
A "tone setting" meeting?, Depth | NATO Summit is Coming Soon China | Russia | Ukraine | Vilnius, the Capital of Lithuania | NATO Summit
A "tone setting" meeting?, Depth | NATO Summit is Coming Soon China | Russia | Ukraine | Vilnius, the Capital of Lithuania | NATO Summit

As the Ukrainian crisis continues, the NATO summit will be held in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius from the 11th to the 12th. The highlight of the summit is to agree on a plan to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, including the first meeting of the NATO Ukraine Council scheduled for the 12th, to send a strong signal of support for Ukraine. Analysis suggests that NATO, led by the United States, has deeply intervened in the Ukrainian crisis through military aid to Ukraine. On the other hand, it refuses to reflect on the underlying reasons for the escalation of the crisis and continues to implement NATO's eastward expansion, northward expansion, and "Asia Pacific ization". These practices will further worsen the security situation in Europe and bring unrest and challenges to the Asia Pacific region. A "tone setting" meeting. This summit is Finland's first since becoming the 31st NATO member state in April this year, and it is also the NATO summit held since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis

Expert: Climate change is entering the "unknown realm", with the record for "the hottest day in the world" being broken one after another. Climate change | "the hottest day in the world"
Expert: Climate change is entering the "unknown realm", with the record for "the hottest day in the world" being broken one after another. Climate change | "the hottest day in the world"

According to statistics from two research institutions in the United States and Europe, the average surface temperature of the Earth broke records this week. Scientists have warned that as the record for the hottest day in the world is broken one after another, climate change is entering an unknown realm. At the same time, extreme weather events may become increasingly frequent and even endanger human production and life. According to statistics conducted by the Climate Change Institute of the University of Maine in the United States based on data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting, the average surface temperature broke records this week. On Monday, the average surface temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius, setting a record for the highest since the National Center for Environmental Forecasting began its statistics in 1979. Previously, the highest temperature recorded by the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States was in August 2016

Observer | Is the direction of Japanese media changing? Chinese | Japanese media
Observer | Is the direction of Japanese media changing? Chinese | Japanese media

Recently, the Yomiuri Shimbun in Japan published an article praising the ATTO3 model produced by BYD in China. The author of the article test drove the car and believed that its interior decoration was highly personalized, with no basic performance issues, and its price in Japan was even more competitive. The article also includes a picture of a red ATTO3 car, briefly introducing BYD's development process - the company entered the automotive industry in 2003 by acquiring an automotive company; In 2022, BYD's electric vehicle production reached as high as 910000 units, second only to Tesla globally. The article states that for the Japanese automotive industry, which has a nearly century long history of automobile production, such rapid progress is completely beyond the reach of Japanese peers. The author is particularly generous in praising the design of the car - despite

Will the United States "package" cluster ammunition to help Ukraine counterattack?, A new round of military aid to Ukraine is on the way to cluster ammunition | Ukraine | United States
Will the United States "package" cluster ammunition to help Ukraine counterattack?, A new round of military aid to Ukraine is on the way to cluster ammunition | Ukraine | United States

According to sources familiar with the matter, the Biden administration is expected to announce a new round of military assistance to Ukraine on the 7th local time, which will include highly controversial cluster ammunition. The outside world believes that the United States has made a decision to provide cluster ammunition to Ukraine, which is closely related to the changes in the situation between Russia and Ukraine. The United States hopes to help Ukraine break through Russia's defense and advance its current counterattack through this move. Human rights organizations urge the United States not to deliver cluster ammunition to Ukraine to avoid causing innocent civilian casualties. The public opinion points out that the United States disregards humanitarian concerns and insists on transporting controversial and widely banned cluster ammunition to Ukraine, which not only faces condemnation from international public opinion, but may also cause concerns among allies and even damage their unity. Because most EU and NATO member states sign

Climate change entering "unknown waters"?, The record for "the hottest day in the world" has been broken consecutively by El Ni ñ o | the hottest | the highest temperature
Climate change entering "unknown waters"?, The record for "the hottest day in the world" has been broken consecutively by El Ni ñ o | the hottest | the highest temperature

