How does Shanghai turn danger into opportunity?, Trends in Major Changes | International Economy and Trade | Changes

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:19 AM

Daring to be a pioneer, leading by example, and daring to break through difficulties is Shanghai's mission. "Pioneers" often need to demonstrate their qualities in special tests and interpret their value in breaking through situations and breakthroughs.

In today's world, unprecedented changes are accelerating, a new round of technological and industrial revolutions is deepening, and the international political and economic landscape is undergoing profound adjustments. The overall environment of deepening high-level reform and opening up and promoting high-quality development in Shanghai has undergone profound changes, and the strategic mission it undertakes is also deepening.

The drastic changes in the external environment often mean a reshaping of the pattern and the reconstruction of advantages.

Being able to seek opportunities in times of crisis, turn crisis into safety, and turn crisis into opportunity is also expected to cultivate opportunities in times of crisis and open up new opportunities in changing situations. To be a pioneer, one must first have strategic confidence and determination.

During his recent inspection in Jiangsu, General Secretary Xi Jinping particularly emphasized that we must muster the spirit of entrepreneurship, fulfill our duties, take responsibility, face difficulties, dare to fight, and seriously deal with negative phenomena such as being light and afraid of heavy, lying flat, perfunctory, and passing by., Improve responsibility as an incentive and protection mechanism-we should keep in mind that the more challenging the moment of change, the less satisfied with the general, superficial, and fragmented work standards, the less we can let the fear of difficulties and conservative mentality restrict the forward driving force of reform and development, the more we need to consciously make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up to show special momentum and drive.

As for Shanghai, taking the initiative to adapt and turn crises into opportunities requires efforts in multiple aspects. Faced with changes in the international economic and trade landscape and the new situation of economic globalization, we need to better coordinate high-quality "bringing in" and high-level "going out", better coordinate onshore and offshore, better coordinate "in China" and "for the world", and broaden the scope and connotation of deepening opening-up to the outside world.

In the face of external blockades and threats such as decoupling and blockchain disruptions, we must take a more proactive and conscious approach to strengthen the construction of science and technology innovation centers, promote technological self-reliance and self-improvement, accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, give full play to the leading role of economic center cities in enhancing the resilience and security level of industrial and supply chains, drive the overall improvement of regional industrial cluster competitiveness, and continue to play a leading role in innovation.

Faced with the accelerating trend of digital, intelligent, green, and integrated transformation, as well as the paradigm shift in technological and industrial innovation, and the reconstruction of international economic and trade rules, we must seize the time window, accurately identify trends, accelerate forward-looking layout, achieve "overtaking on curves" and "overtaking on changing lanes" on new tracks, and reconstruct new strategic advantages.

The above requirements mean a comprehensive update in work ideas and gestures, in order to identify breakthroughs and focus, and respond to new requirements with new modes and states. The core proposition behind it is still how Shanghai can fully leverage and strengthen its leading advantages, reform and opening up advantages, technology and talent advantages, and governance modernization advantages, and always demonstrate an outstanding consciousness of facing difficulties, never retreating, and never ending.

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