Collection! The "Red Tour" you must take in this life

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 16:57 PM

“The long road ahead is as hard as iron, but now we can start over again.”

"The Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring..."

Illustrations for textbooks such as "Four Crossings of the Chishui River" and "Flying Capture of Luding Bridge"

Today is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

△Shanghai Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China and the cradle of the red gene of the Chinese revolution. It has witnessed many major events in the party's history.

103 years ago, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, opening a new chapter in Chinese history.

△The Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China is located at No. 1 Xingye Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

The Chinese translation of "The Communist Manifesto" is the "treasure of the museum".

The museum displays 72 Chinese translations of The Communist Manifesto, all of which were published before the founding of New China. The two most precious versions in the middle are called the Red and Blue versions of The Communist Manifesto, published in August and September 1920 respectively.

The memorial hall has a schoolbag in its collection. It was embroidered by martyr Wang Genying, wife of Chen Geng, for her son Chen Zhifei in prison.

The schoolbag is made of white cloth with a gray silk thread embroidered on it to depict a flying airplane. If you stop and take a closer look, you will find that the airplane has portholes and propellers outlined in red, and the four characters "干云而上" (Reach the Clouds) embroidered in ochre thread on the lower right corner express a mother's expectation for her son: to have lofty aspirations and serve the country.

After visiting the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strolling through the streets and alleys of Shanghai, you will find many "firsts" in the history of the founding of the Communist Party of China↓

Memorial Hall of the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China: This is the birthplace of the first party constitution of the Communist Party of China, the location of the party’s first secret publishing organization, the People’s Publishing House, and the party’s first school for training female cadres, the Civilian Girls’ School, which was also founded here.

△No. 30, Lane 7, Lao Chengdu North Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai

National Anthem Exhibition Hall: This was the filming location for the movie "Children of Storms", and the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, "March of the Volunteers", is the theme song of the film.

△Zhejiang Jiaxing Nanhu Red Boat Picture from the unified edition history textbook for grade 8, volume 1

The last day of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China was moved to a cruise ship on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. The congress adopted the first program and the first resolution of the Communist Party of China, elected the party’s central leadership, and solemnly declared the birth of the Communist Party of China.

The Red Boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing is where the Chinese Communist Party’s dream set sail.

Nowadays, you can take the "Nanhu 1921" red tourism train in Jiaxing. The train completely restores the route taken by the delegates of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China, connecting the red tourism resources of Shanghai and Jiaxing.

△Two of the train’s carriages are retro carriages, which are equipped with the train’s original post office, a party history learning corner, an old photo display area, etc.

On August 1, 1927, the Nanchang Uprising fired the first shot in armed resistance against the Kuomintang reactionaries, marking the beginning of the Chinese Communist Party's independent leadership of the revolutionary war, the creation of the people's army and the armed seizure of power.

In the following 97 years, when most people mention the city of Nanchang, their first impression is the red "Hero City". This is where the military flag was raised and the birthplace of the people's army.

In the public support display cabinet at the Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall, there are two yellowed paper letters, a "receipt" and a "reply letter", which are national first-class cultural relics.

"Today we have received a donation of RMB 10,000 from your association to comfort the revolutionary soldiers. Sincerely, Jiangxi People's Committee for Comforting the Revolutionary Soldiers at the Front..." This is a receipt.

"The condolence donations forwarded by your association yesterday have been delivered by our two standing committee members Huang Dao and Luo Shibing to the political directors of the 11th and 20th armies respectively..." This was a reply letter.

The words on the paper are a testimony to the donations made by the people of Jiangxi to the soldiers of the uprising army at that time, and truly record the history of the People's Army being supported and supported by the people since its birth.

In this land full of red memories, there are more than 30 revolutionary sites and red venues, including the August 1st Nanchang Uprising Memorial Tower, the Nanchang New Fourth Army Headquarters Exhibition Hall, and the Fang Zhimin Martyrs Cemetery. The footprints and figures of countless revolutionary pioneers have left a red mark in this city.

Nanchang also holds flag-raising ceremonies at the Bayi Square on important occasions such as New Year's Day, May Day, July 1st Party Founding Day, August 1st Army Day, and National Day every year.

In October 1927, Mao Zedong led the uprising troops to the Jinggangshan area and began to establish the first rural revolutionary base, where he ignited the spark of the Chinese revolution.

Jinggang Mountain is known as the first revolutionary mountain and is famous as the "Cradle of the Chinese Revolution". It is a base for patriotism education and revolutionary tradition education.

Here, Mao Zedong wrote "Xijiangyue·Jinggangshan". Later, when Mao Zedong went to Jinggangshan again, he wrote "Shui Tiao Ge Tou·Revisiting Jinggangshan" and "Nian Nujiao·Jinggangshan".

“I can reach for the moon in the sky and catch turtles in the five oceans. I can return home with a triumphant smile. Nothing is difficult in this world as long as you are willing to climb.” This has inspired and encouraged generations of Chinese people to forge ahead courageously.

