What happened..., a group of female football players came to the Minhang District Medical Emergency Center today.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 29, 2024 17:24 PM

This morning, the Minhang District Medical Emergency Center was quiet, but a training room was already full of young girls in sportswear. It turned out that they were the players of the Shanghai Shenhua Women's Football Team, who came from Shanghai Sport University that day to receive medical emergency professional knowledge training from experts and issued CPR certificates.

"Recently, we just came back from the Women's Football League A. I feel it is necessary to come to participate in the first aid training today. After all, accidents can easily happen during sports. You can save yourself or others at critical moments. Moreover, if I become a teacher or coach in the future, I must also have the skills and qualities in this area." Zhang Yanping, born in 1999, studied very hard in class, "especially the use of AED defibrillators. I have seen and learned about it before, but I have never practiced it in practice, and it is not standardized. Today I really practiced it and gained a lot."

On the same day, 36-year-old assistant coach Li Lin also participated in the first aid training. "I am from Dalian and have been playing football since I was a child. There is a strong football atmosphere in our area. I have heard of more than one case of a man in his 40s suddenly having a cardiac arrest while playing street football... Even in the world of football, there have been cases where a well-known player suffered a cardiac arrest on the field. Fortunately, the goalkeeper rushed forward in time to buy time and finally successfully saved the player's life."

What she was referring to was a legendary story from the European Cup. Three years ago, in the first match of the Danish team in the European Cup, Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen suddenly fell to the ground without any confrontation and suffered a cardiac arrest. At the critical moment, the team doctor and the medical team quickly entered the field, performed cardiac compression, and jointly performed first aid. In the 52nd second, the AED was delivered, and after automatic identification and defibrillation, Eriksen regained consciousness. Nine months later, Eriksen returned to the national team. 1,100 days later, in the early morning of June 17 this year, at the same European Cup, Eriksen scored the first goal for the Danish team with a wonderful chest stop.

This is a great "reversal" in the history of football, and it also tells people that sudden cardiac death is not unpreventable, and medical first aid operations are crucial in the "golden three minutes" of first aid.

According to reports, a total of 23 players and 2 coaches of the Shanghai Shenhua Women's Football Team participated in the training and received CPR certificates. The experts who provided them with the training were Sheng Kaihui, the "gold medal instructor" of the Minhang Emergency Center, and her colleagues. Sheng Kaihui has won first prizes in emergency skill competitions in the city and even the country many times, and has won the highest award in the city's medical community - the "Benevolent Doctor·Shanghai Benevolent Doctor Award".

"Today, based on the characteristics of the athletes, we mainly carry out training in the two most important first aid skills in sports. One is cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including chest compression, artificial respiration, AED defibrillation and other operations; the other is first aid for foreign body obstruction..." Sheng Kaihui said that marathon, football, and basketball are the three high-risk projects for sudden death during sports. Moreover, among the six links in the first aid survival chain, the first three links are undertaken by the public, namely initiating emergency rescue procedures, chest compressions, and defibrillation with a defibrillator. This shows the necessity and urgency of carrying out first aid training among the public.

It is understood that the Minhang District Medical Emergency Center is responsible for the daily pre-hospital emergency needs of more than 2.65 million residents in 14 streets, towns and industrial zones in the district, as well as emergency rescue at the scene of major accidents in the region and medical support at the scene of large-scale events. Last year, a total of 115,000 vehicles were dispatched and 117,000 people were treated. In addition to pre-hospital emergency, initial diagnosis and treatment of critical and severe diseases, and rescue nursing, the center is also responsible for emergency clinical teaching, scientific research and emergency health technician training, etc., and conducts emergency training for up to 20,000 people a year. Since 2017, a total of more than 90,000 people have been trained.

"In fact, the risk of accidents is higher among amateur football fans. Some people often do not get enough rest the night before or drink a lot of alcohol, and then go out to play football early the next morning. The high-intensity and strenuous exercise can easily lead to sudden situations such as cardiac arrest. Therefore, I hope that such first aid training can be popularized to a wider range of people." Ye Zhijing, head coach of Shenhua Shanghai Sports University women's football team, said frankly.

What happened..., a group of female football players came to the Minhang District Medical Emergency Center today.
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