Innovation-driven development leads to high-quality development Neutron Source | Momentum | Innovation-driven

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 10:55 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The prominent feature of new quality productivity is innovation, which includes innovation at the technological and business model levels, as well as innovation at the management and institutional levels. We must continue to do a good job in innovation and promote the accelerated development of new quality productivity."

The reporter recently participated in a themed interview activity of "High-quality Development Research Tour", and visited Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Liaoning and other places, and felt the new momentum of high-quality development cultivated by high-level scientific and technological innovation at the front line.

A fine needle can complete thousands of drilling operations: The drill needle produced by Guangdong Dingtai High-tech Technology Co., Ltd. is only half the diameter of a hair, but it can drill thousands of holes on printed circuit boards without breaking or getting stuck. The global market share of the product has exceeded 20%;

A strand of silk can withstand temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius: with a diameter of 7-12 microns, it looks like a roll of white silk, and can withstand temperatures of up to 1375 degrees Celsius in long-term use. This product is a new high-temperature resistant alumina continuous fiber material produced by Shanghai Rongrong New Material Technology Co., Ltd. The technology is completely independently innovated and can be widely used in high-end manufacturing production;

One gram of cotton can be used to weave 500 meters of yarn: Through intelligent transformation, Wuxi Yimian Textile Group Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu has increased its production efficiency by 15%, reduced its operating costs by 11%, and mass-produced ultra-fine high-end yarn products, leading the technological innovation of the textile industry;

A piece of "paper" can be used repeatedly for 5 years: This is the electronic paper produced by Qixin Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., an enterprise in Anshan, Liaoning Province. It can be widely used in scenes such as conference table signs and billboards. Compared with the use of traditional paper or LCD screens, it is low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and has low power consumption. It can also be repeatedly rewritten. It can last for more than 5 years with a button battery.

Developing new quality productivity is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development. Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Liaoning and other places have led high-quality development with innovation-driven development, solidly promoted the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, built a modern industrial system, and accelerated the development of new quality productivity.

In March this year, the construction start ceremony of the second phase of the China Spallation Neutron Source was held in Songshan Lake Science City, Dongguan, Guangdong.

What is a spallation neutron source? Wang Sheng, deputy director of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and general director of the second phase of the China Spallation Neutron Source project, compared it to a "super microscope". Through the high-speed collision of particles, a large number of neutrons are "spatulated" and then used as "probes" to study the internal microstructure of materials. "The spallation neutron source can be used in the research and development of technologies and equipment that are indispensable in production and life, such as lithium-ion batteries and high-strength alloys."

As the first large scientific facility to be established in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the China Spallation Neutron Source has been open to Chinese and foreign scientists for 11 rounds in its six years of operation, with more than 6,000 registered users and more than 1,700 projects completed. "After the completion of the second phase of the project, the research capacity of the facility will be greatly enhanced, providing more solid support for exploring the frontiers of science, solving major national needs and key issues in industrial development," said Wang Sheng.

In recent years, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has successively planned and built 10 large scientific facilities, which have effectively promoted the improvement of regional innovation capabilities and has become an important source of original innovation.

Technological innovation has given rise to new industries, new models and new momentum. In September 2022, the first domestically produced proton therapy system was approved for marketing, and more than 160 patients have been treated clinically so far.

Compared with traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, proton therapy can achieve precise attacks on tumor cells, with less damage to normal tissues, low risk of recurrence and few side effects. Yan Fuhua, director of the Department of Radiology at Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, said, "Compared with the original imported equipment, the development and use of domestic treatment equipment can greatly reduce the treatment burden on patients."

The development of this domestically produced equipment is inseparable from the technical empowerment of the Shanghai Light Source, a large scientific facility. "The accelerator that produces high-energy particles is a key device for proton therapy equipment. The accelerator research team of the Shanghai Light Source has provided talent support and a large number of innovative achievements for the equipment development." Tai Renzhong, deputy director of the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and deputy director of the Shanghai Light Source Science Center, listed the innovative achievements to reporters one by one: the first domestically produced proton therapy system was approved in 2012, and it has been developed for more than 10 years. It has obtained 55 invention patents and 18 utility model patents in key technologies such as compact synchrotron accelerator structure.