In December 1929, the Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Red Army was held in Gutian, Shanghang County, Fujian. The Gutian Conference established the principle of building the Party ideologically and the army politically.

After the meeting, Mao Zedong wrote "A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire" here, proposing the idea of ​​encircling the cities from the countryside and seizing power by force.

Gutian, an ancient town in Fujian, is the first 5A-level red tourism scenic spot in Fujian Province. In Gutian, wearing Red Army hats, Red Army uniforms, eating Red Army meals, and walking the roads that the Red Army walked have become a necessary ritual experience for tourists.

Gutian is not only an eternal red holy land, but also has beautiful mountains and rivers and poetic Hakka life.

"Success starts from Gutian" is a sentence engraved under the theme sculpture in front of Gutian Meeting Site Station. If you pay a little attention when you come to Gutian, you can see these seven words in many places.

Gutian Meeting Site Station is the only railway station in the country named after a "meeting site". The torch lights and five-pointed stars in the square in front of the station give you a strong red atmosphere as soon as you exit the station.

△The Great Hall of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic

△ “When drinking water, remember the well digger” - Ruijin "Red Well"

In November 1931, the First National Congress of the Chinese Soviet was held in Ruijin, Jiangxi. The conference announced the establishment of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, with Ruijin as its capital.

△Site of the First National Congress of the Chinese Soviet Republic

Ruijin is the former red capital, the cradle of the Republic, the starting point of the Long March of the Central Red Army, and the initial birthplace of the people's congress system.

Some time ago, many netizens were moved by a line from Wei Ruolai, the protagonist of CCTV's hit drama "Storm Chasers": "I want to go to Ruijin and walk the same path my brother has walked."

After arriving in Ruijin, Wei Ruo joined the National Bank of the Chinese Soviet Republic, which was also the predecessor of the People's Bank of China.

△The former site of the National Bank of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

The finale of "The Wind Chasers" is the beginning of the Long March of the Central Red Army. The song "Ten Farewells to the Red Army" that was sung during the transition is believed to have touched every viewer of the show.

In 1934, the Central Red Army set out from Ruijin. The National Bank of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the Ministry of Finance were incorporated into the Central Column and were called the 15th Brigade. They packed the assets in the secret vault into more than 100 loads, including several loads of gold bars, dozens of loads of silver dollars, dozens of loads of National Bank banknotes, as well as lithographic machines, ink, and paper for printing banknotes. This special team consisted of more than a dozen National Bank cadres, more than 200 transporters, and a special agent company, and was called the "Pole Bank" during the Long March.

The 15th Battalion followed the Red Army all the way up the snow-capped mountains and across the grasslands. It used the issuance and withdrawal of currency to help the army raise funds along the way. It not only solved the Red Army's supply problem, but also mobilized the local people, greatly playing the role of revolutionary currency.

In 1935, the 15th Brigade arrived at Wuqi Town in northern Shaanxi. At this time, the banknotes and coin-making materials originally brought from the Central Soviet Area had been exhausted, leaving only a few loads of gold bars. It was with this money that the National Bank retained the capital to start over.

△Currency of the National Bank of the Chinese Soviet Republic

In Ruijin, there is another must-visit spot, the "Red Well" mentioned in the elementary school text "Don't forget the well digger when you drink water", which is located about 3 kilometers away from the center of Ruijin City.

Today, the water of the "Red Well" is still clear and sweet, and people who drink the well water still miss the people who dug the well. This place has also become a memorial place for people to remember the source of water.

As one of the starting points of the Long March of the Central Red Army, Ruijin Yunshi Mountain is known as the "First Mountain of the Long March". Yunshi Mountain is only 50 meters high, surrounded by cliffs, with only one stone path leading directly to the top of the mountain. Every stone and tree here is engraved with the stories and feelings of the Red Army.

Zunyi, Guizhou, is a heroic city and a land of hard work and achievement, and is known as the "City of Turning Point".

Walking into the Zunyi Conference Site, a heavy historical atmosphere hits you. The conference room of the Zunyi Conference is a small rectangular room on the second floor. In the center of the room is a rectangular table surrounded by a circle of folding chairs and a charcoal brazier under the table.

In this small room, the dim light of a few oil lamps illuminates the whole of China.

The Zunyi Conference "saved the Party, saved the Red Army, and saved the Chinese revolution at the most critical moment" and became a turning point of great significance in the history of our Party.

Yan'an is a sacred place of the Chinese revolution, carrying a rich red history and culture. It is the birthplace of "Ode to Yan'an" and the premiere site of "Yellow River Cantata".

If you have enough time, be sure to reserve a few more days to take a closer look at this red holy land full of history and culture!

Pagoda Hill: "Only when you climb the Pagoda Hill can you be considered to have truly arrived in Yan'an." The Pagoda Hill is the symbol and emblem of Yan'an. Next to the tower is an iron bell cast in the Ming Dynasty, which was used by the CPC Central Committee in Yan'an to tell time and alarm.

Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall: It is the earliest revolutionary memorial hall built after the founding of New China. The four stone inscriptions of "Seek Truth from Facts" are the "treasures of the town hall" of the memorial hall. These are the handwritten stone inscriptions written by Mao Zedong for the Great Hall of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an in 1943.

In the memorial hall, there is a group of "millet plus rifles" cultural relics that are very impressive. It was this combination that defeated the enemy's planes, cannons and tanks.

Yangjialing Revolutionary Site: It houses the Central Auditorium, the site of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and is also the former residence of Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and others.

In August 1946, Mao Zedong met with American journalist Anna Louise Strong at a small stone table in front of the Yangjialing cave, and during the conversation he put forward the famous conclusion that "all reactionaries are paper tigers."

Luxun Academy of Arts: Xian Xinghai created the Yellow River Cantata here. On May 11, 1939, at the anniversary party of Luxun Academy of Arts, Xian Xinghai personally directed more than 100 people to perform the Yellow River Cantata for the first time, which was a great success.

△Xian Xinghai composed "Yellow River Cantata" in a cave

In addition, Lu Xun Academy of Arts also created a large number of influential works during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, such as the opera "White-Haired Girl" and the song "Nanniwan".

Memorial Square for the "Serve the People" Speech: "To die for the benefit of the people is heavier than Mount Tai."

This familiar phrase comes from "Serve the People" in "Selected Works of Mao Zedong". It was an impromptu speech delivered by Mao Zedong at the memorial service for Comrade Zhang Side held in Yan'an on September 8, 1944.

On September 5 of that year, when Yan'an soldier Zhang Side was performing a charcoal burning mission, the charcoal kiln suddenly collapsed, and his life forever stopped at that moment. That year, he was 29 years old.

△The "Serve the People" Speech Memorial Square in Zaoyuan, Yan'an

Xibaipo is a small mountain village in Pingshan County, Hebei Province. In May 1948, Mao Zedong led the CPC Central Committee and the PLA headquarters to move here, where he commanded the Liaoshen, Huaihai, and Pingjin campaigns and convened the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee.

Xibaipo became the "last rural command post" of the Party Central Committee to liberate all of China.

The song "Unity is Strength" was sung in Beizhuang Village, Xibaipo Town.

In the exhibition hall of the Xibaipo Memorial Hall, there are three cultural relics that bear witness to the fact that "New China came from here": the epoch-making "Outline of the Land Law of China", the disc printing machine that witnessed the birth of the RMB, and a "pass" towards the light.

△Tangshang Village, Xiayunling Township, Fangshan District, Beijing. Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China Memorial Hall.

"Today is the day to go to Beijing for the imperial examination. Let's go to Beijing for the imperial examination." Mao Zedong said to Zhou Enlai on March 23, 1949. On March 25, 1949, the CPC Central Committee moved into Xiangshan, leaving countless red marks here.

△Shuangqing Villa in Xiangshan Park was the first place where the CPC Central Committee lived and worked when it entered Beijing on March 25, 1949.

"The wind and rain on Zhongshan Mountain are gray and yellow, and millions of troops are crossing the Yangtze River." During the Xiangshan period, the crossing-the-river campaign commanded by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sounded the great clarion call of "cross the Yangtze River and liberate all of China."

△The wooden boat used during the Crossing the Yangtze River Campaign displayed in the Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall

On the south square of the Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, the 19.49-meter-high flagpole symbolizes the birth of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

On October 1, 1949, the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China was held grandly in Tiananmen Square. Mao Zedong solemnly declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on the Tiananmen Gate Tower, and a new era in Chinese history has since begun.

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. Going to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony is a wish that many people must fulfill. Watching the five-star red flag rise with the sun is a romance that is unique to the Chinese people.

In 1943, the musician Cao Huoxing composed the song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No China" in Tangshang Village, Xiayunling. Later, the song was renamed "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China".

Today, in the birthplace of this song, people have built a memorial hall for "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and many schools hold coming-of-age ceremonies for students turning 18 here.

There is also a singing section of the road in Xibeiyu Village, Xiayunling Township. When the wheels of the car hit the striped markings on the road, the song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" comes into your ears.

Reporter: Wang Dianjia, Han Yuting, Xie Yuansen, Huang Shan, Shi Chaojie, Liu Tao, Xie Binchao

Some materials: Shanghai Municipal Government, The Paper, Shangguan News, Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, Jiaxing Daily, Nanchang Daily, Jiangxi Daily, Guangming Daily, China Railway, Fujian TV Tourism Channel, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Ruijin Municipal People's Government, Jiangxi has unique scenery, @I am waiting for you in Guizhou, Zunyi Municipal Government, China Military Network, Zunyi Conference Memorial Hall, Yan'an Daily, Baota District Government Office, West China Network, Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Yan'an Propaganda, CCTV Science and Education, Hebei Tourism, "Party Building" magazine, Zhanggong District People's Government, Beijing Daily, @Xitong, @Beiyu, Beijing Haidian District Media Integration Center, Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Beijing Municipal People's Government, China Government Network, Visual China, etc.

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