"Ten Million Projects" Create Thousands of Beautiful Rural Economy | Projects | Rural Areas

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:17 PM

In summer, Jiangnan is full of scenery. Under the guidance of the "Ten Million Project", a modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map" of village beauties and common prosperity is slowly unfolding on the land of Zhijiang.

The "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project is a major decision that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, and promoted during his work in Zhejiang. In June 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, made a strategic decision to implement the "10 million Project" on the basis of extensive and in-depth investigation and study. it is proposed to select about 10000 administrative villages from nearly 40000 villages in the province for comprehensive renovation, and build about 1000 of them into well-off demonstration villages in an all-round way. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has given important instructions and instructions to Zhejiang's "Ten Thousand Million Project" many times.

Twenty years of hard work, Zhejiang has persisted in drawing a blueprint to the end. For twenty consecutive years, on-site promotion meetings have been held with the highest standards in the province, one after another, year after year. From "demonstration of thousands of villages and rectification of thousands of villages" leading progress, promoting cleaner and more orderly rural areas, to deepening the improvement of "exquisite products and beauty of thousands of villages", promoting more beautiful and livable rural areas, and then to the iterative upgrade of "future of thousands of villages, common prosperity of thousands of villages", promoting the realization of common prosperity and beauty in rural areas, the connotation of the "Ten Million Project" continues to deepen, the extension continues to expand, and the achievements continue to amplify.

Twenty years of leapfrog development, the "Ten Million Project" has created countless beautiful villages and benefited the vast rural population, promoting Zhejiang to become one of the provinces with the fastest modernization of agriculture, the most beautiful rural environment, the best living conditions for farmers, and the most coordinated urban-rural development. In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents in Zhejiang Province reached 37565 yuan, ranking first in the country for 38 consecutive years.

Green mountains and clear waters are the cornerstone of happiness

Green mountains and lush waters surround the village. In Yucun, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, the design of "Yucun Impression" is cool and trendy. This building, transformed from a chemical plant, relies on a renewable energy photovoltaic power generation system for carbon offsetting and is truly a zero carbon building.

Wang Yucheng, Secretary of the Yucun Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee, introduced that the appearance of the "Yucun Impression" is like a golden key, symbolizing that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets. The concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" is a golden key, solving the confusion between economic development and ecological protection.

Under the guidance of scientific concepts, Yucun has transformed from the past of "mountains are bald, water becomes soy sauce soup" in mining, to the present of "people walking in Yucun is like traveling in a painting.". Last year, Yucun received 700000 tourists and the collective income of the village exceeded 13 million yuan.

Countryside turning into parks, villages turning into scenic spots, farmhouses turning into guest rooms, resources turning into assets... The beautiful scenery of green mountains and clear waters turning into a "good money scenery" of gold and silver, such examples can be found everywhere in rural Zhejiang.

"Before 2003, we were a typical impoverished village where it was difficult for young people to start a family, villagers had low incomes, and collective debts were high," said Cai Mingfu, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Hengshanwu Village in Anji County. Seizing the opportunity of the "Ten Million Project", Hengshanwu Village has launched a major village renovation campaign, and on this basis, vigorously developed the cultural and tourism industry, creating a "Small Addiction Half Day Village" homestay cluster village, attracting a large number of young people to start businesses here, and achieving the transformation from a "hollow village" to a "internet famous place". Last year, Hengshanwu Village received a total of 610000 tourists, with a tourism revenue of 108 million yuan and a village operating income of 7.52 million yuan.

Relying on unique natural resources, Xiantan Village in Moganshan Town, Deqing County has developed rural homestays, paving the way for common prosperity by transforming beautiful environments into beautiful economies and feeding back beautiful ecology with beautiful countryside. There are 166 homestays, 10 restaurants, 7 cafes, 3 tent campsites, as well as various business formats such as barbecue shops and milk tea shops in the entire village. It is estimated that it will attract 450 million yuan of social capital to invest in rural construction. "More college students are returning to their hometowns for employment, and becoming a homestay butler has become a new profession," said Shen Jiangrong, Secretary of the Xiantan Village Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee.

The 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" have been the period when Zhejiang's agriculture has developed the fastest, rural areas have undergone the greatest changes, and farmers have benefited the most. According to the Agricultural Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, in 2002, only about 4000 villages in Zhejiang had good environmental conditions, while the remaining 30000 villages generally had poor environments. The implementation of the "Ten Million Project" has brought earth shaking changes to rural areas in Zhejiang. Zhejiang has become the first province to pass the national ecological province acceptance, and the rural living environment evaluation continues to rank first in the country.

