"Technology and law enforcement" organically integrated and upgraded, 11>2: Changning District took the lead in completing the reorganization of disease control and health supervision institutions

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 26, 2024 17:21 PM

Today, the Changning District Center for Disease Control and Prevention officially moved to Building 16, Lane 268, Linxin Road. This means that Changning District has taken the lead in completing the reorganization of the disease control agency in the entire city, which is of milestone significance. Zhang Wei, Secretary of the Changning District Committee, and Zhang Hao, Deputy Director of the Municipal Health Commission and Director of the Municipal Disease Control Bureau, jointly unveiled the plaque.

The merger and reorganization of institutions in Changning District is an important step from "physical merger" to "chemical merger". After moving to the new park, it not only effectively promoted the connotation construction at the administrative level, but also received strong human, financial and material support in terms of related hardware facilities.

It is reported that after the opening of Changning CDC, it will further demonstrate its professional level in intelligent monitoring and early warning network, life cycle health management, double random supervision and inspection, digital comprehensive supervision and management, etc., resonate with regional development, and strive to occupy a place in the development of the city's public health cause. "We hope to start from a new starting point, anchor the overall goal, integrate into the high-quality development of regional health and wellness, continue to maintain the good situation of group prevention and control established during the epidemic, stick to the bottom line, and seek progress in stability." Deputy District Mayor Gu Jieyan said.

For a long time, Changning Disease Control and Health Supervision has played a pivotal role in protecting regional public health security and promoting the construction of the public health system. In 2020, it was the first to discover the first imported COVID-19 case in Shanghai and took effective measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic, accumulating experience for the city's effective prevention and control; in 2021, vaccination work was promoted in an orderly manner, and the Changning working model of "one investigation, two expansions, three sweeps, and four strengthenings" was explored; in pathogen detection, the first chicken embryo strain of influenza A virus H3 subtype in the northern hemisphere was successfully isolated and selected as the national vaccine strain and standard strain. The health supervision model is also constantly innovating, creating the first "one certificate for multiple addresses" in the city, and promoting the construction of the "scan code to know health" brand for drinking water. Zhao Wensui, director of the center, introduced that "more technology, more standardized, and more powerful" will become the development goal of the new institution. For example, accelerate the construction of a system-integrated, intelligent and efficient infectious disease monitoring, early warning and emergency response system; focus on improving the detection and identification capabilities of pathogens such as emerging and rare infectious diseases; explore the construction of disease management and comprehensive intervention models based on big data applications; expand the application of smart health supervision scenarios, and enhance digital comprehensive supervision capabilities.

Chen Pidong, secretary of the Party branch of the center, introduced that after the establishment of the new institution, it will play the role of "11>2", comprehensively enhance professional capabilities in infectious disease monitoring and early warning, laboratory testing, disease life cycle management, health supervision law enforcement, and law enforcement efficiency, and truly form a working situation with a sound system, smooth mechanism, perfect functions, and strong guarantees.

"We must not only integrate the internal disease prevention and control and health supervision functions, but also continue to play a leading role in the construction of the regional public health system in the integration and coordination of medical and prevention." Zhang Hao said that he expects the center to continue to give play to its regional characteristics and its consistent good performance in the prevention and control of emerging, re-emerging and imported infectious diseases, as well as its role as a leading force in the security of major events such as the China International Import Expo, and make due contributions to Shanghai's goal of becoming one of the safest cities in public health in the world.

"Technology and law enforcement" organically integrated and upgraded, 11>2: Changning District took the lead in completing the reorganization of disease control and health supervision institutions
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