Chinese Kung Fu, epigraphic calligraphy and badminton world champions walked into the campuses of French universities, middle schools and small schools, and engraved the word "中" with many connotations.

Release time:May 06, 2024 08:44 AM

"The sky is clear and the air is clear, and the wind is gentle and gentle." "All the virtuous people have arrived, and the young and the old have gathered together."... Selected sentences from the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" were engraved on the "Chinese Characters Entering the French Campus-Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Engraving" of the University of China and France in New Lyon among the works of "Picture and Text Exhibition". In the 6th century BC, the confluence of the Rhone and Saône rivers gave birth to the earliest urban civilization in Lyon, France; 2,500 years later this spring, the excellent traditional Chinese culture with a history of 5,000 years was once again combined with this piece of European soil and water. Convergence and blending.

A workshop on "Chinese Characters Entering French Campuses" was held at the Sino-French University in New Lyon.

Since the beginning of May, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the year of the Paris Olympics, featuring culture and sports and with the theme of "Convergence", East China Normal University has joined forces with 12 local universities, primary schools, educational institutions and sports clubs in Paris and Lyon, France. A series of cultural exchange activities were held to allow French university, middle and primary school students and local citizens to have close contact with Chinese Kung Fu, epigraphic calligraphy, and face-to-face with the badminton world champion team composed of Wang Yihan and others.

Wang Yihan, the world badminton women's singles champion and associate professor of the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University, signed autographs for French middle school students.

At Louis LePrince-Lingai Middle School, 12-year-old Tryston BECK was very happy looking at the seal carving work he completed by himself: "I carved the word '中'. Today's Chinese teacher told me that this word has many connotations, both It means middle, and it can also mean very good or great. I think it’s very cool and interesting!”

From May 2 to 6, East China Normal University's "Chinese Characters Entering French Campuses" workshop was held at the Sino-French University in New Lyon, the Louis LePrince-Lingue School in Gennes Town, the University of Lyon II and the International School of Lyon held. Local students from universities, middle schools, primary schools and citizens visited the calligraphy and seal cutting works created by 4 teachers and 43 graduate students from the calligraphy and seal cutting major of the Academy of Fine Arts of East China Normal University, and experienced the fun of seal cutting for the first time.

Several "Chinese Characters Entering French Schools" experience and exhibition activities, the picture shows Louis Leprince-Lingue Middle School.

Julien MARLIER, a teacher at the University of Lyon 2, is a Chinese calligraphy enthusiast. She was very happy to participate in the workshop: "The lectures and guidance of experts and graduate students from East China Normal University not only gave me a deeper understanding of the evolution of Chinese characters, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the evolution of Chinese characters. The seal cutting experience activity made me truly feel the artistic charm of Chinese characters.”

"Chinese Characters Entering French Campuses—Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Picture and Text Exhibition" was held at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Cultures in Paris.

At the School of Oriental Languages ​​and Cultures in Paris, Professor Cui Shuqiang from the School of Fine Arts of East China Normal University, Professor Zhang Suo and Professor Gu Qin, directors of the Seal Carving Inheritance Base of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture of the Ministry of Education of East China Normal University, led calligraphy and seal carving postgraduate students to guide French teachers and students to experience calligraphy. .

Promote Chinese characters, calligraphy and seal cutting in Paris, Lyon and other places.

Laurent LONG, a doctor of sinology from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Cultures in Paris and a French member of Xiling Seal Society, whose Chinese name is Long Leheng, said that Chinese institutions such as the Paris Sino-French Cultural Center and Xiling Seal Society have held calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions and lectures for the public. , but this is the first time that the art of calligraphy and seal cutting has been brought to campus like today. "This is a very good attempt and beginning. I believe that more French teenagers will enhance their understanding of Chinese culture by feeling the unique charm of Chinese characters." ”

A workshop on "Chinese Characters Entering French Campuses" was held at the Sino-French University in New Lyon.

Different from the gentle and timeless calligraphy and seal cutting, there is a unique "civil and military cultivation" on the sports field. Chinese Kung Fu, in particular, has always been very popular among French teenagers.

From May 3rd to May 6th, the team was led by Professor Yang Jianying, the subject leader of traditional ethnic sports at the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University, at the Université Sino-French in New Lyon, the Lycée Louis Le Prince-Lingue and the International School of Lyon. The Kung Fu troupe demonstrated Chinese Kung Fu, Chinese Wulong and Tai Chi, attracting many French teachers, students and citizens to watch.

