But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:04 PM

In the digital age, citizens have a high demand for improving the problem of "mobile signal blind spots" in underground garages in residential areas. Starting from February this year, Shanghai began implementing a special project for mobile communication coverage of underground parking garages in residential communities. It is understood that as of now, more than a thousand residential areas in the city have completed signal coverage for underground parking lots.

However, in some communities, breaking down the digital barriers at the doorstep is not easy. The 12345 Citizen Service Hotline received complaints from citizens that some underground garages in residential areas have not been connected to the signal for a long time. The operator complained that the entrance to the community was difficult to enter, while the property management blamed the operator for poor communication and difficulty in reaching an agreement.

"Practical" projects are difficult to enter the community, where is the problem at?

Some properties still propose to charge "venue fees"

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

On September 5th, Ms. Chen, a resident of "Tianhe Jinyuan" community in Lane 6288, Daye Road, Fengxian District, reported that the underground garage in the community has only been covered by mobile signals. She is a customer of China Telecom and is in a "lost connection" state every time she drives into the garage. Moreover, a series of high-tech features such as remote control supported by her new energy vehicle also malfunctioned due to the lack of internet in the garage. Ms. Chen said that in the first half of the year, residents learned that Tianhe Jinyuan was included in the list of communication coverage special projects, that is, the underground garage of the community is about to make up for the signal shortcomings. "Everyone was very happy to hear this. Since then, I have been paying special attention to the phone interface every time I enter the garage, but the signal icon still disappears every time. It has been several months, where is the signal?" She said, and for this, she specifically called the operator's hotline to urge. The operator feedback that the signal cannot enter because "the community property does not agree".

Tianhe Jinyuan Community, Lane 6288, Daye Road, Fengxian District.

There are villas and high-rise buildings in Lane 6288 of Daye Road, and Tianhe Jinyuan is one of the high-rise parts. It was completed in 2018 and has a total of 17 buildings. On September 12th, the reporter came to Tianhe Jinyuan to understand the situation. After entering the community, the reporter descended from the pedestrian entrance to the underground garage: the garage was very large, with some areas having B1 and B2 floors, and there were plenty of parking spaces. On weekdays, there are not many cars parked in the garage, but from the charging stations installed on the walls, it can be seen that there are many new energy vehicles in the community. Many parking spaces are also pre installed with charging stations of a certain brand, indicating a clear demand for mobile network. The reporter's phone is equipped with a telecommunications card and a mobile card, and the phone shows that except for a weak grid near the entrance and exit, there is no network in other areas. A resident was parking and returning to the building. While walking, she started scrolling through short videos. The reporter asked her about the experience of using the garage's mobile phone signal, and she said she was a mobile user. When entering the garage, the mobile network would briefly disconnect, but it would be more stable after entering. "However, China Telecom and China Unicom have never had a signal!"

In the underground garage of Tianhe Jinyuan community, from the charging piles already installed on the walls, it can be seen that there are many new energy vehicles in the community, and many parking spaces are also pre installed with charging piles of a certain brand, indicating a clear demand for mobile network.

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

Manager Wen, the person in charge of the Great Wall Property Management in the community, restored the background of the statement "the property does not agree" to the reporter: In April of this year, telecom staff came to the community to negotiate the construction and renovation of signal coverage in the underground garage. At that time, the property management proposed that operators should pay "venue fees" as usual when entering the site. Manager Wen explained, "After the handover of the residential area, China Mobile had already entered the construction and renovation site two years ago. At that time, China Mobile paid for the venue fees, which were also required by the property committee. Therefore, we made the same request to China Telecom this time, but China Telecom did not agree." Since then, there has been no further communication between the two parties.

"At that time, we didn't know it was a real project, otherwise we would have considered it again," Manager Wen said. It wasn't until early September when the local housing office coordinated, that the property management learned about this year's special situation and agreed to let Telecom enter the community for construction and renovation. The reporter learned from the relevant departments that the construction plan for the community has been determined, and construction can be carried out after both parties sign the relevant agreement. "After entering the site, construction can be completed in about a week.". Moreover, since telecommunications and China Unicom can share base stations, signals from different operators will also be synchronously covered after construction is completed.

There is a "card" in the community regarding electricity payment issues

Similar situations are not isolated cases. There is a phenomenon of "information asymmetry" in the promotion of the special project for mobile communication coverage in underground garages: some properties do not understand the background of the current practical project, still hold "old concepts", or propose to charge entry fees, or refuse operators to enter due to various reasons such as concerns about residents complaining about radiation.

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

In some residential areas, even if operators are able to enter the construction site, signal coverage is often hindered due to some details not being discussed properly. One of the common disputes is who should pay for the electricity bills generated by the operation of related equipment.

Mr. Feng, a resident of Jiafu Yayuan Community, Lane 60, Jiaji Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, recently complained to "12345", stating that since the community moved in three years ago, only telecommunications and China Unicom signals have covered the underground garage, and mobile signals have always been a "blind spot". Upon learning that the community has been included in the list of signal coverage, Mr. Feng inquired about the progress of signal coverage in July this year. "At that time, Mobile said they were already communicating and going through the process. Why hasn't there been any movement yet?"

In the underground garage of Jiafu Yayuan Community, some operators have blind spots in their signals.

