The "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" reveal what typical problems are discovered in supervision and discipline enforcement

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 10:25 AM

Carrying out party discipline study and education throughout the party is an important measure to promote the in-depth development of comprehensive and strict party governance. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to it and has delivered important speeches and instructions many times, providing a fundamental basis for the study and education of party discipline. In order to help party members and cadres accurately grasp the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" and ensure a high-quality start and high-standard advancement of party discipline learning and education, the "In-Depth" column of Shangguan News specially invited three experts from Beijing and Shanghai to write an interpretation .

In order to implement the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Party, solve the unique problems of major parties, and further strengthen party discipline, the Party Central Committee has revised the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China". Compared with the original "Regulations", the revised "Regulations" have a total of 158 articles, 16 new articles, 76 revised articles, and more than 3,000 words have been added to the specific content, sending a strong signal that supervision and discipline are becoming increasingly strict.

First, use new theories to guide the party’s discipline construction.

From 2018 to 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of new ideas, new theories, and new perspectives around promoting the party's self-revolution, improving the system of comprehensive and strict party governance, and comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a series of new arrangements, new arrangements and new requirements to solve the unique problems of major parties. This points out the direction for strengthening the party's discipline construction in the new era and new journey.

Chapter 1 of the "Regulations", "General Requirements and Scope of Application", fully absorbs these new discussions. Article 2 adds "carry forward the great spirit of party building, persist in self-revolution, and implement the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party" and "promote the solution of the independence of major parties". When facing difficulties, we must improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party" and "provide strong disciplinary guarantees for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization." Article 3 adds "Adhere to the original aspiration and mission" and "Always strengthen confidence in the road, theory, and Institutional self-confidence, cultural self-confidence, and practical implementation of correct views on power, political performance, and career." Article 4 added "Maintain strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time," "Comprehensive enforcement of disciplines and law enforcement," etc. Working Principles.

These revisions promptly transformed General Secretary Xi Jinping's relevant expositions into disciplinary requirements, using the standpoints, views and methods that run through the party's innovative theory to lead the discipline construction work, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the new era and new journey.

Second, use new experience to tighten the cage of the system.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China incorporated discipline construction into the overall layout of party building. The Party Central Committee has continued to strengthen discipline construction, promoted continuous efforts in full coverage, the entire chain, and the entire cycle, and gained a lot of valuable practical experience. The revision of the Regulations incorporates these experiences and improves the disciplinary system in keeping with the times:

The first is to achieve full coverage of objects. Article 142 will extend the scope of punishment targets for violating relevant regulations to intervene in the allocation of public financial funds, project review, recognition and awards of meritorious honors and other activities from "party members and leading cadres" to all party members, and a new article 143 will be added, requiring those responsible for The trustees responsible for reporting and registration obligations should report and register intervention and intervention behaviors in a timely manner in accordance with regulations, and extend the subjects of punishment to all party members.

The second is to realize the entire chain of responsibility. In order to solve the problem of "new officials ignore old scores" and urge party members and leading cadres to take over both power and responsibility, a second paragraph was added to Article 130, which stipulates that party members and leading cadres should deal with problems that existed before taking office and were within the scope of their duties. Behaviors such as passive avoidance and shirking of responsibilities should be punished.

The third is to realize the full cycle of management. In Article 5, the first form of handling method is enriched, adding "conversations and reminders, criticism and education, orders to inspect, and admonitions". Article 19 adds "Party members who have symptomatic or tendentious problems in style and discipline or violations of Party discipline". The first form of treatment is provided for "minor", as well as the stipulation that party members will not be held accountable for party discipline due to force majeure and other reasons.

Third, the system promotes the connection between regulations and laws.

The Party Discipline Regulations are basic intra-party regulations that regulate the behavior of party organizations and party members, and should be consistent with other intra-party regulations and national laws.

In terms of the connection between laws and regulations, it has achieved organic connection with the "Regulations on the Organizational Handling of the Communist Party of China" and other newly introduced intra-party laws and regulations in recent years. A new Article 14 stipulates that "if party members and cadres are subject to party discipline and need to be dealt with at the same time, the party organization shall follow Provide for organizational processing."

In terms of compliance with discipline and law, the first paragraph of Article 30 stipulates that party members who commit other illegal acts that disrupt the socialist market economic order, violate public security management, etc. will be punished depending on the specific circumstances; the second paragraph lists those who violate national financial and economic disciplines and should be punished by party discipline The type of illegal behavior; Paragraph 3 is connected with the "Law on Administrative Punishments for Public Officials", which stipulates that "If a party member engages in prostitution or takes or injects drugs, which causes him to lose the conditions for party membership and seriously damages the image of the party, he shall be expelled from the party."