Within three days, the average temperature on the Earth's surface has hit new highs, which has made some scientists feel uneasy. According to data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, July 3rd was the "hottest day in the world" on record. But just one day later, this high temperature record was broken and remained unchanged on July 5th. Scientists have warned that climate change has entered "unknown waters", and the record for "the hottest day in the world" may soon be set again due to the combined effects of El Ni ñ o and global warming. The hottest week in 100000 years. Recently, news about the "hottest day in the world" has been circulating on the screen. According to data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, the average temperature on the Earth's surface exceeded 17 degrees Celsius for the first time on July 3rd, reaching 17.01 degrees Celsius. This means that since 1979

"Yuan" company poaches employees for "plagiarism" applications? Twitter Warning: Possible Litigation of Competitor Zuckerberg | Musk | Twitter | Meta
"Yuan" company poaches employees for "plagiarism" applications? Twitter Warning: Possible Litigation of Competitor Zuckerberg | Musk | Twitter | Meta

After the release of the new social platform Threads by "Yuan" company on Wednesday, 30 million users have registered within less than 24 hours. Just as "Yuan" company was celebrating, it received a lawyer's letter from its competitor Twitter. Whether the two tech giants will create a "legal battlefield" outside of the business war has attracted external attention. In the lawyer's letter, Twitter accused "Yuan" company of poaching its former employees and developing "fake application" Threads by stealing intellectual property rights. Twitter threatens to sue "Yuan" company for this. American media believe that this may be the most obvious sign that Twitter sees "yuan" companies as a competitive threat. Illegal theft? A few hours after "Yuan" launched a new application called Threads to benchmark Twitter, Alex Spiro, a Twitter lawyer, approached "Yuan" company

Sweden's "lightning entry" into the Treaty may still be a dead end. Turkey and Hungary will not let up, and the depth | The West is stepping up efforts to promote the United States before the NATO Summit | Türkiye | NATO | Sweden
Sweden's "lightning entry" into the Treaty may still be a dead end. Turkey and Hungary will not let up, and the depth | The West is stepping up efforts to promote the United States before the NATO Summit | Türkiye | NATO | Sweden

Recently, there has been intensive communication among relevant parties regarding Sweden's accession to NATO. On July 5th, US President Biden met with Swedish Prime Minister Christsson at the White House. On the 6th, NATO plans to convene officials from Türkiye, Hungary and Sweden to meet. The United States and NATO are eager to finalize this matter as the NATO summit approaches next week. However, this tortuous process that has lasted for a year has already encountered many problems. Why is NATO led by the United States intensifying its push for Sweden's accession to the treaty? Can we achieve our wish? Why are NATO members Türkiye and Hungary delayed in giving the "green light"? After the escalation of the Ukraine crisis in early last year, Nordic countries Finland and Sweden simultaneously applied to join NATO in May last year. Although the two countries once wanted to join hands to enter the treaty, Finland had no choice but to fly alone. After obtaining unanimous agreement from 30 NATO member states,

Is polarization intensifying in the United States, with liberals running to blue states and moving to "talk politics"? American media: Conservatives running towards Red State split | Polarization | United States
Is polarization intensifying in the United States, with liberals running to blue states and moving to "talk politics"? American media: Conservatives running towards Red State split | Polarization | United States

The recently passed Independence Day holiday in the United States was shrouded in a heavy black shadow - more than ten large-scale shooting incidents broke the record for the number of gun incidents during the National Day holiday. In addition to the escalating gun violence, the increasing division between politics and society has also recently raised concerns in American public opinion. The Associated Press pointed out that as political polarization intensifies, conservatives rush towards the red states and liberals flood into the blue states. The division of states has reached the most severe level in modern American history. Looking for a place to be oneself. If asked why they want to move to another place, different people may give different answers. For example, a better living environment, more job opportunities, less life pressure, and so on. However, for today's Americans, there is a more important driving factor, which is politics. Retired police officer Tim Cole and his wife

The battle of social media platforms has started: Zuckerberg launches "Twitter Killer", but "Cage Battle" has not yet started on Twitter | Cage Battle | Zuckerberg | Musk
The battle of social media platforms has started: Zuckerberg launches "Twitter Killer", but "Cage Battle" has not yet started on Twitter | Cage Battle | Zuckerberg | Musk

