Today's data selection: How high is the risk of cancer in laboratories; the number of people who have passed the national examination has doubled compared with 2021

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:31 AM

How high is the risk of cancer in laboratories? Experts remind us to pay attention to laboratory safety management

Recently, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University said that three people who worked and studied in the laboratory of its breast tumor center were diagnosed with cancer, and these people were relatively young, which aroused strong public attention.

Is this relevant to the lab environment? The jury is still out. How high is the risk of laboratory cancer? This has also triggered widespread discussion among the outside world. Regarding this topic, the reporter interviewed many professionals.

There is much speculation about whether there is a connection between cancer patients and laboratory or reagent contact.

A person engaged in oncology drug research and development in Foshan, Guangdong, told China Business News that in scientific research, using chemical agents to induce cancer animal models is a very common modeling method. In the laboratory, commonly used chemical inducers include methylnitrosourea, methylnitrosoguanidine, etc. However, there is currently a lack of direct human test data on whether these chemical inducers can cause cancer in humans in a short period of time. Cancer takes a long time to occur, spanning from ten years to decades. Under the premise of non-standard use, carcinogens in the laboratory accidentally extend into the human food chain due to environmental pollution, which may promote the occurrence of human cancer earlier, but canceration also takes a long time. Therefore, it is actually difficult to draw a conclusion whether there is a strong connection between the cancer patient and the laboratory or reagent contact.

The record for the warmest year may be broken again. The latest monitoring shows that an El Niño event has formed.

According to the latest monitoring from the National Climate Center, a moderate-intensity El Niño event has formed and will last until next spring. Affected by this and coupled with the background of global warming, the global average temperature in 2023 may break the record for the warmest year in 2016. It is expected that the temperature in most parts of my country from this winter to next spring will be close to normal or higher than the same period of the year, but the periodic cold air will be active, the southern region will receive more precipitation, and the risk of compound meteorological disasters will increase.

New Gaocheng e-commerce Double 11 battle report keywords, but merchants complain about the weak atmosphere of Double 11 and sales are far less than before

On the night of Double 11, both Tmall and released their battle reports. Although they did not announce specific sales figures, "growth" and "new highs" were keywords in their battle reports. Tmall said that the scale of users and merchants has increased significantly, driving an overall increase in order volume and total transaction volume. said that Double 11 transaction volume, order volume, and number of users all hit new highs.

However, some merchants participating in Double 11 on the platform are not so satisfied with this Double 11. "This year's Double 11 is the first time in 10 years that I have an unexpected difference. It's unimaginable, unbelievable, and I'm still awake at 2 o'clock." A merchant lamented on a social platform that in the past, Double 11 could handle 1,000 orders a day, but now it's less than 100 orders.

Zhou Li is a merchant in the food and health care category. He also found that in 2017, he could sell 500,000-600,000 yuan on Double 11 without any promotion. On November 1 this year, he sold less than 10,000 yuan on the first day. There are also merchants who are in the rising stage of entrepreneurship and sold 1 million on the first day of Double 11. The sales volume was the same as last year, but he said that the overall market was not optimistic.

The number of people who have passed the national examination in 2024 will double compared to 2021

China Public Education stated on its interactive platform on November 12 that according to public data, 39,600 people were recruited for the national examination in 2024, and a total of 3.033 million people passed the employer's qualification review, which was doubled compared with 2021. The company's relevant business departments will actively carry out training business based on the recruitment market demand.

Bedbug crisis breaks out in many countries, feeding on human blood

Bed bugs, which have been out of people's sight for many years, have recently become active again, and bed bug crises have broken out in many countries. According to foreign media reports, bed bugs have not only ravaged European countries such as the United Kingdom and France, but also recently "crossed the ocean" and spread to South Korea.

Bed bugs, also known as bed bugs, feed mainly on human blood. They are usually active at night, hide in mattresses or box springs, and migrate through clothing and luggage. Although the body's reaction to its bites varies, most show red, swollen and itchy skin.

According to reports, this wave of bed bug crisis first originated in France. It started from the end of August to the beginning of September. Bed bugs were found in many theaters, hospitals, prisons, subways and other places. Many people were bitten by bed bugs and became red and swollen, leading to constant public complaints. More than 20 schools in France had to be temporarily closed due to bedbug infestations. There is also a bed bug crisis in the UK, which has heavy traffic from France.

A recently released government survey report shows that about 11% of French households are troubled by bed bugs, and many people suffer from insomnia, psychological problems, absenteeism from work and school, etc. caused by bed bugs.

The British Broadcasting Corporation reported on October 16 that in recent months, bed bugs have been frequently found in hotels, subways, cinemas, hospitals and other places in many cities in France, the UK and other countries. Businesses such as hotels, in particular, are worried about the impact of customers being bitten by bed bugs. The business has even been involved in lawsuits, and many measures have been taken to prevent and control bed bugs, including introducing sniffer dogs, installing new monitoring devices, and hiring professional pest control companies.

The British company Rentokil Initial, which operates a pest control business, said that in the second quarter of this year, the company received orders for bed bug removal in the British market, which increased by 65% ​​year-on-year. The bedbug crisis that has caused anxiety and panic in European countries has not only not eased, but has now spread to South Korea. According to Yonhap News Agency, as of November 6, more than 30 bedbug infestation reports have been received in 17 cities and provinces across South Korea.

Today's data selection: How high is the risk of cancer in laboratories; the number of people who have passed the national examination has doubled compared with 2021
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Lao Zhang stepped on his bicycle and put his wife and daughter's complaints behind him. He was holding a fire in his heart and rode faster and faster, fearing that if he did not have time to take the path to "smuggle" to work in the factory, he would have to leave the city at home because of the epidemic to help take care of his grandson. After being stopped by the police on the road, he took out his work certificate and willingly carried his clothes into the dormitory of the factory. He got up at a fixed time every day, ate breakfast, and then began to work as soon as he brushed the bowl. "You let me stay at home, I feel uncomfortable". Lao Zhang, currently 61 years old, is still active in the workplace with his ability of mechanical drawing. There are not a few elderly people like him who expect to return to the workplace after retirement. In 1999, the United Nations put forward the slogan "Building a society for all ages"; 24 years later

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Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week