Trump's approval rating remains strong, despite his defendant status, he refuses to argue and surrenders himself. Opinion polls show support for Trump's surrender

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 06:40 AM

On the 21st local time, former US President Trump announced that he plans to surrender himself to Fulton County Prison in Georgia before the 24th, accepting charges from the state that he attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 US presidential election. This will be Trump's fourth self surrender since the beginning of this year. On the day before surrendering, he will be absent from the first debate in the Republican primary.

Despite skipping debates, voluntarily surrendering and running for president as a defendant, Trump's approval rating remains stubbornly high.

A bail of $200000 is required to be paid

"On Thursday, I will go to Atlanta, Georgia and be arrested by radical left-wing prosecutor Fanny Willis," Trump said in a post on his self created social platform "Truth Society" on the 21st.

He also reiterated that the lawsuit in Saskatchewan is political persecution aimed at undermining his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

On August 14th, a grand jury in Atlanta, Georgia accused Trump and 19 others of attempting to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election results. This is the fourth criminal lawsuit that Trump has faced since "sealing fees", "secret door", and "attempting to overturn the 2020 election results", and is considered to have the widest possible impact and greatest threat.

Trump faces 13 serious charges, including extortion, but he denies all charges.

Fulton County prosecutor Willis has demanded that 19 defendants surrender before noon on August 25th, otherwise arrest warrants will be issued.

The outside world has noticed that Trump's surrender occurred just one day after the first debate in the Republican primary. Trump has announced that he will not participate in this debate because "the public knows who I am.".

According to CNN, the date of surrender was determined on Monday by Trump's lawyer and personnel from the Fulton County District Prosecutor's Office during negotiations on Trump's bail and conditions.

According to an agreement signed by prosecutor Willis and Trump's lawyer on the 21st, Trump agreed to pay $200000 in bail. This means that Trump will be released soon after surrendering and paying bail, without having to wait for trial in prison.

According to American media, in Fulton County, registration for court appearance and subpoena are separate.

In addition, according to the agreement, the bail conditions also include that Trump cannot threaten or intimidate co defendants, witnesses, or victims through social media or other means.

CNN stated that the lawsuit in Fulton County marks the first time that Trump's bail terms include both bail and a ban on intimidation through social media.

The Fulton County Sheriff's Office also stated that during Trump's surrender, the surrounding area of the county prison will be "strictly sealed off" and roadblocks will remain until Saturday.

When will you appear in court to respond and be tried?

What is the next step after surrendering? When will Trump appear in court and be tried?

Prosecutor Willis proposed to summon 19 defendants in the week of September 5th and hold a trial in March next year. The time is close to next year's Georgia Republican primary, which is considered a fiercely contested time of the primary season for the presidential nomination. And Trump's lawyer has requested a trial in 2026.

The National Public Radio in the United States quoted criminal defense lawyer Brickman's point of view that Willis' proposed timetable is just wishful thinking.

Fulton County High Court Judge McPhee has been assigned to hear this case and will set the final schedule.

However, scheduling is not an easy task.

Firstly, McAfee must coordinate time with the 19 defendants and their lawyers, while also considering the litigation procedures for Trump's other three criminal cases.

At present, the "sealing fee" case and the "confidential door" case are scheduled for trial in March and May next year. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has requested a trial in January next year to overturn the 2020 election results, but the specific date has not been determined yet.

Secondly, McAfee also needs to find time on his own schedule, and Fulton County is already piled up with cases.

In addition, other factors may also slow down the trial process of the case, such as jury members choosing to prolong the trial, Trump's attempt to transfer the case from Fulton County High Court to federal court, and so on.

Party polls stand out from the crowd

Despite carrying four criminal cases, according to polls, these lawsuits have not dampened Trump's election prospects.

In the crowded race for nomination, he still stands out within the Republican Party.

The Des Moines Chronicle/NBC News released a joint poll on the 21st. Among Republican voters who may participate in the Iowa Republican caucus vote in January next year, Trump's approval rating is 42%, far exceeding other opponents. Florida Governor De Santis, who ranks second, only has a 19% approval rating. No other candidate broke through the double digits.

Due to Iowa being seen as a weather vane for the election, this poll result has received great attention.

According to American media, Iowa was the first state to vote for the Republican nomination in the 2024 election. For presidential candidates, the state caucus vote is a crucial early test. The latest poll results show that Trump maintains an absolute lead among Republican voters in the state.

William Galston, Senior Researcher at the Brookings Institution's Governance Research Program, stated that in the 2016 election, Trump performed mediocrely in Iowa and only ranked second in terms of vote count. Now his polls are far ahead, highlighting the fact that the former president has deeply reshaped the Republican Party and successfully consolidated his close relationship with the Republican Party's fundamentals.

Galston also pointed out that the poll results raise serious doubts about whether De Santis truly capable of challenging Trump.

On the 20th, CBS also released a similar poll result: 62% of Republican primary voters support Trump, while De Santis has a support rate of only 16%.

CNN stated that Trump's current polls are better than at any time during the 2020 election, and the four lawsuits have not had an impact on him.

Why is it that the more accusations Trump receives, the more his supporters remain loyal to him? This mystery has been repeatedly solved.

CBS has summarized several attitudes among Republican voters from the latest poll results: firstly, empathizing with Trump, believing that these accusations are all politically motivated. The second is not believing in the content of the indictment, but believing that what Trump said is the truth. Their trust in Trump has surpassed their trust in their own family and friends. The third reason is that Trump is fighting for someone like me. Fourthly, it is believed that the United States under Trump's leadership will be better. In short, perhaps Republican voters believe that only Trump is most likely to defeat Biden.

But some comments also point out that prosecution and conviction are completely different, and Trump's legal dilemma and upcoming elections have been bound. Any conviction will change Trump's situation and public opinion.

A recent poll by Quinnipiac University shows that the majority of Americans do not want "criminals" to appear on their ballots. 68% of Americans and 58% of Republicans say that those convicted of serious crimes should not be eligible to run for president.

For Trump, whether bad things always turn into good things may lead to clearer conclusions over time.

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