Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:25 PM

June 25th is National Land Day, and this year's theme is "Saving and Intensive Land Use, Strictly Observing the Red Line of Farmland".

Farmland is the most precious resource in our country.

China, with 9% of the world's arable land and 6% of its freshwater resources, nurtures nearly 1/5 of the world's population. The basic national condition of having more people and less land in our country determines that we must protect the arable land that is crucial for the livelihood of over a billion people, and there must be no mistakes.

How to protect arable land?

"The requirements for the protection of cultivated land must be very clear. 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land must be worthy of its name. Farmland is farmland and must be good farmland." At the meeting of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held at the end of 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping expounded the core requirements of cultivated land protection from the three dimensions of quantity, quality, and use -- strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, turn the existing cultivated land into fertile land, curb "non-agriculturalization", prevent "non-grain", and ensure "good land and grain use".

Every inch of land and every inch of gold is related to the national strategy, and each ridge and acre carries the livelihood of the people. Protecting and improving the quality of arable land will ensure that our rice bowls are stable, secure, and well maintained.

"Take hard measures of 'growing teeth'"

To protect arable land, the first step is to maintain quantity.

As early as the 2013 Central Rural Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Stick to the red line of 1.8 billion acres of arable land, everyone has issued a military order, and we must do it. There is no room for bargaining!"

All things grow in the soil. Without the existence of the earth, how will food be attached?

According to data from relevant departments, China has a population of over 1.4 billion and consumes 700000 tons of grain, 98000 tons of oil, 1.92 million tons of vegetables, and 230000 tons of meat every day.

Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

To meet such a huge consumer demand, arable land must be maintained at 1.8 billion mu, which is an undeniable bottom line.

"Protecting farmland like protecting giant pandas" and "taking hard measures to 'grow teeth'"

On June 14, 2023, in Linzi Town, Linyi County, Shandong Province, a combine harvester was harvesting wheat.

This year's National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping, when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, warned: "The red line of arable land is a lifelong pursuit, and even after retirement. This is all 'the big of the country '."

In recent years, China's legal system for protecting arable land has been continuously improved, firmly establishing the bottom line of food security——

The Land Management Law and the Implementation Regulations of the Land Management Law have been revised and implemented successively, and the Black Soil Protection Law has emerged. Strict assessment of farmland protection goals has been implemented layer by layer, and the "balance of entry and exit" and "balance of occupation and compensation" systems have been continuously strengthened. The "field chief system" assigns responsibility to each person for each field, and the protection goals and tasks of 1.865 billion mu of farmland and 1.546 billion mu of permanent basic farmland are clearly required to remain unchanged until 2035.

As of April 16 this year, the total arable land area in China has reached 1.914 billion mu, achieving a net increase in the total arable land for two consecutive years.

"Farmland is farmland"

"No one will be allowed to make changes or play games in the protection of cultivated land, 'it doesn't hurt to sell the son'." When it comes to the protection of cultivated land, General Secretary Xi Jinping earnestly warned.

In recent years, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, arable land has faced a series of challenges.

"In recent years, I have successively put forward requirements for cleaning up and renovating greenhouses, illegally built villas, arbitrarily occupying cultivated land to build houses, curbing the" non-agriculturalization "of cultivated land, and preventing" non-grainization ". The relevant departments have played a set of combined punches." On December 28, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping urged all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities at the Central Rural Work Conference, "Land must be used to build cities, engage in industry, and protect the ecology. It must be carefully calculated and prioritized, and must not occupy arable land and violate natural laws. To engage in afforestation."

Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

In April this year, the Ministry of Natural Resources reported that 67 agricultural land protection inspectors discovered significant violations of laws and regulations. On the list of notifications, there are many cities and counties with main production areas.

Since the State Council issued a document in 2020 to resolutely stop the "non agriculturalization" of farmland and prevent the "non grainification" of farmland, the trend of illegal and irregular occupation of farmland has been somewhat curbed, but such phenomena still exist. The existence of the problem reflects ideological deviations, loopholes in responsibility, and lax management, which also prompts the provinces in the main production areas to include farmland protection issues in the "problem list" of thematic education.

