
We need to gather three forces, experts: promoting high-quality development of the private economy | research | economy
We need to gather three forces, experts: promoting high-quality development of the private economy | research | economy

On June 8th, the "United Front Work Force Promotes the Development and Growth of Private Economy Seminar" was held at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The seminar focused on implementing the relevant requirements of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee to promote private economy, as well as conducting joint discussions on the "First Project" of the Municipal United Front Work Department in 2023. At the meeting, the unveiling ceremony of the "Shanghai New Era Party's United Front Research Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Base" and the "Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Private Economy Research Center" was held. 14 experts, scholars, and private entrepreneurs from universities and research institutions were invited as special experts of the center. Chen Tong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, attended the meeting and pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the place where the Party's united front policies were proposed, and the center of united front work. With abundant united front resources and profound united front culture, Shanghai has unique advantages in conducting united front research. Hope universities and research institutes can deepen their understanding

What kind of leap has Shanghai made in optimizing its business environment?, Thinker | Shen Kaiyan: From 1.0 to 6.0 Environment | Socialism | Doing Business
What kind of leap has Shanghai made in optimizing its business environment?, Thinker | Shen Kaiyan: From 1.0 to 6.0 Environment | Socialism | Doing Business

The business environment is an important reflection of a country's institutional soft power, comprehensive competitiveness, and market operation efficiency.Since the introduction of the 1.0 version of the business environment reform in Shanghai at the end of 2017, it has been pushed to version 6.0 so far. In the view of Shen Kaiyan, the director of the Institute of Economics at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, this reflects the leap of Shanghai from passive benchmarking to active leadership, and from "prescribed actions" to "autonomous actions". The following is her speech at the Shanghai Municipal Party School of the Communist Party of China. make

conduct investigation and research like comrade chen yun | xi jinping | chen yun
conduct investigation and research like comrade chen yun | xi jinping | chen yun

Investigation and research are the heirloom of our party and the fundamental skill for doing various work well.On June 13th this year, it is the 118th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birth. Today, we learn from Comrade Chen Yun's work style of conducting investigations and research at the grassroots level and among the masses, promoting economic and social development and benefiting the people, which is the best commemoration for him. 1、 90% and 10%: Relying on investigation and research to make decisions is a way of thinking and working that adheres to the principle of seeking truth from facts

Speech on the theme of East Asian civilization: diversity, importance, and mutual influence | Xu Jian | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Speech on the theme of East Asian civilization: diversity, importance, and mutual influence | Xu Jian | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

On May 19-23, 2023, the "Construction and Development of the East Asian Academic System: Diversity and Exchange of East Asian Civilizations" and the establishment conference of the Asian Civilization Research Center, hosted by Shanghai Normal University, were successfully held. More than 80 scholars participated in a heated discussion on the diversity and exchange of East Asian civilizations. Professor Chen Heng, Vice President of Shanghai Normal University, emphasized the importance of East Asian civilization in his speech, focusing on the integrity, uniqueness, and global status of East Asian civilization. He pointed out that Asia has many worthwhile topics to study in various fields such as ideology and religion, and its diversification is the current trend. The position of East Asian civilization in world civilization should not be ignored; The uniqueness of East Asian civilization still requires high attention; The overall characteristics of East Asian civilization still require in-depth research. Asian Languages at Shanghai Normal University

More importantly, there is a need for "integration and sharing". While historical records are important, they cannot be niche. Culture | Treasures | Sharing
More importantly, there is a need for "integration and sharing". While historical records are important, they cannot be niche. Culture | Treasures | Sharing

