Today's data selection: The number of juvenile criminals sentenced in the first quarter increased by 77.67% year-on-year; China's shipbuilding market is booming

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 10:15 AM

This year’s first round of savings bonds were sold 99.7% on the first day

On April 22, Li Xianzhong, Director of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance, introduced at a press conference that 99.7% of the planned issuance of electronic savings bonds issued in April was sold on the first day of issuance, which was significantly faster than the average in recent years. level. There is an instantaneous contradiction between supply and demand on the online platforms of some banks. The average online sales time of 32 banks is about half an hour. However, the sales time of 2 banks lasts less than 1 minute, which is basically a matter of seconds. The sales time of another 7 banks is 6 Sold out within minutes.

The number of juvenile criminals sentenced in the first quarter increased by 77.67% year-on-year

On April 22, the Supreme People's Court announced the main data on judicial trial work in the first quarter of 2024. In terms of criminal trial status, 374,000 defendants were sentenced to effective sentences, a year-on-year increase of 14%. Among them, 29,000 criminals were sentenced to five years or more in prison, a year-on-year increase of 9.50%. The severe sentence rate was 7.71%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.32 percentage points. ; 323,000 criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, a year-on-year increase of 14.62%, accounting for 86.44%, a year-on-year increase of 0.46 percentage points; 163 people were acquitted, a year-on-year increase of 17.27%, of which 72 were acquitted in public prosecution cases. 91 people were acquitted in private prosecution cases. There were 12,000 juvenile criminals sentenced, a year-on-year increase of 77.67%, accounting for 3.12% of the total number of criminals, a year-on-year increase of 1.12 percentage points, and the severe sentence rate was 8.50%. The Supreme People's Court attaches great importance to both punishment and prevention of juvenile crimes and to treating both the symptoms and root causes, and works with relevant departments to continuously improve and improve comprehensive management work.

Recently, many shipping companies have issued price increase letters, setting off a "tidal wave of price increases" in the off-season of the shipping market. This has also indirectly led to an increase in the prices of new and second-hand ships in the upstream. The person in charge of a shipbuilding company in Jiangsu said that the company has orders for more than 80 ships, which are currently scheduled until 2028. The current shipbuilding market is very hot. Data show that in the first two months of this year, both the national shipbuilding completion volume, the number of new ship orders, and the number of hand-held ship orders have increased significantly, with year-on-year growth rates of 95.4%, 64.4%, and 31.3%.

There are both decreases and increases. What is the logic behind the changes in fiscal revenue and expenditure in the first quarter?

Data from the Ministry of Finance showed that in the first quarter, the national general public budget revenue was 6.0877 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.3%; tax revenue was 4.9172 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.9%. One question is, why did fiscal revenue drop slightly year-on-year in the first quarter of this year?

From a total perspective, this is mainly related to the relatively high fiscal revenue base last year. Due to the implementation of large-scale value-added tax refunds in 2022, fiscal revenue will be affected that year, which will lead to a sharp rebound in fiscal revenue in 2023. The higher growth rate in the same period last year has led to relatively high pressure on revenue growth this year.

"Is selling insurance the end of Hong Kong's job search?" This question has been raised and discussed repeatedly, and it is difficult to get an accurate answer. But many people have similar experiences: friends who went to Hong Kong with a postgraduate offer or a high-talent or gifted visa suddenly started selling insurance in their circle of friends one day.

Voices of confusion also arose: "A waste of academic qualifications", what is it for?

For these mainlanders with stay visas, whether they like selling, whether they can earn tens of thousands a month and afford the high cost of living are all secondary issues. The most important thing is to renew your visa, stay in this city and continue living in this city. After 7 years, you will get your permanent residence status.

There are many variables to successfully renew the visa, but there are two core elements: one is to settle in Hong Kong; the other is to contribute to Hong Kong - for ordinary people, this means having a job and the income should not be too low. Once the visa renewal is refused, you will not be able to stay in Hong Kong, and the 7-year period will be counted from scratch.