While the outside world is still curious whether Zuckerberg and Musk will really engage in a cage fight, the social application platforms under the two tech giants have already started a war. On the evening of the 5th US time, "Yuan" company, led by Zuckerberg, officially launched a new social platform called Threads. This platform is similar in style to Twitter and is widely regarded as Twitter's strongest competitor since its acquisition by Musk. Industry experts even refer to this app as a "Twitter killer". However, "Yuan" company also stated that considering that Twitter has been around for a long time and has established a unique network, it is not easy for new products to replace Twitter. The company will focus on how to attract users and achieve seamless integration with other social platforms in the future. Online for 4 hours, with 5 million users "Let's get started. Welcome to

What is driving these two Middle Eastern powers to reconcile?, Depth | Re send ambassadors and catalysts after ten years of opposition | Egypt | Türkiye
What is driving these two Middle Eastern powers to reconcile?, Depth | Re send ambassadors and catalysts after ten years of opposition | Egypt | Türkiye

On July 4 local time, Egypt and Türkiye announced the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries to the ambassadorial level and exchanged ambassadors. This is an important step towards the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries since the mutual expulsion of ambassadors nearly a decade ago. Analysis suggests that the restoration of ambassadorial level diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt occurred against the backdrop of multiple Middle Eastern countries moving towards reconciliation, which can be said to be a natural outcome. Although there are still irreconcilable contradictions and differences between these two major regional powers on hot issues, it does not affect the easing momentum of the bilateral relationship. There is no luxury of separation On July 4 local time, the Turkish government and the Egyptian government issued a joint statement stating that Türkiye and Egypt have restored their diplomatic relations to the ambassadorial level and have appointed ambassadors to each other's countries. The statement stated that this move signifies the restoration of normal diplomatic relations between the two sides, reflecting that both countries are driven by human factors

Foreign media: China sends a signal of "having a card in hand", China controls the export of important raw materials for chips | metals | the United States | China
Foreign media: China sends a signal of "having a card in hand", China controls the export of important raw materials for chips | metals | the United States | China

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce and other departments announced on the 3rd that starting from August 1st, Chinese exporters need to obtain approval to ship certain gallium and germanium metal products overseas to "safeguard security and national interests.". Gallium and germanium are key raw materials in high-tech fields such as chips. Some public opinion believes that China intends to respond to the US and the West's containment of China in the high-tech field. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated at a press conference on the 4th that China has always been committed to maintaining global supply chain security and stability, and has always implemented fair, reasonable, and non discriminatory export control measures. The Chinese government implements export controls on related items in accordance with the law, which is an international practice and does not target any specific country. On the 5th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin reiterated China's relevant position. On the 3rd, relevant departments in China, known as the backbone of the electronic industry, announced their plans for gallium and germanium related substances

Is artificial intelligence starting to backfire?, Even AI creators cannot keep their jobs and are unemployed | programmers | artificial intelligence
Is artificial intelligence starting to backfire?, Even AI creators cannot keep their jobs and are unemployed | programmers | artificial intelligence

With the rise of artificial intelligence, there is increasing concern about whether this technology will replace human work. At present, even the creators of artificial intelligence - tech workers - are unable to avoid the risk of unemployment. The past decade has witnessed the flourishing development of technology companies in Silicon Valley, as the recruitment boom has subsided over the past decade. During this period, programmers and engineers were once sought after by major enterprises, and their financial prospects were promising. However, the decade long recruitment boom has shown a reversal trend, with a cold wind blowing in the sunny Silicon Valley. Since the beginning of this year, with the rise of artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT, there has been increasing concern and even concern about whether human work will be replaced. Interestingly, even the creators of artificial intelligence - tech workers - are not immune. Challenger, Gray, a US human resources agency

What will be discussed in the first high-level economic talks with the new Chinese government?, Depth | US Treasury Secretary's upcoming visit to China China US visit | China visit | Yellen
What will be discussed in the first high-level economic talks with the new Chinese government?, Depth | US Treasury Secretary's upcoming visit to China China US visit | China visit | Yellen

Following US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to China more than two weeks ago, a new round of high-level interaction between China and the US will be launched this week. According to the agreement between China and the United States, US Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. This will be Yellen's first visit to China as finance minister. The high-level visits from diplomacy to the economic sector signify the active operation of the key "two rounds" driving China US relations, and are seen as another positive sign that China US relations have stopped falling and stabilized. However, analysts remind that the US policy towards China still focuses on containment and suppression, and increasing contact with China is only aimed at stabilizing rather than truly improving bilateral relations. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether a series of interactions can achieve substantial results. Follow Antony Blinken's footsteps Yellen's trip can be described as following Antony Blinken's footsteps. This means that in less than three weeks, two heavyweights under Biden's command

