How to ensure safety and transportation? , Many attractions in Shanghai welcome peak passenger flow, "May Day" holiday

Release time:May 03, 2024 16:39 PM

On the third day of the May Day holiday, Shanghai is bustling with activity, and tourist attractions and city business districts are packed with people. In order to ensure the safety of tourists and traffic order, the Shanghai Police continues to launch high-level social services. In accordance with the requirements of the "One Point One Plan", it uses intelligent means to monitor passenger flow data, fully taps road traffic resources, and allows tourists to have more peace of mind and peace of mind. Comfortable.

The 2024 Shanghai Flower Show opened in Fengxian on April 28. During the May Day holiday, there was an endless stream of tourists coming to enjoy the flowers, ushering in a peak of passenger and vehicle traffic.

At 10:00 on May 3, there were more than 6,000 visitors at the flower show, and the saturation rate of the regular parking lot in the scenic area exceeded 80%. Fengxian police quickly activated temporary parking measures on the roads surrounding the "Shanghai Fish" scenic area, and simultaneously opened the backup parking lot. , coordinating the Mulian Hotel and Wanjingfeng commercial area to provide more than 1,300 internal parking spaces, effectively opening up road congestion points.

Police from Jinhai Police Station of Fengxian Public Security Bureau are conducting a "three-dimensional" patrol

Along the Xuhui Riverside, the Shanghai International Flower Show, Shanghai Coffee Culture Festival, etc. are held simultaneously here and are quite popular. In response to the expected large passenger flow, the Xuhui police, on the basis of making adequate plans, adopted a three-dimensional patrol method of "drone video and actual troops" on-site, focusing on strengthening the monitoring of people flow on the waterfront platform, entry and exit channels, and flower show scenery areas. , once the peak flow of people is reached, diversion measures will be taken in time.

The 7th Poppy Culture and Tourism Festival of Huakaihai also kicked off in Jinshan during the May Day holiday, attracting many citizens and tourists to come and watch. As of 10:00 on May 3, the park's total passenger flow has exceeded 15,000, and the single-day passenger flow has reached more than 6,000. It is reported that the civilian auxiliary police from the Zhujing Police Station are on duty at 6 o'clock every day to guide tourists into the park in an orderly manner at the ticket entrance. At the same time, they have increased deployment in all aspects and started the "people, vehicles and machines" patrol mode.

During the May Day holiday, many parents also chose parent-child trips to various parks in Shanghai. "Everyone, please line up in an orderly manner, don't be anxious!" Before 9 o'clock today, more than 10,000 tourists were waiting outside Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park to enter the park. Police from the Lingang New City Police Station of the Pudong Public Security Bureau were on site to maintain order. At the same time, the police in the park are constantly patrolling and handling emergencies appropriately as soon as possible.

Police from Pudong Public Security Lingang New City Police Station patrol in Haichang Ocean Park

It is reported that during the May Day holiday, the maximum passenger flow of five popular attractions in the main urban area of ​​Lingang reached 60,000. The internal fireworks show held in Haichang Park brought the peak passenger flow in the park to 18,000. The Pudong police deploy 195 security personnel every day, focusing on the Haichang Fireworks Show and the landscape belt along Huanhu Road to maintain the order of large passenger flows, ensure smooth traffic on the city's main roads, and manage parking.

In the Shanghai Zoo, the average daily number of visitors during this year’s May Day exceeded 50,000. In this regard, the Changning Police, together with the East Hongqiao Center and the Shanghai Zoo, opened the "Zoo Second Parking Lot" based on preliminary visits and surveys, and equipped it with a shuttle bus, which runs every 15 minutes during peak hours to facilitate citizens' travel. At the same time, additional police personnel were deployed at the intersection of Hongqiao Road, Huqingping Highway and Youle Road, Konggang 8th Road, which pass from the Shanghai Zoo to the second parking lot, to dynamically guide citizens who need parking to ensure traffic efficiency.

On the eve of May Day this year, Century Park officially demolished more than 3,000 meters of walls and made it open to the public free of charge 24 hours a day. So far, the park has not only added 7 new entrances and exits, forming 14 normally open entrances and exits, but also all the walls have been transformed into partitions formed by green plants. Citizens and tourists can enter and exit the park at will, and even enjoy the scenery on the road.

In order to cope with the large passenger flow during the May Day holiday, the Pudong Public Security Bureau Century Square Public Security Station conducted an on-site inspection in advance and guided the park to add safety facilities and signs such as lighting and signboards. It also added human flow sensing devices at the entrances and exits to monitor the number of people in the park in real time. And make plans in advance and take countermeasures according to different crowd warning thresholds.

Across the road from the park is the East Branch of the Shanghai Library, which is full of book-like atmosphere and is an "internet celebrity check-in place". Faced with the continued increase in passenger flow, the Century Square Public Security Police Station has also taken precautions to create a comfortable and safe reading environment for all readers who visit. In addition, there is also a "new internet celebrity" member of the Huamu Cultural Tourism Circle - the East Building of the Shanghai Museum, which has 8,000 reservations per day and is fully booked as soon as it starts.

With the popularity of various points in the Huamu Cultural Tourism Circle, the traffic pressure in the area suddenly increased significantly. The Pudong Traffic Police Detachment specially formulated a traffic guarantee plan for this purpose, implemented circle protection through the "patrol and stick" service mode, and further maintained the on-site road order. It also reasonably arranged police forces around each point to guide the parking order, and opened roads for temporary parking according to the situation. to alleviate parking pressure and ensure safe and orderly travel for citizens.

As the landmark of Shanghai, the Bund is even more crowded with tourists during the May Day holiday. The reporter learned from the Huangpu Public Security Bureau that on May 1, the instant peak number of visitors in the Bund waterfront area was 57,000, an increase of 25.3% from the first day of the long holiday last year, and the cumulative passenger flow was 573,000, an increase of 32.6% from the same period last year. The instant peak number of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street was 49,000, an increase of 34.1% year-on-year, and the cumulative passenger flow was 229,000, an increase of 36.3% year-on-year. Yuyuan's instantaneous peak number was 23,000 people, an increase of 35.1% year-on-year, and the cumulative passenger flow was 207,000, an increase of 33.5% year-on-year.

In order to meet the requirements of large passenger flow, the Huangpu Police launched a high-level social service model and organized sufficient security forces to carry out passenger flow control, traffic order maintenance and related security guarantees at popular attractions such as the Bund, Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, Yu Garden, Xintiandi and Internet celebrity check-in spots.

Huangpu police launched a high-level social service model to ensure the safety of large passenger flows at landmarks such as the Bund

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