
But may there still be two interest rate hikes within the year, a "hawk style pause"? The Federal Reserve Press the "Pause Button" or "Eagle Style Pause" to Raise Interest Rates | The Federal Reserve
But may there still be two interest rate hikes within the year, a "hawk style pause"? The Federal Reserve Press the "Pause Button" or "Eagle Style Pause" to Raise Interest Rates | The Federal Reserve

On the 14th local time, the Federal Reserve of the United States concluded a two-day monetary policy meeting and announced the maintenance of the target range of the federal funds rate from 5% to 5.25%. This means that after 10 consecutive interest rate hikes since March 2022, the Federal Reserve has pressed the "pause button" for the first time. But outsiders believe that the Fed's move may be an "eagle like pause". The Federal Reserve has hinted that if the economy and inflation do not further cool down, interest rates may still be raised within the year. After the first 10 consecutive interest rate hikes since March last year, the Federal Reserve chose to remain silent. In a statement released on the 14th, the Federal Reserve stated that recent indicators indicate that US economic activity continues to expand moderately, with strong employment growth in recent months and low unemployment rates, but inflation remains high. To support the maximization of employment and 2

Can there be a window of slight improvement in Sino US relations?, Depth | Antony Blinken is going to visit China for Sino US relations | Antony Blinken is going to visit China
Can there be a window of slight improvement in Sino US relations?, Depth | Antony Blinken is going to visit China for Sino US relations | Antony Blinken is going to visit China

As agreed by China and the US, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China from June 18 to 19. With the news of the "official announcement" of the Chinese side on the 14th, Antony Blinken's much watched visit to China was finally "finalized". This visit will be the highest ranking official of the Biden administration to date, and it will also be the second visit by the US Secretary of State to China after more than four years. Against the backdrop of the difficulties in China US relations and the recent increased interaction between the two sides, Antony Blinken's visit has attracted great attention and has become an important window to observe how China and the United States will meet each other in the future.The two heads of state agree to maintain strategic cooperation between their diplomatic teams

Is the handover of power in trouble after the election?, Popular candidate for Thai Prime Minister Pita faces investigation into power transfer after the election | Facing investigation | Popular candidate for Thai Prime Minister Pita
Is the handover of power in trouble after the election?, Popular candidate for Thai Prime Minister Pita faces investigation into power transfer after the election | Facing investigation | Popular candidate for Thai Prime Minister Pita

According to recent reports from foreign media, more than a month after announcing his victory in Thailand's general election, the leader of the Far Progressive Party in Thailand, Pita Linchallan, is facing an investigation by the Thai Election Commission for suspected ownership of shares in a media company. This may result in Pita being disqualified from running for office and add more variables to his ability to serve as the Prime Minister of Thailand. Analysis suggests that due to the lack of sufficient support from the Far Progressive Party to form a government, the handover of power in Thailand after the general election is facing difficulties, and the possibility of a power vacuum is increasing. The Prime Minister's journey has been thwarted more than a month since the Thai general election on May 14th, but Pita, who is considered a popular candidate for the Prime Minister by the outside world, has encountered another setback. According to Agence France Presse, on the 12th, the Chairman of the Thai Election Commission, Etienne Bhumibol, stated that he is currently investigating whether Pita meets the candidate requirements as he may hold a media company

Rarely not using a high elevation angle, North Korea will shoot a missile several hours later, and South Korean President will supervise South Korea and the United States military exercises near the 38th parallel. North Korea will shoot a missile | South Korea and the United States military exercises
Rarely not using a high elevation angle, North Korea will shoot a missile several hours later, and South Korean President will supervise South Korea and the United States military exercises near the 38th parallel. North Korea will shoot a missile | South Korea and the United States military exercises

The South Korean military stated that North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula around 7:30 pm on June 15th. This is North Korea's second missile launch after 63 days, which has attracted attention. Public opinion believes that North Korea's move is mainly aimed at South Korea and the United States launching live fire annihilation exercises with cutting-edge weapons since last month, while demonstrating its military capabilities and readiness. On the day of the missile launch, South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol personally went to the vicinity of the 38th parallel to host the fifth round of training for the exercise and fired harsh words at North Korea from afar. "From around 19:25 to around 37:00 on the same day, North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles from the Shun'an area towards the eastern waters of the peninsula." The South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters stated on the evening of the 15th that the missiles flew more than 780 kilometers each before crashing into the East China Sea. South Korea and the United States are currently working on specific parameters

