Idiom reading | to take "long teeth" hard measures to protect cultivated land protection | Xi Jinping | cultivated land

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:12 PM

Editor's note: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has published a series of important speeches and important articles with distinctive styles, profound thoughts, and profound connotations. They use history to reflect reality and look at the future from a distance, shining with the truth of Marxism. The charming language in these important speeches and articles is a true portrayal of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governing philosophy and a vivid manifestation of his personality charm. CCTV's "learning every day" column has launched a series of "idioms reading", which takes you to understand the language charm of general secretary Xi Jinping from different dimensions in the form of "news cartoon text reading.

Plant one grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn.

In a country like our country with many people, few land, and a large country with small farmers, food security has always been regarded as the "greatest of the country". Land is the foundation of grain, and protecting arable land is the core principle in order to firmly stabilize China's rice bowl.

June 25 is National Land Day ". Since 2019, "saving and intensive land and strictly observing the red line of cultivated land" has become the propaganda theme of the national "land day" for five consecutive years. It aims to call on the whole society to establish the awareness of saving land and protecting cultivated land, so that every inch of land can become fertile soil for harvest. And this is exactly the top priority that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always had in mind.

We must strictly guard against strictly adhering to the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, adopt hard measures of "growing teeth", and implement the strictest arable land protection system.

On March 6, 2022, when the general secretary visited the members of the agricultural, social welfare and social security circles who participated in the Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he once again emphasized the need to adopt "long teeth" hard measures to fully consolidate all levels. Local party committees and governments have responsibilities for farmland protection. The central government must sign a "military order" for farmland protection with all localities, strict assessment and lifelong accountability to ensure that 1.8 billion mu of farmland is well-deserved.

In less than two years, the general secretary used "long teeth" twice in a row to describe the strict measures that can "bite people". He demanded that the measures to protect cultivated land should be "rigid" and "hard core" enough, and could really "bite the pain" violators, reflecting his firm determination and strategic determination to "save the land and stay with his children and grandchildren.

This good intention to protect cultivated land can be traced back to Xi Jinping's youth.

His first task after taking office was to lead the members to reclaim land, block rivers and dams, and increase the area of farmland.

While chatting with the villagers, he was lost in thought and said, "Heizi, why do you think our Liangjia River is poor? Why can't we have enough to eat? It's because there's too little land. Build a dam here and add such a large area of irrigated land. In the future, the descendants of Liangjia River will benefit. We have to do whatever we say!"

Words speak louder than words. Under his leadership, the village has increased dozens of acres of arable land. The land on the top of the dam that he led everyone to dig has become the best, smoothest, and most easily irrigated land in Liangjiahe Village. It is still the most fertile and fertile land in Liangjiahe to this day.

In Zhengding, Hebei, Xi Jinping made the decision and deployment of "to solve the contradiction of more people and less land, we must march to the barren beach". The sleeping barren beach was planted with fruit trees, peanuts, and small grains, and the per capita income of Zhengding doubled.

Idiom reading | to take "long teeth" hard measures to protect cultivated land protection | Xi Jinping | cultivated land

In Fujian, Xi Jinping has visited Changting, one of the areas with the most serious soil erosion in the red soil region of southern my country five times, and issued a mobilization order to completely eliminate barren mountains, so that the old appearance of "mountain light, water turbidity, thin fields, and poor people" has been changed. A new look.

In Zhejiang, Xi Jinping wrote an article in the "Zhijiang Xinyu" column of "Zhejiang Daily" that the restriction of land elements is a hard restriction, and it is necessary to "live a tight life for a long time" on the land issue ".

As of the end of 2022, 1 billion mu of high standard farmland has been built nationwide, ensuring a stable grain production capacity of over 1 trillion catties.

The five grains are the destiny of all people and the treasure of the country. Firmly guarding the bottom line of ensuring national food security, seeking benefits for the tillers and benefiting the foodies, is a long and arduous task.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Editor Lu Yang

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Proofreading, Meng Lizheng, Sun Jie, Fan Lijun.

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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