
What is the significance of it?, Propose a perspective on building modern civilization of the Chinese nation | Culture | The Chinese nation
What is the significance of it?, Propose a perspective on building modern civilization of the Chinese nation | Culture | The Chinese nation

This conference is hosted by Shanghai Dejian Sigu Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. Professor Guo Qingsong, President of Shanghai Leadership Science Society and Party Secretary of Shanghai University of Applied Technology, and Xu Jianguo, Chairman of Shanghai Dejian Sigu Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd., delivered speeches respectively. Guo Qingsong pointed out that from the perspective of the development of the Party and the state, the "two combinations" are a dual relationship. The basic principles of Marxism are the main body, and China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture are two sides. Moreover, China's specific reality broadly includes excellent traditional Chinese culture

Historical evolution and historical logic of Chinese path to modernization | sweet potato | evolution
Historical evolution and historical logic of Chinese path to modernization | sweet potato | evolution

The path of Chinese path to modernization fully reflects the resilience and creativity of the Chinese nation. Looking back at the history of China since modern times, the opening of the path of China's modernization or Chinese path to modernization has a very clear historical context and historical trajectory. It is an inevitable product of the historical process of Chinese people's realization of national independence and national rejuvenation since modern times, with strong historical logic and historical necessity. 1、 Chinese path to modernization originated from the national salvation and national self-determination of modern China. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, when the Western powers had not yet touched China, China, which had experienced two thousand years of feudal society, almost reached the peak of the traditional small-scale peasant economy under the rule of the Qing government. It is undeniable that at that time, compared to Europe, which had experienced the Industrial Revolution, China had already shown a trend of poverty and backwardness. Therefore, during the Kangxi and Qianlong periods, some Western scholars also referred to it as the prosperous era“

To make good use of the important legacy of the mass line and solidly promote the mass line for common prosperity | pioneering spirit | legacy
To make good use of the important legacy of the mass line and solidly promote the mass line for common prosperity | pioneering spirit | legacy

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the whole party should adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, establish a solid mass perspective, implement the mass line, respect the people's pioneering spirit, adhere to everything for the people, rely on the people, and come from and go to the people. The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of our party, and it is an important heirloom for our party to maintain its youthful vitality and combat effectiveness. In the new era and new journey, we must make more significant and substantial progress in solidly promoting common prosperity. We must continue to make good use of the important legacy of the mass line, consolidate the foundation, and form a joint force.

Can "wall blocking" achieve "maximization of scenic area benefits"? Wall blocking scenery | Meili Snow Mountain | Hukou Waterfall
Can "wall blocking" achieve "maximization of scenic area benefits"? Wall blocking scenery | Meili Snow Mountain | Hukou Waterfall

According to media reports, in recent times, some scenic spots, including the Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, Qinghai Lake, and Meili Snow Mountain, have built walls and set up fences around certain sections of the road, blocking the sight of passing vehicles and pedestrians from the scenic spots. Faced with media inquiries, some scenic spots have stated that the construction of the wall is for "safety considerations", but at the same time, they do not forget to remind that "visitors can enter the scenic area to enjoy the beautiful scenery by purchasing tickets.". Some scenic spots have subtly acknowledged economic considerations, admitting that "the local economic conditions are not good" and "as the tourism environment continues to develop, barriers may gradually be lifted, and in the future, tourists may not need to pay for the viewing platform to enjoy the scenery.". After the news attracted attention, some netizens criticized these practices as "blocking the scenery with walls" and "charging for blocking roads". Undoubtedly, different scenic spots and attractions

Thinker | Fang Xiaoyi: How can I understand an ancient poem? Relationship | Ancient Poetry | How can we
Thinker | Fang Xiaoyi: How can I understand an ancient poem? Relationship | Ancient Poetry | How can we

Ancient poetry is an important component of China's excellent traditional culture. But nowadays, when reading ancient poetry, people often find it difficult to understand or make mistakes. What is the reason for these situations? How can one understand an ancient poem? Professor Fang Xiao from the Department of Chinese Language at East China Normal University spoke eloquently, helping you dispel the heavy fog of ancient Chinese poetry. The following is his speech at the East Hall of the Shanghai Library. I believe everyone has read some ancient poems to some extent. But for most readers, it is still difficult to understand an ancient poem. It should be noted that when I refer to "ancient poetry" here, it generally refers to ancient poetry, not specifically to ancient poetry as opposed to modern poetry. So, how can one understand an ancient poem? I would like to start with some imprecise explanations of ancient poetry and masterpieces. What exactly does "West Window Candle" and "Desire to Break Soul" refer to