In Shangqiu, Henan, a special campaign to address various illegal and irregular occupation of arable land is currently underway. This year, Henan has rectified various illegal and irregular occupation of 145000 mu of arable land since 2019, with a rectification rate of 90.08%.

On June 14th, Jiangxi Province and the Eighth Guidance Group of Central Theme Education jointly held a special symposium on the rectification of prominent issues in the field of farmland protection and a symposium to solicit opinions on strengthening farmland protection, further promoting the rectification of problems.

The Ministry of Natural Resources will carry out two sub meter level remote sensing image monitoring campaigns for the full coverage of cultivated land in 13 major grain producing provinces and 5 provinces with a large amount of cultivated land this year.

On September 2, 2022, a rice field painting was painted in the Wanmu Rice Science and Technology Demonstration Park in Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province.

Farmland, as a strategic and fundamental resource that concerns national economy and people's livelihood, is different from other resources and cannot be treated as a general commodity, let alone measured simply by economic value.

At the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "In some places, a large number of fertile fields do not grow grain. They either build farms or grow flowers and trees. What about grain?"

Stable grain planting area is a prerequisite for ensuring food security. For this reason, the No. 1 central document in 2022 proposed that "cultivated land is mainly used for the production of grain, cotton, oil, sugar, vegetables and other agricultural products as well as forage and feed". This fully reflects the firm will of the central government to control the use of cultivated land and the principle of starting from reality, while retaining the resilience of policies.

"Farmland must be good farmland"

Protecting farmland not only requires maintaining quantity, but also improving quality.

Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

"The construction of high-standard farmland is an important starting point. We must unswervingly grasp it, improve the construction standards and quality, and truly achieve high and stable yields from droughts and floods." "Farmland must be fertile land. It is necessary to build a national food security industrial belt, strengthen the construction of farmland water conservancy, implement black land protection projects, classify and transform saline-alkali land, and strive to build 1 billion acres of high-standard farmland." General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to gradually build all permanent basic farmland into high standard farmland.

He pointed out that based on the fact that China has a large amount of saline alkali land and great development potential, we should play a key role in scientific and technological innovation, increase the efforts to transform and improve saline alkali land, strengthen the development and promotion of suitable crop varieties for saline alkali land, effectively expand the planting area of suitable crops, actively develop deep processing, and do a good job in the characteristic agriculture of saline alkali land.

Adhering to the principle of balancing protection and development, promoting techniques for improving saline alkali land, and expanding the breeding area of drought alkali wheat... Nowadays, Cangzhou is gradually building a regional agricultural production system and technological support system that adapts to the characteristics of saline alkali land.

On June 15, 2023, in Graphene Village, Zhongdu Town, Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, villagers harvested beans from high standard farmland.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adheres to a systematic concept and proposes the concept of storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology with a global perspective and strategic thinking. Its core essence lies in cherishing resources and relying on technology to pursue a path of connotative development.

Consolidate the foundation of farmland and turn it into a good one. As of April 16 this year, the Ministry of Natural Resources has included cultivated land in the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands in the comprehensive land consolidation work. 446 pilot projects have been established in 28 provinces, regions, and cities across the country, with townships as the basic implementation units.

Consolidate the foundation of arable land and enable high-quality development of good farmland. By the end of 2022, a total of 1 billion acres of high standard farmland will be built nationwide, ensuring a stable production capacity of over 1 trillion kilograms of grain. This year, we will continue to strengthen the construction of high standard farmland, build 45 million mu of new land, renovate and upgrade 35 million mu, and create more favorable conditions for comprehensively consolidating the foundation of food security and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power.

Today's farmland is tomorrow's rice bowl, farmland is farmland, and it must be good farmland.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping said during the delegation of the two sessions last year, "A big country like us must definitely rely on itself." "We must have a bottom-line thinking, peace and not forget the danger. born in sorrow, die in peace and happiness."

On the new journey, we need to protect farmland like we protect giant pandas, making every inch of land a fertile ground for harvest.

Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

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