Donghu Review: Holding high the "July 1" torch and shining the original intention of bravely moving forward on the "pioneer road" | the majority of party members | holding high

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 16:58 PM

Over the past 103 years, the Communist Party of China has gone through many changes, but its original aspiration remains unchanged. On the new journey, 99.185 million Party members are marching forward bravely and perseveringly. To seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, this original aspiration and mission inspires the members of the Communist Party of China to keep moving forward!

“Mountains stand on the ground, and people stand on their aspirations.” Through the war years of war and storms, the revolutionary martyrs paved the road to peace with their lives and blood, stood firm with tenacious resistance and fearless struggle, interpreted their vows to serve the party and the country with practical actions, and projected their firm belief in pursuing lofty ideals. The majority of party members and cadres should hold high the torch of faith that "revolutionary ideals are higher than the sky". No matter when and where, and in what situation and environment they are in, they must always maintain a "pioneering consciousness", be brave and responsible in everything, everywhere, and at all times, and work diligently, take the initiative to go to where the party and the people's cause needs them, and truly hone their ambition to serve the party and the country.

"The country belongs to the people, and the people belong to the country." Reliving the chapters of the party's history that are full of power and nutrients, the most moving and shining light is the brilliance of humanity. Carrying the original mission of "seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation", generations of Chinese Communists are willing to make great sacrifices and put in all their efforts. Along the way, there emerged Jiao Yulu who "lived and died on the sand dunes", Kong Fansen who "shed his blood with passion", Huang Dafa who "paved the water with his life if it couldn't pass", and thousands of grassroots cadres who crossed the mountains and seas and went to the mountains and villages to cultivate happiness... They are like a bond that connects the most sincere emotions of the masses, and like a lighthouse that inspires us to follow suit. The majority of party members and cadres should hold high the original torch of "every branch and leaf is always concerned", and show their "pioneer business cards" with their hearts, so that the masses can find Communist Party members when they have problems and difficulties, and truly use the "hard work index" to fuel the "happiness index" of the masses, and walk steadily on the road of dedication to the people.

"A scholar must be broad-minded and resolute, for he has a heavy responsibility and a long way to go." Today's China is a country of peace and prosperity, a beautiful landscape, and everything is promising. The spring breeze of development is blowing across the land, and all these extraordinary achievements come from the hard work of strugglers from all walks of life, engraved with the steps of climbing to the top and the imprint of progress. Whether it is a scientific research giant who studies "the country's heavy equipment" or a doer who takes root in his post to hone his professional skills and promote the development of his career, they are all amazing and worthy of praise. I still remember Comrade Shou Junwang, who was awarded the title of "Good Man of Chegu" for his dedication and dedication in the Economic Development Zone. He is a steadfast person who has created extraordinary things in an ordinary post. He not only insists on "measuring the earth with his footsteps" and works on the front line, but is also an expert in "problem solving" in the battlefield of urban infrastructure. It is the daily persistence that can achieve outstanding results. The people and things around us always bring us the deepest inspiration. The majority of Party members and cadres should hold high the torch of dreams of "chasing the wind and catching the moon without stopping", always root themselves in the soil, hold up happiness with both hands, strive to "come from the ordinary but achieve extraordinary", truly demonstrate "pioneering responsibility" to add luster to the overall situation, and strive to pursue the struggle to realize their dreams today.

“The journey is long and the wind is strong, let us spur our horses and set sail again.” Grand blueprints and beautiful dreams require down-to-earth efforts and long-term hard work. At present, we are striding on the road of a new era and a new journey. Let us set sail, forge ahead bravely, and dedicate our youth and blood.

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