Who will be the next Secretary General of NATO? Next Secretary General | NATO
Who will be the next Secretary General of NATO? Next Secretary General | NATO

The term of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is scheduled to end in October this year. Previously, it was widely believed that his successor would be born at the NATO summit next month. But in the current complex situation, who will steer this 74 year old transatlantic military alliance has become even more complex. It is reported that the Secretary General of NATO is not elected through public elections, but rather based on the consensus of the 31 member countries, often through behind the scenes negotiations and negotiations. Meanwhile, given the dominant position of the United States within NATO, the President's opinion is crucial. For many years, an unwritten rule has been that NATO's highest commander is often appointed by US military commanders, while the position of Secretary General is often held by senior European politicians. However, given NATO's geographical coverage of the United States, Europe, and even Turkey

What are the expectations of all parties in the new situation?, Academic updates | Shanghai Cooperation Summit to be held next month | Cooperation | Summit
What are the expectations of all parties in the new situation?, Academic updates | Shanghai Cooperation Summit to be held next month | Cooperation | Summit

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that India will hold the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit online on July 4th. On June 16th, the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization International Judicial Exchange and Cooperation Training Base held a forward-looking seminar on the summit of the heads of state. Scholars attending the conference believe that over the past 20 years since its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been guided by the "Shanghai Spirit" and has created a new model of regional cooperation, making important contributions to regional peace and development. Especially after the SCO ushered in a new round of expansion, the SCO's "circle of friends" continued to expand, and its global influence continued to expand. Scholars point out that China should continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win, adhere to the international relations norms consistently upheld by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, uphold international fairness and justice, advocate multilateralism and openness, and resolve differences and disputes through peaceful means

But the risk means they won't dive into it all at once. Big banks are testing generative artificial intelligence in the banking industry | generative AI
But the risk means they won't dive into it all at once. Big banks are testing generative artificial intelligence in the banking industry | generative AI

Imagine that in the future, your financial manager may actually be an artificial intelligence proficient in using big language modeling technology. It can select the most suitable one for you from tens of thousands of options. Would you trust it to hand over your money? With more and more well-known banks testing generative artificial intelligence, this prospect is not unattainable. A recent article by American financial media CNBC pointed out that generative AI has broad application prospects in remote customer service, investment decision-making, and even crime investigation. But many banks also realize that this technology is still in its early stages and there are problems in data collection, privacy, and other aspects. Risk means they won't go all the way in. After ChatGPT emerged as an explosive innovation achievement, executives from large banks and online financial companies around the world have expressed their admiration for generative artificial intelligence

Why choose virtue and law?, Depth | Chinese Premier's First Foreign Visit to Germany and France | Premier Li Qiang
Why choose virtue and law?, Depth | Chinese Premier's First Foreign Visit to Germany and France | Premier Li Qiang

This weekend, the heat, brightness, and stability of China's "great power diplomacy" have attracted attention. On June 18th, on the occasion of the Beijing talks between Chinese and American foreign ministers, Premier Li Qiang began his official visits to Germany and France, and will participate in the seventh round of China Germany government consultations, the New Global Financing Compact Summit, and other activities. This is Li Qiang's first visit since taking office in March, to the top two economies of the European Union. As a world power and an important force on the international stage, China Germany and China France relations have long exceeded the scope of bilateral relations. Analysts believe that in the context of intensified international turbulence and weak global economic recovery, China's frequent and high-level exchanges and dialogues with Germany and France, both world powers, are not only of great significance for stabilizing the relationship between the two sides, but also provide more stability and certainty for the world. First visit and follow-up

Foreign media: India promotes the African Union to join the G20 | African Union | Modi | India
Foreign media: India promotes the African Union to join the G20 | African Union | Modi | India

In September this year, the G20 summit will be held in New Delhi, India. According to reports, Indian Prime Minister Modi has written to G20 leaders proposing to approve the African Union as a full member of the G20 at that time. The public has noticed that the prospect of the African Union joining the group has been supported by China, the United States, France, and other parties. The joining of the African Union will significantly expand the population coverage of the G20. At the same time, India's active promotion seems to have its own considerations. G21? Reuters reported on the 18th, citing official sources, that Modi has written to G20 leaders proposing to grant formal and permanent membership to the African Union at the New Delhi summit. "This will be the right step towards a fair, equitable, more inclusive, and representative global architecture and governance," said the source. "The Prime Minister firmly believes that the global South."