Expert: "The Second Combination" provides a systematic response to the Marxist | Cultural | Controversy in cracking down on the "Controversy between Ancient and Modern China and the West"
Expert: "The Second Combination" provides a systematic response to the Marxist | Cultural | Controversy in cracking down on the "Controversy between Ancient and Modern China and the West"

Among them, new terms and judgments such as "modern civilization of the Chinese nation" and "an organic and unified new cultural life form" reflect the grand view of history and demonstrate historical and cultural confidence. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Why do companies dare not take it?, Discussion on the Two Cards Played by Local Governments | Entrepreneurs | Enterprises
Why do companies dare not take it?, Discussion on the Two Cards Played by Local Governments | Entrepreneurs | Enterprises

Optimizing the business environment is an urgent issue at present, and there is consensus among all sectors. However, the specific discussions are often not in the same level. Experts and departments often discuss, but sometimes they do not hit the pain points of enterprises. Enterprises involved in it often find it inconvenient to discuss and dare not criticize, but they are full of longing for high-quality public services, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are in dire need of support. The investigation and research in Daxing requires everyone to humbly learn and deeply understand the economic scene, step out of the office and conference room, go to the masses and enterprises, receive market education, and timely fill knowledge gaps. Only in this way can we reduce the amount of "I always thought" and "the situation turned out to be like this", and focus more on "knowing its nature and why" - the underlying logic we need to grasp is not imagined, but formed through high-frequency and equal interaction with enterprises

Should we "cut it all" and prohibit entry?, Sharing after saturation warning for ride hailing services | Transport certificate | Ride hailing services
Should we "cut it all" and prohibit entry?, Sharing after saturation warning for ride hailing services | Transport certificate | Ride hailing services

Recently, the transportation bureaus in Changsha, Sanya and other places issued a notice to suspend the acceptance of new online ride hailing transportation certificates. Previously, multiple cities such as Suining, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Wenzhou, and Jinan have also issued saturation warnings for ride hailing services, warning that the daily average number of ride hailing services received in the local area is less than 10, reminding practitioners to be cautious when entering. The surge in the number of people engaged in ride hailing services is not new. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 in 2020, the online car hailing industry once became the main position to attract flexible employees because of its low entry threshold and relatively free working hours. Correspondingly, the number of ride hailing drivers has been increasing. According to statistics from the Ministry of Transport in January 2022, the number of driver identification documents for ride hailing services nationwide was 3.988 million, but by April of this year, this number had increased to 540

In investigation and research, we must follow the new era's online mass line, and public opinion will also be online
In investigation and research, we must follow the new era's online mass line, and public opinion will also be online

The Work Plan for Investigation and Research on the Revitalization of the Whole Party issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China clearly states that "in the revitalization of investigation and research throughout the Party, we must adhere to the Party's mass line and come from and go to the masses." Wherever the masses are, the work of investigation and research should be extended, and where the masses are, the focus of investigation and research should be focused. With the development of the new generation of Internet technology, people's "network ubiquity" has become the norm, and offline life and online life have been integrated. This requires us not only to go down the front line in our research and investigation, but also to step into the fields and factory communities, follow the offline mass line, and often be online, enter online communities, and socialize

How can Shanghai further strengthen its positioning as a center for RMB internationalization?, Promoting the Construction of International Financial Centers RMB | Finance | Shanghai
How can Shanghai further strengthen its positioning as a center for RMB internationalization?, Promoting the Construction of International Financial Centers RMB | Finance | Shanghai

At present, the global economic and financial landscape is accelerating its evolution, and the domestic "dual circulation" strategic development pattern is steadily advancing. The role of RMB internationalization in the international monetary system and China's dual circulation financial strategy is becoming more prominent. In the new situation, to promote a new round of development in the construction of Shanghai International Financial Center, we should seek benefits and avoid harm, and follow the trend. We should not only strengthen the positioning of the RMB internationalization center, but also pay attention to preventing and resolving systemic financial risks. Why is Shanghai in the center of RMB internationalization? When studying the issue of currency internationalization, an economy and its overseas economic and financial activities can be distinguished by flow into cross-border real economy cycles and cross-border financial cycles. The cross-border real economy cycle refers to activities related to the real economy, such as cross-border trade and direct investment; The cross-border financial cycle refers to cross-border financial investment and cross