The culture of historical records is extremely important, but now it seems to have only been the focus of experts and scholars in the field of historical records, becoming a niche culture. What is Shizhi? Historical records are treasures of the Chinese nation. It is a general term for local history and local chronicles, which, along with yearbooks, are included in the scope of the functions of local chronicle institutions. Historical records, especially records, are compiled by government organizations and are referred to as official books or official histories, possessing strong authority. Whether understood in a broad or narrow sense of culture, or according to philosophical definitions, historical records are a cultural phenomenon. Historical culture is not widely mentioned, but it is always present and visible. With thousands of years of history, it is a treasure of the Chinese nation and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the progress and development of human civilization. Shanghai proposes to create Jiangnan culture, Shanghai style culture, and red culture. What are the historical records culture and these "three" cultures

Building a Cultural Power, Strengthening Cultural Confidence, and Cultural Confidence
Building a Cultural Power, Strengthening Cultural Confidence, and Cultural Confidence

We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Cultural prosperity leads to national prosperity. A world power must be a cultural power, and a cultural power must be a confident country.Cultural confidence is a scientific theoretical system that inspires the Chinese nation

To adhere to this point without wavering, Wu Jinglian: Further promote the cause of reform and opening up in the new situation
To adhere to this point without wavering, Wu Jinglian: Further promote the cause of reform and opening up in the new situation

On June 3rd, a roundtable meeting with the theme of "Starting China's economic reform again under the background of the new technological revolution" was held at the Shanghai Social Science Hall. Renowned scholars from relevant fields across the country gathered together to engage in in-depth discussions from global perspectives, historical changes, theoretical bottlenecks, practical issues, policy space, and other dimensions, in order to provide suggestions and suggestions for promoting the high-quality development of the Chinese economy under the background of the new technological revolution. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Weisong, Secretary of the Party Group and Full time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Social Federation. Pan Min, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Municipal Civilization Office, delivered a speech, and Wu Jinglian, an economist from the Development Research Center of the State Council, delivered a special speech. The keynote speech segment was presided over by Ren Xiaowen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Researcher, as well as a member of the Party Group and full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences. The 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Don't lose focus on the "dismissal dress" in public opinion, state-owned enterprise executives "hold hands" in the dismissal dress | state-owned enterprise executives hold hands with the opposite sex to go shopping | hold hands with the door
Don't lose focus on the "dismissal dress" in public opinion, state-owned enterprise executives "hold hands" in the dismissal dress | state-owned enterprise executives hold hands with the opposite sex to go shopping | hold hands with the door

Recently, a video of a state-owned enterprise executive holding hands with the opposite sex to go shopping has become a hot topic on the internet. Based on comprehensive information from multiple sources, both parties involved are suspected to be leaders of a state-owned enterprise, Mr. Hu, and employees of the same enterprise, Mr. Dong. After the video of "Hand in Hand" was exposed, it quickly became a hot topic in the public opinion field. Due to the involvement of an extramarital affair and Dong's outstanding appearance and fashionable clothing, many topics in the public opinion revolve around "lace". Some people take this as an example to analyze the bright and balanced clothing of both parties involved, which is pleasing to the eye and can be regarded as a fashionable example of dopamine dressing for couples. Someone enthusiastically delves into Dong's family background, past experiences, and personal life by discussing her appearance, figure, fashion taste, and lifestyle. After Hu was dismissed from his position

Why does it generate such strong co frequency resonance?, When Marxism Encounters Chinese Civilization and Culture | China | Marxism
Why does it generate such strong co frequency resonance?, When Marxism Encounters Chinese Civilization and Culture | China | Marxism

In 1925, Guo Moruo wrote a short essay titled "Marx Enters the Confucian Temple". In Guo Moruo's writing, the bearded Marx entered the Confucian Temple in Shanghai and crossed a thousand years to meet Confucius in China. Both sides had a strong sense of regret for meeting too late. The story is written by literati, but the close integration between traditional Chinese culture and Marxist theory cannot help but evoke emotions: the social ideal of serving the public and achieving universal harmony, the governance ideology of putting the people at the center of the country and governing with morality, and the nine

These two aspects need to be improved to promote the integration of registered residence | medical care | quality in the Yangtze River Delta
These two aspects need to be improved to promote the integration of registered residence | medical care | quality in the Yangtze River Delta

