Can "wall blocking" achieve "maximization of scenic area benefits"? Wall blocking scenery | Meili Snow Mountain | Hukou Waterfall

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:59 PM

According to media reports, in recent times, some scenic spots, including the Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, Qinghai Lake, and Meili Snow Mountain, have built walls and set up fences around certain sections of the road, blocking the sight of passing vehicles and pedestrians from the scenic spots.

Faced with media inquiries, some scenic spots have stated that the construction of the wall is for "safety considerations", but at the same time, they do not forget to remind that "visitors can enter the scenic area to enjoy the beautiful scenery by purchasing tickets.". Some scenic spots have subtly acknowledged economic considerations, admitting that "the local economic conditions are not good" and "as the tourism environment continues to develop, barriers may gradually be lifted, and in the future, tourists may not need to pay for the viewing platform to enjoy the scenery.". After the news attracted attention, some netizens criticized these practices as "blocking the scenery with walls" and "charging for blocking roads".

Undoubtedly, the situation of different scenic spots varies, and the construction of walls and fences may also be based on different reasons and considerations. Therefore, the judgment of right and wrong should be analyzed on a case by case basis. However, there are also some similar phenomena and trends among different specific cases, that is, using "blocking the scenery" to force tourists to buy tickets to enter the park and increase ticket revenue is indeed an important reason for some scenic spots to build walls.

Selling tickets and charging admission fees for scenic spots has its rationality. Developing scenic spots often requires a huge investment, and generally faces problems such as long operating cycles, cost recovery, and difficulty in achieving profitability. If we consider the construction of supporting infrastructure, transportation, catering, and accommodation industries in the surrounding areas, the tourism industry is a typical heavy asset and capital intensive industry. Selling tickets to raise some funds is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of operators for development and construction, improving the operation, management, and service level of scenic spots, and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the tourism industry.

At the same time, it should also be recognized that the original intention and purpose of developing and constructing scenic spots, cultivating and developing the tourism industry, are to meet the growing material and spiritual cultural needs of the people, and continuously realize their aspirations for a better life. Whether or not to charge tickets, how much to set for tickets, and how to better promote the growth of the tourism market and achieve the original purpose of the development of the tourism industry should all be dialectically analyzed and comprehensively evaluated. Two factors deserve attention. Firstly, the tourism industry has a typical "positive externality" effect, manifested in its significant spillover driving effect on the development of related industries and the prosperity and activity of social culture. Secondly, after the scenic spots enter the regular operation stage, an increase in tourists often leads to a decrease in marginal costs and an increase in marginal benefits. Therefore, attracting more tourists through moderate pricing, lowering ticket prices, or even canceling tickets has become a wise choice for some mature scenic spots. In 2002, West Lake in Hangzhou announced the cancellation of tickets and became the first 5A level scenic spot in the country to be opened for free. In the following 20 years, this beneficial measure attracted a large number of tourists to visit Hangzhou and West Lake, extended their travel stay, increased total tourism revenue, and had a significant correlation driving effect in economic, social, and cultural fields, becoming a well-known classic case.

Due to differences in resource endowments and levels of economic and social development, it may be difficult for some regions and scenic spots to replicate the experience of West Lake Scenic Area. Different regions and scenic spots can adapt to local conditions and explore and summarize sustainable development paths that are suitable for themselves. Of course, some effective practices of others can be seen as "stones from other mountains", providing reference and inspiration; Some obvious erroneous practices that are not conducive to long-term development should also be taken as a warning. For example, in some places, high-quality tourist attractions are seen as "ATMs" and "cash cows", with a one-sided emphasis on resource monetization and extracting economic benefits, and a lack of emphasis on benefiting tourists and cultivating markets; In some places, scenic spot management companies carry out pure commercial operations, with maximizing profits as the main performance evaluation indicator; Some places outsource the overall resources of scenic spots and scenic spots, and the contracting and operation rights are obtained at a higher price, without emphasizing the assessment of qualifications and abilities to provide high-quality management services. Under these business concepts and models, pursuing maximum economic benefits often becomes the main business goal. Some operators even hesitate to harm the long-term interests of scenic spots and local tourism markets in exchange for their own short-term economic benefits. They see ticket fees as a means of competing for profits with tourists, with "high price waves" and "price hikes" rising one after another. These overpriced items have overdrawn the purchasing power of tourists and the future development space of scenic spots, which is tantamount to fishing in the wild and killing chickens for eggs.

As for some scenic spots, the practice of building walls to prevent tourists from "rubbing against the scenery" and "forcing" them to buy tickets to enter the park fully reflects the negative tendency of one-sided profit seeking. Disregarding external perceptions and pursuing immediate benefits by smashing signs or losing favor, these practices may not be conducive to the development of scenic spots and even the local tourism industry, and may even narrow the path of development.

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