Not only does it serve domestic treatment equipment, since its completion and commissioning in Zhangjiang, Shanghai in 2009, the Shanghai Light Source has served more than 47,000 users from nearly 800 units and about 4,500 research teams across the country, supporting them to complete more than 20,000 experimental projects and providing customized services for more than 100 companies. Tai Renzhong said with emotion: "We will continue to tackle original and disruptive scientific and technological innovations and cultivate new momentum for the development of new quality productivity. We are on the right path and we must continue to move forward firmly!"

Focusing on the most challenging original innovation of "from 0 to 1", Shanghai has strengthened its foundation and built platforms, and the intensity of R&D investment in the whole society has increased from 3.4% in 2014 to 4.4% in 2023. There are 20 major scientific and technological infrastructures that have been built, are under construction, or are planned, and more than 80 high-end scientific research platforms with the "national character" as the first.

"Striving to enhance our ability to stimulate scientific and technological innovation is our firm goal and main direction," said Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng. "We will place greater emphasis on strengthening scientific and technological innovation, especially original and disruptive innovation, and promote the comprehensive upgrading of the functions of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center."

"The first wind turbine produced by our company had a capacity of only 600 kilowatts, but now it has reached 16 megawatts. All key components were developed through independent innovation." Zhai Endi, chief engineer of Goldwind Science and Technology Group, said with emotion, "For more than 20 years since its establishment, the company has relied on innovation to get started and has become more innovative."

Walking into the Goldwind National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory in Yancheng, Jiangsu, wind power generation components are being tested and verified on various test benches. Zhai Endi told reporters that Goldwind has led more than 370 upstream and downstream companies in the industry chain to carry out collaborative innovation around the research and development of key components such as towers and blades, and the localization rate of wind turbines produced has reached more than 95%.

Yancheng, where the Goldwind National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory is located, used to be a city with abundant wind resources, but now it is a highland for the development of new energy industries. Its offshore wind power production capacity accounts for more than 40% of the country, and its blade production capacity accounts for about 20% of the country. How was the industrial highland created? Wang Jijun, deputy director of the Yancheng Development and Reform Commission, explained the reason: "Using technological innovation to promote industrial innovation, we have built a full wind power industry chain covering R&D design, equipment manufacturing, resource development, and operation and maintenance services."

Promote the clustering and breakthrough of emerging industries. In recent years, Jiangsu has issued an implementation plan to promote the integrated cluster development of strategic emerging industries, build a coordinated development mechanism of inter-industry chain development and inter-regional integration, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

Walking into the Xihe plant of Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., there is no smell of medicine in the air. A huge electronic screen displays the values ​​of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other data in each plant in real time. "All these environmental protection data are connected to the Internet and displayed to the public at the same time." Liu Yan, deputy general manager of Northeast Pharmaceutical, said that since 2018, Northeast Pharmaceutical has taken the overall relocation of the plant as an opportunity to invest more than 1.3 billion yuan to comprehensively upgrade plant equipment and improve production processes.

"Take the production of vitamin C tablets as an example. Through process transformation, we collect tail gas generated during the production process to reduce emissions. At the same time, the heat energy generated by the tail gas is fed back into production, which can save more than 300 tons of coal for the company every year." Liu Yan said with emotion, "Accelerating the green transformation of development methods, new quality productivity itself is green productivity."

As an old industrial base, Liaoning is under great pressure to transform and reduce emissions. In recent years, it has accelerated the upgrading of traditional industries and the implementation of carbon peak actions in the industrial field. It has cultivated a total of 575 provincial green manufacturing units and 176 national green manufacturing units. Since the 14th Five-Year Plan, the energy consumption of industrial units with added value above the designated size has decreased by 10.1%.

"Promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is a difficult problem that must be solved to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning in the new era. We insist on promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerating the cultivation of new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and striving to build a modern industrial system with Liaoning's unique advantages." said Hao Peng, Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee.

"The company has been developing flying cars for more than 10 years, from the earliest flying motorcycles to the current split flying car 'land aircraft carrier', and the product has been updated to the fifth generation." Qiu Mingquan, vice president of Guangdong Huitian Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters that the company focuses on research and development and has strong policy support. In April this year, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, planned and built the first batch of four flying car take-off and landing points in Guangzhou University City, providing venues for flying car testing and experiments, solving a big problem.