This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Yangtze River Delta integration development becoming a national strategy. From June 5th to 6th, the 2023 Yangtze River Delta Major Leaders Symposium was held in Hefei, Anhui Province. The meeting pointed out the need to further break down administrative barriers, improve policy coordination, and promote the landing and effectiveness of more major platforms and projects; We will steadfastly promote people's well-being and work together to improve the level of public service security. Compared to these requirements, the current development of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta needs further improvement in two aspects. Firstly, the equalization of basic public services across regions and the level of key institutional coordination still need to be improved. On the one hand, the current cross regional sharing of basic public service resources such as education and medical care in the Yangtze River Delta, as well as cross regional mutual recognition of employment, pension and other benefits, is not enough, and non registered residence population and registered residence population cannot enjoy

The "second combination" embodies a new breakthrough, and experts say that the "two combinations" have achieved a new leap in theoretical exploration. China | Culture | Leap
The "second combination" embodies a new breakthrough, and experts say that the "two combinations" have achieved a new leap in theoretical exploration. China | Culture | Leap

Professor Gu Hongliang, Vice President of East China Normal University and Dean of the College of Marxism, believes that combining the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, we should follow the path of penetration and integration, effectively connect the essence of Marxist thinking with the essence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and integrate with the common values of the people. Make good use of the main binding carrier and protect it well

It's time to reverse this misunderstanding and misreading of China by the West | development | China
It's time to reverse this misunderstanding and misreading of China by the West | development | China

Currently, some Western countries have adopted policies such as disconnection, decoupling, and containment towards China, which is closely related to their misunderstanding of China's development model and tremendous achievements over the past forty years. In the eyes of a few Western countries, China's tremendous achievements in development over the past forty years are a simple imitation, learning, and replication process of China's modernization model towards the West. Therefore, they attempt to cut off China's connection with the world in terms of industrial chain, technology, talent, technology, etc., and kick China out of the so-called modernization trend led by the West. In fact, such misreading is not only a misreading of Chinese history, but also a misreading of China's practical development. Looking back on the great journey of the CPC in its centennial struggle, it will be found that the CPC's exploration of the path of Chinese path to modernization has run through the entire history since the founding of the party

General Secretary emphasized the need to handle these four pairs of relationships well. Regarding the "dual carbon" work, the first Carbon Expo will be held in Shanghai, and the Global | Green | Relationship
General Secretary emphasized the need to handle these four pairs of relationships well. Regarding the "dual carbon" work, the first Carbon Expo will be held in Shanghai, and the Global | Green | Relationship

The first Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo will be held from June 11th to 14th at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. This is the first domestic expo with the theme of "carbon neutrality". The goal of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development.1、 Development and emission reduction go hand in hand, correctly understanding the relationship between development and emission reduction

How to play a "big" role?, Party members of the "smallest unit" of concern to the General Secretary | Party group | unit
How to play a "big" role?, Party members of the "smallest unit" of concern to the General Secretary | Party group | unit

The Regulations on the Work of CPC Branches stipulates that "Party branches with a large number of Party members or with scattered places of work and residence should, in accordance with the principle of facilitating the organization of activities, be divided into a number of party groups and set up a leader of the party group. The leader of the party group is designated by the party branch, or can be recommended by the members of the party group in which he belongs." The party group is an important part of the party branch, and is the "front position" of the party branch to play the role of a battle fortress, playing the role of learning, helping the mind, managing the members, leading the masses, and serving as a benchmark. In practical work, party committees at all levels should grasp the characteristics of small party group leaders, give full play to their advantages, deepen understanding, strengthen the main body, integrate into practice, and improve mechanisms to give full play to party groups

How to implement the "two combinations" in ideological and political education teaching?
How to implement the "two combinations" in ideological and political education teaching?

