Guqins from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties all appeared together, led by the "Jiuxiao Huanpei" Guqin from the Tang Dynasty. A rare concert was held in Beijing last night

Release time:Apr 28, 2024 11:32 AM

On April 27, the National Center for the Performing Arts' second "Spring of Chinese Music" closing special concert "Guqin Night" was held at the National Center for the Performing Arts. The concert ended successfully with appearances and performances by contemporary celebrities on the same stage. The reporter saw on the spot that the concert hall with more than 1,800 seats was almost full. Every song introduced received warm applause, and the entire audience listened attentively when every song was played.

This may be a rare guqin concert in China. Famous guqin, famous music, famous performances, famous teachers and academic hosting... are performed at the highest art palace in China.

Taking the guqin as an example, the concert allowed the audience to see a rare top-level configuration: the Tang Qin treasure "Jiuxiao Huanpei" with a history of more than 1,200 years led the way, the rare and famous Qin from the Song Dynasty "Xian Lai" and three other Song Qin "Yunhe" "Huan Pei" and "Wuming" were listed, followed by the "Bingqing" guqin of the Yuan Dynasty, the "Wuming" guqin of the Ming Dynasty, the "Yanghe" and "Yi Yiqiu" guqins of the Qing Dynasty, and one after another famous qin passed down from generation to generation appeared. body stage.

The concert was academically hosted by researcher Tian Qing, a well-known musicologist, expert in the protection of intangible cultural heritage, and honorary director of the Music Research Institute of the China Academy of Arts. The concert was conducted by the famous conductor Chen Xieyang. The China National Traditional Orchestra joined hands with the old, middle-aged, young, and young people in our country. Four generations of guqin players gathered on the stage for the first time. Guqin players Ding Chengyun, Li Fengyun, Lin Chen, Huang Mei, Chen Leiji, Wu Na, Li Pengpeng, Yang Zhijian, Lu Ning, Zhao Xiaoxia, Zhao Jiazhen, flute player Wang Jianxin, and percussionist Family member Li Congnong took the stage one after another. Among the famous piano music, "Drunken Madness", "Mountains and Flowing Waters", "Three Plum Blossom Alleys", "Drunken Fishermen Singing Evening", "Xiaoxiang Water Clouds", "Qiao Qiao Qiao", "Guangling San" and "Qiu Hong" were played one by one, new masterpieces. "Encourage You to Drink Another Glass of Wine", "Double Ninth Festival", "Beauty Comes" and "Spring Breeze" are coordinated in the form of a big band, which brings a new feeling. Traditional classics with ancient charm and refreshing new creations demonstrate the Chinese music people's respect for tradition and pursuit of innovation.

"The silk and tung trees combined into a qin have an ancient sound." Guqin, with a history of five thousand years of oral transmission and nearly three thousand years of physical examination, is one of the most representative traditional musical instruments in China. Over the course of thousands of years of historical evolution, the value of the guqin goes far beyond the instrument itself. It is not only a prajna boat for literati to express their feelings and aspirations, and cultivate their moral character, but it has also become a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. Extended from the guqin, there are played qin music, sung qin songs, written qin theory, engraved qin scores, and sinking qin rhyme... The beauty and artistic conception of guqin art embodies the aesthetic taste and taste of traditional Chinese culture. The philosophy of life presents a life attitude and spiritual pursuit of the Chinese people.

When Tian Qing hosted the concert, he said that if he had to use one word to describe the art of guqin, it would be "harmony." In 2003, UNESCO declared the guqin art as a "representative of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind", which also specified that it was guqin art, not just guqin.

Five pianos collected by the Forbidden City, including the "Jiuxiao Huanpei" copied by Yang Zhijian, are on display.

The ancients played the harp, and today's people listen to it, and hear the clear sound in the distance. In order to let more audiences understand the guqin culture, the National Center for the Performing Arts and the China National Traditional Orchestra also jointly hosted the "Harmony" - 2024 Chinese Music Spring Guqin Culture Experience Exhibition at the National Center for the Performing Arts, using exhibition boards and actual guqin objects as an introduction to popularize Guqin culture has attracted many audiences to watch various performances in the hospital in the past few days. In particular, the five pieces of guqin collected in the Forbidden City restored and made by Yang Zhijian, the representative inheritor of Shanghai's intangible cultural heritage project "Guqin Skills", are eye-catching.

Yang Zhijian studied under two national intangible cultural inheritors and guqin masters, Mr. Gong Yi and Professor Li Xiangting, and studied in depth the classic repertoire of the Guangling School and the Yushan School as well as the guqin making techniques. He also studied under the famous dongxiao player Professor Dai Shuhong and devoted himself to the study of the guqin. The art of playing. The guqin he made has become a "window" for China's foreign cultural exchanges and has been collected by many national museums. In recent years, he has served as a special researcher of the Palace Museum, restoring and making guqins collected by the Palace Museum. The five pianos from the Forbidden City on display this time are his masterpieces copied according to ancient methods.

He introduced that there are many styles of guqin, including Zhongni style, Fuxi style, Lianzhu style, Shikuang style, banana leaf style, Lvqi style, Lingji style, etc., which have extremely high artistic, historical and cultural value. Among the extant guqins, the Tang Qin "Jiuxiao Huanpei" is undoubtedly the first among the qins. This is the longest-preserved and most complete Guqin made in the Tang Dynasty. It is the most precious and priceless among the Tang Qins with less than 20 surviving pieces. The back of the instrument is engraved with the four characters "Jiuxiao Huanpei" and seals such as "Dongpo Su Shi treasures it", which demonstrates the deep relationship between the instrument and historical celebrities.

The Song Dynasty was an important period for the remarkable development of Guqin art in my country, and great breakthroughs were also made in Guqin cutting technology. The famous Qin "Xian Lai" from the Song Dynasty, which was unveiled this time, was collected by Tang Kan, a qin player in the Qing Dynasty. He once played the Qin for Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong wrote in "Listening to Tang Kan Play the Qin" that "Xian Lai Ping Zhang Wu Ji" Hey, listen carefully to the sound of the strings."

Today, five pianos from the Forbidden City, including "Jiuxiao Huanpei" and "Xianlai", have been reproduced by Yang Zhijian's masterful hands and are now available to the audience. After reading these guqin and other introductions in the experiential exhibition, many viewers expressed their sincere admiration for the Chinese guqin art.

Guqins from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties all appeared together, led by the "Jiuxiao Huanpei" Guqin from the Tang Dynasty. A rare concert was held in Beijing last night
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