What should cadres at all levels read from it?, This "troublesome matter" of Shanghai citizens has solved the problems of department | grassroots cadres | Shanghai
What should cadres at all levels read from it?, This "troublesome matter" of Shanghai citizens has solved the problems of department | grassroots cadres | Shanghai

The suggestions put forward by two street social workers have promoted joint research and rectification by multiple departments at the city and district levels, ultimately leading to the implementation of the policy of no deposit for hospitalization of low-income earners, solving the public's worries. This case that happened in Shanghai and around us is worthy of praise and deep reflection. Careful staff members expressed their opinions through citizens, noticed the inconvenience of obtaining certificates for low-income earners, and made suggestions. After understanding the situation, relevant departments held multiple special meetings to discuss improvement measures and break down barriers in data integration. In just over a month, a new policy was introduced. This is a typical case of soliciting suggestions from the people, and it is also a vivid portrayal of government departments listening to the voices of the people with sincerity and wisdom, and gathering public opinion. Over the years, Shanghai has continuously improved its ability to solicit people's suggestions and create a better environment for people

To Promote Thematic Education to Go Deep and Real, Xu Tao: Learning, Thinking, Using and Supplementing Learning | Deep Learning | Xi Jinping
To Promote Thematic Education to Go Deep and Real, Xu Tao: Learning, Thinking, Using and Supplementing Learning | Deep Learning | Xi Jinping

In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and promotion of thematic education are the fundamental requirements for the new journey to create a new situation in the cause. As the main position for cultivating socialist successors, colleges and universities must firmly anchor the general requirements of the theme education of "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", and always have a sense of responsibility and mission to educate people for the party and the country. Learning, thinking and using are integrated, knowledge, belief and action are unified, and Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is transformed into a powerful force to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work, strive to write the era chapter of high-quality development of higher education. "Deep learning" is the first, in theoretical study, "strong thinking and solid roots" as contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st century Marxism, Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics

This lesson is profound enough, whether it's Rat Head or Duck Neck. Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College | Duck Neck | Rat Head
This lesson is profound enough, whether it's Rat Head or Duck Neck. Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College | Duck Neck | Rat Head

After nearly half a month of ups and downs in the plot, the truth about the "6.1" food safety incident at Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College is expected to be revealed and come to an end. According to reports, on June 10th, Jiangxi Province established a joint investigation team composed of the Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to investigate the incident. However, the "foreign object" that the student ate in the cafeteria, regardless of whether the final investigation conclusion was a mouse head or a duck neck, the student's trust in the cafeteria and the school, as well as the damage to the image and reputation of the school and even its location, may be difficult to fully restore to its original state. This lesson can be said to be profound. From a technical perspective, it should not be difficult to determine whether a foreign object is a mouse head or a duck neck. From the outside, the mouse's head has eyes, whiskers, and teeth, while the duck

Why has it become a critical point for officials to violate discipline?, One meal, one drink theory | problem | critical point
Why has it become a critical point for officials to violate discipline?, One meal, one drink theory | problem | critical point

In philosophy, there is a "baldness argument" theory that discusses the question of whether missing a single strand of hair can lead to baldness? The answer is no; What will happen if there is one less? The answer is still not possible. This problem kept repeating until later, when it was discovered that it had become bald. What is the limit to becoming bald? A thousand pieces? A hundred pieces? Ten? It cannot be confirmed, but what can be certain is that when there are still a hundred or ten strands of hair left, people have no hesitation in thinking it is balding. This mutation occurs unconsciously in a gradual change, and when people are startled, things have already changed from quantitative to qualitative. This theory also applies to the field of work style construction. Many people always believe that doing something, eating, drinking, receiving gifts, breaking rules, etc. will not cause major problems, and it is not a big deal

Why is the governance of mega cities more important?, Chinese path to modernization Enters a New Stage of Development | Modernization | Megacities
Why is the governance of mega cities more important?, Chinese path to modernization Enters a New Stage of Development | Modernization | Megacities