Among them, "combination" has opened up innovative space, allowing us to grasp the initiative of thinking and culture, and effectively apply it to the path, theory, and system. More importantly, the "second combination" is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture in a broader cultural space, and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations. In the teaching of Marxist sinicization and modernization theory, the course of ideological and political theory should establish the purpose of traditional cultural education and develop traditional culture

We cannot ignore the "Zai Ji" posted by netizens, which drives cultural and tourism consumption and tourism | netizens | cultural and tourism
We cannot ignore the "Zai Ji" posted by netizens, which drives cultural and tourism consumption and tourism | netizens | cultural and tourism

"Eating a fruit in Sanya and being scammed" and "eating seafood and being slaughtered"... In response to the recent video "Sanya being slaughtered" released by netizens, Sanya issued a notice in the early morning of the 5th and stated that it will try to contact the netizen through multiple channels to further investigate and verify the relevant information. In response to the official announcement from Sanya, the netizen has released the latest response, reiterating that they have encountered situations such as "weighing 1.2 pounds on an Apple phone using a fruit scale", "being followed by salespeople all the way when purchasing and processing seafood", and "seafood processing costs more than seafood". They also stated that "they sent their phone number to the person who left the message, but no one contacted them". As a popular tourist city, Sanya is not the first time it has been embroiled in a wave of overcharging tourists. However, unlike in the past, the regulatory authorities in Sanya have taken the initiative to intervene quickly after the questioning occurred, investigate and publicly disclose the known situation. Such initiative

Why has "awakened" the traditional Chinese genes in the bodies of young people? Chinese civilization | culture | tradition
Why has "awakened" the traditional Chinese genes in the bodies of young people? Chinese civilization | culture | tradition

He particularly pointed out that if we do not understand China from the perspective of its long-standing historical continuity, it is impossible to understand ancient China, modern China, and even future China. Why are many ancient civilizations in the world gradually disappearing, and only Chinese civilization continues to exist? Opening the magnificent annals of history, we can see the persistence of "pursuing the ultimate knowledge of the sage" and the courage of "although millions of people go, I will continue to go.". Generation after generation of ancestors, one after another, have created the splendid historical context of the Chinese nation and shaped the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation

Nurturing Generation Z with the Great Spirit of Party Building and Innovating Communication Methods | Time | Party Building
Nurturing Generation Z with the Great Spirit of Party Building and Innovating Communication Methods | Time | Party Building

To do a good job in spreading the innovative theories of the Party, young people are an important group and an important aspect of testing the effectiveness of communication. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that the entire party should regard youth work as a strategic task, arm young people with the scientific theories of the party, and inspire young people with the original aspiration and mission of the party. As the most active and dynamic force in current Chinese society, Generation Z specifically refers to the youth group born between 1995 and 2010. This is a generation that moves forward with the new era and is also the leader and builder of China's future. One hundred years ago, the new youth of China did a great thing, creating the CPC and forming the great spirit of party building. The source of this spirit is the spiritual support for the CPC to create a century long great cause with great struggle, and it is also the precious spirit that nourishes the growth of Generation Z

Why must we persist in this "combination"?, Promote Chinese path to modernization Marxism | Culture | China
Why must we persist in this "combination"?, Promote Chinese path to modernization Marxism | Culture | China

A series of important discussions not only profoundly expounded the historical origin, development context, ideological essence and distinctive characteristics of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, further clarified the era value of the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the "foundation" and "lifeline", but also profoundly revealed the inherent essence of realizing Chinese path to modernization and the excellent traditional Chinese culture

A new round of theoretical essay solicitation activities has begun!, Focus on the theory of "Marxism sinicization, modernization and Chinese path to modernization" | Times | China
A new round of theoretical essay solicitation activities has begun!, Focus on the theory of "Marxism sinicization, modernization and Chinese path to modernization" | Times | China

2023 is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and an important year for starting the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.Come and take a look at the requirements of the essay solicitation activity.

Why has Chinese civilization never ceased?
Why has Chinese civilization never ceased?