China's Middle East Diplomacy Enters a New Era, Scholar Roundtable | China's Middle East Diplomacy under the New Middle East Pattern | The New Middle East Pattern
China's Middle East Diplomacy Enters a New Era, Scholar Roundtable | China's Middle East Diplomacy under the New Middle East Pattern | The New Middle East Pattern

Since the beginning of this year, the Middle East region has entered the fast lane of "peace and resolution". Not only has Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the resumption of diplomatic relations under the mediation of China, but Syria has also returned to the League of Arab States. The peace process in Yemen has made positive progress... As the situation in the Middle East evolves and stands at a new critical juncture, what changes are happening in the governance of regional countries? How should China take advantage of the situation to promote Middle East diplomacy? On June 17th, the 7th Shanghai Forum on Middle East Studies held a seminar on "Governance and Modernization in the Middle East under a Century of Changes" at Fudan University. Nearly 100 scholars from major Middle East research institutions across the country conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as Middle East governance, China's Middle East diplomacy, and the path of Middle East modernization. The attending scholars believe that the current century long changes in the world are accelerating, and the international situation is in a period of turbulence and change, as well as a critical period for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Why Does Cancer Target Young People?, Foreign media: The incidence rate of post-90s cancer has soared | The incidence rate of post-90s cancer
Why Does Cancer Target Young People?, Foreign media: The incidence rate of post-90s cancer has soared | The incidence rate of post-90s cancer

In recent years, the rejuvenation of cancer has become a remarkable trend. According to the Financial Times on the 18th, data shows that the incidence rate of cancer among the post-80s and post-90s youth has increased faster than any other age group in the past 30 years. Why is cancer targeting young people? Is this related to our modern diet and lifestyle? Is early-onset cancer becoming an epidemic? In 2017, when Paddy Scott experienced severe stomach pain, he had no association with cancer at all. This British adventure photographer and filmmaker is only 34 years old and considers himself to have good physical fitness. But when the general practitioner suggested that he go to the hospital for a colonoscopy, he received shocking news: his colon cancer was in its advanced stage and had spread to the liver. In the past, Scott's experience may not have been common, but

The lower the support rate?, Why is diplomacy getting stronger and deeper | Yoon Seok yeol will visit France and Vietnam | Yoon Seok yeol will visit France and Vietnam|
The lower the support rate?, Why is diplomacy getting stronger and deeper | Yoon Seok yeol will visit France and Vietnam | Yoon Seok yeol will visit France and Vietnam|

South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol will visit France and Vietnam from the 19th to the 24th. Analysis suggests that the trip to France is a continuation of Yin Xiyue's previous round of diplomacy with the West, aimed at deepening relations with Western partners based on "value diplomacy". Vietnam, on the other hand, is seen by Yin Xiyue as a core partner country in promoting the "Korean version of the Indo Pacific strategy" and the South Korea ASEAN solidarity initiative. The two visits highlighted Yin Xiyue's dedication to building a "global hub country" and enhancing South Korea's international influence. However, as Yin Xiyue continued to exert efforts in diplomacy, the support rate in the polls appeared quite low, with a negative rating of about 60% for his administration. Analysts believe that Yoon Seok yeol's serious diplomatic imbalance is causing triple concerns within South Korea. The excessive "binding" between South Korea and the United States and the West is not only detrimental to South Korea's own interests, but also harmful to its own interests

Repairing years of diplomatic rifts is the trend! UAE and Qatar reopen embassies to each other | Qatar | UAE
Repairing years of diplomatic rifts is the trend! UAE and Qatar reopen embassies to each other | Qatar | UAE

The Middle East region has added a new wave of flowers to the tide. On the 19th local time, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar announced the restoration of their diplomatic missions to each other. After severing diplomatic ties six years ago, the two countries reopened their embassies to each other, which will further normalize and cooperate their relations. The public opinion believes that with the surge of "peace and reconciliation" in the Middle East, the recovery of relations between Qatar and neighboring countries is also a trend. Based on the Euler Declaration and the common desire of both sides to strengthen bilateral relations, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have announced the resumption of their diplomatic missions to each other from the 19th. The UAE government has announced that the UAE and Qatar have decided to restore their diplomatic missions to each other, namely the UAE Embassy in Doha, the Qatar Embassy in Abu Dhabi, and the Consulate General in Dubai. This decision will take effect from June 2023

