Mobile China demonstrates the vitality of economic and social development Rural roads | Fixed asset investment | Mobile China

Release time:Jul 02, 2024 12:23 PM

Recently, the Ministry of Transport released the "Statistical Bulletin on the Development of the Transportation Industry in 2023", which shows that in 2023, my country completed cross-regional personnel mobility of 61.288 billion person-times, a year-on-year increase of 30.7%. The mobile China demonstrates the vitality of economic and social development.

What characteristics did my country's transportation economy show in the past year? How is the construction of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network? The reporter conducted an interview.

Transportation is the vein of the economy. Recently, the Ministry of Transport released the "Statistical Communiqué on the Development of the Transportation Industry in 2023". The communiqué shows that in the past year, my country's transportation has continued to recover steadily, cross-regional personnel flow, freight volume, and port cargo throughput have maintained rapid growth, and the scale of transportation fixed asset investment has remained high. A beautiful picture of a mobile China is accelerating.

The total mileage of the comprehensive transportation network exceeds 6 million kilometers

Since last year, my country's comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network has accelerated its formation, and transportation has continued to advance from big to strong, and from sufficient to better, and the main framework of China's development as a major country has accelerated its establishment.

Railways extend in all directions. By the end of last year, the operating mileage of railways in China reached 159,000 kilometers, of which 45,000 kilometers were high-speed railways. The national railway network density was 165.2 kilometers per 10,000 square kilometers, an increase of 4.1 kilometers per 10,000 square kilometers from the end of the previous year.

The roads are becoming more and more dense. By the end of last year, the national road mileage was 5.4368 million kilometers, an increase of 82,000 kilometers from the end of the previous year. The road density reached 56.63 kilometers per 100 square kilometers, an increase of 0.85 kilometers per 100 square kilometers. Among them, the mileage of expressways exceeded 180,000 kilometers.

Water transportation is becoming more developed. As for inland waterways, by the end of last year, the navigable mileage of inland waterways in China was 128,200 kilometers, an increase of 184 kilometers from the end of the previous year. The navigable mileage of graded waterways accounted for 52.9% of the navigable mileage of inland waterways. As for ports and terminals, by the end of last year, there were more than 22,000 berths for production in ports across the country, an increase of 700 from the end of the previous year. Among them, there were 2,878 berths of 10,000 tons and above, an increase of 127 from the end of the previous year.

Aviation coverage is wider. By the end of last year, there were 259 certified civil aviation transport airports, 255 cities served by scheduled flights, and 102 transport airports with an annual passenger throughput of more than 1 million.

Rural transportation facilities are constantly improving. Investment in rural road construction has remained above 400 billion yuan for seven consecutive years, with 188,000 kilometers of new and rebuilt rural roads built throughout the year. By the end of last year, my country had 4.5986 million kilometers of rural roads, and all administrative villages in the country have achieved postal service, providing strong support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

At present, the main skeleton spatial pattern of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network of "6 axes, 7 corridors and 8 channels" has basically been formed. The total mileage of the comprehensive transportation network exceeds 6 million kilometers. my country has built the world's largest high-speed railway network, highway network, postal express network and world-class port group, and aviation and shipping reach the world.

Transportation and logistics are the "barometer" of the real economy, and their busyness directly reflects the level of activity in my country's economy. Since last year, the quality of transportation services has continued to improve, the transportation structure has been continuously optimized, and overall safety production has been stable. China has become one of the countries with the busiest transportation.

Data shows that last year, my country completed commercial freight volume of 54.747 billion tons, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year, and completed cargo turnover of 240646 billion ton-kilometers, an increase of 6.3%. The cross-regional flow of people throughout the year was 61.288 billion person-times, an increase of 30.7%, and the "main artery" and "microcirculation" are more surging.

Using time as a dimension and a day as a scale, we can measure how busy China is today.

