Why do companies dare not take it?, Discussion on the Two Cards Played by Local Governments | Entrepreneurs | Enterprises

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:46 PM

Optimizing the business environment is an urgent issue at present, and there is consensus among all sectors. However, the specific discussions are often not in the same level. Experts and departments often discuss, but sometimes they do not hit the pain points of enterprises. Enterprises involved in it often find it inconvenient to discuss and dare not criticize, but they are full of longing for high-quality public services, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are in dire need of support.

The investigation and research in Daxing requires everyone to humbly learn and deeply understand the economic scene, step out of the office and conference room, go to the masses and enterprises, receive market education, and timely fill knowledge gaps. Only in this way can we reduce the amount of "I always thought" and "the situation turned out to be like this", and focus more on "knowing its nature and why" - the underlying logic we need to grasp is not imagined, but formed through high-frequency equal interaction with enterprises, but through empirical and falsification. The following words are all genuine corporate voices, let's listen:

Taking optimizing the business environment as a catchphrase, but offering benefits without actually achieving them, can have the opposite effect;

Urgently summarizing replicable experiences and pursuing "display" and "visibility" cannot give a high score to a company's sense of achievement;

Form is important, but formalism is completely unnecessary. For example, during a period of time, officials liked to publicly disclose their phone numbers, and few were dialable;

Not a single word from the department, companies should be careful and run errands, and even if the department is reasonable, it should be polite;

The integrity of a department is the source of integrity in the whole society, and the department must have self-awareness and a sense of awe;

Policies are few but precise, universal and inclusive, simple and concrete, targeted and operational

Among all kinds of voices, the highest voice of enterprises is that they do not ask for people to do things, and let rules, regulations, management and standards really work. "System" is the the final say, not the "window" the final say, not the "operator" the final say. In addition, enterprises should also be allowed to "scold little and help much" - we always say "problem oriented", so we should encourage enterprises to talk about problems, confusion and doubts in a frank manner. Relevant parties listen carefully, follow the flow of good deeds, and encourage those who have made improvements to those who have not. When the enterprise feels safe and at ease, its expectations are good, and its confidence is strong.

It is necessary to optimize the business environment and enable enterprises as users to "find faults" and "correct mistakes" truthfully and in good faith. To be fair, the current business environment is generally characterized by a steady rise in sesame blossom, but there are also "resurgence" and "recurrence" in certain fields and places. For example, in some places, two cards are thrown at companies. The first card is, "If you have anything here, you can come to me and I will handle it.". The second card is, "You must promise how much tax you will pay this year, how much it will increase next year, and how much it will increase the following year.". The first one is a warmth card, and the second one refers to a sign.

These two cards are both unwanted or even disliked by the company. Enterprises, enterprises, and people should stop, know how to move forward and backward, focus without distractions, and do things well. It is definitely unhealthy for a company or entrepreneur to spend a lot of time dealing with public sector relationships. You look for people, I look for people, everyone looks for people, and the final result is a decrease in the efficiency and efficacy of the whole society, which is a loss of more.

In addition, the growth of enterprises requires a process, and the similar requirements of "settling down in the same year, starting production in the same year, and making profits in the same year" can only force enterprises to skillfully and conveniently "move bricks" and plan tax distribution among different regions. If it is a brand new enterprise, without enough time to grow, it can only grit its teeth and pretend to be fat, burying many hidden dangers and original sins. This is a clear indicator "barrier" that needs to be broken down urgently.

If we cannot tolerate slow, small, scattered, chaotic, lost, and defeated, our entrepreneurs will not dare to take risks and dare not act recklessly, let alone speak of entrepreneurial spirit. Truly great innovations often emerge suddenly after passing a certain threshold without pressure or even being "free and unrestrained". Everyone knows that confidence is more precious than gold, but it should be added that trust is more precious than confidence. The management department should trust enterprises and entrepreneurs, treat local enterprises like foreign-funded enterprises, and treat small and medium-sized enterprises like top enterprises. This places high demands on the professional competence and service awareness of the department.

In reality, some departments subconsciously use old vernier calipers to "absolutely avoid danger", dare not look and imagine new tracks, and forcefully operate "anything that is not prohibited by law" into "nothing that is not listed by law". They talk like "shop assistants" and have "iron hammers" in their hands. The gestures and tightness of each department are still different, and today and tomorrow are also different. Enterprises need to spend a lot of effort explaining, and time cost has almost become the biggest business cost. What should we do? We need to continuously promote the construction of learning oriented functional departments, system integration, and reform linkage, and make efforts on the supply side to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency.

To optimize the business environment, we need to call for more "woodpeckers" in the business environment. We also need to call on experts, departments, and media to go deeper into enterprises, go to the front line of the market economy, empathize with the urgent difficulties and anxieties of entrepreneurs, discuss things easily, gather consensus, and come up with good suggestions for streamlining military and political affairs, and releasing water to raise fish.

If the environment is good, the enterprise will be good. The company is doing well, everyone is doing well.

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