Will the gunpowder bucket be ignited? Israel's "largest" military operation in 20 years on the West Bank of the Jordan River Gunpowder Bucket | Palestine Israel
Will the gunpowder bucket be ignited? Israel's "largest" military operation in 20 years on the West Bank of the Jordan River Gunpowder Bucket | Palestine Israel

On the early morning of July 3rd local time, the Israeli Defense Forces launched a large-scale air and ground military operation in the Jenin area in the northern West Bank of the Jordan River, resulting in at least 10 Palestinian deaths and hundreds of injuries. The Israeli side stated that this military operation will continue. The public opinion believes that this is the "largest scale" military operation launched by the Israeli military against Jenin in the past 20 years. Jenin has always been seen as the "powder keg" of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. If the Israeli military action triggers retaliation from Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the tension between Palestine and Israel may further escalate. On the early morning of July 3rd, local time, the Israeli military dispatched multiple military vehicles from different directions to enter Jenin, and then surrounded the Jenin refugee camp and cut off the road leading to the outside of the city. According to foreign media citing an Israeli military spokesperson

Foreign media: Indian refiners are starting to purchase Russian crude oil in RMB. Russia | RMB | India
Foreign media: Indian refiners are starting to purchase Russian crude oil in RMB. Russia | RMB | India

According to reports, against the backdrop of sanctions imposed by the West on Russia due to the Ukraine crisis, Russia and its crude oil buyers have found trading currencies other than the US dollar. Indian refiners, a major buyer of Russian crude oil, have started trading in Chinese yuan. After the escalation of the Ukraine crisis in February last year, the West launched a series of sanctions against Russia in areas such as energy, including excluding some Russian financial institutions from the Global Interbank Financial Communications Association system. At the same time, the flow of Russian oil in the global trading system is also changing. For example, India is increasingly becoming a major buyer of Russian maritime oil products. According to data from market research firm Kpler, India's oil imports from Russia reached a record high of 2.2 million barrels per day last month, marking the 10th consecutive month of growth and exceeding

Why is the attractiveness of SCO increasing?, Depth | Tomorrow will welcome a new member expansion | Summit | SCO
Why is the attractiveness of SCO increasing?, Depth | Tomorrow will welcome a new member expansion | Summit | SCO

On July 4th, the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be held online, marking another "SCO moment" for the world.Analysis suggests that there is a significant increase in unstable, uncertain, and unpredictable factors in the world today, and all parties expect the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to make greater contributions in promoting regional peace and development. This summit has a variety of highlights, including announcing Iran as a formal member of the organization and focusing on areas of cooperation such as entrepreneurship and innovation. SCO will continue to be committed to promoting multilateralism, upholding principles and creating new ones, injecting more positive energy into world peace and stability. This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as a "mature enough" young man. Although it

Why did he and she come one after another?, The second Biden cabinet minister is coming to China, less than a month of tension | China US | Yellen
Why did he and she come one after another?, The second Biden cabinet minister is coming to China, less than a month of tension | China US | Yellen

On July 3rd, the News Office of the Chinese Ministry of Finance announced that, as agreed by both China and the United States, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. This will be Yellen's first visit to China as Minister of Finance, and she will also become the second US ministerial level official to visit China in the near future. The public opinion believes that this visit shows that China and the United States are attempting to further deepen communication and stabilize tense relations. However, some major differences between China and the United States may not be resolved through a single visit. On July 6th, Yellen will arrive in Beijing for a long-awaited visit to China. The outside world believes that Yellen's visit is of great significance at a time of increasing global economic uncertainty. According to senior officials from the US Treasury Department, the purpose of this visit is to deepen and strengthen communication frequency between the two countries, stabilize bilateral relations,

Biden will appear in Europe... at the critical moment of the Ukrainian crisis Ukraine | Europe | Biden
Biden will appear in Europe... at the critical moment of the Ukrainian crisis Ukraine | Europe | Biden