Ranked fourth in the world, foreign media: The market value of the Indian stock market has surpassed that of the UK and France, ranking fourth in the world | surpassing the UK and France | The market value of the Indian stock market
Ranked fourth in the world, foreign media: The market value of the Indian stock market has surpassed that of the UK and France, ranking fourth in the world | surpassing the UK and France | The market value of the Indian stock market

According to Japanese media reports, the latest data shows that the market value of the Indian stock market has reached 3.4 trillion US dollars, surpassing France and the United Kingdom and ranking fourth in the world. This is partly due to the fact that the Indian financial market has attracted foreign investment in the past three months. However, it remains to be seen whether India can secure this position. On the 20th, Nikkei Asia, the world's fourth largest newspaper, cited data from financial information firm QUICK FactSet, stating that as of last Friday, the market value of the Indian stock market had reached $3.4 trillion. At the same time, India's benchmark stock index Sensex also broke records last Friday and this Monday, and the blue chip index Nifty 50 also hit a new high last Friday. From a regional perspective, among the major markets in the Asia Pacific region, India and Japan stock indices have performed more prominently, while Indonesia and Thailand stock indices have slightly better performance

Can India achieve "free flight"?, Depth | Behind Modi's Visit to the United States: The United States Plays "Boiling Frogs in Warm Water" - US India Relations | Modi's Visit to the United States
Can India achieve "free flight"?, Depth | Behind Modi's Visit to the United States: The United States Plays "Boiling Frogs in Warm Water" - US India Relations | Modi's Visit to the United States

The contradictory plot of increasing crude oil imports from Russia and receiving a warm welcome in the United States is about to be portrayed by Indian Prime Minister Modi. From June 21st to 24th, Modi will make his first state visit to the United States and will also be invited to speak at a joint session of the US Congress for the second time, enjoying the same honors as political giants such as Churchill and Mandela. The US and India public opinion stated that this visit will be a combination of ceremony and pragmatism, showcasing the unprecedented closeness of US India relations. People want to know why the United States is so "spoiling" India? Is India really the key factor determining the outcome of the "great power game"? Is the relationship between the two countries accelerating towards a "quasi ally" direction? Since taking office in 2014, Modi has been visiting the United States almost every year, and this year will be his sixth visit. According to the itinerary, Modi will be on 2

Does artificial intelligence replace news gathering and editing? This German media has started... German Bild | News editor | Artificial intelligence
Does artificial intelligence replace news gathering and editing? This German media has started... German Bild | News editor | Artificial intelligence

According to reports, in order to strengthen competitiveness in the era of intelligence, the best-selling German newspaper Bild plans to replace a series of editing jobs with artificial intelligence technology, which may mean hundreds of people being laid off. Currently, multiple European media outlets are exploring the application of artificial intelligence technology in the media field, but there is also controversy. The media is ushering in an AI wave. According to a report by Frankfurt Report, a competitor of Bild, the publisher of Bild, Axel Springer, has sent an email to its employees, signed by the editor in chief and four other executives. The email stated that "Bilbao" will regretfully bid farewell to some colleagues. In the digital world, their tasks will be completed by artificial intelligence, automated processes... The traditional roles of editors, print production personnel, proofreaders, and photo editors will no longer exist.

Watch the video quickly | Search and rescue the Titan and Titan deep submersibles | Search
Watch the video quickly | Search and rescue the Titan and Titan deep submersibles | Search

An American deep-sea submersible carrying multiple wealthy individuals went missing on the 18th while diving to investigate the wreckage of the Titanic cruise ship. Afterwards, the search and rescue work is racing against time. At present, there has been no progress in search and rescue, but the oxygen available on the missing Titan submersible is less than 30 hours. Multiple knocking sounds were detected. According to the latest news, the US Coast Guard reported on the 21st that Canadian planes detected underwater sounds in the North Atlantic on the 20th. This discovery prompted the search and rescue team to redeploy remote-controlled submersibles in an attempt to search for the source of the noise. The US Coast Guard stated that the search has not yielded any results yet, but will continue. According to an internal communication from the US government cited by CNN, Canadian planes can hear knocking every 30 minutes in the search area, while another Canadian plane is still present

