Why have platform mini-programs become the hardest hit area for infringement? , publishing false information, running away with money, and "kicking the ball" when defending rights.

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:36 AM

"My mother jumped to several links while watching the video, and finally bought a pair of shoes for 138 yuan on the mini program. However, when they arrived, she found that the quality was very poor and she wanted to return the goods, but she could not find the return entrance." Ms. Tang said This made me feel very depressed. My mother thought that shopping online on a large platform would be guaranteed, but the mini program only had system responses from merchants, and the customer service was also a robot. “There was no result in complaining on the platform. It’s been nine days, and I can’t contact the merchant anywhere. "

With the diversification of the Internet ecology, many platforms now have mini program functions online. At the same time, chaos such as false propaganda and excessive collection of personal information also emerged. The operation and development cost of mini programs is low, and the audience does not need to install or download them. While it is convenient to use, how can supervision follow up in a timely manner?

A few years ago, mini programs were "born" and have gained favor from many merchants and audiences since they were launched. As an application that can be used without downloading, it can be opened by scanning or searching, and people do not have to worry about memory. There are problems such as insufficient data, insufficient traffic, slow network speed and difficulty in downloading APP. Nowadays, more and more platforms are launching mini program functions, covering a variety of fields, including online shopping and entertainment, content consumption, transportation, knowledge and education, as well as offline cultural performances, housekeeping services, etc.

However, after several years of "barbaric growth", the characteristics of small programs that rely on the Internet platform but are free from the platform have gradually caused some chaos.

Some mini programs have platforms to provide transaction protection. If there is a problem, the platform can pay compensation in advance.

Behind the recent popular short dramas, there is the "fueling" of small programs. Short dramas mostly have complete videos online in mini programs, but their advertising and segment streaming are all within the APP platform. Different blogger accounts display and push video slices. People browse these videos in the recommendations and click on them. Enter the mini program to complete the transaction. The payment page of the mini program is often interspersed with various welfare recharge advertisements, but the details are only two or three sentences, such as "Virtual goods cannot be returned or exchanged", "Minors require guardian's consent", etc., neither informing the recharge rules nor specific details. Service Agreement, and screenshots of the viewing page and payment page are not allowed.

Relevant statistics show that mini-program shopping has become the hardest hit area for infringement. Common situations include mini program merchants taking the money and running away, merchants suddenly closing mini programs or stopping services before delivering goods to consumers, or even losing contact. In addition, there are also unscrupulous merchants who are counterfeiting other people’s business licenses and opening shops in mini programs to sell fake and shoddy products, thereby deceiving consumers.

Some consumers have complained about mini programs through various channels, but because the mini programs have been canceled or renamed, they have changed and come back again, and they cannot find the corresponding merchants. The main reason behind this is that the division of rights and responsibilities between the platform and mini programs is unclear, and the threshold for entry and exit of mini program merchants is relatively low.

Why have platform mini-programs become the hardest hit area for infringement? , publishing false information, running away with money, and "kicking the ball" when defending rights.

Mr. Xu encountered a situation where he was "kicking the ball" when he was defending his rights through consumption of mini programs. When he was watching a video on a short video platform, he was suddenly attracted by a novel that popped up, so he recharged his membership. As a result, he opened the mini program again the next day, but failed. He found that the page had been blocked and no content was displayed. He contacted the platform customer service, who asked him to contact the mini program merchant directly. However, after Mr. Xu tried it, he found that no one answered the call and either hung up within seconds or displayed a message. Transfer in progress. "Every customer service person said they would transfer me to someone who could handle the problem, but in the end no one could solve it."

When Mr. Li was transferring his store, he was diverted to the mini program for payment. He "paid 298 yuan to publish the transfer information, and the mini program pushed the stream and included the transfer." However, he later discovered that other transfer information in the mini program was false, creating a An illusion that many people use this applet. Therefore, Mr. Li chose to complain about the mini program, but the road to recovering the money was full of difficulties.

A technician engaged in mini program development explained that while the current mobile APP application market is gradually saturated, development and promotion costs are also relatively high. Therefore, many companies have turned to developing mini programs with low thresholds, relying on their own user base. Higher platform. He also admitted frankly that the development budgets of many companies are not high, "ranging from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan. The requirements are not high, but there will be some requirements for collecting users' personal information." If the user does not check the consent option or does not If you log in simultaneously with WeChat, you will not be able to enter mini programs. Some mini programs will also write personal privacy agreements that are ambiguous and difficult to understand.

The National Computer Network Emergency Response Technology Coordination Center has conducted security testing on some small programs. The results show that an average of 1 small program has 8 security risks. When the program source code exposes key information and inputs sensitive information, no protective measures are taken. The number of small programs accounts for more than 90%; more than 80% do not provide personal information collection protocols; more than 60% of personal information is not encrypted during local storage and network transmission; a small number of small programs have serious risks of exceeding authority. . A large number of small programs also have security risks such as compliance risks and review risks.

The Consumer Protection Committee recommends that relevant competent authorities, while continuing to strengthen supervision of "old problems", should also strengthen research on new business formats and new models, especially mini-program shopping, embedding platforms within platforms, and frequent changes in registered addresses to avoid evasion. For new issues such as supervision, it is necessary to clarify the main responsibilities of relevant operators.

It is understandable that the platform wants to build its own ecosystem through traffic, but as the support behind small programs, it should assume its own responsibilities and increase the review and supervision of merchants and operators. At present, some platforms have taken some actions, such as adding new registration, change registration, cancellation registration and other services on the WeChat platform to assist developers in completing the registration of WeChat mini programs. For mini programs that have not completed the registration within the due date, the platform will follow the relevant filing regulations in 2024. The cancellation process will be carried out starting from April 1st. Merchants are required to provide true identity information, business licenses, contact information and other business license certificates during the registration and operation process to ensure the legitimacy and credibility of the merchants.

The "2023 Digital Platform Business Environment Report" pointed out that the development and governance of digital platforms show the characteristics of "subdivision of the boundaries of subject rights and responsibilities". The platform provides technical services such as settlement space and development environment, and at the same time conducts access review and review of small programs. Registration is required, but what is consumed by the mini program and how it is transacted requires responsibility and meticulous management.

The "2023 Digital Platform Business Environment Report" points out that merchants and platforms must clarify the boundaries of their respective responsibilities

Why have platform mini-programs become the hardest hit area for infringement? , publishing false information, running away with money, and "kicking the ball" when defending rights.

Consumers should also understand that the mini program and the platform are not integrated. Pay special attention when logging in for the first time to authorize sensitive information. Do not scan codes or check boxes at will. First check the operating company and relevant official accounts to determine the authenticity of the mini program. Identity, when shopping in mini programs and making transactions, you should also choose reputable merchants, refer to past consumer evaluation information, and be wary of unreasonably priced products.

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