Bayer: Presenting “China’s Plan” for Global Agricultural Transformation at the China International Import Expo

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:08 AM

The 6th China International Import Expo is in full swing in Shanghai. As one of the first exhibitor representatives to sign a contract for the crop seed industry area at the 5th China International Import Expo, Bayer CropScience once again made a simultaneous appearance at Bayer China in the medical equipment and pharmaceutical and health care exhibition area this year in the form of a "double exhibition" The booth and crop seed industry area focus on demonstrating its firm commitment to exploring the transformation of regenerative agriculture, promoting vigorous innovation in the seed industry, and deeply exploring the Chinese market.

Bayer has participated in the CIIE for six consecutive years. What is the reason for choosing to participate in the CIIE continuously? What have been achieved over the past five years? What are the highlights of this year’s CIIE?

For Bayer, an "old friend" of CIIE that has participated in the CIIE for six consecutive years, China has always been a market of strategic significance. The 6th China International Import Expo is an excellent platform, providing Bayer with an opportunity to showcase innovative products and cutting-edge technologies and conduct in-depth exchanges with multiple partners. In the past five years, Bayer has actively taken advantage of the "incubator" function of the CIIE and exhibited nearly a hundred innovative products.

How does Bayer view the development prospects of the Chinese market? This year is the "Year of Investing in China" proposed by the Ministry of Commerce of China. What are Bayer's recent investment plans in the fields of medical health and agricultural science and technology? In what ways does Bayer strengthen cooperation with China and promote China's localization process?

As the world's second largest and one of the fastest growing economies, China has the largest and most dynamic market and continues to provide the world with new opportunities with its new development. Under the guidance of "Chinese-style modernization", China has outstanding advantages in its ultra-large-scale market and domestic demand potential, and the demand in the Chinese market has become more diversified. Bayer is committed to mutually beneficial cooperation with partners through its diversified business and innovation capabilities to contribute to the local development of an open China.

Continue to increase regenerative agriculture and promote sustainable development of agriculture

In the context of global climate change, population growth and China's agricultural modernization, Bayer CropScience is committed to achieving "recovery by improving quality and efficiency, producing more with less, and recovering with high yields" by leading regenerative agriculture that takes into account economic, social and environmental benefits. This year, Bayer Crop Science debuted at the Bayer China exhibition area with the theme of "Regenerative Agriculture, Endless Life", presenting a series of "Chinese solutions" for global agricultural transformation, including easyFlowM and Phytobac®mini equipment, direct seeding rice planting solutions, seed coatings Innovative products and local practices such as pesticide solutions, crop health product ranges and Bayer Learning Center.

As a regenerative agriculture project, Bayer demonstrated the localized practice and exploration of "Yuanyuan Farm" at this CIIE, including the country's only easyFlowM closed pesticide dispensing and empty packaging cleaning device and soil microbial degradation pesticide waste liquid Installed with Phytobac® mini, these two products can effectively solve the problem of processing pesticide packaging waste and pesticide waste liquid, prevent soil and water sources from being polluted by pesticide waste liquid, effectively protect the agricultural ecological environment, and promote the green development of agriculture.

During this year's CIIE, Bayer exhibited its direct-seeded rice planting solution, corn seed coating and Bayer's crop health product series. Direct-seeded rice is a planting method that directly sows rice seeds in Honda, eliminating the need for seedling raising and transplanting. It helps to improve soil health and biodiversity and increase return on investment. It was first exhibited at this year’s CIIE; Bayer seed coating agent The solution can help corn seeds achieve disease resistance and antibacterial properties, provide protection in the early stages when crops are most vulnerable to attacks by diseases and insect pests, and ensure healthy, healthy, and strong seedlings; Bayer's crop health product series can stimulate crop vitality and promote crop growth. Healthier, better quality, higher yield, helping farmers achieve higher profits.

Professional crop protection programs rely on effective knowledge dissemination. Ten Bayer learning centers covering the country made their debut at this CIIE.

