To give full play to the positive role of this subjectBuilding an Urban Security Community

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:05 PM

Safety is the foundation and guarantee of urban development. In the process of urban safety development, it is necessary to further leverage the role of social entities in urban safety governance, especially mobilizing their enthusiasm to participate in enterprise safety production, and creating a diverse urban safety community.

1、 The empowering effect of social entities intervening in safety production cooperation supervision

With the emergence of emerging formats and new industry safety issues, the objects and issues of safety production supervision in various industries have become increasingly complex. Government led resources and professional capabilities are relatively limited, and in many cases, they are unable to meet their expectations. Relying on social entities to engage in cooperative supervision has become an important trend in safety production supervision. In the work of safety production supervision, social entities can empower safety production supervision from the following aspects to improve the efficiency of safety supervision:

Firstly, empower the focus of safety supervision to shift from post disposal to pre prevention. The participation of social entities helps to transform "post supervision" into "pre - and in process supervision", actively providing "door-to-door" safety services for enterprises. For example, the Songjiang District Emergency Management Bureau has entrusted the Songjiang Jiu'an Emergency Service Center, a civil non-governmental organization, to play a role in the investigation of safety production hazards and safety examinations in enterprises. Through online questionnaires, telephone communication, and on-site guidance, they provide "safety gift packages" to enterprises. The main task is to guide enterprises in conducting major accident hazard investigation and "risk examinations". With the help of the city's emergency management experts, they can improve their ability to proactively identify problems and move the regulatory checkpoint forward.

Secondly, empower the transformation of security regulatory measures from rigid regulation to flexible regulation. The government entrusts social entities to cooperate in supervision, which helps to integrate supervision into services. The model of enterprise safety supervision has shifted from "rigid punishment" for discovering problems to a "flexible guidance" model for rectifying problems, and from post punishment to pre guidance, improving the efficiency and accuracy of government supervision.

Thirdly, empower the transformation of investment in safety supervision from administrative support to cost reduction and efficiency improvement. The government's commission of social subject supervision reflects the scientific regulatory spirit of "professional matters are done by professional people and teams". The third-party safety monitoring platform in the transportation industry of Shanghai provides 24-hour real-time inspection services for 21032 "two passengers and one danger" transportation vehicles, 6298 earthwork trucks, 6229 mixing trucks, and 164524 heavy-duty freight vehicles in Shanghai, promoting innovation in the mode of industry safety management cooperation and supervision, and saving a lot of administrative resources. Meanwhile, the use of big data technology has greatly improved the scope and accuracy of government regulation. It is reported that since the platform was launched, the total number of alarms in this city has decreased by 90% and accidents have decreased by 50% in the past 6 years.

Fourthly, empowering the responsibility of safety supervision to transition from vague and difficult to measure to clear judgment. The responsibility for safety production supervision has always been a thorny issue in regulatory work, and the intervention of social entities can provide more data for safety responsibility. Research on the "monitoring platform" of the Municipal Transportation Commission found that social entities can not only help enterprises avoid traffic accident risks, but also help government traffic management departments avoid administrative responsibility risks through specialized division of labor, work retention, big data empowerment and other means.

2、 The main difficulties and difficulties faced by social entities in participating in cooperative supervision in the field of safety production

The government's participation in the supervision of safety production through market entities, social organizations, and other institutions, fully leveraging the professional service role of social entities, is a commendable exploration. However, research has also found that mobilizing social entities to participate in cooperative supervision faces the following main challenges:

Firstly, the fragmentation of collaborative supervision among social entities is becoming increasingly apparent. In fact, due to the complexity of regulatory objects and the rigidity of regulatory responsibilities, there is still a characteristic of government single supervision in the field of safety production cooperation in China. The scale, form, and performance of supervision by social entities vary, which leads to the intervention of social entities in safety production cooperation supervision only seeing "bonsai" and not "forest".

