The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:14 PM

The second is to hold an annual performance exhibition, where he personally oversees the deployment, implementation, demonstration and guidance, and mobilizes everyone's enthusiasm.

The fact has proven that the combination of "on-site meetings" and "effectiveness exhibitions" is quite effective, and the enthusiasm of the grassroots is immediately mobilized.

From this, it can be seen that to do any job well, we need to carefully plan at the top-level design, and also have effective ways and methods to implement it.The author has sorted out seven "magic weapons", from which we can explore the secret to the success of the "Ten Million Project" and provide valuable reference for us to do our current and future work well.

The first priority in Yudong Village, Gouxi Township, Kecheng District, Quzhou City is to benefit the people with one or a thousand pieces of advice

"Xi Jinping's Zhejiang footprint" records that at the beginning of the implementation of the "ten million project", Comrade Xi Jinping put forward three criteria for whether the local government could hold an on-the-spot meeting. One of them is to "look at the reputation of the common people and test whether the" ten million project "really benefits farmers and promotes economic and social development." It can be said that the reason why the "ten million project" is popular is that it really benefits the masses, thus winning the real reputation of the masses.

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

For example, Jinxing Village, located at the source of the Qianjiang River, is a model village for the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" in Quzhou. In the past, villagers made a living through various cutting methods. After the "Ten Million Project" was launched throughout the province, Jinxing Village gradually promoted greening and beautification, as well as centralized garbage collection. By the beginning of 2006, this village had become an ecological village with lush mountains and trees, and was rated as one of the first comprehensive well-off demonstration villages in the province.

For every task, he doesn't just ask a question or make a request to complete it. He always works on it himself, works hard to achieve results.

Ultimately, the standard for measuring the gains and losses of work depends on whether it benefits and satisfies the masses. I will remember the worries of the people; I will do what the people hope for. Only by wholeheartedly doing what the people need and want, can our cause have a source of vitality and never cease.

Meilin Village, Guali Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City

2、 Find the "optimal solution" for each beauty, beauty, and commonality

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

Nowadays, walking into the rural areas of Zhejiang, what is impressive is that each village has a different local style and spiritual atmosphere. In the process of promoting the "Ten Million Project", Zhejiang has not only respected the original appearance of rural development to the greatest extent, but also followed the laws of the development of different villages themselves, "tailoring" a colorful and beautiful countryside.

For example, during a recent investigation in Quzhou City, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Yi Lianhong, visited Qingyang Village. Guided by the "Ten Million Project", Qingyang Village has protected, utilized, and developed ecological and cultural resources, becoming a well-known "green, rich, and beautiful" village; Huayuan Village in Dongyang City, Jinhua, which developed through "reform rice", has taken advantage of the "Ten Million Project" and embarked on the path of urbanization by enriching farmers with work and strengthening the village with work. It is now a "village small city" with an annual revenue of over 60 billion yuan.

Sing whatever song you go to the mountain. The "Ten Million Project" has been focusing on "thousands of villages, thousands of faces" and "thousands of villages, all things" from the beginning. Based on the specific situation of different villages, the construction mode is classified and determined, and "one village, one policy" is formulated to promote the formation of "one village, one product" and "one village, one charm". It is precisely by mastering the scientific method of tailoring policies to local conditions and categorizing them, avoiding uniformity and excessive actions, that millions of rural areas in Zhejiang have found the "optimal solution" that suits them, each beautiful and beautiful together.

Huayuan Village, Dongyang City, Jinhua Third, systematic promotion rather than fragmented efforts

Improving the living environment in rural areas is a breakthrough in solving rural problems. But rectifying the environment involves a series of problems. Systematic consideration and overall coordination, rather than "one hammer in the east and one stick in the west", are necessary to achieve practical results.

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

The implementation of the "Ten Million Project" in Zhejiang was not limited to environmental improvement from the beginning, but focused on the production, life, and ecology of rural areas together. The "Five Major Revitalizations" of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations were carried out simultaneously, and a new path of coordinated urban-rural and integrated development was taken to promote the "Beautiful Countryside, Humanistic Countryside, Good Governance Countryside, Common Prosperity Countryside, and Digital Countryside". Rural planning, construction, management, operation, and service were integrated, and both urban and rural areas were comprehensively considered, paving the way for a new path of coordinated urban-rural and integrated development. Some argue that the "Ten Million Project" is the successful application and practice of systematic concepts and methods in the practical work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

We can see that later on, whether it was the "sewage revolution", "garbage revolution", or "toilet revolution", or the construction of beautiful rural areas and future rural areas in counties, various factors were "packaged" and integrated to promote the driving role of cities in rural areas and the promoting role of rural areas in cities. Only then did the "horizon" of rural areas in Zhejiang have a beautiful picture that is no less than the "skyline" of cities.