What does it mean to Biden?, "Problem Son" pleaded guilty to three federal charges after being investigated for 5 years | Hunter Biden
What does it mean to Biden?, "Problem Son" pleaded guilty to three federal charges after being investigated for 5 years | Hunter Biden

On June 20th, Delaware federal prosecutor David Weiss submitted a document to the court stating that the Department of Justice had reached a plea agreement with President Biden's son Hunter Biden on three federal charges. If approved by a federal judge, Hunter may leave a record, but he can escape imprisonment. The public opinion believes that with the achievement of reconciliation, the legal cloud that has been hanging over Hunter's head for five years is gradually dissipating. However, due to its clumsy business arrangements, often struggling lives, coveted Republicans, and extremely torn American society, the Hunter Storm is far from over. According to pleading guilty and reconciliation court documents, Hunter was charged with two counts of misdemeanor for intentionally failing to pay over $100000 in federal income tax in 2017 and 2018. He was also charged with lying and concealing the use of drugs during his gun purchase in 2018

And attend "Summer Davos", depth | China's "midsummer diplomacy" craze: Four prime ministers will visit China together, world | global | depth | China
And attend "Summer Davos", depth | China's "midsummer diplomacy" craze: Four prime ministers will visit China together, world | global | depth | China

The visit of the US Secretary of State to China and the visit of the Chinese Premier to Europe... China's diplomacy during the midsummer season continued the heat of spring, appearing lively and colorful. In the coming days, the arrival of a new group of guests in China will once again ignite a diplomatic frenzy. At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Barbados Prime Minister Motley, Mongolia Prime Minister Oyun Erden, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins, and Vietnam Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng will attend the 14th Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin on the 27th and make an official visit to China. Analysis suggests that the joint visit of the four prime ministers to China focuses on the word "development". Especially at a time of weak global economic recovery, countries prioritize development and hope to find the right direction for global economic governance, injecting certainty into an uncertain world. In this context, China is expected to provide a large market and great opportunities, and its constructive role is influenced by

Foreign media: A survey shows that China's popularity among Arab post-00s exceeds that of the United States. | China | Arab young people's favorability | Polls | Foreign media
Foreign media: A survey shows that China's popularity among Arab post-00s exceeds that of the United States. | China | Arab young people's favorability | Polls | Foreign media

According to recent reports from multiple foreign media, a survey targeting the post-2000s generation in Arab countries has found that China's popularity among young Arab people has surpassed that of the United States. In addition, nearly two-thirds of the respondents also expressed support for the United States withdrawing from the region. Analysis suggests that this highlights the desire of young people in the region to see a more independent and autonomous Arab world. China's popularity surpasses that of the United States. Recently, Dubai based ASDAA BCW conducted a survey of 3600 young Arab people in 53 cities across 18 Arab countries. The respondents are aged between 18 and 24 years old. The results of this 2023 Arab Youth Survey show that 80% of young people surveyed believe that China is an "ally" of their country, while the proportion of people who believe that the United States is an "ally" is:

Musk: "Appointment with Zuckerberg" "It may really happen" "Appointment" | Zuckerberg | Musk
Musk: "Appointment with Zuckerberg" "It may really happen" "Appointment" | Zuckerberg | Musk

American tech entrepreneurs Musk and Zuckerberg still seem to have the potential to engage in highly anticipated cage fights, despite Musk's mother's strong dissuasion. On the 24th, Musk stated that his "cage fight" with Zuckerberg could really happen. If agreed, he will start training. On the 24th, Musk made the latest statement regarding the "booking" with Zuckerberg. "I haven't started training yet. If it's really a promise, I will," Musk said during a communication event on Twitter. In recent days, the fact that these two wealthy individuals have arranged a flight across the air has attracted widespread public attention. This matter stems from recent news that Zuckerberg's Meta company plans to launch a new product called "Threads" that runs steadily, seemingly in line with Musk's Twitter

What has Russia gone through?, Depth | 24-hour situation mutation Prigoren | Wagner | Russia
What has Russia gone through?, Depth | 24-hour situation mutation Prigoren | Wagner | Russia

