What else do we need to rely on to stabilize the expectations of private enterprises? The Party Central Committee and the State Council will issue a high-level document to support | economy | standards

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:43 AM

The Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy was recently released, proposing several aspects such as optimizing the development environment, strengthening policy support, and strengthening legal protection, which has aroused enthusiastic responses from all parties.

The private economy is a new force to promote Chinese path to modernization, an important foundation for high-quality development, and an important force to promote China to build itself into a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and achieve the second century goal. In the current era of sluggish global economic growth, private enterprises hope to emerge from the impact of the epidemic as soon as possible, and have long been waiting for such a high standard support signal. In addition to the strong support provided by the 31 clauses themselves, the release of the Opinion has a further significance.

In the past few years, China's private economy has been greatly affected by multiple factors such as the epidemic, and the erroneous statements that have been propagated in the public opinion to view and attack the private economy have put an unnecessary burden on private entrepreneurs.The National Development and Reform Commission has held several private enterprise symposiums this month and made it clear at press conferences that it is necessary to adhere to the normalization of holding private entrepreneur symposiums and create a good development environment for various types of ownership enterprises such as private enterprises.

The arrival of the Opinion has further responded to concerns and dispelled concerns, providing a clear signal and stabilizing expectations for the vast number of private economic professionals in China.

How important is stabilizing expectations? When I have visited private enterprises in recent years, I have seen more than once such situations: some cutting-edge enterprises, such as emerging energy, artificial intelligence, etc., seem to lack some courage in key development stages and are unwilling to invest their "blood". Entrepreneurs admit that they are not pessimistic about the prospects of the entire industry, but are concerned about the uncertainty of management policies, fearing that "if restrictive policies are introduced, our initial investment may be wasted.".

It can be seen that stabilizing market expectations can enable enterprises to no longer hesitate and wait at critical moments, and not regret missing the golden window of development and growth. To achieve this, it is necessary to form a joint force in all aspects. On the one hand, we need to increase the support policies for the private economy and timely introduce precise, stable, and effective policies. Each functional department should strengthen policy communication and expected guidance, allowing private entrepreneurs to fully participate in the formulation and evaluation of enterprise policies, planning, standards, and other aspects. In the current era of increasing internal and external uncertainties combined with a new round of technological revolution, it is necessary to enhance the ability of foresight and prediction, make good legal and policy reserves, and avoid "slapping the head" decision-making.

After the policy pilot proves its effectiveness, it should be solidified in legal form, and by building a rule of law environment, it should avoid situations such as changing orders day by day, so that private enterprises can have more confidence and focus on development.

On the other hand, the regulation of the private economy should be fair, standardized, and concise, eliminating selective law enforcement and allowing enterprises to self prove their innocence, and enhancing the stability and predictability of the regulatory system and execution gestures. Regulatory authorities should do more to promote and not engage in dismantling - the true purpose of regulation should also be to promote better development.

The above measures and opinions are all involved, and the key is whether they can be implemented as soon as possible. The National Development and Reform Commission has announced that as a supporting measure of "1+N" in the Opinion, two documents will be released soon to effectively promote the high-quality development of the private economy. This undoubtedly sends a positive signal once again. Ultimately, all functional departments should enhance their awareness of the overall situation, abide by market laws, advance when necessary, and retreat when necessary, in order to build stable expectations for the private economy and protect confidence that is more important than gold.

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