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "from now on, the central task of the CPC is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a strong socialist modernization country, achieve the second century goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization". China has entered a new stage of development from comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society to comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country, and the importance of urban strategy has become more prominent. In 2020, China's total GDP exceeded 10 trillion yuan, and in 2019, the per capita GDP exceeded 10000 US dollars for the first time, just one step away from the threshold of high-income economies. However, from international experience, more than 100 economies in the world have been catching up with developed countries since World War II, but only 12 have successfully crossed the "middle-income trap" to achieve catch-up, with a success rate of only 1%

Hurry up to Shanghai University and check in on this tour!, Reproducing the Red Memory Ceremony of the Seventh National Party Congress | Signing | Shanghai University
Hurry up to Shanghai University and check in on this tour!, Reproducing the Red Memory Ceremony of the Seventh National Party Congress | Signing | Shanghai University

Yan Aiyun, Director of the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Cheng Danhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University, attended the signing ceremony and jointly launched the "Great Journey" Shanghai University Station exhibition. Cheng Danhong stated in her speech that the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai University jointly established the Shanghai University Institute of Party History and Party Building, as well as the "Great Journey - The First to Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China" tour, are promoting learning

Using Western economic standards to "test" China's development? This research approach should change China | theory | standards
Using Western economic standards to "test" China's development? This research approach should change China | theory | standards

Fundamentally speaking, economics is not an unattainable discipline in contemporary Chinese economic research. It only provides a programmatic way of thinking for people to understand the world through the extraction of special professional terms. After introducing dialectical logic and contradictory logic, economics provides a unique way to solve practical problems.

Accurately grasping the "second combination" from these three logical traditions | culture | logic
Accurately grasping the "second combination" from these three logical traditions | culture | logic

In his important speech delivered at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that "to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than five thousand years of Chinese civilization, it is the only way to combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." profoundly clarify that "the 'second combination' is another ideological emancipation, so that we can be in a broader cultural space, make full use of the valuable resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture to explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation." Theory and practice have repeatedly proved that adhering to the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture is our party's scientific summary of the historical experience of the modernization of Marxism in China, and our party's incisive summary of the main characteristics and evolution laws of Chinese civilization. It shows

"Essays" cannot be "irresponsible to speak", "infringement style rights protection" overturns Huo Zun | Suspected subway shooting incident | Sichuan University
"Essays" cannot be "irresponsible to speak", "infringement style rights protection" overturns Huo Zun | Suspected subway shooting incident | Sichuan University

The incident of "Uncle suspected of secretly taking selfies to prove his innocence but still being exposed" on Guangzhou Metro Line 8 continues to ferment, and now it has reached a critical juncture: on June 11th, the girl involved publicly apologized and gained forgiveness from the exposed uncle and his family. On the 12th, Sichuan University, where the female student is studying, announced that it will handle it in accordance with procedures, regulations, and discipline. The beginning of this incident is not unfamiliar - the girl involved posted a "short essay" on her social media account, claiming to have encountered a "sleazy old man" on the subway and "presumed guilty" that the other party intended to secretly shoot. After checking the other party's phone and confirming that there was no act of secretly taking photos, she still exposed the on-site footage and publicly humiliated the other party. However, the development of the incident exceeded her expectations to some extent - despite repeatedly labeling the other party as a "sleazy old man", assuming guilt of "not feeling like it was the first time the crime was committed", and even paying herself a fee“

Who will defend his rights?, Latest news from uncle suspected of "secretly filming" | woman | uncle
Who will defend his rights?, Latest news from uncle suspected of "secretly filming" | woman | uncle

The incident of a girl exposing a subway uncle's "secret filming" continues to ferment. The latest news is that the woman in question publicly apologizes, stating that she should not randomly broadcast videos on the internet. She has recognized the serious harm caused to the uncle and his family, and will take practical actions to correct it. The matter has settled, but in fact, the entire incident should have ended on the day it occurred: on June 7th, a woman suspected her uncle of secretly taking photos of herself on the Guangzhou Metro No. 8 and requested to check the other person's phone album. In order to prove his innocence, the uncle agreed to the woman's inspection, and there were indeed no secret photos taken on his phone. But after this operation, the woman still chose to expose her uncle's image online, calling him a "sleazy old man" and "feeling like it's not her first time committing a crime". On the contrary, the uncle in question did not open Weibo and was "unaware of online public opinion" until his son was online

Is there a problem?, Proposed female cadre with a strand of white hair in front of her forehead, Director | Husband | Question
Is there a problem?, Proposed female cadre with a strand of white hair in front of her forehead, Director | Husband | Question

