A main thread runs through it, First Observation | Collective study on ideological construction on the eve of July 1st | Xi Jinping | Political construction

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jul 01, 2024 08:34 AM

On June 27, 2024, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its fifteenth collective study on improving the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

The 20th CPC National Congress proposed for the first time the major measure of "improving the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party". During this collective study session, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "further improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party" and systematically elaborated on it from five aspects: the organizational system, the education system, the supervision system, the institutional system, and the responsibility system.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it has almost become a routine for the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to conduct collective study on the eve of July 1st, and the content of the study is closely related to "Party building."

2013 was the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. On June 25 of that year, the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee held its seventh collective study session on the theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. When talking about upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics under new historical conditions, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned five "musts", one of which was "must strengthen the Party's own construction".

Since then, "Party building" has become a clear main line, running through the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee almost every year on the eve of July 1st in the new era.

From "strengthening the construction of systems for improving work style" to "strengthening the construction of laws and regulations on anti-corruption and promoting integrity", from "strictly observing political life within the Party and purifying the political environment within the Party" to "strengthening the Party's political construction", from "keeping in mind the original mission and advancing self-revolution" to "making good use of red resources and continuing the red bloodline" ... focusing on the theme of Party building, comrades of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee took the lead in welcoming the Party's birthday through theoretical study.

Looking back at the collective studies of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on the eve of July 1st, they were all aimed at the important tasks at the time and the latest situation at the time, and were highly realistic and problem-oriented.

For example, 2018 is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. The report of the 19th CPC National Congress for the first time incorporated the political construction of the Party into the overall layout of Party construction, emphasizing the leadership of the political construction of the Party. This is a major innovation in Marxist Party construction theory.

A main thread runs through it, First Observation | Collective study on ideological construction on the eve of July 1st | Xi Jinping | Political construction

The collective study on the eve of July 1st this year focused on the theme of "strengthening the party's political construction". General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply and systematically expounded on the major theoretical and practical issues of the party's political construction in the new era from seven aspects: accurately determining the political direction, upholding the party's political leadership, consolidating the political foundation, cultivating the political ecology, preventing political risks, maintaining the political character, and improving political capabilities.

For example, during this collective study in 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping summarized and summarized the remarkable achievements and important experience accumulated in the fight against corruption since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China from six aspects, and put forward clear requirements for "comprehensively winning the tough and protracted battle against corruption."

For example, this collective study in 2021 coincides with the 100th birthday of the Party, and is both innovative and profound in both theme and form:

The theme of "making good use of red resources and continuing the red bloodline" is closely related to the ideological construction of the party. Unlike previous learning in the form of meetings, this time two activities were also arranged: visiting the Peking University Red Building and the theme exhibition of the early revolutionary activities of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, and visiting and paying homage to Comrade Mao Zedong's former residence in Fengze Garden, highlighting the importance of the century-old party drawing strength from history.

From political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, discipline construction, and system construction to the in-depth anti-corruption struggle, the general requirements for Party building in the new era have been consistent, and they are all focused on answering the major historical question of "what kind of Party to build and how to build it."

This is the historical awareness of the Chinese Communists in the new era to always be worried and prepared for danger in times of peace, and it is the firm belief of a century-old party to face the future and continue its self-revolution.

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