East China Normal University’s original Tai Chi sport attracted many spectators to participate. Daniel VALÉRO, mayor of the town of Lyon Gennes, praised: "This is a very creative and artistic sport." Ime COURVALLAIN, a physical education teacher at Louis LePrince-Lingue Middle School, said that children particularly like Tai Chi. , “In addition to the graceful movements, it also allows participants to fully exercise their waist, abdomen and buttocks.”

Professor Yang Jianying’s team demonstrated Tai Chi ball to teachers, students, primary and secondary schools and citizens at the University of Lyon.

It turns out that the soft force Tai Chi ball is a new type of sport invented by Professor Yang Jianying on the basis of absorbing Tai Chi and Chinese Taoist philosophy. Its technical characteristics of "using retreat to advance, using softness to overcome hardness, and following the trend" embody the "integration of yin and yang" Dialectical thinking. In 2021, Rouli Tai Chi was selected as the Ministry of Education’s “Sports and Cultural Exchange Activities for Chinese and Foreign Partner Universities” display project.

Presenting a Tai Chi ball to the mayor of Lyon Gennes.

At the opening ceremony of the 14th Paris Chinese Wrestling International Invitational Tournament held on May 5, members of Yang Jianying’s team—Professor Liu Wenwu from the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University, as well as doctoral candidates Feng Xianghong and Peng Guoqiang were also invited to give special presentations Tai Chi ball, Chinese martial arts and Tai Chi.

The badminton team of the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University and some members of the French national team took a group photo after the friendly match.

On the morning of the same day, as the women's singles champion of the Badminton World Championships and the women's singles badminton runner-up of the London Olympics, Wang Yihan, associate professor of the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University, Professor Gao Qiang, head of the Sino-French Sports Science Research Center of East China Normal University, and other teachers and students, met with the 1st Lyon University and the University of Lyon. College student athletes from the Ecole Polytechnique Lyonnais held a friendly match, which not only attracted teachers and students from the two universities, but also attracted overseas Chinese from the local area and even the Marseille area to watch the match.

A friendly badminton match held at Lyon 1 and École des Applied Sciences et de Lyon.

This is already the seventh game of the "Face to Face with the World Champions - Friendly Badminton Match between Chinese and French Universities" led by Professor Ji Liu, Dean of the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Normal University. Guillaume ARNOULD, the French organizer of this event and executive director of the Sino-French University in New Lyon, said: "This is the most popular Sino-French cultural exchange event we have organized recently. The friendly badminton match allowed Chinese and French young people to improve their competitive skills and enhance their competitiveness. Friendship will sow the seeds for future cooperation and exchanges between the two parties.”

As a school of friendship that originated a hundred years ago, the Sino-French University of Lyon was founded in July 1921. It is the first and only university-like institution established overseas by China in modern times. It has witnessed a special diplomatic history between the two countries. , and also cultivated a group of outstanding talents for modern China.

Teachers and students of East China Normal University and some French university, middle and primary school students and citizens who participated in the "Convergence" cultural exchange series in front of the Lyon office of East China Normal University.

A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News learned that in 2014, President Xi Jinping made Lyon the first stop of his visit to Europe and visited the former site of the University of China and France in Lyon. The new University of China and France in Lyon was born in this context. Since becoming a founding member of the University of China and France in New Lyon in 2015, East China Normal University has maintained close cooperation with the University of China and France in New Lyon. In November last year, the Lyon office of East China Normal University was inaugurated at the Sino-French University in New Lyon, and the two parties established a closer cooperative relationship.

Dai Liyi, Vice President of East China Normal University, and Guillaume ARNOULD, Executive Director of the Sino-French University in New Lyon, exchanged school gifts.

Dai Liyi, Vice President of East China Normal University, said that East China Normal University began to cooperate with French universities and institutions as early as the 1980s. At present, the school has carried out exchanges and cooperation with 28 French universities and institutions in terms of academic research, talent training, and cooperative education. It is one of the most successful universities in China that currently cooperates and exchanges with French universities and institutions. In the future, East China Normal University will further promote the people-to-people ties between China and France through in-depth cooperation and exchanges with French universities and institutions such as the Université Sino-French in New Lyon, and actively promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and French civilizations.

"Chinese Characters Entering the French Campus—Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Pictures and Text Exhibition" experience activity.

Li Zhenping, Acting Consul General of China in Lyon, expressed his approval for this art, sports and people-to-people exchange activities in France: "As President Xi Jinping begins his visit to France, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the Paris Olympics are about to be held, the East China Normal University's activities in France are A series of cultural activities including calligraphy and seal carving experiences, martial arts and Tai Chi demonstrations, and Sino-French badminton friendly matches will not only help promote friendly interactions between the people of China and France, especially the youth of the two countries, but also help promote exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations. , and add a warm and friendly atmosphere to the upcoming Olympic Games.”

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