Think Tank | "One River, One River" Contains Innovative Practice Space of Sports Assisting Urban Renewal Urban Renewal | Waterbank | Think Tank

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:44 AM

In June, Shanghai is filled with flourishing clouds and vast expanses of blue waves. On June 10, the 2023 "Suhewan" Shanghai Paddle Board Open was held in the Jing'an section of Suzhou River. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, the 2023 China Dragon Boat Open competed in the "Half Masu River". At the end of the month, the 2024 Shanghai Sailing Open Conference was held at the dock of Shanghai Port International Passenger Transport Center. A "Water Sports Concerto" with classical charm and modern flavor added radiance to each other, slowly weaves a pleasing sea movement, injecting endless vitality of sports into the "One River, One River" waterfront space and the people's city.

Shanghai is a city born from the sea and thriving along the sea. The city's diverse geographical and cultural environment, as well as its profound historical context, have made modern water sports such as sailing at the forefront of China, forming a long history. The city logo, "Five Mast Sandboat," embodies the genes of the "sea.". In the process of urban development towards the sea, creating water sports projects and "Shanghai style" landscape sports that combine professional competition and public participation, so that more citizens and participants can feel the vitality of urban development, help to unleash the unique value and huge potential of sports in urban renewal, and activate the historical genes of the city.

Entering a stage of high-quality development, urban renewal has entered a period of synergistic improvement of stock quality and efficiency, as well as optimization of incremental structure. It is necessary to make good use of eighteen martial arts skills and use embroidery like effort to carve a people's urban landscape that combines both spirit and form. Through spatial improvement, quality improvement, and functional enhancement, urban life can be promoted to be better and more vibrant. Currently, what is most needed for urban renewal is a sustainable development model, and expanding and enriching the space created by cities through sports is an effective experience for developed countries around the world to promote urban renewal. Famous cities around the world, such as Paris, London, and Melbourne, promote sustainable economic, social, and ecological development in their surrounding areas by constructing people-oriented and green sports spaces, creating diverse sports events, and cultivating emerging and fashionable leisure sports. This leads to an increase in community vitality, stimulates the integration of industry and city, and cultivates the soft power of urban culture. Especially in major cities around the world, waterfront spaces have transformed from warehouses, factories, and docks into recreational, sports, and entertainment spaces. Water and waterfront sports and leisure spaces have become scenic landmarks of many globally renowned cities. Utilizing sports and events to create a more attractive urban image in the post industrial era, fully attracting tourists, investors, and talents from all sides, has become an important strategy for the revitalization of these cities.

The integration of the "One River, One River" public space is an innovative achievement of Shanghai's implementation of the important concept of a people's city, which effectively promotes the return of shared waterfront, transforming it from an economic waterfront to a landscape waterfront and a cultural waterfront. Returning the river to the people is just the first step in creating public spaces. The sustained vitality comes from the citizens' yearning for a better public leisure space and urban cultural life. The core lies in building sustainable development momentum by creating more participatory and interactive space creation mechanisms, adding vitality, energy, and vitality to the city.

With the transformation of urban consumption structure, sports are shifting from personal hobbies to quality of life, cultural taste, and social methods. Sports not only promote consumption upgrading, lead healthy lifestyles and social trends, but also become an important means to shape urban culture, enhance urban image, and assist in urban brand marketing. Re understanding the relationship between sports and cities can help explore more sustainable urban renewal models. The sports leisure, cultural entertainment, and commercial consumption complex created through sports as a medium is a symbol of urban popularity and popularity. Only through more refined and creative organic updates and micro transformations can it become a part of the urban sustainable development ecosystem and an innovative practice of actively implementing advanced concepts such as green and low-carbon urban development.

The water sports events and mass sports activities promoted in Shanghai in recent years have gathered ecological friendliness, humanistic aesthetics, and trendy trends, opening up space for building a people-centered urban sports event system. The upcoming "three up" events are expanding the practical dimension of Shanghai's construction as an international sports event capital between water and land. Rowing and dragon boat races combine competitiveness, aesthetics, and entertainment, serving as vivid carriers to showcase the historical context and charm of the waterfront space on both sides of the Pujiang River. The oars, boards, and individuals in the clear water and blue sky to a greater extent reflect the participation and sharing of returning the river to the people. Citizens can experience fashionable sports in the "One River, One River" where the water is clear, the beach is clean, and the fish and gulls are abundant, and feel the poetic tranquility of living in the city. It is the best material for promoting the harmonious coexistence of good people and the city.

After the Beijing Winter Olympics, sports have increasingly integrated into people's daily lives, and the popularization and industrialization of emerging leisure sports have strong development momentum, becoming the most empathetic and infectious field in community life. Urban sports are rich in symbolic meanings such as social, emotional, and identity, and are important scenes for achieving social dissemination. To empower urban development with sports, we must adhere to creating scenery through sports and gathering people through competitions, enrich the content categories of urban mass sports activities, and innovate effective mechanisms for citizen participation. Layout emerging water sports, gathering popularity through sports, and creating vibrant public spaces can not only improve the quality of urban life, but also shape the image of Shanghai through the active and proactive daily life of ordinary people, highlighting the spirit of Shanghai. As a vibrant and healthy city, Shanghai strives to write a new chapter in deepening high-level reform and opening up and promoting high-quality development to the world.

At present, with a systematic, comprehensive, and coordinated thinking, we should make good use of the "one river, one river" public space and create urban mass sports events. We should combine the functional positioning of different regions, gather high-quality sports resources that citizens enjoy, optimize the functional layout of different types and levels of events, and carefully weave and create a convenient leisure and sports space that is friendly to the people. Creating more participatory and interactive mechanisms to promote the sustainable renewal of urban sports spaces requires the joint efforts of all parties and the integration of various elements. Only by integrating sports, commuting, sightseeing tourism, and leisure and fitness can we create more new landmarks for the people's city, new spaces for leisure and tourism, and new highlands for friends to perceive Shanghai's urban style.

In the spring of 2024, the first Shanghai Sailing Open will be held as another new independent brand event established by Shanghai Sports on the iconic Huangpu River. At that time, the little sails in the river will not only convey the vibrant vitality of Shanghai's hundred boats competing and a thousand sails racing, but also contain the beautiful expectation of people living in this city following the sails and sailing towards success.

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