On the late night of the 24th local time in Moscow, under the mediation of Belarusian President Lukashenko, the founder of the Russian mercenary group "Wagner", Prigoren, announced that Wagner personnel had withdrawn from Rostov on the Don River to their field camp. At this point, the tense situation that lasted for a day has finally eased. From Prigoren's actions being classified as an "armed rebellion" to mercenaries being "transferred back to the camp," Russia experienced a 24 hour period of sudden changes in the situation. Why did the incident arise, and why did there be a dramatic turn in the risk of civil war rising? What impact will it have on the situation in Ukraine? The situation quickly calmed down and the time returned to the 23rd. At 10:30 pm that evening, Prigoren accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of firing missiles at Wagner personnel stationed in the rear camp on his "Telegram" social media account, "directing..."

Using China and Russia as excuses, the Japanese military may fully use "Starlink" and "Starlink" next year | Japanese military
Using China and Russia as excuses, the Japanese military may fully use "Starlink" and "Starlink" next year | Japanese military

Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 25th, citing government sources, that the Japanese military is testing the "Star Link" satellite Internet service of the US space exploration technology company. If the performance is confirmed, Japan plans to fully utilize the Starlink network in the military in the next fiscal year starting in April 2024. The civil to military "Star Chain" is the next generation satellite network launched by SpaceX in 2018, which aims to provide broadband Internet access for remote and rural areas around the world. It consists of thousands of small satellites orbiting near Earth orbit. As of May this year, the Star Chain has over 4000 satellites in orbit and plans to expand to 42000 in the future. In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the communication network used by the Ukrainian military was exactly the "star chain". According to Japanese media reports, the Japanese Ministry of Defense has announced this year

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will be open to public registration for visits... During the controversy over pollution discharge, public registration for visits will be accepted | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will be open to public registration for visits... During the controversy over pollution discharge, public registration for visits will be accepted | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

According to Kyodo News Agency on the 25th, Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant "tour" is expected to start accepting public registration from July. The public opinion believes that as the countdown to the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea enters, the international community's questioning and opposition continue. TEPCO hopes to expand the scope of visitors, gain public understanding of nuclear contaminated water treatment work, and lay the foundation for the subsequent discharge of nuclear wastewater. According to reports, starting from July, ordinary Japanese citizens are expected to register for a "Hope Tour" certified travel agency in Fukushima Prefecture to participate in a "visit tour" of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, laying the groundwork for the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea. Previously, the project was only aimed at relevant individuals, local residents, and training groups. According to TEPCO, the standard route for a "tour tour" is to take a bus inside the nuclear power plant to watch purification

Rare docking of US nuclear powered aircraft carrier in Vietnam, subtle moment in Danang, Vietnam | USS Reagan aircraft carrier
Rare docking of US nuclear powered aircraft carrier in Vietnam, subtle moment in Danang, Vietnam | USS Reagan aircraft carrier

On June 25th local time, the US Navy's Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan docked in the central Vietnamese city of Danang for a visit, marking the first visit of a US aircraft carrier to Vietnam in three years. In the current turbulent regional and international situation, this rare move reflects the strategic considerations of both the United States and Vietnam. According to official reports from the United States and Vietnam, the USS Reagan, accompanied by the missile cruisers Antietam and Robert Smoles, will make a planned visit to Danang from June 25th to June 30th. According to the US Naval Research Institute, these three warships of the US Navy, as well as the USS Raphael Perarta destroyer, have been operating in the waters near the South China Sea for over a week. US Ambassador to Vietnam Mark Napper said that it is currently the time for the US

Why does Summer Davos take root in China?, Depth | The World Is So Big Tianjin, China | Summer Davos
Why does Summer Davos take root in China?, Depth | The World Is So Big Tianjin, China | Summer Davos

In the midsummer season, on the coast of the Bohai Sea, starting tomorrow, the 14th Annual Conference of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum will be held in Tianjin, attracting approximately 1500 elites and innovators from nearly 100 countries from all walks of life to participate. This is the offline restart of the Summer Davos Forum after four years since 2019. At a time when the world economy is still facing multiple risks, what will be the highlights of this economic gathering of "big shots"? What kind of signal is transmitted? What kind of sparks of thought are generated by collisions? The famous Davos Forum, also known as the World Economic Forum, which stands at the crossroads, was founded in 1971. It is named after the annual meeting held every winter in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, dedicated to promoting global public-private sector cooperation and discussing the world's most pressing issues. Since 2007, every summer, the World Economic Forum has held a new event in China