The White House announced on July 2nd that US President Biden will visit three European countries from July 9th to 13th. During this time, Biden will meet with British leaders, attend NATO summits in Lithuania, and meet with Nordic leaders in Finland. The public opinion generally believes that Biden's visit is aimed at promoting NATO's coordinated response to the Ukrainian crisis. The first stop of Biden's trip will be in the UK, according to a close friend comforted by the White House. During this period, he will meet with King Charles III of England and Prime Minister Sunak to further strengthen the close relationship between the two countries. A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace stated on the same day that King Charles III will meet with Biden at Windsor Castle on July 10th. This will be the first time since Charles III was crowned king in May that Biden has met with this British monarch. In recent years, the relationship between the UK and the US has become somewhat delicate. one side

Why did the police shoot a teenager in depth, causing the most serious riot in France in 18 years? Serious riots in France | police shooting and killing young people
Why did the police shoot a teenager in depth, causing the most serious riot in France in 18 years? Serious riots in France | police shooting and killing young people

In recent days, the shooting and killing of a 17-year-old boy by police has sparked ongoing riots in France. It has been almost a week since June 28th. After deploying tens of thousands of police and even armored vehicles and helicopters, the French Ministry of the Interior announced on the 2nd that the situation has eased compared to the previous nights. But according to some media reports, sporadic conflicts still occur, and it remains to be seen whether the riots will be quelled. The public opinion points out that this riot is the most serious violent conflict that has occurred in France in 18 years, and also the most serious crisis that French President Macron has faced since the "Yellow Vest" movement in 2018. Behind it lies the long-standing chronic illness of French society, which will cast a shadow over Macron's second term in office. It seems like the origin of the battlefield turmoil is going back to the gunshot on June 27th. On that day, in the city of Nantes in the Upper Seine department of France

Can we break the "internal competition" in tutoring classes?, South Korea wants to kick out the "killer question" of the college entrance examination | The "killer question" of the college entrance examination | South Korea
Can we break the "internal competition" in tutoring classes?, South Korea wants to kick out the "killer question" of the college entrance examination | The "killer question" of the college entrance examination | South Korea

In South Korea, it is not uncommon for parents of "chicken babies" to be caught up in cruel education practices. The "hellish difficulty" of the Korean university education ability exam and the high cost of extracurricular tutoring classes have brought great pressure to Korean teenagers and their parents, and have also caused a series of social problems such as a sharp decline in the birth rate and frequent mental health problems among teenagers. In response, the South Korean government announced this week that it will exclude high difficulty "killer questions" from the South Korean college entrance examination. However, can this controversial measure truly work? The public opinion is full of discussions. South Korea will cancel the "killer question". Since entering high school, the life of Korean teenagers will revolve around the university study ability test equivalent to South Korea's "college entrance examination". On July 1st, CNN reported that South Korean high school students have ample reasons to feel anxious.

What did Wagner do in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East? What kind of military and commercial network has been established? Military and Commercial Networks | Wagner
What did Wagner do in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East? What kind of military and commercial network has been established? Military and Commercial Networks | Wagner

After the Wagner incident subsided, the future and trends of this mercenary organization received global attention. What actions has Wagner taken in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East? What kind of military and commercial network has been established? On the 29th, Reuters published an article summarizing Wagner's international business. According to Reuters, after Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine last year, Wagner was sent to the Ukrainian battlefield. As of December last year, Wagner played a central role in the battle for Bachmut. Wagner founder Prigoren attributed Russia's military achievements in Bachmut to himself, while criticizing the leadership of the regular army and the Ministry of Defense. After the Wagner incident, with the mediation of Belarusian President Lukashenko, Prigoren arrived in Belarus on the 27th. Russian President Putin makes peace on the whereabouts of Wagner personnel

What is the charm of the BRICS?, Another country applies to join and join the BRICS countries | Ethiopia
What is the charm of the BRICS?, Another country applies to join and join the BRICS countries | Ethiopia

According to local media reports, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on June 29th that Ethiopia has applied to join the BRICS countries, which will help Ethiopia safeguard its national interests. Public opinion has noticed that as the attractiveness of the BRICS countries becomes increasingly prominent, more and more countries around the world are hoping to join this international organization. Another country has applied to join. According to local media reports, Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Meles Alem stated on the same day that Ethiopia has applied to join the BRICS countries and hopes to receive a positive response. Alame explained, "As a founding member of international organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations, it is very important to join organizations like the BRICS as we seek to safeguard our national interests." According to the Borkena news website in Ethiopia, Alame also mentioned that Ethiopia's accession to the BRICS is "due to international relations."