In the online world, where everyone is in the limelight, there are also some bizarre aspects of self media supervision. This has stirred up another considerable controversy. A female cadre in a certain area needs to be publicly announced for her proposed new position, but unexpectedly, netizens have discovered a strand of white hair in front of her right forehead. As a result, "Isn't this intentional provocation?" "How could such a person become a cadre?" It was a huge uproar, as if she had to be taken down! After investigation, it was found that this strand of white hair was originally born and given by her parents. Since the female cadre joined the company many years ago, this strand of white hair has never been touched, and there is no such thing as "deliberate coloring by young students"... Finally, this unfounded "white hair controversy" has been temporarily quelled. Due to the "White Hair Incident", people may remember another "White Headed Incident" three years ago. A grassroots cadre in a certain place, over 30 years old, due to

Why should Shanghai not give up on this matter?, Lujiazui Forum Talks Again on Green Finance Green | Finance | Forum
Why should Shanghai not give up on this matter?, Lujiazui Forum Talks Again on Green Finance Green | Finance | Forum

At the just concluded 14th Lujiazui Forum, the Governor of the People's Bank of China, Yi Gang, once again talked about green finance. The "carrot and stick" policy guidance direction quickly gained market attention. On the forum, green finance and ESG have been mentioned countless times. Both domestic and foreign financial regulatory authorities and institutions have expressed a strong interest in green finance. In 2020, China announced the "30/60" target of dual carbon reduction to the world, marking the beginning of the world's largest carbon reduction initiative. In this context, the financial industry's approach to green development has multiple profound implications. On the one hand, green finance is a necessary tool for achieving low-carbon transformation in society. According to relevant calculations, in order to achieve the "30/60" target, it is necessary to invest millions of RMB. In the face of such a huge amount of funds, government investment can only play a guiding role,

We need to gather three forces, experts: promoting high-quality development of the private economy | research | economy
We need to gather three forces, experts: promoting high-quality development of the private economy | research | economy

On June 8th, the "United Front Work Force Promotes the Development and Growth of Private Economy Seminar" was held at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The seminar focused on implementing the relevant requirements of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee to promote private economy, as well as conducting joint discussions on the "First Project" of the Municipal United Front Work Department in 2023. At the meeting, the unveiling ceremony of the "Shanghai New Era Party's United Front Research Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Base" and the "Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Private Economy Research Center" was held. 14 experts, scholars, and private entrepreneurs from universities and research institutions were invited as special experts of the center. Chen Tong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, attended the meeting and pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the place where the Party's united front policies were proposed, and the center of united front work. With abundant united front resources and profound united front culture, Shanghai has unique advantages in conducting united front research. Hope universities and research institutes can deepen their understanding

What kind of leap has Shanghai made in optimizing its business environment?, Thinker | Shen Kaiyan: From 1.0 to 6.0 Environment | Socialism | Doing Business
What kind of leap has Shanghai made in optimizing its business environment?, Thinker | Shen Kaiyan: From 1.0 to 6.0 Environment | Socialism | Doing Business

The business environment is an important reflection of a country's institutional soft power, comprehensive competitiveness, and market operation efficiency.Since the introduction of the 1.0 version of the business environment reform in Shanghai at the end of 2017, it has been pushed to version 6.0 so far. In the view of Shen Kaiyan, the director of the Institute of Economics at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, this reflects the leap of Shanghai from passive benchmarking to active leadership, and from "prescribed actions" to "autonomous actions". The following is her speech at the Shanghai Municipal Party School of the Communist Party of China. make

conduct investigation and research like comrade chen yun | xi jinping | chen yun
conduct investigation and research like comrade chen yun | xi jinping | chen yun

Investigation and research are the heirloom of our party and the fundamental skill for doing various work well.On June 13th this year, it is the 118th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birth. Today, we learn from Comrade Chen Yun's work style of conducting investigations and research at the grassroots level and among the masses, promoting economic and social development and benefiting the people, which is the best commemoration for him. 1、 90% and 10%: Relying on investigation and research to make decisions is a way of thinking and working that adheres to the principle of seeking truth from facts

Speech on the theme of East Asian civilization: diversity, importance, and mutual influence | Xu Jian | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Speech on the theme of East Asian civilization: diversity, importance, and mutual influence | Xu Jian | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