In 2018, the "Ten Million Project" was awarded the highest environmental honor of the United Nations - the "Guardian of the Earth Award". The United Nations Environment Programme stated, "Some regions of China have achieved decades of environmental governance achievements from Western countries in a relatively short period of time, which demonstrates the determination and wisdom to promote environmental governance and build ecological civilization."

Future Rural Beauty and Harmony

As an important birthplace of the "Ten Million Project" in Zhejiang Province and one of the first pilot projects for future rural construction, Meilin Village in Guali Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City closely adheres to the three key points of "common prosperity+digital countryside+low-carbon development", and comprehensively creates a distinctive future rural demonstration model.

The Meilin Village Beautiful Life Center has built a 24-hour rural digital study, cinema, youth palace, and a smart health service station equipped with professional general practitioners and nurses. Village doctor Liu Baodi told reporters that villagers can enjoy remote expert consultations and chronic disease management services right at their doorstep.

In 2021, Meilin Village released the first village level "common prosperity" indicator system in Zhejiang, which monitors and visualizes the trend of Meilin's common prosperity through digital means. Not long ago, Meilin Village and four surrounding villages invested to establish a strong village company, focusing on modern agricultural science and technology innovation to expand the industry and further achieve a "dual income increase" for both the village collective and villagers. "Gongfu Meilin is not only a beautiful countryside that belongs to the countryside, but also a future countryside that we aspire to," said Kong Gaomin, the first secretary of Meilin Village.

What will the future countryside look like? It can be a thousand different postures and ten thousand wonderful things. Each has its own beauty, and beauty is shared. In Zhejiang, rural areas have been redefined.

Yuhang Jingshan Village, a modern countryside with a green patch of leaves.

"Go to Jingshan and have tea!" Jingshan Village is the location of the millennium old temple "Jingshan Wanshou Zen Temple", with the same famous "Jingshan Tea" as the temple, giving birth to the long-standing Jingshan Zen tea culture. Jingshan Village, guided by the "Ten Million Project" and relying on the beautiful rural improvement and expansion project, strives to create a Zen themed spiritual land with Hangzhou style residential characteristics. At the same time, we will deepen and strengthen the characteristic industry of integrating tea culture, tea technology, and village industry.

"We use the beautiful scenery of the village to attract people, the industrial characteristics to retain people, and the tourism development to attract people. Jingshan tea has become more and more popular, and its brand value has reached nearly 3 billion yuan, becoming the golden card of Yuhang agriculture." Yu Ronghua, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Jingshan Village, said that this year the village's collective income is expected to reach 3.6 million yuan.

Tangdi Village in Shaoxing boasts a beautiful economy with a single flower spreading its fragrance.

Tangdi Village is a mountain village famous for its flowers, with clear water and unique mountains. The fragrance of orchids fills the entire Tangdi area. The village is known for its flowers as its industry and has become prosperous from them. 95% of the village's labor force is engaged in the production and operation of flowers and trees, and 95% of its income comes from the flower and tree industry. In the past, Tangdi Village started with "basket carrying snacks"; Nowadays, the orchid digital factory is full of technology, with sprinkler irrigation, ventilation and lighting, flower monitoring... all of which can be done on mobile phones. Tangdi Village also explores the market-oriented operation model in rural areas, introduces private enterprises to strengthen cooperation between villages and enterprises, and realizes innovation from self operation to whole village operation, simple cooperation to win-win situation between villages and enterprises, and profit sharing to business dividends.

Tangdi Village has become a characteristic tourist attraction village with flower and wood trading as the leading industry and orchid culture, creative research and learning experience as the emerging industry. According to Liu Jianming, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Tangdi Village, Tangdi Village currently receives over 25000 annual training sessions, more than 140000 tourists, and directly generates over 7 million yuan in revenue.

Dongyang Cailu Village, "One Field" shares infinite scenery.

The drone plow rumbled, and a thousand acres of rice fields were lush with greenery. Egrets danced gracefully, surrounded by scenic spots such as the Wisteria Corridor, aerial walkway, Seven Star Park, and Agricultural Science and Technology Park... In Cailu Village, the innovative model of "shared countryside" organically integrates modern agriculture, leisure tourism, and cultural tourism, not only beautifying the village environment but also boosting the villagers' wallets.