What does it mean? Do you need to worry?, Aspartame may be classified as a "possible carcinogen" or "possible carcinogen" by a WHO agency | Aspartame
What does it mean? Do you need to worry?, Aspartame may be classified as a "possible carcinogen" or "possible carcinogen" by a WHO agency | Aspartame

According to Reuters on the 29th, citing sources familiar with the matter, aspartame may be listed as a potential carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization. This has caused a huge uproar in the food industry and sparked heated discussions among domestic and foreign netizens. As one of the most common artificial sweeteners in the world, aspartame can be found on the ingredient lists of various weight loss foods or zero sugar drinks, including low sugar or sugar free cola, chewing gum, and yogurt. Do consumers need to worry about the possibility of aspartame causing cancer? Aspartame, which is also listed as a "possible carcinogen", is a non carbohydrate artificial sweetener. Because it is about 200 times sweeter than ordinary sugar and contains fewer calories than ordinary sucrose, many dieters and diabetes patients use it as a substitute for sugar. As an "old-fashioned" sweetener, AS

Can the reconciliation between Japan and South Korea last?, Economic "wheels" accelerating operation, depth | Restarting currency swap agreements after 8 years | Restarting financial dialogue | Japan and South Korea
Can the reconciliation between Japan and South Korea last?, Economic "wheels" accelerating operation, depth | Restarting currency swap agreements after 8 years | Restarting financial dialogue | Japan and South Korea

Today, the "Japan South Korea Financial Dialogue" has resumed in Tokyo, Japan after a 7-year hiatus. As expected by the outside world, the finance ministers of the two countries have agreed to restart the currency swap agreement, with a scale of 10 billion US dollars, and have agreed to strengthen cooperation in areas such as supply chain. Against the backdrop of continuously improving relations between the two countries, the above progress is seen as the latest footnote to the accelerated operation of the economic "wheels". What significance does it have for the development of economic, trade, and financial cooperation between the two countries? What impact will it have on the relationship and regional cooperation between the two countries? The "Japan South Korea Financial Dialogue" began in 2006 as a regular exchange mechanism attended by finance ministers and other officials from both countries, aimed at promoting cooperation in finance and finance. It has been held seven times before, with the most recent being held in Seoul in August 2016. Afterwards, due to historical and territorial issues, the mechanism was suspended until

Is the US planning to further upgrade its chip restrictions on China? Nvidia executives warn that it will permanently deprive the US chip industry of opportunities. Nvidia | US chip restrictions on China
Is the US planning to further upgrade its chip restrictions on China? Nvidia executives warn that it will permanently deprive the US chip industry of opportunities. Nvidia | US chip restrictions on China

According to foreign media reports, executives of American chip manufacturing giant Nvidia warned on the 28th that if the United States further takes export control measures and expands the ban on exporting artificial intelligence chips to China, it will bring huge long-term costs to the US chip industry and cause American companies to permanently lose competitive opportunities. Previously, sources informed that the Biden administration was considering further tightening export controls on chips to China and may take action as early as early as early July. "The United States will never have a chance," Nvidia CFO Colette Kress said on the 28th. If the United States implements new restrictions on the export of AI chips to China, although it will not immediately have a significant impact on Nvidia, the long-term consequences may be serious. According to The Wall Street Journal, Kress stated at an online seminar that in the long run, he will tighten export controls on AI chips to China

Watch the video! Wagner's new home? Satellite display shows that an abandoned military base in Belarus is rapidly constructing new campsites | Belarus | Wagner
Watch the video! Wagner's new home? Satellite display shows that an abandoned military base in Belarus is rapidly constructing new campsites | Belarus | Wagner

On the 28th, the New York Times reported that satellite images showed that a temporary building was rapidly being built in an abandoned military base near the town of Osipovich in the Mogilev Oblast of Belarus, which may be the "new home" of the future Russian mercenary organization Wagner. Six rows of temporary buildings appeared. The New York Times reported that after the Wagner incident subsided, satellite images taken by American satellite imaging startup Planet Labs on the 26th showed for the first time a possible hiding place for Wagner in Belarus. Due to the inability of Planet Labs' high-resolution satellites to capture clear images of the site, the video images obtained this time are relatively blurry. But as of the 27th, it can still be seen from the footage that a site covering about 8 acres has been renovated inside a closed military facility

