【Editorial】Moving towards a brighter future!

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 08:56 AM

——Warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Today, we celebrate the 103rd birthday of the Communist Party of China!

103 years of hard work and perseverance make this day so special.

Which piece of good news from the just-concluded National Science and Technology Conference did not amaze the world? Chang'e landed on the moon, Tianhe stayed in space, Tianwen explored Mars, Dike-1 went deep into the earth, Fendouzhe explored the deep sea, and Beidou navigation provided global precision services...

Looking at ordinary life, which change does not make us full of passion? When the stone road in Shenshan Village, Maoping Town, Jinggangshan "changed" into an asphalt road, and the farmhouse "put on" neon lights, when the forests and grasses in Xihaigu, "the poorest place in the world", were lush and the rice was full, when students on summer vacation took the "Fuxing" train to travel around China at lightning speed, and when we touched our fingers to experience the pleasure brought by the 5G network...

Every inch of land is filled with upward force, and every frame of the picture is filled with the passion to move forward. Looking back on the past, who can help but be filled with emotion! Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, who can help but be overwhelmed with emotion!

We were once so weak that the Western powers could render our 400 million people helpless by simply setting up a few cannons.

Looking back at modern history, we can see wars and displacement everywhere. Although many people of noble character and lofty ideals have run around and called for help, they have only been met with failure after failure, and have cried out in vain!

It was the lights that lit up in the Shikumen buildings in Shanghai that illuminated the nation's hope; it was the small boat that sailed out from Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, that eventually set off huge waves that overturned the rivers and seas!

"The Chinese people have stood up from now on!" Comrade Mao Zedong's solemn declaration allowed the whole world to see the proud backbone of the Chinese people.

For a nation that accounts for one-fifth of the world's population, even "eating" was once so difficult, let alone becoming rich and strong! Looking through the history books, there are stories of starvation and famine everywhere. "Who will feed China" once became a global problem.

It is the Communist Party of China that has led the Chinese people to develop traditional agriculture into modern agriculture. Only then have we been able to achieve “consecutive bumper harvests” and have the confidence to hold the “Chinese rice bowl”!

In fact, it is more than just "eating enough" and "eating well"! Look: thatched huts and adobe houses have long been replaced by clean and bright buildings; in the border villages where slash-and-burn farming was practiced, drones are applying fertilizers and rotary tillers are stirring up muddy waves; dirt roads, green-skinned cars and "black, gray and blue" have become history, while highways, large cruise ships and "cool style" have become daily life; China, which once even had the word "foreign" in its name for nails and matches, has completely changed the appearance of its motherland with one "first" after another.

History has repeatedly told us this truth: Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China! Only socialism can save China!

At present, China is at a stage where “the currents are more violent when the ship is in the middle of the river and the road is steeper when the person is halfway up the mountain.” The “unique basic national conditions” determine that China must take its own path.

China is so big! The population of one country is equivalent to 2 Europes;

China is so big! A country's territory spans 5 time zones;

To accomplish the great cause of national rejuvenation, only the Communist Party of China can shoulder this great responsibility.

The 20th CPC National Congress scientifically planned the strategic arrangement for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way: "By the middle of this century, we will build our country into a modern socialist country with leading comprehensive national strength and international influence."

In the task of modernization, economic system reform and social structure transformation are synchronized, leapfrog development and development stages are superimposed, industrialization and informatization are tested in two steps and one step is integrated, and a win-win situation must be achieved on mountains of gold and silver and green mountains and clear waters.

Indeed, only our party has such strong cohesion and organizational ability that it can dialectically unify conformity with laws and conformity with purposes.

Every arrival on the journey is also a new start, every step you take is a step forward.

Although we have achieved "Chang'e flying to the moon" and "exploring treasures in the Dragon Palace", there are still many key technical "bottleneck" problems to be solved; although we have achieved a well-off society for all, there are still many problems in people's livelihood, urban and rural areas, regions, and ethnic groups that require our study, thinking, and practice. In addition, the transformation from "manufacturing" to "creation", the implementation of rural revitalization and common prosperity, the harmony of ecology and development, and the promotion of democracy and the rule of law, which one does not require our hard work? !

After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, looking ahead, there are still many obstacles to overcome...

No matter how many "Lazikou" and "Loushanguan" there are, the 103-year development history of the Communist Party of China tells us: If you have a goal in mind, the road will not be far.

Throughout the vicissitudes of history, our faith has never faded in the slightest with the passage of time, and our great dream has never dimmed in the slightest with the emergence of obstacles.

88 years ago, Fang Zhimin spoke affectionately in "Lovely China": "By then, there would be active creations everywhere and rapid progress everywhere..."

We firmly believe that China of the future will be a society full of creative vitality; China of the future will be a society that highly realizes the overall well-being of the people; China of the future will be a society with simple folk customs and rich spirits; China of the future will be a society with good ecology and a livable and suitable environment for working; China of the future will be a society with a strong country, prosperous people and prosperous culture!

This is because we have the great leadership of the Communist Party of China!

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