On September 12th, the reporter returned to Jiafu Yayuan. This belongs to Yunxiang Mansion, and Jiafu Yayuan is a resettlement housing community. The reporter came from the entrance of the garage inside the community to the underground garage and experienced the entire process of the mobile signal gradually disappearing from the full grid. However, the reporter noticed that there are more than 10 mushroom shaped signal receiving and transmitting devices installed in different locations in the underground garage. Sunlin Property Management in the community stated that this is a garage signal coverage device for telecommunications and China Unicom, which was already installed during the development and construction of the community. Since that's the case, there shouldn't be any obstacles to entering the mobile site, why hasn't there been any movement yet? Manager Chen, the person in charge of Sunlin Property, stated that there have been several communications, but there has been no consensus between the two parties on who will pay for the electricity generated after the installation of the signal transmission and reception device. The property management believes that "whoever uses it pays", and Mobile should install the electricity meter on its own, settle with the property management based on the actual situation, and bear the electricity costs generated by the equipment. "And China Telecom and China Unicom also operate in this way, with electricity bills of less than 1000 yuan per year," said Manager Chen. However, the operator has proposed that the signal coverage of the underground garage is now a practical matter for the residents of the community, and the related costs should be borne by the community itself.

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

The charging station installed in the underground garage of Jiafu Yayuan. The lack of communication signals seriously affects the use of smart charging stations.

There are more than 10 mushroom shaped signal receiving and transmitting devices installed in different locations in the underground garage of Jiafu Yayuan Community. Sunlin Property Management in the community stated that this was already installed during the development and construction of the community.

Who should pay for the electricity generated by the signal transceiver equipment installed in the underground garage? The relevant notice jointly issued by multiple departments in February this year did not mention it. Reporters have learned from multiple sources that in practical operations, it is usually handled through negotiation between the property management and the operator. Some communities are borne by the operators themselves and settled with the property management based on the actual situation; Some communities offer one year of free service to the operator, and the operator will pay for it later; Some residential areas are included in public electricity and taken away without the need for operator payment. However, due to unclear handling methods, some communities have indeed been unable to reach an agreement, which has affected the progress of signal coverage projects.

In the community of Lane 900, Chunyi Road, Jiading District, the operator had already entered the construction site two months ago and completed the renovation of signal coverage facilities. However, the relevant equipment has not been successfully put into use so far. It is understood that the reason for the blockage is also that the operator and Jialong Property in the community were unable to reach an agreement on the unit price of equipment electricity fees. Helpless, the operator can only turn to the power company to apply for direct power supply, and is still waiting for the construction schedule of the power company.

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

How can practical projects smoothly enter the community?

It can be seen that although practical engineering is a good thing, there are still some obstacles and obstacles when entering the community. How to persuade the property management to allow operators to enter the community to investigate the situation and carry out construction renovations? How to reach consensus on issues such as base station location selection and electricity payment that are prone to disagreements, and successfully achieve signal coverage? Some district practices may be worth learning from.

Mr. Huang, a resident of Lane 1288, Fuyuan Road, Luodian Town, Baoshan District, previously sought help from "12345", stating that the signal coverage project in the community was progressing slowly. The reporter learned that during the promotion of signal coverage in the community, the operator considered that the ground signal was also poor. Therefore, in order to avoid multiple constructions, the entire community's above ground and underground coverage were constructed and promoted together. But the property management of the community is concerned that it may attract complaints from residents and does not agree to implement signal coverage on the ground. Starting from May, with the collaborative promotion of the Luodian Town Housing Office and others, the operator has had multiple communications with the property management and neighborhood committee, and the property committee has made public announcements in the community. On July 7th, the property management of the community finally agreed to implement the signal coverage project. At present, Lane 1288 of Fuyuan Road plans to complete the signal coverage of the underground garage by the end of September and optimize and upgrade the ground signal by October. Obviously, the establishment of a platform and coordinated promotion by the local housing office is an effective response.

According to the reporter's understanding, Baoshan District is one of the areas in the city that has made rapid progress in promoting underground garage signal coverage projects. As of the end of June this year, Baoshan District has held 23 coordination meetings, effectively solving the entry construction problems in 36 residential areas. The approach of Baoshan District is to strengthen the linkage between districts, streets and towns, and communities, as well as the linkage between the neighborhood committee, property committee, and property management. Bring the coordination meeting to the community site and seek solutions together, such as involving the property committee and property management company in the selection of base station locations, electricity payment, and other related work; At the same time, the construction entities should also form a joint force. If operators go their own way, create their own plans and carry out construction separately, not only will efficiency be low, but it will also repeatedly affect the lives of residents. The government department has stepped forward and invited all operators to discuss plans, schedule and determine plans, striving to achieve synchronous entry and construction, make reasonable use of existing communication facilities and resources in the community, and improve project efficiency and quality.

But in some communities, it has been obstructed, is it the property management pushing three obstacles and four obstacles? Shanghai Litui Underground Garage Signal Coverage

In addition, during the interview, several property and operator companies also suggested that the city should issue corresponding guidance documents and standardize operational gestures to better promote the issue of electricity payment and other issues that are prone to conflicts in the current progress of signal coverage projects.

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