Observer | Israel moves towards China in the midst of changes | United States | Middle East | Visit to China | Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Observer | Israel moves towards China in the midst of changes | United States | Middle East | Visit to China | Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

According to the mainstream Israeli media Israel Times on the 26th, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will visit China next month. The report suggests that Netanyahu will seek help from China on this trip to enhance relations with Saudi Arabia, and also suggests that this may make the United States unhappy, but Israel has also lost patience with the United States. Although it has not yet been officially confirmed by both countries, the author believes that the credibility of this news is high, and also believes that the significance of this trip is not limited to this. From a personal perspective, Netanyahu may be the most positive Israeli government in terms of relations with China. In 2013, he visited China almost simultaneously with Palestinian leader Abbas and had very good talks with the Chinese side. In 2017, he visited China again and witnessed the establishment of the "Innovation Comprehensive Partnership" between China and Israel. On the eve of the Chinese Spring Festival a few years ago, he sent Cantonese to the Chinese people

Academic dynamics | What new changes have emerged in the EU's strategic perception and decision-making intentions towards China? New Changes | EU's Strategic Understanding of China | Academic Dynamics
Academic dynamics | What new changes have emerged in the EU's strategic perception and decision-making intentions towards China? New Changes | EU's Strategic Understanding of China | Academic Dynamics

Under the influence of the United States, Europe is not only gradually adjusting its intention of "European strategic autonomy", but is also formulating new foreign and China strategies. What new changes are happening in Europe's strategic understanding and decision-making intentions towards China? How will it affect the Greater Triangle relationship between China, the United States, and Europe in the future? On June 27th, the European Union Research Center of Shanghai Foreign Studies University and the Shanghai European Society jointly held a seminar on "New Trends of the EU's Strategy towards China" and a kickoff meeting on "Writing the 2023 Think Tank Report on US Europe Relations". The attending scholars discussed this topic. Recently, the European Union released a highly publicized "Economic Security Strategy" document, which aims to implement stricter investment regulation and export restrictions, and once again mentions the term "risk reduction". In this regard, attending scholars believe that the Economic Security Strategy document shows that the United States is intensifying its efforts to woo Europe and the United States

Is it another time "strolling in the park"?, Depth | The United States seeks to return to UNESCO next month to compete with China | Seeking to return to UNESCO | The United States
Is it another time "strolling in the park"?, Depth | The United States seeks to return to UNESCO next month to compete with China | Seeking to return to UNESCO | The United States

Starting from June 29th, UNESCO will hold a two-day special meeting in Paris to decide whether the United States can return to the organization. According to American media, the United States hopes to repay the outstanding membership fees and return to UNESCO in July, and strives to run for a seat on the organization's executive board in November. Analysts believe that while the United States' return to UNESCO may have a positive impact, it also raises concerns, particularly about whether it will bring the game of big powers into this specialized United Nations agency. This will be detrimental to enhancing international cooperation and achieving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and will also weaken the power of global multilateral governance. UNESCO was founded in 1945 with its headquarters located in Paris, France, and currently has 193 members

White List of Japan and South Korea's Mutual Export Returns: Are There Hidden Worries in South Korea's Expectations? Beneficial for the restructuring of the semiconductor supply chain in the United States? Supply Chain | White List for Mutual Export | Japan and South Korea
White List of Japan and South Korea's Mutual Export Returns: Are There Hidden Worries in South Korea's Expectations? Beneficial for the restructuring of the semiconductor supply chain in the United States? Supply Chain | White List for Mutual Export | Japan and South Korea

After South Korea reintroduced Japan into the export preferential "whitelist" in April, the Japanese government decided on June 27th to bring South Korea back to the export "whitelist" and officially took effect on July 21st. At that time, Japanese companies will export to South Korea more smoothly. Public opinion believes that this is the latest sign of a warming relationship between the two countries, marking the end of a four-year "trade war" and a "melting ice" in the economic sector. However, what the latest developments will bring to the key industries of both countries, and what impact they will have on the efforts of the United States to restructure its semiconductor supply chain, are of great concern. On the 27th day, the Japanese government finalized a partial amendment to the Export Trade Management Order at a cabinet meeting, bringing South Korea back on the whitelist of exports enjoying preferential treatment. Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Yasumi Nishimura, stated that the government's decree