In addition to the display of innovative products and local practices, Bayer CropScience also held a "Regenerative Agriculture, Endless Life" themed event at the Bayer China booth on November 7. China's first systematic cutting-edge report on regenerative agriculture, "Using Regenerative Agriculture to Facilitate the Sustainable Transformation of China's Agriculture under Multiple Goals", supported by Bayer and written by Caixin Think Tank, was released. Bayer and industry experts and representatives gave a comprehensive interpretation of the current situation and future of regenerative agriculture. In addition, Bayer invited multiple partners to discuss China's first "Regenerative Agriculture Management Code-Planting Industry" co-authored and sustainable development. By joining hands with local partners, Bayer looks forward to leveraging its innovative advantages in the field of regenerative agriculture to further help promote the sustainable development of China's agriculture.

Promote vigorous innovation in the seed industry and help ensure food security

High-quality development and continuous innovation in the seed industry are crucial to ensuring food security. In the field of seed industry, Bayer also actively responds to China’s seed industry revitalization actions. At this CIIE, focusing on the theme of "Building Food Security through Innovation", Bayer CropScience brought a number of products that combine the advantages of global innovation and local R&D in the crop seed industry area, including new crop products in the two major categories of corn and vegetables. Variety and international innovative solutions provide Chinese consumers with safe, high-quality and stable sources of agricultural products and contribute to China’s food security.

In terms of corn seeds, three new corn varieties, G1916, M1912, and Dika 698, were released for the first time at the 6th CIIE. It is worth mentioning that 2023 is the 20th anniversary of the century-old corn brand Dika entering the Chinese market. Since entering the Chinese market, the Dika brand has covered the country's main corn planting areas: Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, Huanghuaihai, and has continuously launched high-quality varieties to help farmers obtain more benefits and promote the vigorous development of China's seed industry.

In the Seed Industry Zone of this year’s CIIE, the Vegetable Division displayed white sweet corn, Shengtian Baizhu, Qianghan broccoli, taste tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and other vegetable varieties. During the exhibition, Bayer also used its "food power" to help out and invited the audience to serve as "vegetable tasters". On the booth, vegetables of various colors and varieties were neatly arranged, and their fresh and sweet aroma attracted many visitors to come and try them. The interactive booth experience also won the favor and praise of the majority of visitors.

In terms of Bayer's world-leading biotechnology, this CIIE focused on the innovation of corn crops. The Preceon™ smart corn system combines three major innovative elements - dwarf corn hybrids, FieldView™ digital platform and customized services. MON95379 corn can effectively control the pest Spodoptera frugiperda, which poses a major threat to global agriculture. More than 250 corn hybrids powered by Bayer Biotechnology are on the market.

Deepen local innovation cooperation and share China’s development opportunities

Over the years, Bayer CropScience has continuously increased local innovation and research and development, continued to invest in China, and contributed to the high-quality development of China's agriculture. The annual "Golden Autumn Appointment" with the China International Import Expo is not only an unchanging commitment between Bayer and China, but also an excellent platform for Bayer Crop Science to expand its local "circle of friends" and a stage to showcase the results of local cooperation.

At the fifth CIIE, Bayer signed an investment contract with the Qiantang District Government of Hangzhou for a new supply center. In 2023, the construction of the Hangzhou supply center was successfully launched and is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2025. The new supply center in Hangzhou will represent Bayer's excellent modern production and management levels in automation, digitalization and cost control, and will inject strong impetus into the construction of world-class high-end manufacturing in China's agricultural industry.

The Bayer Innovation Center located in Danyang, Jiangsu has been officially opened this year and made its debut at the 6th China International Import Expo. The center is one of Bayer's 17 innovation centers around the world. It is equipped with modern agricultural facilities and professional R&D personnel, and can conduct field testing and indoor research on a variety of key crop targets to achieve "innovation empowerment and digital development."

Bayer Vegetable Seeds Sennis also increased its local investment in China this year. Its investment integration project in Pinggu District, Beijing, includes a production and operation center that has been put into operation, a Saintis vegetable seed research and development farm under construction, and a high-end glass greenhouse. The total investment amount of the project exceeds 10 million yuan.

Bayer: Presenting “China’s Plan” for Global Agricultural Transformation at the China International Import Expo
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