Secondly, the compliance issue of social entities participating in cooperative supervision is quite prominent. From the perspective of data research, on the one hand, social entities themselves face compliance difficulties in their regulatory work. For example, the Songjiang Jiu'an Emergency Service Center, as a non-governmental organization participating in the investigation of major safety hazards in enterprise production, lacks clear and actionable institutional and standard basis. Currently, it mainly participates in providing corresponding services in the form of unilateral government commission. Due to the lack of corresponding institutional rights protection for civil and non-governmental organizations, it is easy for some enterprises to lack understanding and cooperation in carrying out major hidden dangers investigation of enterprise safety production. On the other hand, the absence of industry laws and regulations targeting regulatory targets also restricts the overall regulatory effectiveness of social entities. Taking the transportation industry as an example, the integration of heavy trucks such as urban waste trucks and mixer trucks into intelligent monitoring platforms still lacks legal support, and there is a lack of strong legal norms for the supervision of heavy trucks within the industry.

Thirdly, the sustainability of collaborative supervision among social entities urgently needs attention. Due to the fact that social entities are often intermediary platform enterprises or non-governmental social organizations, they themselves have certain operating costs. For example, equipment installation costs, data and platform management costs, and so on. Although government departments generally provide financial subsidies to cooperating regulatory agencies, it is often difficult to cover all operating costs, and the stability and success of third-party platforms still require the ability to self generate. This is also the main reason why the enthusiasm of third-party social entities to participate in government safety production cooperation and supervision is not high.

3、 Optimize the cooperation and supervision mode of social entities participating in the field of safety production

The co construction, co governance, and sharing of safety production are not only for the instrumental purpose of improving regulatory performance, but also in line with the historical trend of modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity. Enterprises, social organizations, and the public are regarded as autonomous and proactive governance partners, encouraging all parties to work together to create a good pattern of production safety governance. In the future, we should further optimize the cooperation and supervision mode of social entities participating in the field of safety production from the following aspects:

Firstly, in terms of institutional construction of cooperative supervision, the concept and mechanism of cooperative supervision should be fully introduced, relevant systems and standards should be improved, and the functions of social entities in the investigation and physical examination of major accident hazards in enterprises should be clarified, providing institutional guarantees and legal and regulatory support for social entities to participate in enterprise cooperative supervision. Including: establishing a list of rights and responsibilities for social entities to participate in cooperative supervision, exploring institutional arrangements for the government to purchase third-party services at various stages before, during, and after emergencies, establishing a list of professional social entities and services, accelerating the standardization of third-party service capabilities, and improving the treatment and professional quality of employees.

Secondly, in terms of innovating the mechanism of cooperative supervision, further optimize the process of social subject cooperative supervision and promote the sustainable performance of cooperative supervision. One is to optimize the collaborative mechanism of political and social cooperation supervision. Promote cooperation and consensus between social entities and emergency departments or relevant supervisory departments in emergency business, establish political and social cooperation mechanisms in regulatory means, standards, data, and other aspects, and leverage the role of social entities in empowering safety production supervision to move forward and focus downward. The second is to establish a mechanism for data sharing and exchange. Promote the sharing of data between social entities and other departments within the government, incorporate third-party data into the overall layout of "one network management" and "one network access" in this city, and achieve a leap in efficiency from efficient supervision of "one matter" to efficient supervision of "one type of matter". The third is to encourage the autonomous hematopoietic mechanism of social entities. For social entities with good cooperative regulatory efficiency, the government can moderately recommend business to other sister provinces, cities, and units, provided that the business type and cooperative regulatory scenario are similar. Encourage social entities to engage in related derivative businesses on government platforms under the premise of legality and compliance.

Thirdly, in terms of risk avoidance in cooperative supervision, it is necessary to be vigilant about the risk of power variation of social entities and strengthen internal supervision of third-party cooperative supervision units. On the one hand, strengthening guidance and supervision of social entities, eliminating the risk of using regulatory power for personal gain from the source. Encourage mutual evaluation between the serviced enterprises and social entities, timely disclose the income and expenditure status of third-party participation in service provision to the society, accept social supervision, and improve the credibility and transparency of social entities. Establish an integrity blacklist system and increase the punishment for illegal and disguised charging behaviors. On the other hand, strengthen the supervision of data and information security of social entities, and eliminate the risk of information leakage related to enterprise production and operation.

In short, in the development of urban safety, the government can build a platform for multiple entities to participate in safety governance, coordinate the three major entities of the government, society, and citizens, enhance the enthusiasm of all parties to promote urban safety development, strengthen the capacity building of co construction, co governance, and sharing in the field of urban safety, form an overall force to promote urban safety development, create a community for urban safety development, achieve the goal of building a safe and resilient city, enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of citizens, and truly practice the concept of "people's cities built by the people, people's cities for the people".

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