What does it mean?, Depth | Far Right German Choice Party First Place of Governance First Place of Governance | Far Right | German Choice Party
What does it mean?, Depth | Far Right German Choice Party First Place of Governance First Place of Governance | Far Right | German Choice Party

On June 25th local time, Robert Zeselman, the candidate of the German Select Party, won the local chief executive election in Sonneberg, Thuringia, marking the first time the party has won a local chief executive election since its establishment in 2013. Public opinion has noticed that this is happening against the backdrop of the prolonged crisis in Ukraine and the increasingly prominent backlash of Western sanctions against Russia. If mainstream political parties in Germany and even Europe still find it difficult to come up with effective countermeasures in political, economic, social and other fields, it is not ruled out that the local right-wing populist forces will continue to dominate. According to reports, no candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the Songneberg District Chief Executive election held on June 11th, so a runoff election was held on June 25th. From the perspective of the election situation, the local mainstream political parties are trying to bridge their differences and work together to squeeze out the selection party

What is her background?, Toronto, Canada Elects First Chinese Female Mayor First Chinese Female Mayor | Toronto, Canada
What is her background?, Toronto, Canada Elects First Chinese Female Mayor First Chinese Female Mayor | Toronto, Canada

On the 26th local time, 66 year old Zou Zhihui defeated 101 other competitors to become the first Chinese American female mayor of Toronto, Canada. She also became the first woman of color to be elected as mayor of Toronto, and the third female mayor in the city's history. Zou Zhihui was born in Hong Kong, China and moved to Canada with her family at the age of 13. Analysis suggests that she was able to win because she captured Toronto's desire for change. According to reports, Zou Zhihui, the first Asian female mayor, stood out in the Toronto mayoral election with 37.2% of the vote on the 26th. Former Toronto Deputy Mayor Anna Byron received 32.5% of the vote, while former Toronto Police Chief Mark Sanders received 8.6% of the vote. Zou Zhihui's election made her the first woman of color to be elected mayor of Toronto. She also

Is the first "traffic jam fee" in the United States finally coming? Brewing the collection of "traffic congestion fees" | New York City
Is the first "traffic jam fee" in the United States finally coming? Brewing the collection of "traffic congestion fees" | New York City

After obtaining federal government approval, New York City in the United States will begin planning to collect traffic congestion fees. Starting from next spring at the earliest, vehicles driving into downtown Manhattan are expected to be charged fees ranging from $9 to $82. The plan aims to improve traffic congestion in downtown New York and promote urban development. If implemented, New York City will become the first city in the United States to charge "traffic congestion fees", which may lead to other cities following suit. However, the plan also faces a lot of opposition. After obtaining approval from the Federal Highway Administration, New York City will have 310 days to plan for the collection of traffic congestion fees, including developing fee details and laying out toll facilities. The official name of the project is "Central Business District Toll Plan", but the public generally regards it as "traffic congestion fee". Expected earliest from

White List of Japan and South Korea's Mutual Export Returns: Are There Hidden Worries in South Korea's Expectations? Beneficial for the restructuring of the semiconductor supply chain in the United States? Supply Chain | White List for Mutual Export | Japan and South Korea
White List of Japan and South Korea's Mutual Export Returns: Are There Hidden Worries in South Korea's Expectations? Beneficial for the restructuring of the semiconductor supply chain in the United States? Supply Chain | White List for Mutual Export | Japan and South Korea

After South Korea reintroduced Japan into the export preferential "whitelist" in April, the Japanese government decided on June 27th to bring South Korea back to the export "whitelist" and officially took effect on July 21st. At that time, Japanese companies will export to South Korea more smoothly. Public opinion believes that this is the latest sign of a warming relationship between the two countries, marking the end of a four-year "trade war" and a "melting ice" in the economic sector. However, what the latest developments will bring to the key industries of both countries, and what impact they will have on the efforts of the United States to restructure its semiconductor supply chain, are of great concern. On the 27th day, the Japanese government finalized a partial amendment to the Export Trade Management Order at a cabinet meeting, bringing South Korea back on the whitelist of exports enjoying preferential treatment. Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Yasumi Nishimura, stated that the government's decree