In 2019, Cailu Village explored the establishment of the "Smart Cailu Cloud Platform", and all 1200 acres of farmland were included in 5G digital management. "Last year, the total income of the village's collective economy was 10.2 million yuan, with a per capita income exceeding 82000 yuan." Lu Yangchun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Cailu Village, introduced that in 2021, Cailu Village also jointly implemented the integrated rural reform construction project with seven neighboring villages, including Danliang Village and Xutian Village.

The "Ten Million Project" starts with ecology, but does not stop at ecology. Xu Minghua, Vice President of the Party School of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said that since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" 20 years ago, through the improvement of rural living environment, we have accelerated the development of a beautiful economy, improved the rural governance system, created thousands of beautiful villages in the new era, and promoted coordinated urban and rural prosperity in Zhejiang.

"What we see in Zhejiang is the future of China, even the future of the world!" said Eric Solheim, then Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the Environment Programme, during a visit to villages and towns in Zhejiang, China in 2018.

Persist in balancing shaping and soul casting

"That place is called Pingqiao Village, which is a very remote and riverside small village not far from the seaside..." The prototype of "Pingqiao Village" in Lu Xun's "Social Play" is Anqiaotou Village, Sunduan Street, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City.

In recent years, leveraging the "Ten Million Project", Anqiaotou Village has comprehensively developed its rural landscape. Here, tourists can not only see interesting childhood scenes of "Xun Ge Er" such as the Wangxiang Tower and the melon fields in Runtu, but also appreciate literary derivatives created by the Rural Revitalization Workstation of Tsinghua University and the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. Last year, Anqiaotou Village was successfully selected as one of the first strong and prosperous villages in the province. "Through cultural empowerment, Anqiaotou Village has developed a path of rural revitalization that promotes tourism through culture, promotes agriculture through tourism, and transforms agriculture into culture." said Jin Dong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Sunduan Street.

Cultural empowerment is rich in both pockets and brains. Potang Village, also located in Yuecheng District, has no unique mountains and rivers, and few cultural attractions. In recent years, Luo Guohaidai, the Secretary of the Village Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee, has led Potang Village to do a lot of embroidery work on "micro transformation and fine upgrading", allowing the village to retain more nostalgia. Attracting literary and artistic workers to showcase their talents in rural areas, and cleverly using the artistic "east wind" to awaken the potential of rural areas.

In the implementation process of the "Ten Million Project", Zhejiang adheres to the equal emphasis on shaping and casting the soul, comprehensively constructs the "Four Governance Integration" rural governance system under the leadership of Party building, pays attention to promoting the coordination of rural material civilization and spiritual civilization, and strives to build the countryside into a beautiful home where farmers can live and rely on their hearts.

Whether the masses are rich or not depends on the branch; Whether the branch is strong or not depends on the leader. "The key to rural development is to have a good team and leaders," said Xu Xufeng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengdong Street in Dongyang City. Cailu Village has embarked on a new path of agricultural and rural modernization led by Party building and guided by the "Ten Million Project". Nowadays, Party members take the lead in leading the development of agricultural mechanization and intelligence, continuously expanding the connotation of "Cai Lu experience", and forming the core essence of "Party building leadership, technological empowerment, and co creation and co prosperity".

In the process of promoting the "Ten Million Project", we always adhere to the principle of people-oriented, co construction and sharing. In Xiaogucheng Village, Jingshan Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, grassroots democratic consultation has fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of villagers to participate in rural construction. Starting from the "discussion under the camphor tree", Xiaogucheng Village has explored and formed the "four discussions and six steps" working method. Lin Guorong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Xiaogucheng Village, said that through democratic consultation, everyone can think together, gather wisdom together, and work together.

Gu Yikang, the chief expert of Zhejiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute, has personally experienced the entire process of the "Ten Million Project" from decision-making to implementation. In his view, over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has become a truly beneficial livelihood project for billions of farmers, a leading project for coordinating urban and rural areas, and an ecological project for promoting green development. It has become the most effective lever for promoting the modernization of Chinese style agriculture and rural areas. "It can be said that the 'Ten Million Project' has been enduring for a long time and has national and global significance. It is a great project that rewrites the history of contemporary China's' agriculture, rural areas, and farmers'."

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