The insurance industry has become a stop-gap solution for most Hong Kong immigrants due to its low threshold, high income and flexible time schedule. Although you usually have to meet certain performance requirements to obtain a job certificate, for those who are stuck at the renewal hurdle, at least there is a little more peace of mind and hope.

Today's data selection: The number of juvenile criminals sentenced in the first quarter increased by 77.67% year-on-year; China's shipbuilding market is booming
Today's data selection: Salmon sales surged 13 times before the Spring Festival; why the price of cherries in January was lower than in November
Today's data selection: Salmon sales surged 13 times before the Spring Festival; why the price of cherries in January was lower than in November

Salmon sales soared 13 times before the Spring Festival. As the Spring Festival approaches, the fresh food market is experiencing hot sales, and salmon is very popular. According to data from a certain platform, salmon sales surged 13 times before the Spring Festival. According to relevant statistics, the country ate 80,000 tons of salmon last year, nearly 13 million salmon. According to professionals, there is a phenomenon of substandard rainbow trout in the market. Consumers must carefully identify the appearance, touch, taste and origin to ensure dietary safety during the Chinese New Year. Why is the price of cherries so much lower in January than in November? According to the Beijing News: my country’s demand for cherries is met by imports all year round. Although many regions in the country have introduced cherry tree species for cultivation in recent years, the overall output Relatively small. At present, the domestic cherry market is mainly dominated by foreign varieties, and with the increase in demand, my country’s cherry market has entered a new stage.

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The number of left behind children in China has dropped to 9.02 million. On August 18th, the 2023 Rural Education Development Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of this forum is "Focusing on County Areas, Dialogue on the Future", hosted by the China Rural Development Foundation. The 2023 Rural Education Development Report was released at the meeting, which showed that the number of left behind children in China had dropped to 9.02 million last year. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the advancement of county-level urbanization and the improvement of inclusive education infrastructure, the problem of left behind children in China has been alleviated. Left behind children and migrant children are representative special groups in county-level compulsory education. The report shows that in 2012, there were 22 million left behind children in China, and last year this number decreased to 9.02 million. In 2021, ordinary students and migrant students, local migrant students and migrant students from other provinces

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Recently, the Chinese animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" has been a hit. In the film, the story of Li Bai and the Yellow Crane Tower left a deep impression on the audience, which also made the Yellow Crane Tower, which is celebrating its 1800th birthday this year, once again popular. From Jiangxia County in the movie to the present-day Wuchang City, many tourists leave the cinema and climb the Yellow Crane Tower. Here, the "One Tower and One City" Huanghe Tower 1800 Interactive Experience Exhibition is being held, and using AI technology, tourists can have a conversation with Li Bai. Since July, the number of tourists to Huanghe Tower has more than doubled compared to the same period last year. In the light and shadow show of the Yellow Crane Tower, tourists can see the millennium long vicissitudes of its repeated destruction and construction, and feel the never-ending Chinese cultural heritage. The prices of new energy public charging stations have generally increased, with some charging stations increasing by over 50%. Multiple brands have responded with the increase in electricity prices

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If your mentor goes on a business trip in space, can you herd sheep? The answer is to think beautifully. Recently, a faculty member from the University of Aerospace Engineering confirmed that Zhu Yangzhu, the "Shenzhou Sixteen" astronaut and aerospace flight engineer, did not forget to revise papers for students in space. It is said that every small paper of this student needs to be sent to Teacher Zhu for review. Netizens jokingly said, "Distance is not a problem, no matter how far it is, you can still urge." There is also a mentor who "holds group meetings in the sky", Gui Haichao, a payload expert and professor at the School of Astronautics and Astronautics of Beihang University. His students said that the mentor not only recorded the courseware in advance, but also occasionally urged students to submit their papers quickly. When did Chinese astronauts become so skilled in physical fitness, scientific research, and doctoral guidance? A careful analysis of the selection criteria for Chinese astronauts reveals that it is really not easy! doctor