With a slight year-on-year increase, the Yangtze River Delta Railway carried nearly 18.12 million passengers during the May Day holiday

Release time:May 06, 2024 11:44 AM

On May 6, the Yangtze River Delta Railway released railway travel data during the May Day holiday. During the five-day holiday, the Yangtze River Delta Railway carried a total of nearly 18.12 million passengers, with an average of more than 3.62 million passengers per day, a slight increase of 0.43% year-on-year. Among them, 3.785 million passengers were sent on May 2, setting a new high for China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd.'s single-day passenger volume.

During the short and long holiday transportation period, the Yangtze River Delta region’s tourism, family visits, business and other passenger flows are intertwined and superimposed, and the railway passenger transport market has obvious growth momentum. Ticket sales for direct tickets to Beijing, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Qingdao, Changsha and other places in the Yangtze River Delta are booming. From May 1st to May 4th, the passenger volume of the Yangtze River Delta Railway remained above 3.5 million for four consecutive days, forming a continuous peak. During this period, the passenger flow between Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Huangshan, Yancheng, Wuhu, Anqing, Lianyungang and other places within the Yangtze River Delta tube increased significantly, and the average train passenger occupancy rate reached more than 90%. The Chizhou-Huangzhou high-speed railway, which was officially opened for operation on April 26, saw a large number of passengers during the May Day holiday. A total of more than 249,000 passengers arrived and departed from the four stations of Chizhou, Jiuhuashan, Huangshan West and Yixian East.

It is reported that during the holidays, the Yangtze River Delta Railway tapped transportation potential and optimized the passenger train operation plan. A total of 1,206 additional passenger trains were operated, 1,231 EMU trains were reconnected, and 662 additional normal-speed passenger cars were installed.

With a slight year-on-year increase, the Yangtze River Delta Railway carried nearly 18.12 million passengers during the May Day holiday
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