"Cultivating and developing future industries is a major strategic measure for Guangdong to enhance new momentum, create new advantages, and promote high-quality development." Wang Weizhong, governor of Guangdong Province, said that Guangdong will adhere to the real economy as the basis and manufacturing as the leader, aim at strategic frontiers and contested areas, further sort out and improve the layout of future industrial development, focus on breakthroughs in key technologies, highlight the traction of application scenarios, and strive to open up new fields and new tracks and strive to gain strategic initiative.

"Upstairs and downstairs, we can transform the research results." Li Xia, executive director of Jiangsu Suzhou Optoelectronic Technology Research Institute, took reporters to visit the two-story building of the institute. Downstairs is a high-precision precision instrument laboratory, and upstairs are three-dimensional optical sensors and optical device packaging and testing pilot platforms. "In one building, we can achieve research and development results from 0 to 1 and transformation results from 1 to N."

"We not only tackle 'bottleneck' technologies, but also pay attention to and serve market demands, providing customized packaging and testing services from optoelectronic chips to integrated devices to small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises." Li Xia introduced that the optoelectronic chip packaging and testing platform alone can save companies hundreds of millions of yuan in R&D and equipment investment.

One end connects scientific research, the other end connects industry. There are more than 560 such new R&D institutions in Jiangsu. Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Xin Changxing said that Jiangsu will continue to stimulate innovation vitality by deepening reforms, and strive to solve the problem of "cannot be transferred" caused by the unsmooth interactive channels between industry, academia, research and application, the problem of "difficult to transfer" caused by the difficulty in quantifying the value of scientific and technological achievements, and the problem of "not wanting to transfer" caused by the inadequate reform of the empowerment of official scientific and technological achievements, so as to achieve greater breakthroughs in promoting the local transaction, transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.

Reform vitality promotes the accelerated cultivation of new quality productivity. Installing "air conditioning" on chips? This is not uncommon in Shenyang, Liaoning. The micro semiconductor temperature control device developed by the team of Sun Dongming, a researcher at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is less than the size of a dime. After power is turned on, it can quickly cool down semiconductor chips and improve chip performance.

In September 2021, Sun Dongming's team established Liaoning Lengxin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. by investing in patents. The monthly production capacity of temperature control devices has exceeded 300,000 pieces, serving more than 40 industry companies. Its products are widely used in laser communications, automotive lidar and other fields. "To promote the transformation of results, we have the policy support of equity incentives, the hardware support of various pilot bases, and the government's high-quality service guarantee." Sun Dongming said with emotion, "The relevant departments ran errands throughout the process. It took the company only three months from site selection to completion and production."

Taking advantage of the concentrated scientific and educational resources of universities, research institutes and laboratories, Liaoning has continued to improve its service system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in recent years, focusing on key industrial fields to deploy 36 provincial pilot bases, and building a pilot public service network system covering the entire province. In 2023, the local transformation rate of scientific and technological achievements in Liaoning Province reached 55.5%, and the transaction volume of technology contracts reached 130.83 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.8%.

The vitality of reform is surging in the industry. Shanghai Changxing Island, where shipbuilding enterprises are concentrated, is also the location of Changxing Marine Laboratory, a new research and development institution established by Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Hu Xiaofeng, a researcher at the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the director of the Ship Digital Twin Technology Research Center of Changxing Marine Laboratory, said that in the past, scientific research institutions did not understand the needs of shipbuilding, and many results could not be directly applied in shipyards. Now, scientific research is carried out at the forefront of the industry, aiming at key technologies and making precise breakthroughs.

Optimize the system and mechanism and serve both supply and demand. All localities insist on taking high-quality development as the hard truth of the new era. One by one, factories, workshops, institutes, and enterprises have grown "innovation flowers" and produced "industrial fruits", and new quality productivity is being cultivated at an accelerated pace.

