First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:18 PM

"We will show new achievements in the construction of 'two barriers', 'two bases' and 'one bridgehead', and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Inner Mongolia." Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting and investigating in Inner Mongolia, emphasized this.

"Two barriers," "two bases," and "one bridgehead," respectively refer to——

An important ecological security barrier in northern China and a security and stability barrier in northern Xinjiang;

National important energy and strategic resource bases, as well as agricultural and livestock product production bases;

Our country is an important gateway for opening up to the north.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, he has visited Inner Mongolia three times and participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation five times during the National two sessions. The General Secretary left many golden sentences full of true feelings and profound thoughts, pointing out the direction for the high-quality development of Inner Mongolia.

"Building a Thousand Mile Green Great Wall in the Northern Xinjiang of our motherland"

During this inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "to build a solid ecological security barrier in northern China is the 'great man' that Inner Mongolia must keep in mind."

First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

Every time we visit or leave the team, we must talk about "ecology".

Inner Mongolia is not only an important ecological security barrier in northern China, but also a beautiful scenic spot and a green Great Wall spanning thousands of miles in northern Xinjiang

"to co-ordinate the management of grass and sand systems in mountains, rivers, forests, and lakes, the word 'sand' should be added here." At the deliberation site of the Inner Mongolia delegation of the National two sessions in 2021, the new formulation of the General Secretary was eye-catching. Two years later, the General Secretary came to Bayannur to further open the way for the prevention and control of desertification and desert prevention and control-- adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of grass and sand in mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and lakes, with desert prevention and control as the main direction.

"Implementing the policy of returning farmland to forests, returning grazing to grassland, balancing grass and livestock, prohibiting grazing and resting grazing" and "persistently promoting the recuperation and revitalization of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands"

"Implement classified policies, concentrate efforts on carrying out large-scale desertification prevention and control in key areas, and continuously innovate and improve desertification control models"

Considering as a whole and anchoring key points, the General Secretary promotes the sustainable development of ecology in Inner Mongolia with a scientific view of ecology and development.

"We cannot just focus on 'sheep, coal, soil, and gas'."

First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation to the National two sessions for five consecutive times and has high hopes for the transformation and development of Inner Mongolia:

"We should not only focus on 'sheep, coal, soil, and gas', but also vigorously cultivate new industries, new driving forces, and new growth poles. We should implement the new development concept and strive to explore a new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development.".

The General Secretary has always planned the economic development of Inner Mongolia from the perspective of transformation and development, and made it clear that Inner Mongolia "should be based on the characteristics of local resource endowments" and take a good road of high-quality development suitable for itself.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

This time in Hohhot, the General Secretary came to the Central Industrial Park to learn about the local development of new energy and new materials industries. He pointed out that promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional energy industries, vigorously developing green energy, and expanding and strengthening the country's important energy bases are the top priorities for the development of Inner Mongolia.

There are not only the advantages of the energy industry, but also the advantages of strategic resources and agriculture and animal husbandry. The General Secretary requires Inner Mongolia to "actively explore new paths for the transformation and development of resource-based areas and speed up the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects the advantages of Inner Mongolia's characteristics."

"Building an important bridgehead for China's opening up to the north"

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to Inner Mongolia's opening up to the outside world, stressing that "Inner Mongolia is located in the 'three north', bordering Russia and Mongolia, has the unique advantage of opening up along the border, and is at the forefront of China's opening to the north." Inner Mongolia should be built into an important bridgehead for China's opening to the north.

First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

We need to strengthen connectivity with the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the three eastern provinces to better integrate into the domestic and international dual circulation.

On the one hand, we need to open up the door and expand our opening-up to the outside world, and on the other hand, we need to accelerate our integration into the national development pattern. Inner Mongolia, which is deeply located in the inland, will continuously expand new development space in building a new development pattern.

"Deeply implement the concept of 'watching and helping each other'"

For the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia, General Secretary Xi Jinping once put forward a four-word hope: watch and help each other.

Inner Mongolia is the earliest established ethnic autonomous region in China, with a glorious tradition in promoting ethnic unity.

Two beautiful stories and a deep emotional connection vividly illustrate the brotherly friendship of compatriots from all ethnic groups who stand by and help each other in the same boat.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

This time, the General Secretary once again stressed that "these border ethnic areas should not be left behind on the road to common prosperity."firmly shaping the sense of community of the Chinese nation is the main line of the party's ethnic work in the new era, and it is also the main line of all work in ethnic minority areas."

First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

Adhering to the concept of mutual assistance, carrying forward the good tradition of connecting the hearts and hands of all ethnic groups, the people of the grasslands work together to guard the borders of the motherland and create a better life together.

"Vigorously promote the 'Mongolian Horse Spirit'"

For thousands of years, Mongolian horses have galloped on the vast grasslands, not only serving as transportation and beloved companions for grassland people, but also becoming a spiritual characteristic of national culture.

"although Mongolian horses are not as tall as foreign famous horses, they have strong vitality, strong endurance and strong physique. We should do business like the Mongolian horse, have a hard-working, indomitable spirit. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly encouraged the cadres and masses in Inner Mongolia with the "Mongolian horse spirit."

On the new journey, facing the historical task of "striving to write a new chapter of Chinese path to modernization in Inner Mongolia", the "Mongolian horse spirit" that is hard-working and indomitable will inspire grassland people to firm confidence, embrace dreams and move forward.

Visual | Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency's domestic department and Xinhua News Agency's Inner Mongolia branch

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