The fastest step in Yucun, Anji County, Huzhou City is to "persist"

He personally attended the kickoff meeting of the "Ten Million Project" in 2003 and the on-site meetings for three consecutive years, delivering important speeches. Up to now, Zhejiang has held on-site promotion meetings for 20 consecutive years for the "Ten Million Project". In this way, for twenty years, one task after another, one stick after another, the "Ten Million Project" has accelerated the pace of rural revitalization.

If the "Ten Million Project" was the first to solve the problem 20 years ago, then the persistence of "persisting in doing one thing well for 20 years" and constantly seeking the most suitable path for rural development are important reasons for the earth shaking changes in rural areas of Zhejiang.

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

The completion of the "Ten Million Project" reflects Zhejiang's determination and determination. Over the past 20 years, guided by the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has achieved great success through persistent practical innovation, reshaping the rural environment and creating countless beautiful villages.

The times are changing, and maintaining strategic composure is the key to success. If new officials ignore old accounts, then any good strategy is just a castle in the air.

Puyuan Fashion Ancient Town in Tongxiang City, Jiaxing V. Iterative Innovation is an Effective Strategy

Fixed strength does not equal fixed form, iterative innovation is the effective way of playing. At different stages of strategic implementation, there will be different internal and external factors, new progress, new problems, new needs, and new opportunities. This requires keeping up with the times, iterating tactics, and innovating tactics.

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has issued an action plan every 5 years and an implementation opinion for each important stage. The focus of rectification has been determined based on different development stages and needs, gradually progressing from easy to difficult. The connotation and significance of the "Ten Million Project" are constantly deepening and sublimating, and it touches on all aspects of rural development.

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

Starting from the "demonstration of thousands of villages and the rectification of thousands of villages", to the deepening and improvement of "exquisite and beautiful thousands of villages", and then to the iterative upgrading of "future and common prosperity of thousands of villages", keeping up with the times and innovating iteration are the inherent genes that can still be revitalized and continuously endow the development of rural areas in Zhejiang Province from the "Ten Million Project" to today. Next, Zhejiang will accelerate the construction of a new "Ten Million Project" with "Thousand Villages Leading, Ten Thousand Villages Revitalizing, Global Prosperity, and Urban Rural Harmony".

The wise change according to the times, while the wise adjust according to the situation. The situation is changing, tasks are changing, and work requirements are also changing. We should pay attention to tactical iteration and innovative tactics, adapt to situations accurately, scientifically, and actively seek change, cultivate new opportunities, and open up new opportunities.

Sixth, Xiajiang Village, Fengshuling Town, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City. Keep your eyes down and don't just look up at the sky

Using research to stay grounded and understand the situation has always been an important tool for party members and cadres to discover conflicts and solve problems.

Over the past 20 years, every deepening of the "Ten Million Project" has also been based on the results of investigation and research.

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

The practice of the "Ten Million Project" tells us that with eyes down and feet on the ground, jumping down and sinking to the front line, decisions can hit the "pain", scratch the "itch", and achieve the "benefits".

It is not good to make decisions without understanding the real situation. Only by finding out the situation, finding out the problems correctly and putting forward the countermeasures can we make more scientific decisions with a "soil flavor" like the "Ten Million Project".

The seventh residential building in Tengtou Village, Xiaowangmiao Street, Fenghua District, Ningbo City, also boasts "invisible achievements"

Pursuing political achievements is normal, but there are significant differences in how and what kind of achievements one pursues. As an official, one should not only do practical things that can be seen, touched, and benefited by the common people, but also do good deeds that lay a foundation for future generations, and benefit the long run.

Just like the "Ten Million Project", efforts are not only being made in visible and fast achieving areas such as water and toilet improvement, village road hardening, and greening and lighting, but also in invisible areas such as governance system construction, rural industry cultivation, rural civilization construction, and cultural inheritance and development. This fully reflects the spiritual realm of "success does not have to be in me" and the mission of "success must have me".

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

To achieve political achievements does not mean to engage in "political achievement projects", and to achieve image does not mean to engage in "image projects".

Based on the present and with a long-term perspective, we should make both visible and potential contributions, work in practice and achieve tangible results. Only by doing so can a beautiful blueprint become a beautiful reality.

The "magic weapons" behind the "Ten Million Project" not only reveal the secret to its success, but also contain universal methods to guide practice and promote work. By flexibly applying these methods in combination with practical situations, we can better promote the continuous deepening of the "Ten Million Project" in the new era and new journey, and achieve more exciting changes like the "Ten Million Project".

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