In addition, drawing on the relevant provisions of the criminal law, Article 26 is revised to "Punishments shall be imposed according to the amount of individual participation and the role played", Article 42 further improves the calculation standards for economic losses, and Article 43 stipulates that those who voluntarily surrender shall be punished. Compensation for economic losses can be accepted to solve the problem of disciplinary review.

First, highlight the political nature and strictly enforce political disciplines and rules.

For example, we must resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, ensure the smooth flow of the Party Central Committee's decrees, encourage all departments and localities to firmly establish the overall concept and awareness of the overall situation, and ensure that the spirit of the Party Central Committee can be implemented in any work with departmental and local characteristics.

Another example is to enrich the disciplinary provisions for those who are disloyal and dishonest to the party and undermine the unity and unity of the party. Article 54 adds disciplinary provisions for non-organized activities such as "political clinging", and adds a new Article 55, which clearly stipulates that those who engage in speculation, make friends with political swindlers, or be used by political swindlers, and those who act as political swindlers shall be punished Punishment.

Making friends and acting as political liars are typical problems discovered in discipline supervision in recent years. This type of behavior seriously pollutes the political ecology and has attracted great attention from the Party Central Committee. General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized many times that we must vigorously crack down on all kinds of political crooks. These new red lines in the Regulations will help resolutely crack down on such non-organized behaviors that have serious political harm and maintain a good political ecology.

Another example is to strengthen ideals and beliefs and clear away all kinds of ideological dust. Article 69 further improves the provisions on handling and disciplinary action against party members who believe in religion, clearly strengthens ideological education for party members who believe in religion and requires them to make corrections within a time limit; Article 70 adds disciplinary provisions for individuals who engage in superstitious activities.

Second, it highlights the characteristics of the times and provides discipline guarantee for the new era and new journey.

For example, strictly restrict party members’ inappropriate words and deeds in cyberspace. Cyberspace is characterized by diversity, decentralization, weak norms, and rapid dissemination. Cyberspace is not an extralegal space. The Regulations keep up with the development of the times and add disciplinary provisions for violations of public order and good customs and inappropriate words and deeds in cyberspace in Article 153 to encourage party members to strictly demand themselves at all times and be the best online and offline. Sample.

Third, we need to enhance pertinence and tighten the cage of the system.

For example, social assistance is related to the basic livelihood, food, clothing, and clothing of people in need. It is a fundamental and basic institutional arrangement that guarantees basic livelihood, promotes social equity, and maintains social stability. It is also a concentrated expression of the fundamental purpose of our party to serve the people wholeheartedly. Article 124 adds new disciplinary provisions for favoring relatives and close friends in social assistance and clearly unfair behavior, and uses disciplinary red lines to effectively protect the bottom line of people's livelihood.

Another example is to delineate disciplinary red lines in specialized work areas such as organizational establishment, petitions, and statistics. The "Regulations" implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's relevant important instructions and are consistent with the "Regulations on the Organizational Establishment of the Communist Party of China", "Regulations on Letters and Calls", "Recommended Measures for the Punishment of Persons Responsible for Statistical Violations of Disciplines and Laws" and other intra-party regulations, with a new Article 134 It stipulates three types of violations of institutional establishment management regulations and their penalties. A new article 135 stipulates four types of non-performance or incorrect performance of petition duties and their penalties. A new article 139 stipulates statistical falsification and statistical falsification and oversight and their penalties. , thereby supervising party members and cadres in relevant departments to correctly exercise their powers and perform their duties with due diligence.

Another example is targeted treatment of violations by those close to party members and leading cadres, as well as violations after resignation or retirement. These problems belong to new types of corruption and hidden corruption. Articles 104 and 107 improve the disciplinary provisions for providing help to relatives in operating valuable specialty resources in violation of regulations, and for refusing to correct relatives who violate regulations in running businesses; Articles 109 and 111 strengthen the supervision of staff and staff around leading cadres and Restrictions on relevant violations of other specific related parties.

In reality, some party members engage in "escape resignation" when they are approaching retirement and engage in "option corruption" after retirement. Article 105 expands the scope of identification of resigned or retired party members and cadres who engage in illegal activities. Article 106 adds resignation or retirement. The disciplinary provisions for party members and cadres who use their original powers or influence to engage in business activities for relatives and other specifically related persons to seek benefits for their relatives and other specifically related persons further emphasize that leaving the party does not mean "leaving the party" and retirement cannot "fading", and continue to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption.

The "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" reveal what typical problems are discovered in supervision and discipline enforcement
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