
Is Afghanistan okay?, Depth | Kabul after two years of US military withdrawal | Interim government | Afghanistan
Is Afghanistan okay?, Depth | Kabul after two years of US military withdrawal | Interim government | Afghanistan

Two years ago, after the Taliban took over the capital Kabul in Afghanistan, the US military hastily withdrew. On August 30, 2021, as the last US military plane left Kabul Airport, the 20-year war in Afghanistan also came to an end in the "Kabul moment". Two years later, when the interim government of Afghanistan announced that August 31st would be designated as the anniversary of the withdrawal of foreign troops, the world once again turned its attention to Afghanistan. What is the current situation in Afghanistan after the second anniversary of the US withdrawal? Can the trauma left by the US military in Afghanistan over the past 20 years heal? What is the current situation in Afghanistan? Recently, the interim government of Afghanistan issued a statement stating that it has officially approved August 31st as the anniversary of the withdrawal of foreign troops, which will become a national public holiday in Afghanistan. But yes, no

British research: "Changxinguan" symptom "brain fog" or thrombosis related COVID-19 | brain fog | symptom
British research: "Changxinguan" symptom "brain fog" or thrombosis related COVID-19 | brain fog | symptom

The brain seems to be covered with fog, unable to concentrate, often forgetful, slow thinking... These symptoms are often called "brain fog", and are also considered as one of the most destructive long-term symptoms after COVID-19 infection. The exact cause of "brain fog" is not yet clear, but a recent British study found that thrombosis formed in the brain or lungs may be the cause of "brain fog", fatigue, chest tightness and other "new crown" symptoms. The study was published online on August 31st in the international medical journal Nature Medicine. Around the world, "Changxin Crown" is a hot topic. In general, "growing new coronavirus" means a series of long-term symptoms experienced by some people after being infected with COVID-19, which may last for weeks to years without other obvious incentives. Even mild infections may occur

A referendum on the People's Action Party?, Singaporean vote for president, with Lee Hsien Loong battling and scandal looming over the election | candidate | president
A referendum on the People's Action Party?, Singaporean vote for president, with Lee Hsien Loong battling and scandal looming over the election | candidate | president

Today, Singapore is voting for the first time in 12 years to elect a president. Three candidates - former State Councilor Shang Daman, former Chief Investment Officer of the Singapore Government Investment Corporation Huang Guosong, and former President Chen Qinliang - are competing for the ninth presidential throne. Their fate is in the hands of over 2.7 million voters. The preliminary results are expected to be announced tonight at 10 o'clock. Due to the fact that the President of Singapore is seen as a vacant head of state, the six-year presidential election is relatively less important and less focused than the five-year national election that determines the ownership of power. However, this presidential election is somewhat special, coinciding with a crucial period of government change and the scandal surrounding the ruling People's Action Party. Therefore, Friday's vote is also seen as a referendum on the People's Action Party and a litmus test of public opinion before the handover.

South Korea's largest opposition party leader goes on a hunger strike to protest against Yoon Seok yeol's policies. Democratic Party leader Yoon Seok yeol
South Korea's largest opposition party leader goes on a hunger strike to protest against Yoon Seok yeol's policies. Democratic Party leader Yoon Seok yeol

On August 31st local time, Lee Jae myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, announced a hunger strike to protest against President Yoon Seok yeol's policies starting from that day. In the 2022 South Korean presidential election, Lee Jae myung faced off with Yoon Seok yeol. Since Yin Xiyue took office for over a year, Li Zaiming has repeatedly criticized his policies, including his passive response to Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. At the same time, Yin Xiyue is facing difficulties such as low approval ratings. On August 31st, Li Zaiming celebrated his first anniversary as the head of the Communist Party of China. On the same day, he held a press conference in Congress and announced that he would protest against President Yoon Seok yeol's policies as a South Korean with a dying mentality. Li Zaoming's reasons for protest include: the government's poor economic management failed to bridge political differences, and the lack of questions about the stampede accident of the Itaewon last October

Is the United States once again "half hearted"?, The Chinese side expresses its expectation that the East Asian "Diplomatic Carnival" will soon begin, and a series of meetings on ASEAN, the United States, China, and East Asian cooperation will be held
Is the United States once again "half hearted"?, The Chinese side expresses its expectation that the East Asian "Diplomatic Carnival" will soon begin, and a series of meetings on ASEAN, the United States, China, and East Asian cooperation will be held

The ASEAN Summit and a series of East Asian Cooperation Leaders' Meetings will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia from September 4th to 7th. Leaders and representatives from over 20 countries and some international organizations, including China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Russia, and India, will be invited to attend. The host Indonesia stated that this is the largest summit in the history of ASEAN and its partners. What are the key points and highlights of this East Asian "diplomatic carnival"? Is the United States, a major foreign power, once again mired in "double mindedness"? The focus is on the economy. As usual, ASEAN holds two summits each year, scheduled for the first and second half of the year. During the summit in the second half of the year, bilateral and multilateral meetings between ASEAN and leaders of dialogue partners both inside and outside the region, including the "10+1", "10+3" and the East Asia Summit, will also be held simultaneously, known as the East Asia Cooperation Leaders' Series Meetings