Summer management | abandoned land | bountiful harvest
Building roads, revitalizing abandoned land, uniting and sharing, and achieving a bountiful harvest. Summer management | abandoned land | bountiful harvest

CCTV News: Currently, the summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management work in various regions is underway. Nearly 400 acres of abandoned land in Pingya Tibetan Township, Wudu District, Longnan City, Gansu Province have also experienced a bumper harvest this year. These lands have been abandoned for several years. By the end of 2022, a 5.3 kilometer village road was built locally, which not only revitalized the abandoned land but also connected the emotions of Han Tibetan villages along the road, bringing about a fruitful and win-win situation. At the end of May and beginning of June, in Pingya Tibetan Township, Wudu District, Longnan City, nearly 400 acres of rapeseed were harvested in this mountain ditch called "Jiufang Gou". Tibetan villagers are busy harvesting and drying. Villagers told reporters that the yield of rapeseed per acre in this area can reach over 300 kilograms, with an income of over 1000 yuan per acre. Nearly 400 acres of land earn an income of 400000 yuan. And before, this was just a piece of cake

Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games
Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games

On the road to becoming a formal sports event, the poker game Guanpai, originating from Huai'an, Jiangsu, has achieved considerable success. The 5th National Intelligence Games will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from October 25th to November 4th this year. The games will include public speaking groups and performance events. According to the recent public disclosure by the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, Guanpai has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games. In addition, in the public open group added to the 5th National Intelligence Games, Guanpai was also included in the network group along with chess, international chess, bridge, Gomoku, international checkers and other events. The official competition events of the 5th National Intelligence Games include 6 major events, including Go, Chess, International Chess, Bridge, Gomoku, and International Checkers, with 58 minor events.