Looking at the flow of people, travel is more efficient. On average, more than 160 million people travel across regions every day, including 10 million people traveling by train, 150 million people traveling by road, 700,000 people traveling by ship, and 1.7 million people traveling by plane. On average, nearly 280 million people travel within the city every day by urban public transportation and taxis.

Looking at cargo transportation, the operation is more orderly. On average, 150 million tons of cargo are transported every day, of which about 14 million tons are transported by train, 110 million tons by car, 25 million tons by ship, and 20,000 tons by plane. About 450 million express and parcels are sent and received every day, of which 360 million are express.

Since last year, as the economy and society have fully resumed normal operations, the obvious recovery of international transportation has become a notable feature.

Mobile China demonstrates the vitality of economic and social development Rural roads | Fixed asset investment | Mobile China

The communiqué shows that in 2023, the passenger volume of my country's civil aviation international routes increased by 1461.7% over the previous year. The China-Europe Express trains operated 17,000 trains throughout the year and sent 1.9 million standard containers, an increase of 6% and 18% respectively over the previous year. The port's foreign trade cargo throughput and foreign trade container throughput increased by 9.5% and 5% respectively over the previous year. The international express business volume reached 3.07 billion pieces, an increase of 52% over the previous year.

"The continuously improving urban and rural logistics terminal distribution service network and the more open and shared, globally covered, safe, reliable and well-protected international logistics supply chain will help transportation and logistics to continue to recover and develop, and become a strong support for serving the smooth circulation of the economy." said Zhou Jian, deputy director of the Information Center of the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport.

For people to enjoy travel and goods to flow smoothly, we cannot do without the continuous increase in investment in transportation infrastructure.

Since last year, my country has continuously strengthened infrastructure construction, and the scale of fixed asset investment in transportation has remained above 3 trillion yuan for seven consecutive years, reaching 3.9 trillion yuan in 2023. An average of 10.7 billion yuan was invested in transportation infrastructure every day, a historical high.

Specifically, the total railway fixed asset investment for the whole year was 764.5 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year; the total highway fixed asset investment was 282.4 billion yuan, a decrease of 1% over the previous year; the total waterway fixed asset investment was 201.6 billion yuan, an increase of 20.1% over the previous year.

"Driven by major projects and focusing on networking, supplementing networks and strengthening chains, transportation fixed asset investment continues to run at a high level, helping the transportation trunk network, rapid network and basic network to become more and more dense, allowing the people to stride from 'being able to walk' to 'walk well'." Zhou Jian said.

Efforts to build smart green transportation have been continuously strengthened. By the end of last year, 18 automated container terminals had been built and 27 were under construction, ranking first in the world in terms of both built and under construction. Railway electric locomotives accounted for 65.3%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points, and new energy vehicles accounted for 77.7% of public buses and trams, an increase of 6 percentage points.

Solid results have been achieved in rural road construction. In 2023, the country's rural roads will complete fixed asset investment of 484.3 billion yuan, complete the construction and reconstruction of 188,000 kilometers of rural roads, and renovate 8,418 dangerous bridges on rural roads. The country's 832 poverty-stricken counties will complete fixed asset investment of 718.3 billion yuan in roads.

Major transportation projects are characterized by large single-unit investments, great social impacts, and strong driving effects. They are one of the important areas for expanding domestic demand, stabilizing growth, and promoting employment. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link was completed and opened to traffic, the Changtai Yangtze River Bridge was officially closed, and more than half of the earthwork for the Pinglu Canal has been excavated... Since the beginning of this year, various regions have accelerated the construction of major projects, forming a virtuous cycle of "a batch under construction, a batch newly opened, and a batch in reserve", and transportation investment has continued to play a "stabilizer" role in the economic recovery.

A relevant official from the Ministry of Transport said that the next step will be to urge and guide local governments to speed up the implementation of projects under construction, create more physical workload as soon as possible, and accelerate the construction of the main skeleton of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network; at the same time, actively promote the digital upgrade of road and waterway infrastructure, green transformation and large-scale equipment updates, and accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new quality productivity in transportation.

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