He particularly pointed out that Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness, which fundamentally determines the historical orientation of communication, exchange, and integration of the Chinese nation, determines the harmonious pattern of diverse coexistence of various religious beliefs in China, and determines the open mindedness of Chinese culture towards world civilization. Millions of years of human history, ten thousand years of cultural history, and over five thousand years of civilization history... It is difficult not to feel the warmth and respect that Mr. Qian Mu once said when we open the history of the Huanghuang country. British historian Toynbee was also amazed that in nearly 6000 years of human history, there have been 26 forms of civilization, only the Middle

Strive to compose a new chapter in the high-quality development of Shanghai's private economy, revisit the history of the Party. Private entrepreneurs | national bourgeoisie | private economy
Strive to compose a new chapter in the high-quality development of Shanghai's private economy, revisit the history of the Party. Private entrepreneurs | national bourgeoisie | private economy

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2022 Central United Front work Conference: "We must promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of people in the non-public economy." when visiting the members of the Democratic Construction and the Federation of Industry and Commerce who attended the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, and attending the joint group meeting, he stressed: "We always regard private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as our own people and give support to private enterprises when they encounter difficulties. Give guidance when private enterprises encounter confusion. " On May 24 this year, at the Shanghai Conference on promoting the High-quality Development of the Private economy and the sixth Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining further stressed: "it is necessary to fully implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and vigorously boost the development of private enterprises."

Effectively promoting common prosperity and enhancing the balance and accessibility of public services for common prosperity
Effectively promoting common prosperity and enhancing the balance and accessibility of public services for common prosperity

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly requires "to improve the basic public service system, improve the level of public services, enhance balance and accessibility, and solidly promote common prosperity.". This requirement indicates that, on the basis of a sound basic public service system, improving the level of public services and enhancing their balance and accessibility is the direction of public service work in the new era and an important focus on promoting common prosperity. Enhancing the balance and accessibility of public services and enhancing the level of public service work, as proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, is a new requirement of the Party for the public service system under new historical conditions and missions. It is a further enhancement and development of the goal of achieving equalization of basic public services. The first report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on basic public services

Enhancing the level of political ethics construction and learning from the inheritor of Confucian self-cultivation culture | Confucianism | Political ethics
Enhancing the level of political ethics construction and learning from the inheritor of Confucian self-cultivation culture | Confucianism | Political ethics

Confucian culture is an important component of traditional Chinese culture, and the ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral norms contained therein have significant value for the construction of political ethics in the new era. Confucianism places great emphasis on self-cultivation, and from Confucius, Mencius to Xunzi, they all pay special attention to individual self-cultivation. The Confucian culture of self-cultivation can provide important resource value for the construction of political ethics in the new era. 1、 The foundation of self-cultivation lies in the cultivation of the mind, and Confucianism repeatedly emphasizes the importance of self-cultivation. The Great Learning emphasizes that "from the emperor to the common people, all are based on self-cultivation.". Zengzi once said, "I reflect on myself three times a day: is it disloyal to seek advice from others? Is it untrustworthy to make friends? Is it difficult to learn from others?" The key to self-cultivation is to cultivate one's mind, and to have a positive and virtuous mind. At the beginning of "Da Xue", it is mentioned that "Ming Ming De" means "the way to a university lies in Ming Ming De, in being friendly to the people, and in achieving the ultimate good.".

Understanding "Why China" in Adhering to Integrity and Innovation
Understanding "Why China" in Adhering to Integrity and Innovation

Despite strict restrictions on the number of visitors, this exhibition still attracted over 200000 visitors. At the exhibition site, the divination armor engraved with oracle bone inscriptions, the heavy and majestic Simu Xin Jiu, and the unified measurement and measurement of Shang Yang Fang Sheng - when precious cultural relics are vividly presented before us, the audience is deeply attracted by them. They stood in front of the cultural relics for a long time, unwilling to leave.