On May 19-23, 2023, the "Construction and Development of the East Asian Academic System: Diversity and Exchange of East Asian Civilizations" and the establishment conference of the Asian Civilization Research Center, hosted by Shanghai Normal University, were successfully held. More than 80 scholars participated in a heated discussion on the diversity and exchange of East Asian civilizations. Professor Chen Heng, Vice President of Shanghai Normal University, emphasized the importance of East Asian civilization in his speech, focusing on the integrity, uniqueness, and global status of East Asian civilization. He pointed out that Asia has many worthwhile topics to study in various fields such as ideology and religion, and its diversification is the current trend. The position of East Asian civilization in world civilization should not be ignored; The uniqueness of East Asian civilization still requires high attention; The overall characteristics of East Asian civilization still require in-depth research. Asian Languages at Shanghai Normal University

More importantly, there is a need for "integration and sharing". While historical records are important, they cannot be niche. Culture | Treasures | Sharing
More importantly, there is a need for "integration and sharing". While historical records are important, they cannot be niche. Culture | Treasures | Sharing

The culture of historical records is extremely important, but now it seems to have only been the focus of experts and scholars in the field of historical records, becoming a niche culture. What is Shizhi? Historical records are treasures of the Chinese nation. It is a general term for local history and local chronicles, which, along with yearbooks, are included in the scope of the functions of local chronicle institutions. Historical records, especially records, are compiled by government organizations and are referred to as official books or official histories, possessing strong authority. Whether understood in a broad or narrow sense of culture, or according to philosophical definitions, historical records are a cultural phenomenon. Historical culture is not widely mentioned, but it is always present and visible. With thousands of years of history, it is a treasure of the Chinese nation and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the progress and development of human civilization. Shanghai proposes to create Jiangnan culture, Shanghai style culture, and red culture. What are the historical records culture and these "three" cultures

Building a Cultural Power, Strengthening Cultural Confidence, and Cultural Confidence
Building a Cultural Power, Strengthening Cultural Confidence, and Cultural Confidence

We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Cultural prosperity leads to national prosperity. A world power must be a cultural power, and a cultural power must be a confident country.Cultural confidence is a scientific theoretical system that inspires the Chinese nation

To adhere to this point without wavering, Wu Jinglian: Further promote the cause of reform and opening up in the new situation
To adhere to this point without wavering, Wu Jinglian: Further promote the cause of reform and opening up in the new situation

On June 3rd, a roundtable meeting with the theme of "Starting China's economic reform again under the background of the new technological revolution" was held at the Shanghai Social Science Hall. Renowned scholars from relevant fields across the country gathered together to engage in in-depth discussions from global perspectives, historical changes, theoretical bottlenecks, practical issues, policy space, and other dimensions, in order to provide suggestions and suggestions for promoting the high-quality development of the Chinese economy under the background of the new technological revolution. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Weisong, Secretary of the Party Group and Full time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Social Federation. Pan Min, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Municipal Civilization Office, delivered a speech, and Wu Jinglian, an economist from the Development Research Center of the State Council, delivered a special speech. The keynote speech segment was presided over by Ren Xiaowen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Researcher, as well as a member of the Party Group and full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences. The 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Don't lose focus on the "dismissal dress" in public opinion, state-owned enterprise executives "hold hands" in the dismissal dress | state-owned enterprise executives hold hands with the opposite sex to go shopping | hold hands with the door
Don't lose focus on the "dismissal dress" in public opinion, state-owned enterprise executives "hold hands" in the dismissal dress | state-owned enterprise executives hold hands with the opposite sex to go shopping | hold hands with the door

Recently, a video of a state-owned enterprise executive holding hands with the opposite sex to go shopping has become a hot topic on the internet. Based on comprehensive information from multiple sources, both parties involved are suspected to be leaders of a state-owned enterprise, Mr. Hu, and employees of the same enterprise, Mr. Dong. After the video of "Hand in Hand" was exposed, it quickly became a hot topic in the public opinion field. Due to the involvement of an extramarital affair and Dong's outstanding appearance and fashionable clothing, many topics in the public opinion revolve around "lace". Some people take this as an example to analyze the bright and balanced clothing of both parties involved, which is pleasing to the eye and can be regarded as a fashionable example of dopamine dressing for couples. Someone enthusiastically delves into Dong's family background, past experiences, and personal life by discussing her appearance, figure, fashion taste, and lifestyle. After Hu was dismissed from his position