A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet
A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet

After a lively wedding, the groom Zheng Liang couldn't be happy at all, just because the one who came to attend the wedding wrote in a novel, "They are all pre made dishes, it's better to go back to the countryside to do it, fresh and affordable.". As a newcomer, Zheng Liang worked hard for several months to prepare, but in exchange for such an evaluation, it made him very frustrated. Each table cost nearly 6000 yuan, but unexpectedly, he still fell into the category of dishes. 70% of the 16 dishes are pre made. The reporter learned that Zheng Liang lives in Dayuan Town, Fuyang. In order to leave an unforgettable wedding banquet for his family and friends, he specially chose the banquet package of 5988 yuan from a well-known hotel in the city, which is also the most expensive one in the hotel. And since he was young, he has been engaged in the catering industry for six or seven years, and has a very thorough understanding of the ways of banquet dishes, so he said the opening sentence

Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments
Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments

On June 4, 2023, the fourth batch of space science experiment samples of the China Space Station returned to the ground with the Shenzhou XV spacecraft return capsule, and delivered the space application system led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the Dongfeng landing site. At about 14:00 on the 4th, some experimental samples were transported to the Space Application Engineering and Technology Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. The overall space application system and relevant experimental personnel checked and confirmed the basic status of the returned experimental samples, and handed over to relevant experimental scientists for follow-up research. The space application system, accompanied by the return module of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft, carried out a total of 15 scientific project experimental samples, including life experiment samples such as cells, nematodes, Arabidopsis, and regenerated rice, as well as various alloy materials, new infrared detector materials, amorphous thin film materials, and other material experimental samples. The total weight of the downward experimental sample is over 20 kilograms

A man died from being flooded in a car, with water and power outages in many parts of Japan, and trains suspended. Typhoon "Mawa" has caused 2 deaths and 35 injuries. Earthquake | Time | Typhoon
A man died from being flooded in a car, with water and power outages in many parts of Japan, and trains suspended. Typhoon "Mawa" has caused 2 deaths and 35 injuries. Earthquake | Time | Typhoon

Typhoon Mawa was downgraded to an extratropical cyclone on the evening of June 3rd local time. According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association Television, as of the morning of the 4th, the heavy rainfall, floods, and landslides caused by "Mawa" have resulted in 2 deaths, 4 missing, and 35 injured. The relevant rescue and search operations are still ongoing. Hundreds of houses were damaged in several rivers beyond the warning line. According to the fire department of the General Affairs Province of Japan, 232 houses were damaged in 13 counties, including Aichi, Shizuoka and Wakayama. In addition, large areas of roads were flooded and several bridges were washed out. In addition, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry stated that due to heavy rainfall, there were large-scale power outages and water shortages in the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan from the night of the 3rd to the morning of the 4th. As of the morning of the 4th, communications in some areas of Aichi and Shizuoka counties had not been restored.

Building roads, revitalizing abandoned land, uniting and sharing, and achieving a bountiful harvest. Summer management | abandoned land | bountiful harvest
Building roads, revitalizing abandoned land, uniting and sharing, and achieving a bountiful harvest. Summer management | abandoned land | bountiful harvest

CCTV News: Currently, the summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management work in various regions is underway. Nearly 400 acres of abandoned land in Pingya Tibetan Township, Wudu District, Longnan City, Gansu Province have also experienced a bumper harvest this year. These lands have been abandoned for several years. By the end of 2022, a 5.3 kilometer village road was built locally, which not only revitalized the abandoned land but also connected the emotions of Han Tibetan villages along the road, bringing about a fruitful and win-win situation. At the end of May and beginning of June, in Pingya Tibetan Township, Wudu District, Longnan City, nearly 400 acres of rapeseed were harvested in this mountain ditch called "Jiufang Gou". Tibetan villagers are busy harvesting and drying. Villagers told reporters that the yield of rapeseed per acre in this area can reach over 300 kilograms, with an income of over 1000 yuan per acre. Nearly 400 acres of land earn an income of 400000 yuan. And before, this was just a piece of cake

Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games
Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games

On the road to becoming a formal sports event, the poker game Guanpai, originating from Huai'an, Jiangsu, has achieved considerable success. The 5th National Intelligence Games will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from October 25th to November 4th this year. The games will include public speaking groups and performance events. According to the recent public disclosure by the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, Guanpai has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games. In addition, in the public open group added to the 5th National Intelligence Games, Guanpai was also included in the network group along with chess, international chess, bridge, Gomoku, international checkers and other events. The official competition events of the 5th National Intelligence Games include 6 major events, including Go, Chess, International Chess, Bridge, Gomoku, and International Checkers, with 58 minor events.