
Indian train accident: how did the tragedy unfold? Why do accidents occur frequently? Railway safety | Train derailment | India
Indian train accident: how did the tragedy unfold? Why do accidents occur frequently? Railway safety | Train derailment | India

The train derailment collision that occurred in the Indian state of Odisha on the evening of the 2nd local time has caused thousands of casualties, making it the most serious train accident in India in 20 years. At present, the search and rescue work has basically ended. According to media reports, the accident may have been caused by signal errors or human error. Some analysts believe that while India is investing heavily in modernizing its railway system, its attention to safety issues has not kept pace. How did the tragedy unfold? At around 19:00 local time on the 2nd, a passenger train from Kolkata to Chennai derailed near the Bahanaja railway station in Audi Shabang, with more than 10 carriages scattered around and some carriages falling on opposite tracks. Subsequently, a passenger train from Bangalore to Kolkata came from the opposite track and collided with a derailed carriage, causing several carriages of the train to also